This should be front page news.
In response to attorney’s FOIA request, US CDC admits that it has no record of an unvaccinated person spreading COVID after recovering from COVID.
Why? They don't keep such records.
Again, I have to ask, why are such records not kept?
I find this amazing it is not published by the main stream media. This proves once again, Covid is no longer about getting over a pandemic. It is about using it as a political tool to control the lives of people and establish power over them. … 7397948418
This alone would solve the problems of the endless covid crisis. Since we have 99.98 chance of survival from covid. About 78% are dying of covid that are either obese or over the age of 80. That is a very healthy sacrifice.
When most of the westernized countries are mostly vaccinated and they carry majority of the covid deaths that tripled speed this year of covid deaths.
Should be solid proof enough to dropped the Vaccines and billionaires world record profiteering.
You're saying that "westernized" countries with higher population densities (giving rise to higher transmission rates) and good health care systems that track COVID cases show higher deaths is reason not to vaccinate?
I'm not following the logic thought train here.
The logic is the Vaccines is the covid.
Triple the speed since vaccines roll out of covid deaths.
For vaccines to be true they are working covid death toll would be decreased covid death as they promised. Not tripling the speed of covid death, or plus raise the deaths of suicide, heart disease, Obesety and lung cancers. Why? Because vaccines harms our immune system to many health condition.
Really Castlepaloma? On this date last year (19th Nov) there were 407 covid related deaths in the UK, and the death rate was rising sharply by the day; at a time no one in the UK was vaccinated.
A year on:-
• 88.2% of the UK population over the age of 12 (the age at which you become eligible for vaccination in the UK) have had their first covid vaccine dose.
• 80.2% of the UK population over the age of 12 have now had both doses; and
• 24.8% of the UK population over the age of 12 (a quarter) have now had the booster jab; I and my wife included.
So a year on, when almost 90% of the population over the age of 12 are vaccinated, the current death rate is 157, with the daily death rate currently falling slowly.
So how can you claim the vaccine is responsible for tripling the rate of covid deaths, when in actual fact in the UK the vaccine has had the opposite effect, and has actually lowered the death rate quite significantly.
If your theory that the vaccine triples the death rate was right then we should now be having over 1,200 deaths per day in the UK, not the 150+, which is almost a two thirds reduction in the death rate on this time last year.
So in answer to your 2nd paragraph, where you say, quote “For vaccines to be true they are working covid death toll would be decreased covid death as they promised.” Yes, the covid death toll in the UK has decreased, as promised, which is vindication that the vaccines are working.
To follow up on Arthur´s remarks:
Recent numbers in Germany show a weekly death rate of roughly 1/4 of last winter period. And this with active cases and new case rate more than double of last winter. In my understanding the vaccination program reduced the likelyhood to die from Covid to 12% compared to before vaccination.
One year ago mostly elderly people were subject to infection and fatal outcome. Today mostly young kids (5-12) and unvaccinated are getting infected. And yes - vaccination protection gets weaker so statistically some portion of the vaccinated and recovered also contribute to the spreading.
So we have the situation that young people get infected, but with no severe consequences for themselves, but with very serious consequences for society. Kids pass it on to their families, their parents. Parents pass it on to the grandparents ..
But .. vaccination to directly help the virus spread.. ? No, that is nonsense.
You who know EVERYTHING, could you tell me in one word, what's happening?
1) 33-year-old professional dancer Santo Giuliano suffers a heart attack following a medical practice.
2) Football player Jalen Leavey dies.
3) Football player Tirrell Williams dies.
4) Football player Okafor Kelechi dies.
5) Football player Lee Moses dies.
6) Footballer Stephen Sylvester dies.
7) Footballer Emmanual Antwi dies.
You who know EVERYTHING, could you tell me in one word, what's happening?
1) 33-year-old professional dancer Santo Giuliano suffers a heart attack following a medical practice.
2) Football player Jalen Leavey dies.
3) Football player Tirrell Williams dies.
4) Football player Okafor Kelechi dies.
5) Football player Lee Moses dies.
6) Footballer Stephen Sylvester dies.
7) Footballer Emmanual Antwi dies.
I WHO LOOK UP THINGS can tell you that statistically there nothing special about the cases. It is pure anecdotal.
