Biden vs. Trump

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  1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
    Miebakagh57posted 3 years ago

    in the next presidential election, it is always Biden vs. Trump.        Who are you likely to vote for, and why? Bide or Trump, who do you thing is likely to win?

    1. Sharlee01 profile image89
      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I am voting for trump. More than satisfied in his first term. I think he will win, I put my trust in the American people.

      1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
        Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        I like your comment.

    2. Ken Burgess profile image74
      Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I think it is in every voter's best interests to look beyond just Biden and Trump and how they speak or what they promise.

      What has Trump done, what is he likely to do?

      He is taking on China, which is a necessity.  He is creating a "NATO" alliance between democracies near China to ensure China does not begin to force its will upon other nations through force.

      He renegotiated NAFTA, and trade agreements with Germany and the UK.

      He allowed States to handle the Covid crisis, and the "protests", rather than forcing Federal control or authority.

      He hasn't started any new wars despite multiple hostile acts by the likes of North Korea, Iran, and Syrian rebels.

      I don't judge him by what people say he will do, and I don't even judge him by what he says, which can oftentimes be conflicting with previous statements.  I go by what he does.

      And 45+years DC politician Biden?

      With Biden its more complicated because I think he is little more than a front man, a puppet, he doesn't have the mental tenacity or physical endurance for the job of POTUS.

      But judging by his past, and his present supporters (Podesta is running the campaign, just like he ran Clintons in 2016) there is no difference between him, and Clinton.

      Its the Old-Guard, the corrupt cronies trying to regain full control of DC.

      That doesn't really work for me, if the choices are four more years of Trump, or letting the people who have been selling out Americans for the last 30 years get back in control... I'll take Trump.

      1. Sharlee01 profile image89
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Ditto... I am going to can this response and use all of your point when canvassing.

      2. Miebakagh57 profile image69
        Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Well Ken, open sesane apart, you argue to the balance.                 But then you veer off summarily, to the left and right of the fulcrum.  Again, in your last paragraph, you pick Trump.                                       If language mean anything and it does, definitely were you voting for Trump? Or am I "fake news"?

  2. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
    Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years ago

    So many lies are being told about poor President Trump. He is working tirelessly and constantly, at the peril of his own health. He is taking no money as far a what he is entitled to as President. Liberals continuously parrot that he is working only for his own interests.

    Yes. His interest in seeing America thrive. His interest in maintaining what has always made America successful and beneficial for its citizens and the world.

    He has always been interested in individual success. Like Alexander Hamilton, it is his MISSION to enable the individual to survive, thrive and succeed to his best potential.

    Who wants to live in poverty and continual self-denial as one does when forced to live in socialism?  George Washington and Alexander Hamilton worked together to give American citizens the best of what life has to offer, including the natural rights of man. We are born in freedom and this freedom is the only condition in which man will thrive.

    Socialism, where the power is given to the government for the sake of all, denies freedom to the individual. Communism denies freedom. High taxes deny freedom. The sixteenth amendment was passed two days before Christmas when the everyone was already on vacation. It never should have passed.
    Thanks for nothing.

    Same with the Federal Reserve. The founders knew the power of money and rejected the notion of a national bank. The check on the government's power included no national bank. Check Madison's writings in the Federalist papers about this topic.

    Biden refused to implicate China just today. He blamed Trump for all America's problems as far as the corona virus and the economy.
    How dare he? He is an actor ... shoulda been in show biz.
    Well if he is elected, he will be.
    For sure.

    P.S.  It CANNOT happen!

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
      Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      P. S. S. The movie starting Joe Biden will be a truly unrelenting horror movie, which we will never get out of.

      Woe to those who don't like horror movies, which I, for one, do not.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
        Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Apparently, Antifa, anarchists and BLM supporters do.
        They're already in it. Observe the media and all the cameras trained on these horrendous events.

        Mayhem and Increasing Murder. (Good title)
        Grab some popcorn: it's the movies.

        I hope Trump will be re-elected and bring us back into the light of reality and out of the dark movie theater.

