Okay, I get it that the Democrats want to win in 2020, but why bank your whole election future on an impeachment initiative that lacks any real substance. It doesn't. The whistle blower only has second hand information, he or she spoke to Adam Schiff's staff before whistling, Trump did not threaten or arm twist in the phone conversation, the president of the Ukraine said he was not pressured, Pelosi initiated an impeachment inquiry without putting it to a floor vote, and Joe Biden did use his VP position to pressure Ukraine to fire a prosecutor that was going after an oil company who had Hunter Biden on its board. By the way, Hunter Biden had no experience in the oil business, but he did get paid $80,000 a month. It doesn't look good. The whole thing looks like a hoax. The whole thing looks like the Democrats are scared and are trying to cover up something. The whole thing stinks! By the way, when did our intelligence agencies get politicized to the point where they are spying on their president. Are they not there to help the president? Sad.
Not an American, but the intelligence agencies of any democratic country are there to help the "people" of the country not a single individual. Is it different in the case of the U.S.A?
Yes. Our intelligence communities illegally spied on an incoming President, and attempted to overthrow his election. This was an actual crime committed by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the FBI, and others.
This is the exact sort of thing our greatest President, Trump, was elected to rout out of our nation. It's another day here in Texas, and I thank God above for Donald Trump.
"Our intelligence communities illegally spied on an incoming President, and attempted to overthrow his election."
No they didn't.
"This was an actual crime committed by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the FBI, and others."
No it wasn't
Are you saying they didn't spy? Funny, there is more evidence to support that accusation than there is that Trump colluded. And you definitely support the idea that Trump colluded.
What's up? Conspiracy theories the only thing you consider to be truth?
Okay. It's fine with me if you live in a fantasy world. Welcome to Don's world of the make believe! YAY!
Personally, I very much dislike you. I'd prefer you not bother speaking to me. You're not living in actual reality, and you are posting falsehoods.
It's fine with me if you live in a fantasy world.
It's called reality. Look into it. It won't hurt you.
"Personally, I very much dislike you."
I don't feel very much at all about you, but I will wear your dislike as a badge of honor.
"I'd prefer you not bother speaking to me."
Too bad. This is a public forum. I can respond (or not) to whom I choose, just as you can. Isn't freedom a wonderful thing.
"...you are posting falsehoods"
What's false are your allegations against the intelligence community, most of whom diligently work to prevent the worst harm coming to you, even as you defame them.
This is a writer's website. So I wonder what you are even doing here? You're only clogging the forums with violent left wing extremism, and the rest of us are writers.
It's pretty sad. Maybe you should learn to be a writer?
What violent left wing extremism are you referring to, Toddy? Would you rather him be a violent right wing extremist?
And too bad YOU don't get to decide who posts here. Get over it!
They're all the same, these right-wing guys. They can't counter stuff so they just say that the person should not be posting.
A comment from reddit, somewhat unrelated, but very apt to add to this discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comm … housed_in/
Trump also told Xi he would remain quiet on Hong Kong protests as trade talks progressed.
trump supporters, WTF? You okay with this? Not even talking about the illegality of the situation. Y'all have lost your fucking souls.
Hi lobo. Those still defending the president are truly lost. All I can say to them at this point is, WTF?
Yup, I personally think they are just evil, but I see that I'm not the only one who thinks that.
As one of Trump's "fine people" you'd know more about violent extremism than I do. Shouldn't you be out screaming "blood and soil" and waving a tiki torch at someone?
Or perhaps you prefer crying on public forums when someone tells you you're full of bovine excrement. Perhaps it's a cry for help. Are you feeling snowflaky? Do you need a safe space away from the mean liberal saying disturbing things about something called "re-al-ity"?
When you've finished throwing your tantrum, perhaps you'll have a little think and realise that you're not in control here. I know that's hard for you to deal with, but you better suck it up, because I'm going to respond to comments as I see fit, and there's nothing you can do about it, except throw more tantrums of course. That's more a measure of you though than it is me.
