Bernie Sander decided to run for President in 2020. Do you believe that Bernie Sanders will have a CHANCE this time?
I would have just as soon that he sat this one out. Sanders and Warren represent a faction of the Democratic Party that I support. I don't want them competing with each other, not having Bernie diluting Warren's following or co-opting her message.
Perhaps he should run as an independent, then. Are there enough socialists in the country to have a fighting chance?
I'm not sure. Part of his appeal last time was that he was not Hillary. This time around, there are a lot of not-Hillarys to choose from. Like Warren, he has had a consistent message for a long time. He might have a hard time separating himself from the pack, now.
Hello, gm (gmwilliams), what is Bernie Sander? Thanks, and have a wonderful day ahead.
Hard to say, but if the democratic establishment will endorse Bernie he definately has a big chance to beat Trump. He has already raised $4 mil in 12 hours after his announcement .
To be honest, I’m not quiet sure if Trump wants a second term. It would not suprise me if some other Republican would go for it.
I think the Democratic establishment will get behind whoever emerges from the pack as the best person to unseat Trump. Democrats and most Independents are united in this one essential objective.
In the last elections they made the mistake in supporting Hillary as she was part of the sellect elite, had they chosen Bernie he would probably have won. So hopefully the democratic establishment learnt there lesson.
I hope so. I see that Bernie raised $5.9 million from mostly small donors in the 24 hours after announcing his candidacy. Pretty impressive.
I know the Republicans have a problem with popular public antagonism to old white men politicians, particularly old white establishment men.
Consider the Democratic field--to date, I am thinking that may be a problem for Sanders. Particularly when the primary race heats up. Right now it is early days and all are playing nice, but we both know that will change.
My uninformed opinion is that he is too white and too old for the new Democratic voter. Particularly when his positions will no longer be unique.
What do you think PrettyPanther, will he have that to overcome? If Warren or Kamala (sp?) have the credentials to be serious contenders, can he overcome it?
"My uninformed opinion is that he is too white and too old for the new Democratic voter. Particularly when his positions will no longer be unique"
I don't know about that GA, being white and old is not a liability if your ideological ducks are in the right place. I would vote for Sanders over Kamela or Booker. Sanders is the 'real deal' standing tall for civil rights and progressive values since the 1960's. I cant be so confident that any of the other Democratic candidates outside of Warren would not be enticed by Wall Street money to just go along and get along. Why else would Wall Street CEO's say emphatically that the Dems Must not nominate either Warren or Sanders as they are divisive and outside the mainstream? That, I consider an endorsement for those two that is second to none. Sanders and Warren are well familiar with "the enemy" and will not be compromised. I need an Eliot Ness type in this struggle. A man with impeccable progressive credentials that remained consistent over half a century? I will go with him.
You can be an old white guy and not be sclerotic, that is reserved for the rightwinger, exclusively.
My complaint is, yes, I think that he too old and that Elizabeth Warren shares Bernie's integrity and commitment to the ideal picking up the spirit of his campaign, and yet is 8 years younger.
His age certainly did not keep him from giving Hillary Clinton a run for her money in 2016. He attracted a lot of the younger, non-establishment types to the Democratic Party. The ideals that Bernie stands for for progressives can never get "too old".
You make good points Cred. Particularly the one about him being Bernie since the 60s.
Obviously, I don't support his platform, but I am not bashing him either. I am just wondering if as an old white man he can best his non-old-white-men opponents with similar platforms.
Hi GA,
I don't think that Democratic voters have a problem with old white men; I think they have a problem with party representation consisting almost entirely of old white men. Do you get what I mean by that?
As I evaluate Sanders as a candidate, I believe he doesn't fit into that "old white man" category of politician that wants to, for example, control a woman's right to decisions about her pregnancy or birth control. The GOP has earned their negative "old white man" image because of scenes like this one :
Republican Hearing on Contraception: No Women Allowed
Republicans are holding a hearing on contraceptive access this morning, but don’t expect to hear from any women.. … n-allowed/
I do think Bernie's age will be a factor for many people but I think that would be the case for anyone his age, regardless of gender or race or ethnicity.
Now, all that said, if Bernie were to win the Democratic nomination, I think being white would work in his favor in a general election.
Yes, PrettyPanther, I get what you are saying. Particularly the reference to Republican "old white men."
However, I still think Sanders age and "whiteness" will hurt him in the primaries. As far as platforms go, I think Warren can go toe to toe with him and I think her gender will give her an edge.
If he does win the primary, you may be right, the needed Independent component, (I think), doesn't have the "old white man" bias I think the base of the new Democratic party has.