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
          Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          While here again. Who are you going to vote for? Trump?

    2. Sharlee01 profile image89
      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I agree...

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
        Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        I wish I could hide until after the election, (turn off the TV, stay off the computer: put them both in storage.) However, I've heard that there may be a landslide for Trump ... until the mail-in votes trickle in ... then ...
        civil war??????
        - will this horror show ever end?

        1. Sharlee01 profile image89
          Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I also wish I could hide... I think one way or the other we will see a contested election. And it will be due to most likely due to mail-in ballots coming in days after the election. Hopefully, it does not get both sides up in arms.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
            Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            ...  we all do, probably!  Well, all peace-loving people.

            Nevertheless, how do we fight, is the question,
            if justice is to be fought for?

            I do agree this election should be put off.
            Everything else is!




    3. Miebakagh57 profile image69
      Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the brief. But who would you vote for, Biden or Trump? And who do you think would win?

  3. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
    Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years ago

    I am going to vote for the re-election of Donald Trump. I thought it was obvious.

    1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
      Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Obvious? Then, I'll bet. But beting is indecisive.                               Trump had the BEST for AMERICA FIRST.                                            He was not PUPET which God cannot take hold of.                                                                       With these in mind and many other positive done(s), Trump is winner.

  4. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
    Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years ago

    I will most likely be accused of being in a cult, as I have already been accused of on fb.

  5. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
    Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years ago

    Where are the Biden supporters, I wonder.
    It's so quiet, all of the sudden.

    1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
      Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Wondering too. Not a single Biden supporter here has speak up.

      1. Credence2 profile image80
        Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        I speak up and I say BIDEN can be my only choice based on the ideology and direction of the "other" party and the loathsome nature of the man currently sitting as president.

        As far as I am concerned within the current political climate, Biden is simply the lesser of two evils.

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
          Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Welcome on board. The  D-Day is coming on and will soon be. Presidents come and go. Trump is sure he'll win.             How confident is Biden?

          1. Credence2 profile image80
            Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Trump was "certain" that the Coronavirus was not going to be a problem last January. His being certain and not certain about anything is always unhinged from the reality.

            Biden needs to provide more compelling reasons why electorate should vote for him beyond their shared dislike of Donald Trump.

            1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
              Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Damn it! Damn it!                                     I'm not talking to or asking either Biden or Trump a question.                                         Credence it's you. Now would you seriously tell how confident Biden is as regard winning the election? You own us that duty, right?

              1. Credence2 profile image80
                Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                I don't know about any "duty", but Biden wouldn't be running if he did not believe he could win. And in this political climate, that is a great possibility.

                1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
                  Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Agreed. But it infer you're not voting on election day.                                                      If I were you I would exercise my franchise, instead of being a neutral gear. I think you understand.

                  1. Credence2 profile image80
                    Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Where did you get the impression that I was not going to cast a ballot? Have you read anything that I have posted? No one would believe that I would dare sit this one out.

                2. Miebakagh57 profile image69
                  Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Great possibility? Not likely or highly?                                        Given the fact that Biden and his son were in the bad book of taking money from China?                                        Trump certain of the pandemic going away would not make him win. Filling the empty pockets of the working class is more of his focus prior to the virus out break?

            2. Sharlee01 profile image89
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              In Jan, Trump was informed by Dr. Fauci, CDC, and WHO that there was a low probability that the virus would pose a problem in America. Once again here is one of the press conferences where the CDC, as well as Fauci, made the statement. These facts matter, and should not be drowned out by mistruths. Trump was reacting to what he was learned from the "Scientist and Physicians on the taskforce. Read this transcript and learn the facts on what Trump knew in Jan.
     … ask-force/

              And yes Biden needs to talk about what he has to offer, not just bash trump, and have screened questions any time he speaks. he also needs to realize much of what he claims he would do in regards to the Virus was done long ago... It appears he says anything he is told to say and becomes confused about the truth. Here is a youtube that shows a woman out and out admitting she was given a question to read by BLM to Biden...  This black woman was given a question to ask Biden --- She said she would not read it. She opted to give her honest opinion, well-spoken words, poured her heart out. He was flustered, gave no response to her heartfelt speech. He was lost to even respond on his own. She was shocked that she was asked to ask a pre-written question.

              one can find the truth on CSpan

    2. Sharlee01 profile image89
      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      It would seem some are no longer visiting the forum. Perhaps many have become tired of the back and forth. This is a political forum after all, is it not?