So as I was saying, those conspiratorial allegations against the intelligence community are as idiotic as they are false. Most of the men and women in that community work diligently to protect the country, and it's a shame some people are so enthralled by Trump that they are willing to defame people who work hard to keep them safe.
Don, stand your ground here. You have obviously struck a nerve and if HE is that vexed over your content and approach, you have got to be doing something right.
The absolute temerity of some people, huh?
Yes, I totally agree. They spied on Trump. It's clear.
What is sad is the massive amount of false information in this post.
The Left has never believed in our Constitution or free elections or free enterprise or pretty much anything about America - except our wealth, which they plan to plunder.
Absolutely true. We've the never ending fake news believers. Marionettes and clowns to contend with. None of them even close to smart enough to understand what it is they're actually supporting.
You've got these people who think they deserve free healthcare, free education, and free who knows what else. Persons who vote for higher taxes deserve poverty. They always believe they know the person they want voted in, or in the case of today, the person they think will overthrow Trump - they think they know how the money will be spent. They believe it will be taken from the rich, and given to them.
It never happens like that.
Yes indeed, we hate this country and want it to fail.
Yes, it seems as if the Democratic Party has a taken a sharp left turn and is wanting to undermine our constitution. Also, what law did Trump break in regards to his call with the Ukrainian president? They showed the transcript (which is bad in itself because presidents should be able to call other foreign leaders without having to show transcripts) and it did not contain threats to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for dirt on Biden. Trump made a legitimate request from one president to another. This is not illegal. The Democrats and the mainstream media are covering up one of the biggest political crimes in the history of our country. The Joe and Hunter Biden thing is just the tip of the iceberg. The Democrats are scared witless. Barr and Durham will expose some serious corruption in the Obama administration that will make Watergate look like jaywalking. That is why they are doing something so desperate.
How come every single long-tenured member of the Senate or the House are multi-multimillionaires? Hundreds of millions, usually when they make, you know less than $200,000 a year? How can that possibly be true? Well, that's because they all get paid off.
Like Joe Biden's son, Nancy Pelosi's son, Paul Pelosi Jr. has had lucrative contracts in the Ukrainian energy business. Paul Pelosi was a board member at Viscoil and an executive at its related company, NRGLab.
Adam Schiff has long been on the payroll of Ukrainian oligarch, Igor Pasternak, who according to Douglas Gabriel has replaced Adnan Khashoggi as the preeminent arms dealer for Syria, Libya, etc.
So, who is paying off Pelosi and Schiff? In this case, it's Ukrainian Igor Pasternak...The whole Democratic Party went over and tried to get a piece of these Ukrainian oligarchs. Everything was going great for eight years, when Obama was in the White House. Why? Because we gave $4.7 million dollars to the State Department, which included Hillary Clinton and particularly, Victoria Nuland to have two George Soros-sponsored color revolutions to take out Viktor Yanukovych, who was the duly elected president in Ukraine. Twice.
Everything the media won’t tell you is right here - of course pushing lies about Trump is more important than blowing the whistle on themselves!
It’s all here, there are so many incredible details in this podcast, it is SUCH a needed antidote to the psychopathic lying corporate media!
By now, we've all heard that Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, with zero expertise in the fuel industry, zero Ukrainian language skills and few apparent skills outside of smoking crack and shagging women, was awarded a $3 million board of directors position at Burisma Holdings, one of Ukraine's most corrupt corporations. Hunter was also awarded a $1.5 billion venture capital investment from China, a country notorious for being tight-fisted toward foreign-owned ventures. Nobody, not Donald Trump, not Eric Schmidt has ever landed a deal of that size from the Chinese.
What we may not have known before listening to this podcast by Tyla and Douglas Gabriel is how so many members of the DNC are up to their eyeballs in graft from Ukraine. In addition, few are aware of the toxic extent of foreign influence on our representatives.
