Will they take away Obama's Nobel Peace Prize?

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  1. Cassie Smith profile image59
    Cassie Smithposted 11 years ago

    Will they take away Obama's Nobel Peace Prize?

    Obama is threatening to attack Syria.  Without approval of the UN.  Without even the approval of Congress, until he found out he was the only who was going to attack Syria because the Brits pulled out. Obama certainly isn't a peacemaker, and I'm wondering if those goofs in Norway will take their Peace Prize back.  LOL!

  2. profile image0
    Old Poolmanposted 11 years ago

    I have no idea why they gave him this prize before he even did anything in the first place.  By now they should realize this was a serious mistake and at least try to get it back.
    If nothing is done about this, this prize will be almost meaningless to future recipients.

    1. Cassie Smith profile image59
      Cassie Smithposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Poolman, that prize is a joke.  They awarded to a terrorist (Arafat) then they awarded it to Obama for being black.  Now they find out he's far from a peacemaker.  If anything this just show up the liberals for the hypocritical goobers that they are.

    2. Georgie Lowery profile image86
      Georgie Loweryposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      @Cassie Smith, I didn't know they gave out Nobel prizes to people just for being black. Sorry, but your little comment came off racist as all get out.

    3. Cassie Smith profile image59
      Cassie Smithposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I was being sarcastic.  There was no reason for Obama to get a peace prize when he hasn't done anything to merit it.  Not everything is about race.

    4. Georgie Lowery profile image86
      Georgie Loweryposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, well, sarcasm doesn't travel well on the internet and it came off racist whether this was your intention or not. Maybe you should avoid race references.

  3. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    For me, the first issue would be why he received it in the first place--why I have no idea. But since the Nobel Prize is given out based not on future actions, but some act in the past, I assume that his N.Peace Prize is safe.

  4. lone77star profile image72
    lone77starposted 11 years ago

    Wait a minute! Approval from the UN? Why?

    The law says that Obama should wait for a congressional declaration of war, but that didn't stop him from invading Libya, a country that had done nothing to the US.

    I was all for Obama in 2008, but when he received the Peace Prize, I immediately smelled something fishy. Then, one-by-one, Obama broke his promises and worse. He has committed treason so many times, I've lost count.

    And treasonous language, like about the prisoners in Gitmo, he said that they should stay there for their entire lives, even if found INNOCENT!

    Obama is a puppet for tyrants who don't care squat about justice and peace.

    1. Pollyannalana profile image59
      Pollyannalanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think Obama is an Islamic Muslim and there is a reformed Muslim terrorist Walid Shoebat who says he is and since he use to be one I would think he might know. I just don't understand why this whole country seems to be giving Obama a free hand.

  5. profile image0
    savvydatingposted 11 years ago

    No. Obama and the UN are on the same page, when all is said and done. I wouldn't be surprised if they appointed him the next UN President. Then we'll be all up the creek... not that we aren't already.

  6. dutchman1951 profile image60
    dutchman1951posted 11 years ago

    the award was token, based on goverment promisses to the EU and The UN and Sweeden. Removing it has no affect as he stated publicly he did not deserve it at all, and they over-rode the requirments to achive it.

    Obama has no interest in Attacking Syria, he feels traped because they gassed women and children. It is political game playing.  He threw it back in the Legislative branch's lap today- Sunday??????   He is afraid of publc opinion over the open ended grey areas of the War Powers Act. People are looking for a reason oust him. He hopes to prove the Congress and Senate are non functional as he plots his moves to increase Executive powers over the Legislative Branch to claim the system does not work any more. He wants the check and balance system changed.

  7. forlanda profile image75
    forlandaposted 11 years ago

    Why would they?  Since awarding it to Obama several years ago, the Nobel Peace Prize committee has significantly lowered the bar for achieving such a coveted award.  You don't even have to achieve anything to get the millions of dollars of prize money anymore.  Today, you just need to have the great potential for affecting peace world-wide and, viola!, you have a Nobel Peace price winner. 

    How can the Nobel Peace Prize committee beat Barrack's 2009 nomination?  Easily!!!  I can see the future now.  All they have to do is nominate Hillary Clinton for becoming the first female US president and empowering women world-wide to use their cheating husbands as stepping stone to power. 

    Of course these are all just sarcastic remarks. 

    Anyway, Hillary herself says it all:  "...What difference at this point does it make?"

    Obama will do what suits him best, and the Norwegians will continue on making nominations and awards for reasons only they really know.

  8. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    This is very comical. Just as his two terms have been fiasco's.

  9. LandmarkWealth profile image67
    LandmarkWealthposted 11 years ago

    The funny part was they took the vote to award him the peace prize before he was even sworn in.  They just announced it after the Presidency began.   That tells you how much the award is really worth these days.  I think we should hand out super bowl rings for the 2018 super bowl.  Why wait for the game to actually take place.  LOL !!!


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