Found a long term study (totally unsuspicious because from well before Covid19):
Yearly probability of sudden unexpected death of active sports participants was some 4 per million for men and 0,3 per million for women.
60% deaths were cardiovascular.
Roughly half of the deaths occured during exercise sessions, half in competing situations.
Most affected was football(soccer, a European study), then tennis, then cycling, then gymnastics.
Thanks for the remarks about people i never heard of, i learned something about active sports coming sometimes with consequences.
Concerning Covid - your remark doesn´t get us anywhere.
"Found a long term study (totally unsuspicious because from well before Covid19):"
Care to provide a source link for your 'long term study'?
I see , you won't get the full puzzle. UK and the rest of the world gose up and down at different places and different time. The world covid death will triple, @ the end of this year from the entire pass history of covid deaths globally.
Test, is this a picture of a cow
Really, you believe that!
Either you agree with eugenics, or you have not studied what the plan is!
Broadcasters like Tucker, Ressel Brand and Joe Rogan or anyone questions and or opposes the Vaccine and many of the mandates. These are the toughest guys who managed not to get blocked or banned on line. For every one covid video they make, there is 10 other bully propaganda calling them and opposing everything negative under the sun they do . It's almost impossible to survive in life without the forced vaccines.
When the westernized countries are 70 to 90% fully vaccinated and most of the covid deaths in the world are in those countries. It also tripled the deaths since the vaccines roll outs.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck , talks like a talks like a duck. It's time to shoot that sitting duck with a vaccines three or four times. Because the Total livestock mass weight is 5 times the mass weight of humans. Better put designer masks on every creature of every spieces, like the Noah Arc pharmaceutical sciences style.
Better check every tree, under every hole and rock of wildlife after all the covid came from animals and guess what we are animals too. My part-time Private investorgator work for 10 years seem to be worth wail saving me and my circle from seriously bad science and their most evil drug pushers and printed money dictatorship.
This is beyond insanity and the dictators are laughing their head off for every rediculous command they shove on us. Monkey should be next in line for mask, distancing and vaccinated since they are 99% physically biological the same as humans. Planet of the humans are ready for their greatest awakening.
Yep, I know Fox News is renowned for 'Fake News'
Only by globalist elites and their MSM propaganda machine, and people who believe what the see in media, folk who do their OWN due diligence find the truth, it's hard to do because we have a whole propaganda industry and fuctchecker army paid for by the elites to stop 'normies' finding out how much they have been deceived, manipulated and intimidated.
All elements of Luciferian behavior.
Sorry, but I don’t believe what I see in the media, and I do do my own due diligence ‘fact-checking’; as I was professionally trained to do so in college and at work. And you can’t tell me that Fox News doesn’t specialise in ‘Fake News’ because to anyone outside of America the lies they tell Americans about the rest of the world is so blatantly obvious.
I suggest you learn how to ‘fact check’:-
How to Fact-Check Online Sources:
Globalist are trained liars.
after recovering from COVID???
What about before.
If 8 Nazi police came to my door and offered me two choices. They offer a covid person who there can give me the covid Or take the vaccine jab. I would take the covid viruse directly with spit, coughing and covid rubbing it all over me or anything that works to give me covid.
The covid vaccines and masks are destroying our immune systems as to causing many other health conditions filling up hospital now . Vaccines that kill us far greater than one can imagine.
I wish you good health & pray you don't get or give this virus to anyone else.
I personally would feel awful if I was the reason someone fell to his death from covid.
I get that vaccines are not perfect, but we've had them around for years.
They helped us with Polio.
Yeah I're gonna say this is different.
We all take chances in life everyday.
Only thing I know for sure is No One Knows what Tomorrow Brings.
But what I meant was...
Unvaccinated people spreading covid after covid..
What about the possibility of spreading covid before they actually catch it.
I've heard that people can be Carriers....and never get the virus at all.
So not after covid.. Before
That's a separate issue.
The thread is about the CDC not keeping records of people with natural immunity, since they've had Covid, not spreading Covid.
This is interesting because people who are vaccinated can still pass on the disease, it seems those who have natural immunity from having Covid cannot. For some reason, the CDC is not keeping a record of such cases.
The big question is why is the CDC not keeping such records?
That is a good question. They should keep records of everything.