"When Obama, because he was trying to act like a tough guy in one of the last days in his office put sanctions on Russia for meddling in the election - which they didn't do - what he actually did was he created this gigantic crisis in Ukraine. He assumed that Trump was going to come in, take the sanctions off and then they could blame Trump for that and say, "Oh! How bad you are!" Well, Trump didn't.
"So what happened? Inadvertently, Obama caused an explosion in Ukraine. So, all the oligarchs and all of the Party of Regents who were friends of Joe Biden, who were friends of Pelosi, of Schiff, of Schumer and friends of course, working through Igor Pasternak...as well as other Ukrainians, like Leonard Blavatnik, one of the largest donors to the Democratic Party, especially to their Super PACs - who works through a Russian, Viktor Vekselberg, who's in Russia but he also works through an Israeli, Mikhail Fridman. These are the people donating to the Democratic Party...
"When you're talking about Ukrainian oligarchs, those are just the nouveau riche, those are the nouveau oligarchs those are the new oligarchs of Ukraine created by Obama. Why? Because it was the heyday of US attempts to intervene into Ukraine, to make sure that the oblast provinces that were voting to have Russia control them, not the Party of Regents, the Nazi Party in Ukraine, who Joe Biden was aligned with and Obama was aligned with, Hillary is aligned with, John Kerry was aligned with - and they all took trips over there all the time and they were all paid for by these Ukrainians.
"But remember then, the the people of Ukraine would vote Viktor Yanukovych back into office and then they'd be on the outs. So, the Americans, who had invested $4.7 billion into taking over Ukraine so they can control that pipeline, so they thought they could control Russia - which they can't (Russia was building two other pipelines at the same time: Nord Stream 1 Nord Stream 2 - Nord Stream 1 now goes to Germany in a secret deal), so, what we have is, when the sanctions get put on Russia, the pipeline into Ukraine stopped. 40% of Ukrainian GDP stopped...
"All of this impeachment is an attempt for Pelosi to become the President. Make no mistake about it. They changed all the rules. We no longer have a Constitutional republic in the House...we have an attempted coup of the House, which is an attempted coup of the President, which had already used the intelligence agencies to the best of their ability.
"And every one of our Five Eyes friends - and many other spies in other countries, including Ukraine, including Estonia, including, hardly at all in Russia but certainly, Britain, which was the source of it, Canada, Australia, Italy, Germany. They were all involved in the coup and that is what is coming down now...
"We need to remember that George Soros has given $32 billion to the Democratic Party. Now, how do I mean that? Through super PACs. Six billion - he went through the limit on that - he could legally, through super PACs. He's literally the only person in some of these super PACs.
"Then he has 184 non-government organizations that all claim to be not-for-profit. They should all be closed down, because they're all partisan. Any not-for-profit, if they do not state that - and none of his organizations do - they all have names like - how about this one - the one that just created, WhistleblowerAid.org ...
"Let me just give you a perfect example the Ukrainian whistleblower. Well, first off, we can sit here and you know, everyone's poking holes in that story; the Russian collusion 2.0, isn't it? Same people, same story same bad delivery, same bad planning and no content, whatsoever. But what we want to point out is it all comes down to conversations that were had with the whistleblower and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP).
"Go to the bottom of their page look them up: the OCCRP the organized crime and corruption reporting project this is all a staged game...so, if you look them up online, go to the bottom. Look at their number one donor: the Open Society. George Soros. So, all we have is fake evidence created illegally by the OCCRP, the organized crime and corruption reporting project of George Soros where, supposedly this whistleblower who, breaking every law there is, including every security contract that he has - to come to a public organization supposedly, a not-for-profit, which it isn't, of course - and so it should be closed down immediately - and reporting to them and then they told him to report to Adam Schiff - not to the Inspector General, which everyone in any branch of the government knows, when you have a problem you report to your IG office immediately...