      At times our conversations became heated, as one would expect. However, it is apparent many have for their own reasons to just stay away from the forum.

      It seems with the election coming up we all would have things to discuss. After all, this is a political forum, not a coffee clatch.

      I canvas for the Republican party, so I get plenty of back and forth... LOL

      I have picked up this past week that many are angry about the ongoing riots and angry about the economy not being fully open here in Michigan. At this point in my neighborhood, many are wary about our Gov and want to open everything...

      Many feeling the Dems are using the Virus as the number one ploy to gain votes. In my neck of the woods, this has backfired.

      One of my questions id --- Do you think we could get our economy here in Mich open 100% if we continue to follow some safety mitigations?  99.9% answer yes...

      So, when it comes to Biden Vs Trump. I predict in Michigan Trump will take the state. Just little old me making this prediction... But, I have talked to tons of people.

      They want their economy back number one, and the riots to stop. They want good old law and order.

      1. Credence2 profile image80
        Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        "So, when it comes to Biden Vs Trump. I predict in Michigan Trump will take the state. Just little old me making this prediction... But, I have talked to tons of people."
        Sharlee, I wouldn't count my chickens.....

        I can't speak for Michigan, but here in Florida Trump is going to have a harder time then he did in 2016 and he barely won then. If he loses Florida, he is done as it is a rich prize of electoral votes.

        Arizona may may flip Blue in this election cycle, that is another 11 electoral votes. If Biden can hang on to two of the battleground states in the upper Midwest, Minnesota and Wisconsin, it will be over for Mr. Trump.

        1. Sharlee01 profile image89
          Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I never count my chickens.  I can only really give an opinion on my little world. A Dem community that turned in 2016, and remain happy with Trump. Mostly on his economy. Many just feeling it is coming back better than they thought. People get spoiled and want prosperity to keep rolling.

          Can't say a word about Florida, very hard to predict. Lots of Jewish people on the south coast, and I would have to think they love the tax breaks and the Isreal/ UAE peace agreement, after 70 years the US recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. I think it will be very close in Florida. Not sure where Biden could get to much play there.

          They have had two good Republican Gov in a row, and two great Republican senators in Scott, and Rubio.

          This will be a very exciting election It should give us all a look at not only what American's feel is important in a president, but it will offer a view into our society's wishes on what path they desire.= to travel.

          1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
            Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            President Trump recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is a significant plus to his re-election. This is one of his many "done."                                        Apart from that Trump has a large base bigger than Florida. He's so sure of that and his re-election.                                                Election day is around the corner. Happy voting.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image89
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Yes, the UAE peace agreement and the US recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is a very big accomplishment for President Trump. It shows his problem-solving With respect to past presidents that were not unwilling to step up to do the right thing. I would think the Jewish community will give credit where it is due and cast their votes for Trump. Deeds are always more weighty than empty words.

              1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
                Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                This has expand his vnting base not just in America.                                              Jewish-American any where in the world are casting votes for Trump!

                1. Sharlee01 profile image89
                  Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Yes, I would think President Trump should get credit when it's due. As I am sure many Jewish people are pleased with his initiative to bring about the Peace agreement.

  6. Nikki Avail profile image83
    Nikki Availposted 3 years ago

    I would rather not vote for either of them. If one must win I believe it needs to be Biden. At least he can be controlled. Trump is a terrible individual morally and otherwise. He says whatever he thinks will get him the most attention and most of it being misinformation he uses to try and sway his supporters into a further extreme mindset. He has lied to the public out right, disrespected his position, abused authority, waged war on the citizens, and the list goes on. Those who still support Trump don't do so because he is some great person. It's because he doesn't challenge them to be better people.