It's just a discussion. Although I wouldn't support Sanders, I am not bashing him.
You're not the only one who seems to think Sanders' "whiteness" will hurt him in the primaries. I'd like to know what makes you think that? When has being white ever hurt a candidate running for president? Is there some evidence that Democratic primary voters are biased against white people? Or, is this simply a reaction to the fact that the field is more diverse than ever, and now people are making assumptions about what that means? I'd like to know what evidence is out there to lead anyone to believe that being white is a disadvantage in a Democratic presidential primary.
Haven't you learned there's a war against white people?
No, but seriously, that's a non issue with Bernie because of his political views. He's the one that started the left shift in the party, and young diverse people seem to like him.
However, I do think it could be an issue with some faction of the Dem party for Joe Biden; white, old and somewhat centrist.
*I dont think people on the left, for the most part, have problems with white old guys. But they think is time to give them a break to rest from power. LOL
I was watching the news yesterday, and there was all this speculation that Bernie being white would be a disadvantage, but not one person said why that would be the case. I'd like to hear a logical reason based on actual evidence that there is bias against white people among Democratic primary voters. Otherwise, it just sounds to me like people are jittery about the diverse field of candidates.
As for Joe, I think it's not his whiteness but his establishment credentials that work against him for some people. However, that same image works in his favor with older, more moderate voters.
I dont think it's necessarily bias, although some people could think so. There used to be bias against non white and/or non male candidates. (There still is in some groups). IMO, those bias are becoming less and less apparent in the DEM voters, especially in younger ones. That's clear in the last election.
So, like I said, I don't think most people have a problem with old white guys other than they want a change in what type of people is in power.
Yes, it is an issue. A positive or negative, but an issue. A main issue as to decide who's the candidate? I dont think so.
Everybody likes Joe Biden, the problem with him is that the party has moved to the left from his relatively moderate position. Bernie Sanders is old and Anglo but he is much closer to the pulse and direction of the party right now. He is anything but a 'has been'.
"Centrist" is not fixing it or addressing nagging concerns from our side.
(I like him better than Bernie, even though I prefer Bernie's ideals.)
I don't have any evidence PrettyPanther. It was just a thought based on my perception that since Pres. Trump was elected, the Democratic party has been about promoting diversity, changing the status quo, power to minority voices.
When that's all wrapped up into a perception, I am just thinking his whiteness will be a handicap with the 'new' Democrat voter.
Combine that thought with the one that there isn't a lot of difference between him and Warren, or even Harris, and I see his whiteness as a factor.
But I don't have the franchise on how Democrats think, so it is just a thought - not a prediction.
GA, changing the status quo, promoting and giving a voice to diverse groups need not be concepts that white men have to be against nor their inclusion seen in a negative way.
I have some issues about our system and I am not partial about who is going to help me address them.
Democrats have radicalized a great deal just due to Trump and his policies and methods.
I agree that Democrats have radicalized Cred. I think AOC and Ilhan Omar are proof of that.
They are also the impetus for my thought that being an old white man will be a handicap for Sanders.
Good observation, Ga. But if Bernie can communicate to every segment of the Dem. party, then his "Whiteness" will not be a problem if he receives the nomination. I wonder if this is a scare tactic by the media and others to frighten some potential voters. Should voters rather vote for a person who is "more" white?
A unified Dem. party defeats a fringe Rep. party, and that is known. 35% can be topped. Draw them all over to the right, please,
Hello Tim, I was unaware, until I recently saw some pundits talking about it, that Sander's "whiteness" was a public topic. I thought I had an original thought. I should have known better. ;-)
I've been reading your post for a while, you are pretty dead on. Don't beat up yourself.
"Pretty impressive"
Was it? As I recall a complete unknown raised way more than that in an unsolicited effort to fund the wall.
Pretty impressive relative to the other candidates. The zealotry of Trump's base is a different matter. Apples and oranges.
Of course it is apples and oranges. The wall will help build and maintain the nation, Bernie will help destroy it.
Oooohhh, that's awful. He's doomed after that knife pierce to the heart.
Not really, I hate those Stupid Trump memes too.
It makes the discussion to black and white
They can also make for good entertainment. I like when memes are posted. I get to decide whether to chuckle or blast the poster with proof of the silliness of the meme.
Leave my memes alone peterstreep! ;-)
Haha, well everybody has the freedom to post what they want, but I prefer a personal answer above a copy and past thing.
No, Bernie should help the most winnable candidate from his party.