"This is nothing more than a cesspool of an attempt for George Soros to find people who he can corrupt by paying them off for stories, like that Ford lady who accused Kavanaugh - who should be put in jail for what she did. This whistleblower should go to jail for what they did but now, no, we're singing the praises the OCCRP."
How ironic that you spew hate for the "psychopathic lying corporate media", but you post a link to a fake Russian video.
Here is the link to the secret website that produced the video for anyone who wants their daily ration of hate and propaganda:
Lol so predictable, you can’t refute one fact presented so you attack the messenger with a made up smear! What is secret about AIM and it’s not a fake Russian video - you just made that up! oh, that’s right you are a journalist! makes sense.
What personal smear? I requoted you. It's the anonymous video and website I'm smearing.
I've been refuting these absurd claims for days. But Trump extremists keep posting them.
If AIM is so much better than the "psychopathic lying corporate media", maybe you can tell me who owns it.
Did I say personal smear? I didn’t say you smeared me. I am not the source of this information, the podcast and AIM are the messenger And you smeared them both without one iota of interest in what they presented - and you know it, you are just trying to deflect - pretty sophomoric.
Guess that "secret website" is no longer very secret, is it? Not after your exhaustive research found it.
All that's left is to prove that they (owners of the name? Employees of the site? The web designer that constructed it?) produced that video. You DO understand that simply making the claim is not adequate, any more than making the claim that Trump colluded with Russia to throw the election was.
You do understand that I work online for a living, don't you? And you are a retired electrician, if I remember correctly? So maybe I know what I'm talking about?
All I needed to do is go to the site to see:
- No required privacy policy.
- No visitor agreement.
- No contact information.
- No site ownership information.
- No bylines identifying the writers.
Then all I had to do is go to the domain registration services to see that the owner paid to hide his or her identity.
But oh, "AIM 4 Truth" is so much more credible than the "psychpathic lying corporate media".
A US president asking a foreign leader to investigate the son of a political rival a year before a general election is a disgrace and an abuse of authority.
All Sean Hannity talking points.
Trump told the Ukrainian president to dig up dirt on Joe Biden, Trump's main political rival in 2020. That's illegal.
Hunter Biden is a lawyer. He was hired to be a lawyer and not an energy expert.
"Trump told the Ukrainian president to dig up dirt on Joe Biden, Trump's main political rival in 2020. That's illegal."
Meaning that if you run for president against Trump you are entitled to do anything you want to? Does this mean that it is illegal to go on a dirt finding mission against Trump because he is an opponent of Biden, or does it only work for Trump opponents?
No, it means it's illegal for a President to push foreign governments to dig up dirt on his political rivals.
I think it means, if you are trying to get the Democratic nomination any illegal activity is not subject to scrutiny or censorship.
No, meaning if you are POTUS you cannot break your oath of office by trying to get dirt on a political opponent. But you already knew that or should have.
Hunter Biden isn't a political opponent of Donald J. Trump. Did I miss the announcement of Hunter Biden running for POTUS?
This is where people on the left are so confused. The president o the Ukraine wasn't asked to dig up dirt, by their own admission, this issue with Biden had been in the public for year, so no "dirt digging." It was actually a request to investigate possible corruption by an American elected official. Facts matter.
Okay Mike, perhaps you'd like to answer the question Trump tried so hard to avoid yesterday? You remember don't you? The reporter made Trump angry by repeatedly asking him what he wanted the Ukrainian president to do.
It was embarrassing to see the formally most powerful leader in the world. deflect and pitch a fit, but avoid answering the direct query. Perhaps you can do better?
See, I suggest you read the transcript of the conversation and come to your own conclusion. It is a question that is answered in the transcript. The reporter was grandstanding.
Are you stating Trump answered the question asked of him, Mike? That he didn't try to deflect? I hope you're more intelligent than that, Mike. Trump made a fool of himself by acting so indignant.
The "transcript" leaves a lot to be desired. Out of 40 minutes are so of dialogue there's only abut 12 minutes reported. What happened during the almost 30 minutes which are missing? Do tell...