    1. Ken Burgess profile image74
      Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I have been as active in these forums "debating" this matter as anyone.

      I have to say, this is probably the most compelling post I have seen in favor of voting for Biden.

      "At least he can be controlled."

      I know what you meant by that, and I have to agree that it has merit, in the way that it was meant.

      My concern, is what else one can infer from it, as in who really controls him, and so many others of the 'Old Guard' that have held control of the Democratic Party for decades now.  Answering to corporations and banks rather than the people, selling out their interests to the highest bidder.

      Many who support Trump do so, because they want to break through the system of corruption that has taken control of Congress and DC at large.

      Many are willing to suffer the insufferable one, because he is the only tool they have to wield against the cabal of politicians that long ago sold out the American people for their own power and privilege.

      1. Nikki Avail profile image83
        Nikki Availposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        I can understand that. When I mention control, I mean he (Biden) is worried about his reputation among the people. Whereas Trump's narcissistic mindset does not allow him to see his own faults against the American citizens which I believe makes Trump a greater threat to those citizens. Politicians on both sides have been selling out to the highest bidder. That has always been the name of the game. Those who control the money, control those in control. Trump is morally unfit to govern people. He tweets like a high school bully all over social media ignoring important issues at hand for his own reputation. Trump also makes money outside of politics. He can afford to appeal to the few specific groups he wants to appeal to. Such as those he believes will keep him in a powerful position. Biden's position and income relies on the citizens specifically keeping him in his position. Therefore, he has more of an obligation to bend to the will of the public rather his own devices.

        1. Ken Burgess profile image74
          Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Again, good analysis, I can't argue against your view on Trump its pretty accurate.

          But Biden not so much, at his age he is not concerned about his reputation with the people, he is 100% puppet for the people pulling his strings.

          While I prefer to depend on the AP, WSJ & Reuters for confirmation of news, I often find in depth 'speculation' based on factual evidence (not unnamed sources) helps me get to the heart of matters.

          In example:
 … eep-state/

          Joe Biden spent a lot of years in DC, he was selected by people pulling strings, not by the people voting.  One minute Sanders was winning primaries and Biden was near the bottom, the next minute everyone was dropping out of the race and endorsing Biden.

          Biden is a return back to what led us to a Trump Presidency.

          But I do recognize that 4 more years of Trump could ultimately do more harm than good to the country.  Its a gamble... a Trump win should get Biden, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, and all the rest of the 'old guard' swept out, so that new voices and real representation can take control of the Democrats.

          A 2020 Trump win would likely mean a landslide for Democrats in 2022 and control of both the House and Senate.  Which in turn should lead to a real Candidate of Change leading the Democratic Party in 2024.

          I think a Biden win leads to everyone being unhappy... the Progressives will not get much more than lip service for four years and be held in check... the Conservatives will have a great chance of retaking the White House in 2024 from a foppish Biden who will be in his 80s.

          Its basically a no-win situation... Biden is just a stooge for the cronies that have had control of DC for decades now... a Trump win means we have a government that will be completely grid-locked after 2022 mid-terms, and four more years of Trump tweeting.

  7. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
    Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years ago

    Is Trump kind of an old school democrat in some ways?

    1. Nikki Avail profile image83
      Nikki Availposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I can agree with that. I do believe the political parties have shifted views overs the years compared to when they started.

  8. Readmikenow profile image93
    Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

    Well, after reading the posts on this thread I've come to one conclusion.  The Conservatives are going to vote for President Donald Trump and the liberals are going to vote for biden.  Nobody has changed anybody's mind on anything.  As it is with many threads.  So, we shall see what happens.  I know my Democrat friends are struggling with biden as their choice.  My Conservative friends are more than happy with President Donald Trump.  So, as I said, we shall see.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image89
      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I agree Biden came to Michigan yesterday. At the location, he spoke many Trump supporters met him, most over 60... LOL  However, he came to a suburb that fliped Dem to Rep in 2016. His campaign must have not got the message.   To make a long story short, only two people showed up with Biden signs. While Trump supporters showed in great numbers to show their support for Trump.

