What have Hillary Clinton's leaked emails truly revealed?
How damning are they actually?
Would someone in a less powerful position be more likely to suffer legal penalties for the same actions Mrs. Clinton has performed?
Collusion witb foriegn powers for bribe/donation money, illegal use of a non profit for financial gain, illegal use of authority as SoS, violation of top secret, secret, and classified restrictions. In American history I dont believe this level of corruption has been uncovered and exposed. Not Nixon, not Iran Contra, nothing comes close to this... There are no limits to the illegal even treasonious acts that government officials can get away with if Clinton and her aids can get away with all this.
9/11, iraq invasion, torture....there already IS nothing gvt officials cant get away with. dont you get it? you mad? GET IN LINE
Didn't HRC vote for the Iraq war? Twice? Bush derangement syndrome = Leslie.
she did not allow 3,000 americans to be murdered, as your hero did.
Bush, Clintons, Obama... all the same, frontmen for the corporations and foreign nations doing US, the AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS wrong at every turn. Trump is anti-establishment... he is not them and that is his popularity... he says what they don't.
@ Leslie Obviously your infection with Bush Derangement Syndrome has advanced to Stage 2, Trump Derangement Syndrome.
And hopefully he will do what they don't/won't. At least he is willing to bring it up and point out where the problem is, DC period. More than I can say for any of the gutless wonders there now, and he has some to back him.
trump and crew are going for a coup. if you support that, you have no business calling yourself an american, imo. we vote here. and we used to respect the outcome!
Who said anything about a coup? Since you did,the civilian coup has already occurred done silently by two methods, corruption & cooptation. Clintons have coopted the Whitehouse,CIA,FBI,& DOJ, Lynch&Comey through political cronyism.
lol! even using his put down words. ahm, russia hacking, giving to assange, used by trump. fbi helping trump "all changed w comey" citizens united, trump, breitbart ALL CONnected...wakey wakey rise n shine
Jeez, it really is amazing how the other side forgets the sins of their heros, LoL! Leslie's points are the REASON WHY we elected Obama into office - and no, we don't plan to forget that. Trump's crap & inexperience trumps Hillary by PILES.
lets hope. their inability to understand that there is just as much rage at what they have looked the other way on, for DECADES. but our solution is not to crash and burn. if they want a serious reckoning, not a JOKE, they will have to uneath it ALL.
Haven't you heard there was nothing in the little weiner's e-mail not even the little weiner's sext pictures with or without his underwear.
A bit of Trump history for you:
http://deadstate.org/veteran-journalist … weetstorm/
please read: bush foundations accepted unlimited secret donations from foreign countries, by colin taylor. what legal penalties did they suffer? i have to ask, if the rnc emails were released, what do you think they would reveal? i also have to ask...why arent they? maybe we could get a liberal hacker for a change.
erik prince, of blackwater is endorsing and giving money to trump??
THAT tells you all you need you know... what this is all about. refuse at all cost. usa in grave danger.
What legal penalties did Clinton suffer?None! Because it's all legal unless it can be proven that Clinton(or Bush)was giving government favors for the donations.The leaked emails have proven she, not Bush, did & so the investigations.BDS=U
Sorry, Taze... anytime you let Bush off the hook and yet want to nail Hillary to the wall is BS, especially when Blackwater is involved. Onward Christian solders!!!
They’ve mostly revealed an underbelly of ugliness to the multiple Clinton controversies that we’ve already known about:
the questionable relationship between the Clinton Foundation and its donors, Clinton’s ease with powerful interests on Wall Street, her ties to wealthy campaign contributors.
Exchanges were written down by Clinton’s aides as they gathered information on what parts of her paid Wall Street speeches could prove damaging should they leak to the press. Her team filed clips like this one
https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus … 6%20PM.png
under the heading, "AWKWARD." The Goldman soup kitchen joke is a perfect example.
This "AWKWARD" quote and hundreds of other previously hidden nuggets about Clinton have spilled out into public view recently through WikiLeaks which has published about 20,000 pages of emails illegally stolen from John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chair. The emails are not related to the FBI investigation into Clinton’s private server.
Basically here is what has been revealed.
Questions around the Clinton Foundation:
This is the smallest category of emails. But a surprising revelation about Qatari officials and a newly discovered Clinton Foundation audit help validate fears that foundation donors likely received "special access."
Clinton’s ties to Wall Street, big donors:
Hundreds of other emails also highlight Clinton and her team’s much-discussed connections to Wall Street and big money. They reveal a Clinton certainly more sympathetic to these unpopular actors than she would presumably be on the campaign trail.