This is where people on the right are in serious denial.
Trump admitted it. His words are right on the doctored transcript.
What he did was illegal. Federal campaign finance law prohibits anyone from soliciting any “thing of value” from a foreign national.
Facts matter. So does reality.
https://codes.findlaw.com/us/title-52-v … 30121.html
Sorry, read the transcript. President Donald Trump was well within his job description to want an investigation against a corrupt American politician. Because I did read the transcript I know the campaign was never mentioned. You must be referring to the blatant lies told to Congress by Adam Schiff.
Of course I read the doctored transcript, the campaign finance law and multiple legal opinions from actual lawyers.
I also believe Trump's own people who were so terrified by the conversation that they hid the transcript.
Sorry, I'll believe their interpretation of the law before I believe yours.
Okay, so now the document is "doctored." There is no proof of such a thing.
Biden was corrupt for doing what exactly? The same thing that half the world seemed to want - to get rid of a prosecutor who wouldn't investigate corruption? The same thing Republicans asked for - to get rid of this prosecutor?
You've got this completely backward. The point of the firing was to better investigate corruption, not to stop it. Your narrative makes no sense and is just further example of regurgitating Fox talking points.
There's no evidence at all that any decision was made because Hunter Biden worked for whatever company he worked for. Biden carried out the will of the U.S., the will of the Republican Party, and the will of most of the world.
If Trump wants to investigate how politicians' children do business, he should launch a bi-partisan investigation. That would be welcome. I suspect, however, that his own children would get caught up in that scandal, which is why he targeted a single, political rival in a phone call with a foreign leader.
Do you realize the person who actually fired the prosecutor made a public statement in the Ukraine that he was specifically told to stop all investigation into Biden's son? Interesting how nobody wanted to this prosecutor until he started investigating Biden's son.
I never thought I'd see this in the American media. Here is a story about it.
Ex-Ukraine prosecutor claims he was told to back off Biden-linked firm probe
“Mr. Shokin attempted to continue the investigations but on or around June or July of 2015, the U.S. Ambassador [to Ukraine] Geoffrey R. Pyatt told him that the investigation has to be handled with white gloves, which according to Mr. Shokin, that implied do nothing,”
https://nypost.com/2019/10/02/ex-ukrain … be-report/
The NY Post? Really?
Biden didn't ask for something that was anything other than what everybody else on the planet seemed to be asking for - fire somebody who as NOT investigating corruption and hire somebody that WOULD investigate corruption.
And I'm not even saying this isn't a good thing to investigate - how does this sort of arrangement even happen 50k/month - but unfortunately President Trump chose the stupidest of all possible ways to bring it up - an illegal, impeachable way.
illegal? Please tell me the statute that covers the president of the United States wanting investigate a corrupt American politician.
It's in the Constitution, Mike. Or do you disagree with that as well?
It's in the Constitution that the President cannot instigate an investigation of a corrupt American politician?
As Mike said, can you point to the article that states that?
Yes, The Minstrel, you are missing something. Facts.
"Why are we Impeaching President Trump?"
Because, among other things, he abused the Authority of the Office of the President of the United States by trying to get a foreign leader to investigate the son of a political rival, a year before a general election.
Any other questions?
I disagree. It is within the authority of the president to investigate possible corruption by an American politician in a foreign country. If there is no corruption, then Joe Biden should welcome an investigation to clear his name and his son's dealings with a foreign country.
We don't see such a thing. What we see is Joe Biden saying he knew nothing about the Ukrainian company paying his son $50,000 a month and then seeing pictures of Joe Biden playing golf with an executive from the company.
The new president of the Ukraine was interested in investing the Biden situation before the phone call. You may not know this, but the new Ukrainian president discussed this during his campaign.
So you believe Trump should welcome an investigation so his name will be cleared, Mike? Just releasing his taxes would go a long way in doing so as well. I'll bet you're all for that, eh?