Covid is a social issue, because it affects society. Nothing to politicise.
However, if you step aside from overpoliticised USA and their health administrations, then you find enough studies and numbers on this topic, prooving that recovered people don´t spread or only spread anecdotaly. … 1.full.pdf
If CDC has no info and this is made a political issue, there is enough info available on our planet.
Covid is a part of society, not the whole of society, as it's harming more by its unbalancing. Covid like other even more deadly viruses or diseases, is not to be feared everyday, or your not living life.
You are right.
I still wonder why the government entity responsible for collecting such data does not. They collect quite a bit of data of many things. There was a decision made to not collect this data, and I am curious about the reasoning behind it.
If I was to provide a theory, it would be that such information would decrease individuals getting the vaccine, because there are many people who have survived Covid. IF they believe they don't have to get the vaccine, the government's narrative would fall a part.
"If I was to provide a theory, it would be that such information would decrease individuals getting the vaccine, because there are many people who have survived Covid. IF they believe they don't have to get the vaccine, the government's narrative would fall a part."
Spot on, what we are witnessing is the eugenics program administered first hand, the 'jab' is in effect a voluntary euthanasia injection staged in several parts.
As a total experimental vaccine 'they' are legally required to conduct 'placebo' trials, so in the first push only 50% of folk would have actually been give a killer dose, and only the vulnerable would have died from that premier dose.
A second 'booster jab' ups the percentages regarding who will be 'inoculated' with this jab, after jabs 3 and 4 'booster jab' you can be reasonably sure that 25% will have received the killer dose, maybe 10% will have only been placebo'd and the rest will have had more than one dose and up to three shots.
Hundreds of millions, (up to 1.75 billion souls) could perish as the result of 50 years of indoctrination, (to actually trust their leaders), and be obedient 'worker bees' bears fruit among billions of normal folk have submitted to take the 'jab'
I stopped taking part in this forum years ago as my best mates died along the way, for the last few years I have used FB social media to awaken folk, more interactive than this space, and as a result I have dived deeply down the rabbit hole and done years of research and due diligence.
We are at war and frankly, any 'friends' I had who took the jab are effectively already dead to me, I will/do miss them and although I am sickened. that I will witness so many deaths, they chose to trust globalism over their own and Gods individual personal sovereignty and did so without doing the research and giving this the consideration it needs and deserves.
John 12:25-26
He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.
I'm not religious, although I agree more so with them. On this spiritual sided points of using fake science, from pharmaceutical frauds for their ultimate choice of their minds and bodies. It seem many non believers think this kind science is flawless and attack many who opposes it. Then I study who is behind all this, the most evil people I can imagine. With more flaws in the handling of this covid model worldwide than anyone could imagine, when it's not even a vaccine.
I am also no longer religious, so your comment makes sense to me, the scriptural quote was to illustrate that sometimes when you trust man, rather than our God given immune system, you stand to lose what you sought to gain.
I now have a relationship with God, directly through Yeshua, independent of Churchianity.
Thanks for commenting!
What ever works. Anything is better than this one world order by billionaire.
You have to realize that the real question is why the CDC would not keep such records. What is their motivation? I question if they have a political agenda. If they were to release this information, I'm sure there are people in charge who believe such information would harm their drive for people to get vaccinated whether they want to or not.
"Covid is a social issue, because it affects society. Nothing to politicise."
Not in the United States. Not is Europe either. Lockdowns are very political.
"Violent clashes erupt during anti-lockdown demonstrations in Europe"
"an estimated 40,000 people on Saturday crowded the streets of Vienna in the country's biggest coronavirus-related protest to date. Police tried to de-escalate the protest and when the "mood was about to tip," they stopped fining those not wearing facemasks, Franz Eigner, Vice President of the Vienna police said during a press conference on Sunday." … uxbndlbing
On something completely different about Covid. Here is an interesting story from the Associated Press
"COVID not plaguing Africa, and only 6% are vaccinated" … accinated/
"You have to realize that the real question is why the CDC would not keep such records."
Mike, you seem to be making a huge deal over just why the CDC isn't keeping detailed records of who has had the disease and where they got it, implying a massive conspiracy to keep that information hidden.