How the Clinton campaign machine works:
The emails also provide a virtually unprecedented look inside the architecture of the Clinton campaign — how proposals get passed up to the candidate, for instance. They show the campaign heavily weighing "political" considerations before endorsing certain policies, but also interested in seeking real solutions.
Political gossip and Clinton-world squabbling: This category includes a lot of normal office whining and sniping about Clinton-world enemies. It’s certainly interesting, especially for political junkies. But it also has the least relevance for discussions of public policy.
For more n depth details on all this go to http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/ … ry-clinton
The thing to remember is that none of Hillary Clinton's emails have been leaked so the emails are not related to the FBI investigation into Clinton’s private server.
A lot more than that, 'donations from Saudi Princes, Companies that 'donated' to the Clinton Foundation that were then awarded contracts in Haiti, Morocco, plenty... too much to hide or cover up anymore.
For sure and more to come I'll bet. Weiner (and uma) 650,000 emails, why so many? They learned well from Hillary, probably saved or stole as many emails as they could to protect themselves from Hillary if she turned on them.
aww, so your sainted republicans have no connectiond to saudi arabia? google carlyle group, and then carlyle group night of sept 10, 2001.
Leslie you keep playing this Republican VS Democrat nonsense... who cares about that crud they are ALL on the take in Washington, BOTH sides... Hillary most of all. Trump is, well, M. Moore says it best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKeYbEOSqYc
Ken it's called Bush Derangement syndrome BDS, turning into TDS.
guliani knew of comeys plan to write that letter...he works for trump. chafetts tweets it....his job to destroy hillary. fbi in collusion w a presidential campaign. russia in collusion w a presidential campaign. crooked? this is all the way bent! imo
See TDS, I told you. Leslie never fails to disappoint.
Weiner's laptop is Hillary's missing laptop,a laptop missing for 2 years with the 33,000 deleted emails?.
http://www.dickmorris.com/weiners-lapto … =dmreports
If you would put as much effort into researching Trump's wrong-doing past, you'd would have to admit that Hillary is less scary - but, all you people do is IGNORE Trump and WHOOP when he says something stupid. How incredibly irresponsible of you.
That's the stupidest statement I've heard yet, nothing Trump has ever said or done comes even close to the lifelong lying, scandals, corruption and deceit , risks to national security and pay to play of Hillary Clinton - you know nothing
gee, and they say personal attacks not allowed...must be trump rules: apply to erryone else, not me! and u just dont get it. not everyone believes breitbart. and even if they did, everything has all been done before,with all of your blessing.politics
* Taking nations off terror watch lists, human rights watch lists and other trade restricting lists in exchange for millions in bribes, including Algeria and Morocco
* Approving trade deals in exchange for millions in bribes
* Using a charitable foundation to funnel the bribes, as well as excessive speaking fees for Bill Clinton, essentially money laundering
* Disregarding government rules on handling secret data to protect her emails from Congressional investigation
* Violating secrecy handling rules and selling information to major donors, essentially spying / bribery
* Organizing violence at Trump events and against conservatives to blame on the victims, called "bird dogging", is fascism
* Using the IRS and other departments to punish critics
* Direct collusion with media like receiving debate questions in advance and meetings with dozens of major reporters to give them official talking points
LM, you are so blind in love with the idea a woman for president that sources wouldn't mean anything to you anyway. Just overlook the fact that she is going to continue Obamacare. That in itself should make people want the change Trump offers.
wrong. i want to know if its from wikileaks or the book clinton cash. (shweitzer) if so, i give it big razzzberry. why are so many of trump supporters afraid to announce source?
She admits she wants to raise taxes, wants to continue Obamacare... talks CRAZY ideas about free college, nothing is free, someone (middle class) is going to pay for it. Nothing she 'champions' other than 'womanhood' can be considered good for USA.
free college was a nod to the sanders supporters. she herself, has always said affordable, not free.
So then what is she really for, free until she gets elected then back to affordable? That's what we want, a candidate who simply says what voters want to hear tosucker their vote.
Tamara is notorious for selective lists like this and sometimes she does include the source links. Greg is hung up on Hillary being a WOMAN and is SURE we're all voting for her for that reason. Nevermind that many of us WANT Obamacare to continue...