That's a great idea. All Republicans should favor a thorough investigation of Trump's finances to prove his innocence.
You need to realize his taxes are with the tax professionals at the IRS. If there is anything wrong, they are the ones who can give fines as well as even recommend a criminal trial.
So, President Donald Trump's tax returns are with the agency in the government responsible for investigating such things.
The title of this thread asks "Why are we impeaching President Trump". The answer to that question is: Because, among other things, he abused the Authority of the Office of the President of the United States by trying to get a foreign leader to investigate the son of a political rival, a year before a general election.
Whether you believe Trump abused the authority of the office or not is irrelevant to the fact that that, among other things, is the reason he is being impeached.
Regardless, again Biden legitimately pushed Ukraine to get better at dealing with corruption. What he didn't do was ask the Ukrainian president to investigate Mitt Romney's son a year before the general election. Can you see the difference?
They have no intention of impeaching him. The whole thing was contrived to make false accusations exactly like what they did on Russian collusion but they didn’t count on Trump releasing the transcript of the phone call. That proved everything they were saying before was lies and everything since is lies. But they were already in it up to their necks so the Democrats are stuck with having to play a losing hand - their bluff has been called and like with collusion they have the media lying to help them along. They will play it out as far as they can get negative media from it on Trump and then they will drop it. There is nothing impeachable here and they know it, and so does every thinking voter. No party of a president, Democrat or Republican, has ever voted in the senate to indict on an impeachment, they know this senate will never do that and after the election the Republicans will own them, the house and the senate will be controlled by the Republicans and with Trump as president for four more years they will mark the end of what has become the Looney left Democratic Party.
Seriously. Why don't they go against Trump for his real crimes? Look at his hair style. And he raised a child following in his footsteps. Look at Don Jr.'s hair style.
Impeach him for poor taste. Then remove Baron from his care. It's probably too late, but what the heck.
Those are crimes against humanity.
The answer, because he's a crook who lies to the American public on a daily basis. Of course, his supporters love him for it...
I'm sure we can agree the Democrats have wanted to impeach President Donald Trump since he was elected. I think shortly after he took office they began their first moves for impeachment. It has become an obsession with them. This impeachment is proof of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
The other thing is the Democrats are afraid. They have NO candidates who will defeat President Donald Trump in 2020. This is an example of their desperation. All they have to try and win in 2020 are lies, hoaxes, and false accusations. Democrat Congressman Al Green said if they don't impeach President Donald Trump he will probably win in 2020. He knows it.
They couldn't look more sad.
Yup! They have no other strategy but to lie. Trump is messing up the apple cart and is going for the jugular: the central banking system. This is bigger than just the USA. Schiff, Pelosi, Nadler, and the other politicians ae just pawns being used by the real power brokers behind the scenes.
Just wondering, but after 8 years of Republican obstructionism under Obama, what exactly did anyone expect from Democrats.
This back-and-forth vitriol is just going to go on for awhile and probably get worse.
The Republican level of obstructionism did not rise to eight years of trying to delegitimize his presidency by trying to impeach Obama. The Democrats need to come to this conclusion: Trump won fair and square. However, this won't happen. He poses too great a threat to their political and world view. They will oppose him throughout his four or eight years.
Yeah right, Obama was prevented from appointing a Supreme Court justice. Who obstructed that?
I hate to mention this but a president does not appoint a Supreme Court justice. He can recommend a candidate and the Senate can choose whether or not to take up a vote on it. The Republicans were well within their rights to not take up a vote. If Obama wanted to appoint someone to the Supreme Court, he should have had a party that could have taken control of the Senate. Sorry, these are the facts.
What was done to Obama by McConnell and the GOP dominated Senate, was done over several months and was unwarranted and unprecedented. So, don't get upset if Democrats reciprocate and most certainly, we will.
