Biden -- What Has He Done And What Can He Offer America?

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  1. Sharlee01 profile image85
    Sharlee01posted 4 years ago
    I have watched the DNC convention all week --- I have heard lots of what Trump has done to destroy America, and how he single-handedly kill hundred of thousand American's due to his handling of COVID. I have heard lot's about the presidents' lack of empath, as well as his flawed character... The convention, in my opinion, is a celebration, a week to bash President Trump in a telethon like a forum. It's been eye-opening, really got me considering the question, what does Biden really have to offer America as president?

    What I have not heard during the convention is what Joe Biden has offered America in his 30 some years in Government or actually what he hopes to offer America if he should win in 2020. I have heard he is thought to have all Trump is lacking in regards to his character. I heard nothing of Joe Biden's accolades. This leads me to believe he has little in his history to make me believe he has the potential to represent America as President. Does he have anything he can offer in the way of accolades?

    The election is just around the corner, is it not time for us to consider what Joe has done in Washington over his many years?  Is it not time to really take time to consider what he could offer us as our President?

    We have all hear him claim he will increase taxes, and offer citizenship of 11 million illegal immigrants. He seems to embrace many things that on the surface would be pretty devastating to the country right out of the gate.

    Let's consider Joe Biden's record, and what he can realistically offer the country. Let's look past the DNC's convention which offered lot's of speeches given by speakers that really said little to nothing about Joe's record in Washington or what his current agenda can offer us...So, my question ---

    What has Biden been done in his 30 years in Washington? What bills has he passed, and what bills has he supported?  Just what did he accomplish?

    What can Joe Biden offer America at this point in our history? What is his agenda?

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
      Kathryn L Hillposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      You know, Sharlee01, it seems he is not the one. It seems that, Biden/Harris = Sanders/Cortez.
      And Cortez blatantly admitted it, during that minute she was featured.

      What are their policies? It's not about the past anymore with them.
      It matters not that Biden and Harris stand for nothing and have accomplished little. What matters, is that they are easily swayed
      ... swayed toward THEIR, (Sanders/Cortez, Pelosi, et all,) policies.
      They surely will ALL be in the Oval Office having oval-table meetings, if Biden is elected.

      And he'll be saying, "Okay, Guys, Okay!"

      "Sounds Good, Man!"

      "Yep, Great!"

      1. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, AOC pretty much did give her base the message she would be one of the puppet masters. The entire convention gave little of what Biden's policy would be. This did not shock me, the Dems have made it very clear they are just out to rid the US of Trump. There is nothing else for them to run on, and yes either Biden or Harris have any real accomplishments to brag about.

        I knew when I posted this thread few would post. I have come to the conclusion, those that lean left well realizes they are voting not for a president but a partially warm body to beat Trump.

        I had hoped this would open a discussion in regard to the election. I was interested --- What has Biden been done in his 30 years in Washington? What bills has he passed, and what bills has he supported?  Just what did he accomplish?

        What can Joe Biden offer America at this point in our history? What is his agenda?

        It would seem a valid subject due to our pending election.  I guess I got my answer, by lack of comments. He has pretty much just been warming a chair for years in Washington.  What a sad place our society has arrived at...

        1. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 4 years agoin reply to this


          I am not afraid "to post". Yes, this is a referendum on Donald Trump.

          The candidates that I did not prefer amongst those running for the Democratic nomination got the brass ring. But, I will live with them in preference to President Trump whom in so many ways, for me anyway, is a disappointment.

          But that applies to the GOP as a whole anyway.  He just reminded me why I distrust and consistently vote against Republicans.

          The same questions were asked of Obama, Bush, Clinton etc, regarding backgrounds and accomplishment. The only thing Donald Trump gets accolades for Is enriching and preserving himself at the expense of others.  I cannot lower the bar any further when comparing him with anyone.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image85
            Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

            I can assure you I was not pointing the finger your way. I more than realize you never shy away from a political conversation. As I have said in the past, I respect that, and more than appreciate it. I  am pleased to see you do admit that this is a  referendum on Donald Trump.

            I disagree in regards to what he has provided America. I have listed the many wonderful things he has provided American's.