      It's an odd election, I have never witnessed a phnomena where a presidential candidate could not muster up a bit of a crowd when they show up to give a speech.

      It would appear many Dems here in Michigan are having trouble backing Biden.

      1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
        Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        What a odd world!           These few Dems are just wasting they mental energy.                  Better give in to Trump and close gap.

        1. Nikki Avail profile image83
          Nikki Availposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Since there is still a pandemic I feel like a lot of people aren't interested in public gatherings for political purposes. Most are trying to figure out how to feed their family and getting their children an education. I'm very active on social media as it's where I do most of my networking. I follow Trump on several social networks. The amount of people that show they do not support Trump versus those who do seems to be a significant difference. He may have a few hundred to a thousand supporters show out for him while almost 6 times the amount of people if not more will speak on their disdain for him. No one is excited about Biden, they just seem to feel Trump no longer (if ever) is capable of governing the people. My personal biases against Trump are outside of politics. My biases against Biden are more political. I was a Republican forced with a decision to vote with loyalty to my party or for what would be best for the people as a whole. Trump is the reason I had to go Interdependent. He addresses the American people in a divided manner. As if those who do not agree with him are not part of the American people. A leader should be bringing the country together. Not further divide it which will eventually make it's its way to affecting every one of us and our standing among other countries. Regardless of the outcome, as long as people can adapt everything will be just fine.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image74
            Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Well lets consider this.

            Only 22% or less of Americans are using Twitter, and less than half (42%) discuss politics on Twitter.

            Twitter users in the U.S. are more likely than U.S. adults overall to identify as Democrats and less likely to say they are very conservative.

            So Twitter gives a very distorted view of what the American population wants, as it is not balanced.

            Even with that, about half of U.S. adults who follow Donald Trump on Twitter (54%) view him favorably

            I never use Twitter ,I wonder how many are like me, I signed up a decade ago and haven't used it since?

   … d-twitter/

            Meanwhile about 70% of the American population uses Facebook, and the majority there trend 'Conservative"

   … ority.html

            As for Instagram, I have never used it, however 37% of US adults use Instagram and the United States has the most number of Instagram users. 89% of users are outside the US.

            In all cases, people who do not live/vote in America have access to these formats, many of which may slant toward "Socialist" or "Progressive" ideologies and give the impression that more people disprove of Trump than actually do... in terms of voters and where this election will go.

            1. Nikki Avail profile image83
              Nikki Availposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I'm involved with much more than just Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. I venture out to Snapchat where my own views can range up to 10million+ people since I am a creator. My post get views from all over the world because I'm not worried about certain demographics. I also use Twitch and other streaming sites that bring in traffic from all over. While there are people all over the world who use social media, the post that users see are usually those within their own regions unless they venture out themselves. Especially political advertisements on sites such as Facebook. If you only look at a graph and make an assessment based on who uses these sites it might appear social media can give people a false sense of what the American people want. If you are actually involved with the discussions of the American people you can easily see their views versus those of others from different countries. Those in other countries have their own politics to worry about. If you use these social sites in America you would see we don't really get trending post outside our country and vice versa. Facebook shows you post based on post you want to see. That can give individuals the false sense of what is really going on if they only interact with post of a certain mindset. From my experience actually using these sites and seeing for myself the American people's views (you can see where people are posting from and tell the difference between real people and bots.) I don't believe there is an Impression that more people disprove of him than what they do. I feel its a much more accurate representation of what the people as a whole truly feels as it gives them a voice beyond a simple vote. When you try to group people into graphs and numbers rather listen to the people themselves, or actually be involved yourself, that's where distortion comes in.

              1. Ken Burgess profile image74
                Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                But that representation is still only based on the people who participate on those sites.

                Where Facebook accounts for 70% of Americans, Twitter only accounts for about 20% of Americans.

                I defer to you regarding the platforms I did not mention/research.

                I do understand what you are saying in regards to regional participation, and how Facebook (and other sites as well, like Youtube) uses algorithms  to determine what content you are exposed to.  If anything, that helps people stay within a bubble, and not be exposed to the greater body of opinions and facts.