Yet, that Republican senate showed a level respect and professionalism when they confirmed justice Sotomayer and Kagan, even though they totally disagreed with their progressive view of the Constitution. They did not treat Kavanaugh with such respect. They flat out lied and totally destroyed his reputation through character assassination. We have entered a very dangerous phase in the life of our republic. They are lying now in regards to this recent impeachment fiasco. I worry for our kids.
Kavanaugh is a sniveling crybaby who should not be near a seat on the SCOTUS. The investigation was a farce as many of those who called in to be interviewed were never contacted.
They? Don't you mean all of the women who said he was a sexual predator? Including people who confirmed their testimony?
Unfortunately not a single person confirmed the claim by Ford.
The Senate and the FBI didn't interview Ford's four corroborating witnesses.
Deborah Ramirez had 25 witnesses that the FBI didn't interview.
https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics … on-hearing
https://time.com/5677929/new-york-times … isconduct/
Welcome, Minstrel, as I have not heard from you before.
The GOP actually impeach d Clinton simply over his choice of bedmates.
Yes Trump and the rightwingers are always opposed to the point of view of the Left including myself. But do not progressive candidates and viewpoints have the same effect on the conservative/ Rightwinger
The stubborn GOP congress and its obstructionism derail d much of the Obama agenda. Do you not think that the same would not happen to Trump and his rightwing followers?
You're right. A mad dash to impeach without a recognizable crime is easily to duplicate election to election.
I see the House as attacking and attempting to minimize the power constitutionally given to another branch of government.
Using the power of the presidency to investigate a political rival is an easily identifiable crime to those who aren't half blind with loyalty to the cretin.
He violated his oath of office again today by admitting he wanted China to investigate Biden. He may be the first POTUS to write his own articles of Impeachment, complete with video clips of his own words.
Why no rush to prosecute Obama? I've ceased to be amazed at the bias and blinders.
Obama got away with his many scandals. There is nothing to be done about it now. I say let it go, there is nothing good that can come from it.
Why should you let it go though? If someone did something wrong, they deserve to be dealt with as the law sees fit. Obama, Trump whoever. But saying one guy should get away with it because someone else got away with it shows how wise a person truly is.
False equivalence.
I don't recall reading anything about Obama illegally bribing and pressuring other countries to destroy his political rivals.
What scandals? Where have YOU been? Seriously, do you see how the media has hidden these things from you. Geeze. This is a short list.
"Here’s a list of nine controversies that Obama didn’t mention at the Democratic fundraiser, but that nevertheless leave many unanswered questions."
https://www.dailysignal.com/2016/10/24/ … -scandals/
;Ha! got a link to a reputable site, one not from the rightwing Heritage Foundation?
Yes, the brazen biasness is shocking when it comes to what the main stream media decides to report on. Nothing on the suspicious dealings between the Bidens and Ukraine. If anything, it's worth investigating. There is more factual proof that they committed crimes than the 'hearsay' stuff Pelosi and the other power hungry Democrats are using to fuel their fake impeachment proceedings.
It looks like the death of the Democratic party, and that is the best looking thing I've ver seen.
Both parties have been losing members at the same pace for many years.
https://news.gallup.com/poll/15370/part … ation.aspx
Thanks for the updates on the impeachment. It's clearer and more succinct than Fox and CNN combined.
Now, I can go back to my life, get productive, and have fun.
"Why are we Impeaching President Trump? Am I Missing Something Here?"
It's called politics.
The Republicans tried to impeach Clinton, just because he lied about getting a BJ.
It's now the Democrats turn. And it does appear Trump lied about much more important things.
Time will tell. I'm already stocking up on the popcorn.
I guess the Democrats are going to end the impeachment proceedings.
It seems the high-ranking Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now bored with the impeachment proceedings and is over it.
"Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., NY) told supporters during a town hall in Queens on Thursday that impeachment proceedings against President Trump were “boring” and distracted from the goal of “social and economic and racial justice in the United States of America.”
https://www.nationalreview.com/news/aoc … s-over-it/
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