            I was thinking of adding a thread on his most important accomplishments, and how these accomplishments are providing many American's with better lives. After all, this is a Presidential election year. And I would hope we could buck up and discuss the candidates. Would seem the lights are out in this forum. Seem some have been "canceled out", and have no problem being canceled out. Hey, we are still here, if even a candle is all the light we have.LOL

            You have only pointed out his character flaws, his words. You seem to not be open to how he problem solves.  This is curious, but your right. It well appears you are willing to hold your nose and vote. When I did this very same with Trump --- I voted for an agenda. Biden, has no agenda, does this not scare you a just a bit? In my view the Dem's have become very scary, they did not speak of any policy during their convention, only their dislike for Trump.  They are sticking with the playbook. Keep the bashing, the words flowing, and just hope it pulls them over the line on Nov 3.

            They seem sure of the vote, without offering anything of substance to grasp on to. Actually, if Biden wins and you find yourself very disappointed, I will give kudos to the Dems, they made no promises. They can offer up "we got rid of Trump"...

            I want to keep moving forward, not backward or just off the rails...

            1. Credence2 profile image80
              Credence2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

              "I can assure you I was not pointing the finger your way. I more than realize you never shy away from a political conversation. As I have said in the past, I respect that, and more than appreciate it. I  am pleased to see you do admit that this is a  referendum on Donald Trump."

              Thanks, I had this feeling that you would respect no less.

              There still is enough light to see where we are going.

              I am voting for an agenda as well, to avoid the country and culture's drift further to the right. It is not about Trump, solely, but about Republicans and Conservatives in general on a much broader scale.

              How many Republicans who dislike Trump vote for him anyway for the same reason, troubled by Democrats and the philosophy of the left, they too, pinch their noses. He is hardly their best representative simply in his lack of finesse and attracting unwanted attention.

              Trump and the Right are distinctly going in one direction while my objectives move in the other. While Biden and Harris are not necessarily moving in my direction with the speed and determination that I would prefer, at least they are not going the other way.

              Those are fundamental principles of governance and societal goals that are not subject to excessive moderating from my position. I am already disappointed, from a multitude of policy stances both domestic and foreign regarding the administration and the very philosophy of the Republican Party.

              I do not ignore the fact of the samples of positive things you say that Trump has done in my interest.  It just seems like he is unraveling traditional supports and buttresses from the opposite end, at the same time.

              1. wilderness profile image88
                wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                "I am voting for an agenda as well, to avoid the country and culture's drift further to the right."

                LOL  There is no "drift further to the right"; the only question is how fast we will speed to the left.  One has only to look at the last 50 years and compare what was "left" then to what is "right" now; they are virtually the same.  We continue to "progress" towards socialism (or perhaps Marxism) with nearly every move we make.  Government gets bigger every year, more and more people draw a paycheck from the tax rolls and we exert more and more control over how people and business shall behave.  This is the mantra from the left, not the right.

                1. Credence2 profile image80
                  Credence2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  Interesting perspective and you have a right to it. However, many of the things you fear is no problem for me and I see as unduly alarmist.

                  Your rights end where my nose begins, everybody is accountable and responsible, in a modern society can we expect anything less?

                  Government is growing from several directions beyond just people living of the tax rolls as you claim.

                  50 years ago, the differences between Right and left were no where near as stark as evidenced by less partisan disagreement in Congress.

                  But which opinion will be the one that will dominate in November is what we are waiting for, and the one with which we all agree to abide.

                  Trump and the Republicans are certainly not the solution, in any case, IMHO.

    2. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      No one yet has even approached answering my questions... Come on we are about to vote for who will be the next president. Does the agenda or what the candidate has done while in Washington mean nothing?

      Out history shows, presidential candidates put forth an agenda, and we have a good look at their achievements. I must ask does Biden have no achievements or an agenda?

      This is a political forum, let's get down to politics! The good, bad, and ugly.

      What has Biden been done in his 30 years in Washington? What bills has he passed, and what bills has he supported?  Just what did he accomplish?

      My questions--- What can Joe Biden offer America at this point in our history? What is his agenda?

      1. GA Anderson profile image82
        GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Perhaps your approach should be for you to be more specific about what you think of Biden's accomplishments and agenda, than to ask others to offer up points to be discussed.