                I think the majority of Trump supporters don't spend time on sites like Twitter, Instagram, etc.

                I have read about Studies that have shown if Trump supporters use social platforms at all, they are typically Facebook and Youtube.

                Also, for many Americans, voicing support for Trump can lead to social platform backlash, there are enough stories out there telling of people that have been fired for stating their support of Trump, that I am sure it keeps a lot of his supporters silent.

       … -president

       … ook-posts/

       … 2018-10-11

                Three examples, three messages that tell people to not support Trump in public, or face ridicule, loss of job, even being stalked and attacked.

                Many people are afraid to show their support for Trump, while others who do support him, don't spend time on social platforms posting about it.

                I am not overly concerned if Trump wins or loses, I have run through the scenarios of things likely to occur if he does lose, and the nation as a whole might be better off for it, at least in the short term.

                A Trump defeat and a weak Biden presidency will likely lead to a shift Right for the country, and Republicans regaining control of Congress.

                Biden, Pelosi and Schumer will lock out the Progressives, once they have regained control of DC.  Once Trump is out of office, getting people to accept their lies, and lack of change, will be harder than ever to sell to the people.

                1. Nikki Avail profile image83
                  Nikki Availposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  When the majority of Americans use these sites combined show they do not care for Trump, but the majority of Trump supporters do not use those sites, wouldn't that alone show the majority of Americans do not care for Trump? Those who have been fired for their support are usually fired because of their actions around their support. Not their support alone. Its easy to look up articles on what people assume people think based on recorded activity, but unless you take the time to actually speak with the people themselves who may not openly always post their views, you are ignoring an entire demographic of people. My job requires me dealing with thousands of different people on a daily basis. Not everyone will speak their opinion unless they feel safe to do so. The fact we have come so low as to people being discriminated against because of their political affiliations shows that the country continues to be even more divided under Trump's administration. My own life has become divided over politics and I usually do my very best to stay out of them. Being personally affected gives you a different perspective on a lot of things. Some people's lives are on the line while other's are merely having to worry about comfort. The trickle down effect of the economy and politics on the majority of others starts to trickle back up affecting businesses and the economy in the long run. Ignoring those in power who are using everyone against one another for their own benefit because it hasn't had a negative effect only prolongs it. I try and look at things from a psychological and business level. I evaluate people and how their quality of life can effect their work and the overall standing economy. People do not like change. Trump will be the downfall of America because he's buying his power and abusing it for himself. He makes it look good for others, but once he falls, those who support him will fall as well and I feel he will not back his followers once its no longer in his favor to do so. Personally, we need new politicians throughout the system. Those who can translate between what basic people need and whats best for the economy. Unfortunately, those in office hardly even know what struggles basic people face let alone how to fix it. They do know how to give a good speech and tell people what they think they want to hear.

                  1. Ken Burgess profile image74
                    Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Like the NY Times link I gave earlier stated, the majority of Facebook users support Trump (even if Facebook employees themselves oppose him).

                    More Americans use Facebook than any other platform by far.

                    You may be finding yourself exposed to many people who dislike Trump, but I still believe that to be a limited sample of a much larger whole.

           … 203381002/

           … eroes-act/

                    The efforts to subvert this election, to over-ride voter identification, and long standardized means of verifying ballots should be concerning to all Americans.

                    The Democrats instead of putting up a good Candidate and relying on the voters to choose that person based on merit and agendas, are trying everything in the book to ensure that neither the voters nor the electoral college have any power to decide the outcome of this election.

                    The truth is the nation is near evenly divided... and always has been... this election is probably no different, but it seems one side is no longer interested in allowing the normal election process to decide the outcome.

    2. Miebakagh57 profile image69
      Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      "Nobody has changed anybody's mind on anything."                                      Be it then. The Conservatives or the Liberal, who are in the majority?                                          There's the crossing of major  Jewish Liberals to the Con. So that's increasing Trump's voting base?                                                      It is a clear sign Trump will win the election?


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