Does the US care about Britain?

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  1. Silver Fish profile image70
    Silver Fishposted 10 years ago

    Does the US care about Britain?

  2. maharg1956 profile image59
    maharg1956posted 10 years ago

    Interesting question. I don't think any one country or government cares about anyone or anything other than itself and so, no, I don't think the US cares about Britain, any more than it cares about any other country.

    The US and Britain are allies, as are many countries, and to me that means that we each have common political and economic interests, as well as common enemies, all of which causes us to work together, when it suits.

    I don't believe that we in Britain care about any other nation apart from ourselves and similarly, I don't believe that other nations care about each other either.

    Just look at the climate situation. Does the US put the interests of other nations before its own interests, when it comes to climate controls?

    When we in Britain were the world's major power we cared only about other nations in so much as they could serve our own ends and the same is true of the US today.

  3. howlermunkey profile image70
    howlermunkeyposted 10 years ago

    As long as they don't give us Taxation without Representation then we're good. (Don't make me throw some tea off the ship yo....)

  4. Credence2 profile image80
    Credence2posted 10 years ago

    Of course we do, The United States and Britain are kindred spirits.

  5. JT Walters profile image72
    JT Waltersposted 10 years ago

    Of course, as most of us are of English ancestry.

    1. stuff4kids profile image59
      stuff4kidsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, lots of people think that but according to the 2000 CENSUS figures the largest ancestral group is German, then African, then Irish, then Mexican and English comes in fifth place. There are literally dozens of others in the mix.

    2. JT Walters profile image72
      JT Waltersposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Good to know the other half of me is German/Dutch.

    3. Silver Fish profile image70
      Silver Fishposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      There are probably more Irish and Scottish than English ancestors than English. The English starved and pillaged the Celts amongst us. Britain is more than just England. It's a bit like assuming that all US citizens are New Yorkers.

  6. stuff4kids profile image59
    stuff4kidsposted 10 years ago

    Care about where, sorry?   No! Only kidding.

    I think individual Americans care about all sorts of issues and countries and peoples, of course.

    But I think that marharg1956 has made a very reasonable case that the political State in any country makes alliances based on mutual benefit.

    That has always been the way of things and is often the way of things even between personal friends, although we feel uncomfortable about admitting it.

    Where all the nations go wrong, I think, is in failing to realize that we should all be co-operating with each other for mutual benefit in any case. We really don't need enemies although most Nation States rely on them - and will even start fights in order to have them - in order to maintain internal social cohesion and a sense of a threat from which the people must be protected. There's nothing new in that.

    If we could realize that national boundaries are an historically fluid human invention and that in reality we are all utterly dependent on each other, all other life forms and the biosphere for our very survival, we might see 'mutual benefit' as including everyone and everything in global co-operation.

    I know these are not common or popular notions in the US but I hope we have freedom of speech left to defend my constitutional right to voice them!

  7. thomasczech profile image37
    thomasczechposted 10 years ago

    The US does not care about Britain or ay other country for that matter. It's politicians pretend to like or care about other countries when they feel they need their help or support, but when it is done, when it is all over they will just as quickly stab them in the back. We have seen this time and time again. The people of the US probably have no ill will towards other nations, but the leaders most certainly have shown the world that they don't care nor trust anyone else. Look at all the nations they spy on.

    1. hrymel profile image74
      hrymelposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Every country spies on a number of other countries.  Can you prove a single country on Earth that doesn't employ spies?

    2. thomasczech profile image37
      thomasczechposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I know and understand that. But we are talking about USA on here. But yes, every country spies on every country, no doubt about that.

  8. ZIa Ahmed khan profile image38
    ZIa Ahmed khanposted 10 years ago

    No, USA cares about themselves ( Elite and rich and they don't care about American Poor, this shutdown of government proved it beyond any doubt,) they do not care about their friends. USA has long history of destroying their friends.

  9. Mel Carriere profile image85
    Mel Carriereposted 10 years ago

    The British are probably our number one ally in the world, next to Australia.  We share a common language and a common cultural and political ancestry.  Practically all of our institutions come from Great Britain.  We went to their aid in two wars and if we had to go to their aid again we would do so without hesitating.  If an American could pick any country other than his own to die for it would be for Great Britain.  We adore the Beatles.  We love the Queen practically as much here as they do there.  God Save the Queen!  Hooray for Great Britain!

  10. hrymel profile image74
    hrymelposted 10 years ago

    Until they stop giving us Doctor Who, J.K. Rowling, and Downtown Alley, then yes we do care about Britain.

  11. Tusitala Tom profile image67
    Tusitala Tomposted 10 years ago

    Certainly the USA and Great Britain have been allies for a long time.  But these countries have also been bitter enemies.   Britain didn't willingly hand over self government to the America.   

    In World War One and in World War Two, America only came in on the side of Great Britain after American interests had been attacked.   The British RMS Lusitania carrying American citizens was sunk by a Germna U-boat.  Outrage!   Those Germans are killing out people!   The Brits are already fighting them.  Let's support the British.

    In World War Two American stayed out of the war early on - even made a few good business deals out of it:  swapped a few old WW1 warships for some Carabean Islands.  Quite a coupe for America.   However, when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour and almost at the same time attacked British interests (e.g. the fall of Singapore) well.   Goodness!  It's on again.  The Bristish are also fighting the Japs, let's give 'em support.

    I know this sounds cynical, but nations don't generally put their soldiers, sailors and airmen on the line unless it suits their interests.  Certainly, there are strong ties among all the English-speaking nations of the world.   So it's easier to be friends with cultures that are most like our own.    But that's about as far as it goes.

  12. JohnGreasyGamer profile image76
    JohnGreasyGamerposted 10 years ago

    Mostly in military and culture have I noticed the US care about GB, and if it weren't for trade our soldiers would probably only see Americans on the battlefield. It's obvious they do care when their generals and Presidents have made tough choices of stationing their troops in battles where our own are, and to this day we still return the favour. I doubt we'd be so well allied today if it weren't for the US forming the League of Nations (now the United Nations), due to civil war tensions of years ago. Be a soldier or a beggar, I wouldn't be any more proud to stand next to anyone but an American or one of my own countrymen.

  13. TB Bullock profile image60
    TB Bullockposted 10 years ago

    Absolutely! Obviously I cannot speak for every individual citizen in our country, but all of my friends and I certainly care about our cousins across the pond, since Britain is almost exactly the same as most of the the southern U.S. (where we live).


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