        His presidential agenda is readily available on his campaign website, so your "What is his agenda?" question seems essentially a baited trap for any offered answers. Take a look at his agenda and discuss a specific part of it. I think that would spur a better conversation.

        Do the same for his accomplishments. I bet his government website lists his credentials. Pick one, (or some), for specific discussions. (I am too lazy to do this work)

        For instance; his Violence Against Women Act of 1993 is listed as a major accomplishment. What do you think about that one as an accomplishment?

        As for his agenda, you could start with his first listed priority: JOBS AND ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN FOR WORKING FAMILIES. Finding the specifics might be a challenge, but I bet it would make for a good conversation.


        1. Sharlee01 profile image85
          Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          I can assure you I have combed over Biden's website thoroughly. Each and every policy is laid out with "I will be doing this"... But no real information on how he would accomplish, pay for, or solve any problem... 

          In my view, you are making an assumption that I set forth to bait... I was careful when composing my comment not to be overly biased, and my questions were simple and straight forward.

          "The election is just around the corner, is it not time for us to consider what Joe has done in Washington over his many?  Is it not time to really take time to consider what he could offer us as our President?"

          You pointed out a very positive accomplishment Bidens Violence Against Women Act of 1993. 

          Good start for many of us to learn about a bill Biden sponsored that really did go to solve many problems for women that were subjected to

          Hopefully, others will provide some positive accomplishments Biden did in his years in Washington. I am aware of his negatives, was looking for positives.

            I have certainly posted straight forward threads that questioned Biden's cognitive abilities, and his history of racial remarks, and so on...  However, these questions were to give us all a chance to have a look at Biden's Job History.  And you have added a positive, accomplishment. Hopefully, others will join in and add a few other positive accomplishments.

          My comment was born due to the DNC convention. Just noted very little was said about Joe's time in Washington, --- lot's " I worked with Joe he's a wonderful guy remark's". But, little on what he accomplished over his years in Washington. (I did not watch every minute, maybe I missed something?)

          The convention got me curious as to why so little was said about his accomplishments, his time in Washington.

          It's apparent my comment did not draw any interest, and that should tell me something. One, it was taken out of context or two, it takes to long to research Joe's history. Just too much effort, and not really relevant in choosing a President.

          This comment was about the DNC convention and Biden period... If I wanted to compare Trump against Biden, I would have come out shooting...  Pease have another look at my original comment.

          1. GA Anderson profile image82
            GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Well, yeah, you got me. I did perceive your comment, (the one I responded to), as bait. But, that perception was based on my perception that you do do your homework before posting. Perhaps if your questions had been posed as challenging statements, (because you had looked for the answers), I wouldn't have misunderstood your intent.

            Ironically, that Violence Against Women Act was the only significant Biden legislation I found—in a quick search. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe his accomplishments as a representative for his constituents and his committee chairs matter too???

            You are right about a lack of agenda details, (which I also noted). I found plenty of broad-brush ideas, but very few details. However, as far as an agenda for election goes, I think broad-brush is enough. It tells us what the plan is. Do we need the specifics? (that didn't work out well for "I have a plan" Warren)


            1. Sharlee01 profile image85
              Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

              My true intent was to open a conversation about Joe Biden, and what he has been doing the past 40 some years. He is a candidate for president of the United States, and it well appears he is not openly campaigning. The DNC convention offered little of his history in Washington or actually in my opinion what he can offer to the country.

              I would assume the Democratic party felt the Celebrity packed convention could gloss over what was not presented.  Where we come out dazzled, and full of invisible popcorn. The party platform was clearly touched on putting forth the clear path of liberalism they hope to travel.

              My post was meant to open a clear conversation on Joe's political history.

              I will add to the list of bills he worked on, and I might add he has many bills he worked to get enacted, most moderate, and many meaningful.

              The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, H.R. 3355
     … cement_Act     Was sponsored by  U.S. Representative Jack Brooks of Texas. Senator Joe Biden drafted the Senate version of the legislation in cooperation with the National Association of Police Organizations.

              "One of the most noted sections was the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Other parts of the Act provided for a greatly expanded federal death penalty, new classes of individuals banned from possessing firearms, and a variety of new crimes defined in statutes relating to immigration law, hate crimes, sex crimes, and gang-related crime"
     … /3355/text

              Choosing a president has certainly changed over the years... No more considering what the person can offer, what have they offered in the past. Just words that really don't provide us with much.