"many of us" whose us? Those who want premiums to go up 80, 90, 100% ? Or those who are oblivious to the fact it was sold on lies and is failing so miserably it can't continue resulting in no coverage for anyone if not repealed & replaced.
we like that they cant refuse care for pre existing conditions, must use 80% of money FOR care, like that our kids can stay on til 26. NEVER going back to the old way. well have universal, like we wanted in the first place. efficient, cost effective
That's funny, my kids were earning their own way by the time they were 26. They didn't live at home and didn't need my insurance until they were 26. Anyone that is willing to pay even more for ins. is an idiot. Nothing personal.
oh sure. nothing personal.youre an idiot, why dont you leave the country, you lack intelligence, etc etc etc. i know you trumpians think insulting people makes you really cool and funny. i mean, thats how your candidate got where he is! easy 2 b mean
Leslie, they have no source, they are making it up as they go.
I'm really getting perpurbed with the accusation that I am voting for Hillary just because I want a woman in that office. Because of course, I have no brain nor decent conviction of my own. So, I decided to go see if there are any angry white MEN who feel like I do:
Maybe Donald Trump is as angry as he says. Or maybe his anger is as counterfeit as his business acumen, his philanthropy and his respect for women. I’ve been hearing from Trump’s legions, and I’ve had it up to here with them. You want to talk to an angry white man? Talk to me.
My contempt for Trump’s apologists is born of familiarity. I’m more comfortable and better educated than many of Trump’s white male constituents, but not all of them. Our similarities outweigh our differences. And part of what we have in common is our anger with one another.
My grievances, like yours, are legion. But we're all busy people, so I’ll mention just three:
First, I’m furious with your inability — or stubborn refusal? — to navigate the richest trove of information that has ever been available to any group of voters. The Internet is not a verified information source. It’s only a conduit, one that ferries every variety of useful data and discredited propaganda to any boob with a smartphone. When you send me links to fake news sites revealing that Hillary was fired from the staff of the subcommittee that investigated Watergate (she wasn’t), or that the Pope has just endorsed Trump (he hasn’t), or that Muslim Americans turned a blind eye to the preparations of the San Bernardino terrorists (they didn’t), you’re not expressing an opinion; you’re demonstrating your unfitness to move about safely in the Information Age.
I’m furious, too, at your willingness to overlook in your presidential candidate the sort of behavioral and character deficits you would never tolerate in your own children or friends: you’re slandering your own families, and mocking your own decency.
But you know what really frosts my shorts? Your conviction that the US can no longer contain us both, that you and I would be better off if we never had to encounter each other after this election. One of us should LEAVE depending on who wins. I’m your neighbor, you pathetic, myopic ignoramus. You know: the guy whose taxes help pay for your roads, your schools and your police protection. The one who cheers for your son’s pathetic football team and applauds when your daughter wins a scholarship. tinyurl.com/AngryWhtMan
You have emotionalized it, you have made it an US vs THEM issue. Much like many who take a Dem VS Rep perspective... the Candidate, who, what, doesn't matter, it is Dem vs Rep, or in this case Woman Vs Man... I'd rather judge the person not the sex.
sorry, hes not allowed to be mad. that means he "hates america". and in case u havent noticed, its been us v them since bush. the right wing made politics a referendum on patriotism. anyone not like them was unamerican. continues to this day: leave
Got news for ya, Ken - people are voting based on emotion, not facts. People on both sides are accusing each other of not seeing facts bcuz of emotion - like, the good Christian women voting for Trump bcuz he supports not killing babies via abortion.
Those voting on emotion are fools. Voting for her on emotion means you are voting for her because she is a woman. Your words.
You failed to read this post, Greg? I went out & found it for people like you - written by a guy (except with emotions, apparently that's bad). Your opinion of my opinion is insulting, degrading & FEAR-driven. I'm SO glad all men are not like
People who vote based on emotion rather than reason,who vote mainly based on race or gender or class are all fools &that's what is wrong with the electorate in America.Emotions are often irrational occurrences that distort reason=foolish.
Blah, blah, blah... don't tell me you're too man enough to not have an emotion in this election. I've seen you talking, you're as heated as anyone else. People's beliefs SWIRL with emotion, you can't separate them - it is why we vote the way we do.
CM, Emotions don't protect our country or build our military or our economy. That takes common sense and emotions don't control common sense.
so, a man holds a sign trump supporters dont like. someone yells gun, and the man is mauled. there was no gun, as reported by secret service, yet trump campaign tweets it was an assasination attempt. are they going for common sense or emotion?