He has no chance. His counter partners like AOC have really made the public take a deep breath and look at what this socialist agenda represents. Hopefully, the Dems stay on this path. Americans innately do not like socializing. We have the greatest system in the world. In my opinion, most will not be willing to gamble on socialism. Just a tad of research on socialism shows it's downfalls.
Well, like Hitler's Germany I suppose/ Thank you.
I think Bernie is too real and honest to not sink in the swamp of the current democratic field. He doesn't appear to lie, he doesn't appear to jump on the bandwagon of the current lynch mobs of the left and he doesn't appear to have a penchant for being a media whore.
No. Bernie is you to decent for them now.
Hey, Live to Learn, really? More, please. And, thanks.
I respect Bernie Sanders. He ran an honest campaign based on his outlandish ideas. He was cheated by Hillary, he was disparaged by the higher ups at the DNC. His campaign was undermined by the DNC. He met it all with a fair amount of grace.
Trump, for better or worse, changed the way campaigns are run. We hear the left whining about his lies but the field we see unfolding have some who have built their reputations on lies, some refusing to apologize or back down when caught in their lies, and using smear campaigns of innuendo to dig their heels into other's backs.
Bernie, for all of his pie in the sky ideas was, at the least, someone who could be respected for his integrity.
"but the field we see unfolding have some who have built their reputations on lies, some refusing to apologize or back down when caught in their lies, and using smear campaigns of innuendo to dig their heels into other's backs. "
I haven't seen this. I'm not saying it hasn't happened, but I follow politics fairly closely and am not clear on who has done this or is doing this. Can you provide some sources?
Why would I bother pp? No offense, but I'm done with pointless discussions. The things I see as lies on the left you'll respond with something inane like 'Yeh? That's OK because ... what about Trump?'
Hey, LtL, then Bernie can neither be influenced by the left or right?
I suppose he can be influenced by either, if the thrust of the influence would further his agenda.
LtL, Okay, is his agenda good enough for the United State and the world? You know for sure that the world is now a global village. Everyone is greatly affected, and thanks.
If he isn't offering any more than other socialist candidates, no, he won't do well. The last time it was Sanders and Clinton, where there was an obvious difference.
He does not have an iota of a chance. Times have changed and he is a has-been.
Running out of legitimate criticisms for your memes?
Hey, there, how many homes does President Trump has before running for the presidency? Does not his age parallel that of Bernie as an old man? His he not physically fit? President Trump is 80 plus or you can correct me. Thanks.
GA, is not President Trump, an old man? I take it that your system has prescribed the age limit, otherwise, no person of Sanders age will view for the presidency. I am also of the view that certain old men and women are still strong mentally and bodily. Thanks.
Miebakagh, my thoughts have nothing to do with the actuality of being an old white man. And certainly, nothing to do with Pres. Trump.
The degree of "oldness" and being white have nothing to do with Pres. Trump being a white man holding the office of the presidency.
And, it has is nothing to do with legal age or "whiteness" in my thought,. It is all about the "new" Democrat mindset, which is in the direction of minority status and non-whiteness.
But what does the government control? Tax?
I'm just throwing in my opinion here. I think I agree with GA on this one. Sanders being old and white will hurt him in the primaries and the same goes for Biden. However, I don't think anyone but an old white guy is going to win the general election. Maybe Beto gives the Dems a chance as he's not so old.
If Trump is not impeached, he'll probably face a minority and/or a woman, and he'll win. Unfortunately, that's just the way I see it.
I think that is worry of the Democratic Party too hard sun.
But is that really a problem? Just rig the primary again and all is well.
Now if he chose to run as an independent it's a whole different ball game!
How far will that go, Wilderness? We know independence don't do well. But there is so much hate floating around, who knows? (That;s both sides.)
I know this, if they think they can win by bashing Trump, they have another thing coming.
They will have to try something else. Trump is better at bashing. In that, he's a gifted tormentor.
They will have to focus on policies not the man. And their policy ideas will have to include those who felt left behind: my White American brothers and sisters.
If they can split his "hurt" coalition, they might be on to something; while at the same time, uniting the other "hurt" groups, they might be on to something.
Or just rig the elections.
I sure don't see that "Independent" thing happening.
No it won't. It would be a sure fire thing for Trump's re-election, and if there is one thing Bernie has made clear is that he will do most anything to prevent that. Even giving up a chance at the oval room himself.
And there's no recovering from socialism once it has taken hold. Its a downward spiral into to the dismal bleakness and blackness of death.
You like death?
... paint it black, Sanders et al. Paint it black.
Meanwhile, the rest of us will follow the sun.
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