Why do so many people fall for pure hyperbolic conjecture, even asinine nonsense

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  1. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 8 years ago

    Why do so many people fall for pure hyperbolic conjecture, even asinine nonsense such as the

    New World Order, FEMA concentration camps, the Illuminati, "hell" recordings, even hell "songs" and "testimony," and other inane conspiracy hyperbole?   It totally AMAZES what people will believe, keep believing the hype.....YES, KEEP BELIEVING IT..... The "hell" recordings TAKE THE CAKE on pure hyperbole....People can't really be THIS NAIVE....REALLY....


  2. profile image0
    LoliHeyposted 8 years ago

    It's not asinine to me.  I have seen a lot of proof that it all exists.  Can't get into it all here but might write a hub on this topic.  Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Austinstar profile image86
      Austinstarposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Please do write a hub. I would love to see your "proof"!

  3. Dean Traylor profile image98
    Dean Traylorposted 8 years ago

    I've pondered this for a long time, and the best answer I can come up with is that some people believe this stuff because (1) it affirms their political beliefs (2) supports the need to have knowledge of something that nobody else has and (3) confirms a fantasy that these crazy conspiracy theories are preventing them from having a successful life. The last one may be a reach; however, I really feel that number 2 has some validity. I remember getting in a Twitter war with someone who believed in perpetual running machines (something that runs on virtually the same output it creates -- simply defies the law of physics). Despite pointing everything wrong with his argument, he kept trying to downgrade my resources as "government shills" or "corporate stooges trying to block this technology." His evidence was flimsy at best, but he kept making excuses for it.

    1. Say Yes To Life profile image77
      Say Yes To Lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The last one is NOT a reach! A good friend of mine is constantly harping about the Illuminati! Because of them, she can't work or job hunt, or even own an email account - but her husband can! Interesting...

  4. bradmasterOCcal profile image50
    bradmasterOCcalposted 8 years ago

    What if you are wrong in your opinion on conspiracy theories? Can they categorically be summarily dismissed just by giving them a label, such as conspiracy theory.

    The reason that these theories exist is because the events that create them are not explained to make them conclusive. We know or should know that governments hide information from the people?

    If you separate, the negative wording of conspiracy, and theory, and replace conspiracy with alternative, then you can focus on the substance of the theory. Currently, just the utterance of the words conspiracy theory is enough to dismiss the theory.

    Forget about Conspiracy, as it doesn't matter for the purposes of the argument to factor it into the plausibility of its veracity.

    Look at the facts of the event, and compare it with the explanation by the government for their conclusion of the event.

    The complete destruction of three WTC buildings  during 911 should be looked without any conspiracy. The free fall of these skyscrapers is an anomaly to skyscrapers doing this, as it has never happened before or since 911.

    All three buildings fell in the same way, and in a short time span. Yet, all three had different events that should have resulted in a variance from each other.

    WTC 1 and 2 were hit on different floors, while WTC 7 was not hit at all.

    This is just an example, and I won't go any further here, except that the government explanation didn't resolve the reasons for all three buildings failing in the same way.

    Whether you believe or not believe there was some other actions precipitating these building failures, you should at least acknowledge that the government didn't resolve the issues of how three different building with three different events failed in the very same way.

    There is no precedence for these failures. I don't believe that there was any serious plausible explanations given by the government. And I don't think these issues should be dismissed as answered by the government report.

    I think that the primary question should be, How safe are skyscrapers around the country and the world? Isn't that safety question worth answering separate and apart from any bearing on whether there was a conspiracy involved in the events?

    1. Austinstar profile image86
      Austinstarposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      True, just calling it a conspiracy doesn't mean that it isn't one! Like, it's not paranoia if they really are out to get you! LOL. Some things are unexplained, some are overblown. People are too lazy to figure out the truth and prove it.