But just how do you propose the CDC find out where every individual contracted the disease? When we come into contact (say, within that magical 6') with hundreds of people every day, when some of those people have the disease but are virtually symptom free and thus don't report it, when not a single one of those "contacts" is tracked or reported, just how do you think the CDC can determine which person gave any specific individual COVID?
There is another problem as well - my sister got COVID and says it was from her doctor. But her reasoning is that because she was in contact with that doctor, and he had it, it had to come from him. Faulty reasoning, as we all know; simple contact, even close contact, will not spread the disease every time, and she could have picked it up from passing someone on the sidewalk.
I think you are asking the impossible of the CDC. Even if the US tracked movements of every individual (we all know how that would go over) it still would not be possible!
You hit on a good point wilderness; in contrast the NHS does keep track of who’s been infected, which for them is easy because they keep all the records of infections and vaccinations etc. on a single database. So as you said there’s no massive conspiracy, it’s just that the CDC isn’t in the position to easily collect such data from multiple sources.
You make a good point.
The next logical question is IF the CDC tracks transmission rates of people who are unvaccinated. The answer is YES.
"New Data on COVID-19 Transmission by Vaccinated Individuals" … ndividuals
So, then the next question is, if the CDC tracks the transmission rates of unvaccinated people, why don't they track the transmission rates of people who have had Covid?
And again, what would be their reason for not doing such a thing?
I think these are questions worth asking and answers to them are important.
Your link does NOT state that "the CDC tracks transmission rates of people who are unvaccinated" as you claim. All it says is that a vaccinated person can spread the virus.
There is no indication in the link that those possible transmissions are being tracked. Nothing you have shown indicates that the CDC is tracking infections caused by vaccinated, or unvaccinated, people or by those that have had the disease twice.
So again - just how to do you propose that the CDC track who has been infected by people that have had the disease when they don't know who has had the disease and they have zero way of knowing who the newly infected person came into contact with?
"Transmission Rates"
The CDC provides maps of transmission rates.
"The CDC has released an interactive map that helps track and display levels of transmission for COVID-19. The tracker is updated daily at 8 p.m. and searchable down to the county level." … 696a7c68b2
Again, a map showing where there are active cases does NOT track individuals that the disease came from. There is no way of knowing whether one got the disease from a vaccinated, unvaccinated, or prior infected person. Only that they were infected from someone[/] that had the disease during the period it count be transmitted to another person.
You are still asking that the CDC track from which individual a person was infected, while showing that vaccinated people [i]can become infected, while showing where active cases are, but without showing that the CDC (or anyone else) has managed to pinpoint which individual was the source of a specific individual with the disease. What you are asking for, and what you are claiming is known, is impossible to do.
At least in our country; I understand that the Japanese were (are?) using tracking data from personal phones to do what you are saying the CDC is doing.
Can tell you, your doctor won't write a subscription for your covid vaccines or he can be sued for extreme side effects or death. Pfizer takes absolutely no responsibility for any damages or death to you.
Some Insurance companies are stopping nonvaxxers from getting Heath care insurance.
When unvaxxer are no different than vaxxers . So what is good about insurance, other than toilet paper. Remember the rush on toilet paper.
Why in the world would a doctor write a prescription for something that is free (but the doctor is paid for), that is approved for everyone over 12 years old and that is saving lives every day? All they need do is jab you.
Not quite - unvaxxers ARE different in one key point; they don't see a reason to help protect the population from COVID. It's all about them, not their friends, neighbors or family. But other than that there isn't much difference.
Without opposing doctors and scienctist who have been Banned and blocked every step of the way. There is no Science or free speech. Just people bend by beurocrates, mainstream medical monopoly, banks and technocrats. I only belong to the optimist club and they ain't in it. The billionaire club your not in it.
Readmikenow, I would like to pick up on your point where you say that ‘covid is a political issue in Europe’. I would dispute that in that irrespective of which political parties are in Government in European countries, they all have imposed strict covid policies etc. lockdowns, social distancing, mandatory masks etc., and the opposition political parties have support the Governing parties during the pandemic.
And peaking of the UK in specific, during our lockdown earlier in the year, from the 4th Jan to 23rd June 2021 imposed by the Conservative (right-wing Capitalist) Government in England, but the Socialist (left-wing) Governments in Wales and Scotland also imposed the same lockdown, and the UK Conservative Government had the full support of the left-wing Socialist (Labour) Government for its tough measures to fight coivd.