Really. And the reason for Trump's callouts & accusations meant to stir up the emotions of his fanatical supporters? The more he can jerk your chain, the happier you are. He doesn't have to say much of anything that is actually intelligent.
i dont think you get it. you seem to make light of his mania-inducing rhetoric. the last people who did that got a rep shot. and the tv personality who did that got a doctor killed in his own church..in front of his grandkids. stochastic terrorism.
Hillary's email's have shown ton's. However, the simple fact is she broke he law by having the private server... I care less about her intent. Do you think if you or I broke the law, they would consider intent? She broke the law..
no, she didnt. if so, half the gvt would be in jail...including 2 of her accusers! (chaffetts, gowdy) you have bought into trumps lies. which hes so good at using. and lie, he must, because his policies are no "change" at all! back to trickle-up.
Lesole, just by you saying she didn't does not make it true. She did break the law. It very clear. I do agree with you there are many in Gov, that mos likely break the laws. I am not willing o turn the other way. That won't make it right
well, ive been saying it for 15 years....good luck.
As obama's architect for obamacare stated, "Only way we get away with this is because American voters are Stupid" Hence, those who vote democrat, there's the opinion of you by the elite in your own party. I say knock yourselves out.
Thanks, M. I actually don't have a problem with peeps voting for Trump since I see our gov as improving instead of imploding either way (yeah, crazy - no END!). But, the accusation that I am somehow off in my own logic is irritating, you know?
Catherine, even your own party leaders say, "The only way we get away with this is because American voters are Stupid." So, if you agree with your party leaders, surely vote for hillary killary. They pull your chains, you follow!
a mass intitute of technology professor is a party leader?bet you couldnt name him without google.he also said were better off with the law than without.&in case you forgot, its your guy who said,"how stupid are the people of iowa?"and he wants p
If anyone else committed the crimes that Hillary has committed they would be in prison. The way the press is handling this just confirms that this is a media-drawn election and that at the end of the day no one cares about the American people. We are doomed if she is not convicted and she will continue to "rob" the American people.
how come the republicans havent been able to convict her in 30 years? they have tried, and they have controlled the house and senate since 2010. thats 6 yrs of criminal harassment. and are you familiar with gw bush and richard cheney???????
The law requires intent in order to indict Hillary regarding her extremely careless handling of confidential and classified email. The FBI director cannot prove any intent to expose confidential or classified information to our nation's foes.
However, why hasn't the FBI investigated Clinton's deliberate cover up via deliberately and intentionally deleting emails from her server. Here is my understanding of Hillary's attempts to delete email:
Deleting an email simply means that the email no longer exists in the directory. But the deleted email still exists on the server. Hillary did more that just attempt to delete the emails She attempted to eradicate everything regarding those emails from her server so that every fragment of that email would be completely destroyed and overwritten.
Feel free to correct my explanation of the difference between deleting and destroying an email.
feel free to believe that she did something illegal, even tho the full force and power of the house and senate, for 6 agonizing years, the gubmint of by and for republicans, tried over and over again to lock her up, but couldnt. salem comes to mind
No, you're right - someone definitely went in and made sure emails were completely gone. The logic behind no further investigations was that since they could find no 'intent'; plus IF they were 'sensitive' they were gone - it could be dropped.
mitt romney removed every cyber bit of record of his time as gvr of massachusetts. when he was running for prez, i brought it up. I was told SO? jeb bush used private server as gvr of florida. when he ran for prez, no one said a word. WHY NOW?
Hillary's email's have shown ton's. However, the simple fact is she broke he law by having the private server... I care less about her intent. Do you think if you or I broke the law, they would consider intent? She broke the law, and should not be put above the law. And in regard to her being the first woman president. his is just my opinion - she would be the last women on earth that I could respect to represent the female gender. I feel ashamed that other American women could consider her someone we could look up to... She lies she cheats, she breaks our laws. It's very simple, it's common sense. The email's have proved each word I have stated, her server proves she broke the law. Wake up face facts. Yes, all this will come to an end tomorrow.... And yes it's time to make your decision. A decision that will affect not only you but your loved ones... America, is not the America we knew. The America where dreams are made, and have the possibility of coming to fruition. It's disturbing that any true American could consider voting for someone like Hillary Clinton, a woman that has bad judgment, lies. and literally thinks herself above the law. No matter what you tell yourself or any excuse you make for Hillary, at the end you are not using common sense. Please opt for change, please consider helping blow the lid off of Washington. It's time, and I hope you will help Make America Great Again.... Vote Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vST61W4bGm8
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