  5. Austinstar profile image86
    Austinstarposted 8 years ago

    Last night there was a blurb about Iran "capturing" 10 American sailors, followed immediately by Iran announcing that it was just a fluke thing and that Iran would turn them loose in the morning. No big deal, right?
    But then along came the pundits repeating over and over that - Obama didn't say anything about the incident during his SOTU address - because he's weak, Iran hates us, Iran is going to torture those men, Obama made a deal with the Iran devils, and on and on and on and on....
    They just went to town on this tiny little incident of some sailors having mechanical trouble who ended up in Iranian territory FOR ONE NIGHT! Oh it's just the end of the freaking world!!!! And it's all OBAMA'S FAULT!
    This is why people believe in conspiracy theories. Because they cannot separate facts from rumors. Because they go off half cocked on every little detail that scares them.
    Because they spread rumors like wildfire - their little puny lives are so miserable that they must inflate every hint of bad tidings to justify the fearful skid marks in their pants.They are simply cowards.
    Cowards who cannot think logically, rationally, and calmly. They need help, education, and constant reassurance that the world is really a nice place. That the USA is the greatest country in the world, and that Americans are good people going about good lives while working for a better tomorrow.
    Conspiracy theorists resist change, won't accept facts, refuse to listen to reason, and probably need heavy medications just to face the day.
    Yep, this is why we cannot have nice things.
    That being said, I have heard that Ted Cruz is really an alien! No, seriously!

  6. profile image0
    ValKarasposted 8 years ago

    Many weird ideas cross the minds of people with very busy imagination, but the reason we hear about it is that  -  THERE IS AN OPEN MARKET FOR ANYTHING, and that encourages such imaginative people to make their crap public. Year after year we read such alarmists' prediction about the "end of the world". Then all depressed, anxious, panicky, paranoid, phobic, masochistic, and psycho garden variety of nuts click on it, (except for us sane but curious folks) and maybe the author makes a few cents. Or even better, he is that sadistic nut who thrives on scaring people.

    Then, there is another kind, and I must admit I have some respect for those. I mean those political s...t-disturbers with a passion to think out-of-the-box, and not accepting what's being served to them. It would be so much nicer if they started their story with "What if...", instead stating it as a fact. Not everything in their repertoire can be dismissed as "impossible", and a good food for thought  -  but not factual.

    For example, it's more than believable that a group of super-rich is calling  shots on this planet, and political leaders are just their public exponents. Why not? With huge money comes huge power. It's even a kind of entertaining to think about these secret societies, like a good movie. Of course, the stories are pathetic exaggerations of what is believable, but  then it's up to us to kind of sort it out.

    Those who really "believe" are probably those who also believe in Santa Claus, and along with making preparations for the "announced third world war", they are also cleaning their chimney for the fat dude and his presents..

    1. Dean Traylor profile image98
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Be careful there's a lot of those s...t stirrers in these Q&A. Just had shut one down recently

  7. sparkster profile image85
    sparksterposted 8 years ago

    Well, you seem to be proposing many preconceived notions in your question which is indicative of a narrow mind. You should bear in mind that there are a myriad of conspiracy theories which have now been proven to have been true or at least had some truth to them, meaning that they were not just conspiracy theories but were conspiracy facts. In fact, the term "conspiracy theorist" was coined by the CIA in the 1950's to discredit people suspected of revealing inside information!

    Additionally, your comments are very insulting to those who do believe in many conspiracy theories (including myself) when studies have shown that many people who believe in conspiracy theories usually have a higher level of intelligence. What makes you think it isn't you who is being naive by refusing to believe them? Perhaps you should bear in mind that well over 80% of crimes committed in the US involve some form of conspiracy. Of course conspiracies exist, it's ridiculous to think that they don't. Obviously, some of them are pretty out there and I don't believe all of them but I also do my research.

    Not only that but I have experienced and seen things myself directly which most people on the planet are incapable of opening their minds up to - I have come face to face with an alien entity and that was at a time when I didn't even believe in aliens! I have seen multiple UFOs (and photographed them) since that day and if you don't believe in New World Order/Illuminati conspiracy theories that's most likely because you haven't done enough research or looked at the relevant evidence properly. There is an absolutely staggering amount of evidence and volumes of books have been written about it.

    Some things are there going on right in front of our eyes but of course the best way to hide something is to hide it in plain sight. What's the matter? Think that your government are inherently good and are out to protect you no matter what and will always tell you the truth? Now that IS delusion! The word "government" actually translates to "mind control"!

    To paraphrase former Roswell mortician Glenn Dennis, the biggest conspiracy theory has always been that there are no conspiracies! Just take a look at Edward Snowden and the NSA - until Snowden came forward it was all just conspiracy theory. Now we KNOW that it's true!

    1. Austinstar profile image86
      Austinstarposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Government = "mind control"? In which dictionary? That's when you lost me. I almost was willing to give you the benefit of my doubts until you came out with that weird definition.


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