Any other Bernie fans here among the hubbers? I'm all for his sensible approach

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  1. Virginia Allain profile image89
    Virginia Allainposted 9 years ago

    Any other Bernie fans here among the hubbers? I'm all for his sensible approach to U.S. problems.

    Bernie Sanders obviously isn't pandering to billionaire donors. He's a man of the people. Have you heard any of his speeches? Are you a supporter of his?

  2. JohnDGleissner profile image76
    JohnDGleissnerposted 9 years ago

    The spending plans of Bernie Sanders would bankrupt the nation.  Socialism when carried to extremes has always failed. He wants to re-distribute wealth to the poorer people, and that generally fails, too.  In case you have not heard, we are trillions and trillions of dollars in debt!

    1. Virginia Allain profile image89
      Virginia Allainposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      We are trillions of dollars in debt due to Republican-initiated wars.

      Bernie is a Democratic Socialist (as was FDR). I think the dismal state of nation may take another FDR to pull us around.

    2. cathylynn99 profile image78
      cathylynn99posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      we would actually save money if we switched to medicare for all. medicare is very efficient. if you are thinking of the WSJ article, they just pulled those figures out of a hat. wealth redistribution downwards creates jobs. trickle down failed.

    3. Austinstar profile image87
      Austinstarposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Bernie has NO intention of carrying Socialism to the extreme. He understands how socialism is SUPPOSED to work!

    4. Josh Ratzburg profile image76
      Josh Ratzburgposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      And Democratic Socialism isn't what everyone thinks it is... also in terms of Bernie bankrupting the nation... check out this...

    5. lisavollrath profile image90
      lisavollrathposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Bernie's plans would actually cost less than what we're doing now.

    6. cathylynn99 profile image78
      cathylynn99posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      democrats have a more fiscally conservative history than republicans, … states.php

    7. Austinstar profile image87
      Austinstarposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Republicans spend money on defense - at least twice as much as is needed. But when you look at the private contracts for war machinery, munitions, and escalations, you will see that all that money is going into the wrong pockets.

    8. Samuel Albin profile image60
      Samuel Albinposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I feel like every person I see should read this, I highlight some of the real problems he's up against. … s-for-2016

  3. cathylynn99 profile image78
    cathylynn99posted 9 years ago

    bernie has my  vote. he is realistic and populist. he is the only candidate who isn't a warmonger and is not beholden to wall street. people who attack him have to rely on stereotypes or make stuff up. he's the real deal.

    1. Virginia Allain profile image89
      Virginia Allainposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hugs to you Cathy! Love to see Bernie fans shoot down the bogus road blocks conservatives put up.

  4. Austinstar profile image87
    Austinstarposted 9 years ago

    Huge Bernie fan here! I watched him on The Late Show the other night with Colbert and he is just so cool and down to earth. He understands the budget very well. He would re-distribute the wealth by cutting the over bloated military budget which the war mongers can't stand.
    He would reduce government spending by trillions, which the fat cats cant's stand.
    He would take our tax money and try to give it back in the form of education, medical care, jobs, and welfare for poor people which the Republicans can't stand.
    No increase in taxes for middle class because the money will come from fair and balanced budget and fair taxes on everyone while eliminating all the loopholes for rich people to get out of paying their fair share.
    Bernie isn't taking any money from SuperPacs because they are controlling the other candidates like puppets. (Even Trump). This is what the power hungry corporations can't stand.
    Vote for Bernie!

    1. Virginia Allain profile image89
      Virginia Allainposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Good answers!

    2. libertyordeath19 profile image74
      libertyordeath19posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Decrease government spending by trillions?  Free everything to everyone, is going to decrease spending?  What planet are you from?  Using some of that common core math I see.  Individuals with your level of willful ignorance terrify me!

    3. Austinstar profile image87
      Austinstarposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      And your total support of the rich white dictators truly terrifies me! The money is there, we are just not spending it on us! We're spending it on wars and corporate welfare. The rich are getting richer off of our backs. Stop the madness!