      2. Live to Learn profile image59
        Live to Learnposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Joe Biden's agenda? He wants to be president. That's all. He'll say whatever it takes to get into office and the left will ignore his history of racism, support for neoliberal policies that have crippled us economically, and his contributions to enact the legislation which incarcerated an entire generation of black males, because to do so supports the DNC agenda.

        The democratic party's agenda? They want Trump out. That's it. It's the only thing they agree on and they will pretend they care about anyone and any cause to drum up support. Pretend is the key word there.

        Let's all be honest. That is all there is to it. Polls show the vast majority stating they are leaning toward Biden show it is just because they don't like Trump and the powers that be are doing everything they can to cash in on that. Hardly any are bought in to Biden's platform. For all of the nastiness last cycle toward those who voted Trump because they didn't want Hillary in office, disdain for Trump is the primary reason anyone may vote Biden.

        I get dislike for a candidate but with the entire field they had to choose from Joe Biden was the most disgusting and out of step candidate available. He is a slap in the face to so many demographics in the rank and file I find his nomination as their candidate to be a travesty of major proportions.

    3. Miebakagh57 profile image73
      Miebakagh57posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      The question actually should have been: "What is Joe Biden?"

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
        Kathryn L Hillposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        ... a front man for Sanders? Pelosi is third in line to the throne if anything should happen to the first king and then queen.
        Biden is a passing fancy.
        Then, it will be Queen Nancy.
        Maybe it already is ... or whoever is driving her.

      2. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

        He is somewhat of an enigma. A man that sits in a basement, puts on a little blue blaze now and then and tapes a few words. He takes very few questions, and those are screened, and most likely he is given a script on what he should say.

        While we are all out, back to our pre-COVID lives Joe sites in a Basement as if we are still under lockdown. It makes me wonder, when will he come upstairs? His basement is in Delaware one of the states that had so few COVID infections and so very few deaths. Yet he hides...
        Coronavirus Cases: from the very first infection

        1. IslandBites profile image92
          IslandBitesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          "While we are all out, back to our pre-COVID lives"



          1. Sharlee01 profile image85
            Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

            I can only speak for myself, and where I live. We have pretty much returned to normal. We are continuing to wear masks and distance. But are back mostly to normal in my community. Perhaps I should have been more clear. We are back to our normal lives with some added percussions. But have gone on with our lives best we can.

            I made all attempts to live normally under the virus mitigations. Offered my time at two local hospitals, and continued to work in a city food bank which I did prior to COVID. I guess I shared my perspective of normal. I never found myself locked in.

            Glad you found it amusing, in my view your comment indicates COVID may have made you feel you feel trapped by restrictions instead of using the given mitigations and moving back to a more normal life. Maybe time to consider moving on, and do the best in a very bad situation to bring normalcy back into your life.

            At any rate, to each their own, we are all unique human beings, and perceive things differently. I feel my life is almost back to Pre-COVID. I can see I was not explicit in my remark.

            Hopefully, I did make my point Biden certainly can come out of his basement, as so many are out doing their jobs, and trying to resume their lives.

    4. Abby Slutsky profile image94
      Abby Slutskyposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      The media thought Deomocrats would win before. I don't think it is a slam dunk for anyone. The problem is most people are not open enough to view all sides before making an informed decision. I am proud to have watched both conventions.  Selective media coverage should not be making our decisions.  Perhaps, many voters don't want to have to make a choice by being confronted with the facts instead of the media's opinion.

      1. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

        We seem to be of the same mindset. I too watched both conventions have really researched bot candidate's records (while in Washington). I looked for solid facts, and I am still am doing research.  I do agree it does appear many citizens don't care to look for facts or in some cases even consider them. What I find amazing, many facts are right at our fingertips. All one has to do is be brave enough to look...

  2. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 4 years ago

    Will he be able to put his hand on the Bible and swear the oath of office and then live up to it?
    I wonder.

    I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

  3. emge profile image80
    emgeposted 4 years ago

    America is like an oiled machine and it keeps running who ever is at the helm. I don't think Joe Biden will be able to contribute much but that may not affect America too much.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Good point.  What is really good our President has 4 years, and then we can love them or move them out.


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