Do think you consume too much?

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  1. Availiasvision profile image78
    Availiasvisionposted 12 years ago

    Do think you consume too much?

    What are doing to consume less?

  2. DAWNEMARS profile image60
    DAWNEMARSposted 12 years ago

    Absolutely, yes!

    When I think that despite making changes where I can I am still guilty of the following:

    1. Throwing away food.

    It may be passed the use by date or have been open for too long. Will be checking this as much as possible because it is terrible realy.

    2. Buying plastic shopping bags in the supermarket.

    Sometimes I forget that I will need to take a re-usable one out with me. Or I just decide to pick up a few things on my way home.

    3. I could do with dropping a dress size.

    Obviously I consume too much of something!

    4. Using my computer all day!

    This costs energy, of which we all need to cut down on. I use stand by and turn off the screen when I take a short break.

    5 Using the tumble dryer too much.

    I plan not to do this when I move. If I plan my taks better during the week then perhaps this will no longer be required.

    1. Availiasvision profile image78
      Availiasvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am also guilty of those.  Good luck with the move and lifestyle chaneg.

  3. profile image0
    alloporusposted 12 years ago

    Yes, far more than I need to. Only when you look to cutting down it can be difficult if you want to live in the real world. Monks on mountaintops we are not.

  4. carlarmes profile image70
    carlarmesposted 12 years ago

    Our family consumes less these days. We grow sme of our own food, I cycle to work and have one family car instead of two. We take holidays where we don't have to fly.
    We don't turn the central heating so high in the winter, we also have showers instead of baths. Can't think of anything else apart from eat less processed food.

  5. handymanbill profile image75
    handymanbillposted 12 years ago

    i suppose that we all do.Trying to run behind the children and make sure the lights get turned off and explaining to them why it is necessary. Trying to make less trips out in the car for things..

  6. Seeker7 profile image77
    Seeker7posted 12 years ago

    I definatley use to. But when I was made redundant a few years ago it taught me to be much more conscious about the wastage I was responsible for. So I not only consumed less personally but also how I could help the environment better as well.

    1. Availiasvision profile image78
      Availiasvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      What and how did you change?

  7. Catherine Kane profile image79
    Catherine Kaneposted 12 years ago

    It depends. Do you mean eating, or buying things?

  8. mackyi profile image65
    mackyiposted 12 years ago

    Definitely not, in fact, I think I consume too little! There are two reasons for this: #1.  I am always on the run . #2. I also try to fast at least twice per week.

  9. Mr. Smith profile image71
    Mr. Smithposted 12 years ago

    On the days that I feel like I do, then I know that I am. One thing's for sure... When I leave the world I'll go out with only the soul I came in with; and what I do with the earth I share in the meantime should be a daily concern of mine.

  10. Angela Blair profile image68
    Angela Blairposted 12 years ago

    I think consuming too much depends on where we are in life --  beginning at birth and continuing through old age -- if we're talking about goods and services. As an example -- people in the work force, by necessity, consume more than those who are retired -- such as gas, fast food, etc. Of course one then tries to ascertain how much is too much which goes back to personal opinion and lifestyle.

  11. Brett Winn profile image82
    Brett Winnposted 12 years ago

    It depends upon what you're consuming. I think it is quite possible that in some ways, I don't consume nearly enough!

  12. Pavlo Badovskyy profile image74
    Pavlo Badovskyyposted 12 years ago

    not at all. I rather live a thrifty life.

  13. aravindb1982 profile image80
    aravindb1982posted 12 years ago

    Of course! Happiness can be represented in a fraction where the denominator is the number of desires entertained and the numerator is the number of desires fulfilled. To reach a state of wholesomeness (i.e. 1), we always try to increase the numerator. It helps to reduce the denominator. It is good to put a ceiling on desires...

  14. profile image0
    msorenssonposted 12 years ago

    I read somewhere that even the mother of the Queen of England used to go around the palace to turn off lights in empty rooms...I do not know if it is true or not..but the story was trying to make a point..

    These are things that I routinely do
    1. Walk to places
    2.Always finish the food on the plate
    3. Run washing machine when at least half full

  15. ALUR profile image61
    ALURposted 12 years ago

    Personally I am the perfect clutz consumer. I'm probably making the economy survive by consuming commercial as well as fads. Becoming aware of this has begun to make me realize that while I fight for independent thought and ideas, I may be conforming more than I'd like to admit.

    To see if you consume way too much in any regard, look at receipts and your trash!

  16. ChristinS profile image38
    ChristinSposted 12 years ago

    I believe there are ways we can all cut back.  Wasted food is sometimes a problem here, I try to do thorough planning that accounts for everything being used on time etc. but we consume a lot of fresh produce and it doesn't always work out to get to it all before it spoils etc. 

    As far as things like clothing, toys etc. we really do not.  We buy a lot of high quality second hand items, especially for the kids.  We also do a lot of reusing when possible and try to be careful.  I am always on the kids about the lights and closing doors etc. 

    I know there is always room for improvement, but we do our best to live the lifestyle of "simple abundance".

  17. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 12 years ago

    I do not think we do. Even before I was unemployed, we did not buy frivolous things. We did purchase some items that were a mistake. However, when we do buy something, clothing or furniture and we cannot use it, we give it to the thrift store. My wife buys a lot of books, but frequently goes through them a donates many to the library, which will either shelve them are save them for a book sale. We give a considerable amount, (and not junk) to the local thrift stores. We try to be frugal. No, I do not have a compost bend and I do not use cloth bags at the grocery store. We do reuse all of the plastic bags for a variety of purposes.

    1. Availiasvision profile image78
      Availiasvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think you've found a happy medium that works with your life.  that's great.  Supporting the local thrift stores is so important.


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