    4. libertyordeath19 profile image74
      libertyordeath19posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      You have the  right idea, just upside down. Government is the problem, not the solution.   You are advocating for more of government but that only exacerbates the situation, and the problem.  You know the problem, it is the cause that you have wrong.

    5. Austinstar profile image87
      Austinstarposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      No, I support the idea that our current government be more fiscally responsible. If you think the government is ever going to get smaller, I want some of what you are smoking.

    6. libertyordeath19 profile image74
      libertyordeath19posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I agree.  fiscal responsibility is a must. spending more does not define fiscal responsibility.  Our national debt is at 19 trillion dollars.  Unfunded liability(ie,welfare, entitlement spending) is over 200 trillion.  Yes that is trillion with a T.

    7. Austinstar profile image87
      Austinstarposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      All the more reason to reassign the budgetary amounts. Put the money where it's needed and quit throwing money to the middle east korea and russia. Not our hemisphere even. We do not need to be the police of the world.

    8. Virginia Allain profile image89
      Virginia Allainposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      So glad to meet a kindred soul here. I've started a Facebook group called Writers for Bernie. We hope to use our writing talent to spread his message.

    9. Austinstar profile image87
      Austinstarposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I will join first thing in the morning.

    10. nicomp profile image61
      nicompposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Wow some people are uninformed.

    11. bradmasterOCcal profile image49
      bradmasterOCcalposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      How would he reduce the govt spending, and how would he eliminate the tax loopholes?

  5. lisavollrath profile image90
    lisavollrathposted 9 years ago

    He definitely has my attention. I like the plans he's presented so far. I think it's time for a little progressive thinking in our government, because clearly, what we've been doing for the last couple of decades has turned this country into an oligarchy. The rich keep getting richer, on the backs of the middle class and poor, and Bernie seems to be the only candidate willing to change that.

  6. Billie Kelpin profile image89
    Billie Kelpinposted 9 years ago

    We're fortunate to have Pacifica Radio out here in CA and there are some wonderful hosts like Ian Masters and of course, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, Sonali Kolhatkar, and Margaret Prescott who broadcasts a "Sojourner Truth" program.  Through their interviews, I became impressed with economist Richard Wolff and was able to catch him in person in Santa Ana talking about what I had felt for a long, long time - the dangerous disparity of wealth.  When you start getting an economic condition that looks like the one we have, representative democracy is no longer possible. The vast majority of "person-on-the-street" conservatives have seemed to have fallen for the likes of negative, blame-based, talk-over each other political shows and seem to me to be suffering from the Stockholm syndrome;  they are the victims and have taken on the values of the "oppressors", so to speak.  It's very sad to see, actually.  Wolff talks about worker-owned corporations and publicly owned banks which the run-of-the-mill conservative would be espousing if would be able that the "socialism" that's being presented is not the socialism of the 30s and 40s,  And corporations today have a hierarchy that is antithetical to the concept of democracy. If I owned a corporation, the workers would be the owners alongside me.  I really don't understand why that cannot be.  Mondragon in Spain apparently works in that way.  My father's company in Milwaukee in the 50s had a liberal "profit" sharing.   We've let all that slide because corporations have TOLD us that is the way it has to be, and we answer, "Yes, Sir, No Sir. What may I get for your, Sir?"
    So Richard Wolff makes a great deal of sense to me and is of the same ilk as Bernie Sanders. Therefore Senator Sanders, whom I've followed for a while, is extremely interesting to me.  Again, at the very least he is pushing the Democrats to the left and off dead center where they have been, and hopefully, the Democratic platform that will be refined at the state conventions will reflect all this interest in Senator Sanders.   It's time we stopped being taken for fools by the rhetoric and start examining the issues from intellectuals like Ian Masters and Richard Wolff.

    1. Virginia Allain profile image89
      Virginia Allainposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Very thoughtful answer and I foresee that you will have a Vote for Bernie sign on your lawn soon.

  7. Samuel Albin profile image60
    Samuel Albinposted 9 years ago … s-for-2016

    I actually just wrote an article about my own story and realizations.


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