Therefore, in Europe it’s not political e.g. it’s not Republican vs Democrats; the opposition comes from gullible people in the streets who believe the conspiracy theories spread by the anti-vaxxers.
Yes, Austria is doing total lock down and mantatory vaccines. This is not socialism, it's communism Tyranny.
Only thing will penetrate me is mandatory freedom, love and controling my own health. Better bring their very best Nazi storm troopers to pass my animals, bush and traps.
For many of the troopers will going home with their vaccines darts up their backsides
"they all have imposed strict covid policies etc. lockdowns, social distancing, mandatory masks etc., and the opposition political parties have support the Governing parties during the pandemic."
Yes, and people in many European countries are fighting against these measures.
"Protests against fresh Covid-19 restrictions have rocked Europe over the weekend, with demonstrations breaking out in places such as Brussels, Vienna, Rome and Amsterdam." … uxbndlbing
I believe these protests will only grow in size and force.
Yeah, people in many European countries are currently protesting, and those protests may grow in size and force in the coming weeks/months. But then again the majority of the people in those countries support what the countries doing, it’s a sizable ‘minority’, mostly spurred on by the anti-vaxxers propaganda. Generally, the countries across Europe most affected by these protests tend to be the countries where the recent wave of covid infections sweeping across Europe are rising most sharply in European countries where the vaccination take up has been lowest, due to the higher level of vaccine hesitancy in those countries.
So as I said, it’s not a political divide in Europe, its divide between those who support the anti-vaxxers and those who don’t; regardless to politics.
We are bio organisms first, politics can take care of the small stuff.
"may grow in size and force in the coming weeks/months"
It is a movement against political treatment that will grow.
Well, that will please anarchists like Castlepaloma.
Wish I was wrong, can't help the burden of being very intuitive, often it's been used against me the last 40 years.
Everything I've said, of every step has materializes. I said the death will reach ballpark of 6 million end of this year. It's now 5,177,407 , plus protest and riots will grow in leaps and bounds.
I'm in the pleasure business of the arts and it's been wiped out. Nothing make me suffer in hell more than having my free speech and work taken away. It's been taking away the economy and our own choice of health is what the greatest crime against humanity is. The majority in the greatest conflict by far in our lifetime. Protecting billionaire is finally over in a few years. The old trillionaire are dieing off and the youth will overcome.
Well, you would be wrong if you didn’t keep making the facts fit your beliefs, and changing the goal posts:-
On numerous occasions over the past two months you have stated in these forums that the covid death toll would reach 10 million this winter; 6 million is a long way off from 10 million, and even then it’s not likely to reach 5.5 million by the end of the year, let along 6 million.
And like, last spring you were boasting that your prediction that the financial exchange markets will collapse due to the pandemic, but that didn’t happen. Although I’m sure you will argue otherwise!
And don’t you think that your prediction, that you’ve made many times in recent months in these forums, that hundreds of millions will by killed by the vaccine is just wishful thinking on your part; and isn’t going to happen because the vaccines saves lives, and if it wasn’t for the vaccine the death toll would be far higher than it is now.
Your so cool, I appreciate the all your research .
I had Covid before it was announced to the public. My doctor says I have the anti-body, not Covid. Thus, I cannot spread it. Therefore, I am immune to getting Covid, and if I got it again, it'd be mild. I thank my lucky stars I have a smart and knowledgeable MD.
I remember a saying that everything gives you the cancer. Sounds like the same thing with covid. Chemotherapy has a record of 2.1 success rate over 5 years of cancer remission, in American medical journals. Covid vaccines will challenge that world worst cure record in a couple of years.
I came across an interesting article about the failures of the CDC during this pandemic. The article fails to mention how the teachers union dictated school mask requirements. It was based on politics and not science. I guess that is a separate issue.
What caught my attention was #5
"5. The CDC Refused to Collect Hospitalization Data. One of the themes throughout the pandemic is that the CDC was mired in antiquated ways of doing things. This was perfectly exemplified in how the agency sought to collect hospitalization data. The CDC wanted to use its influenza model to estimate hospitalizations, which involves sampling roughly a sixth of the nation's hospitals and extrapolating out to the rest. White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Deborah Birx suggested that the CDC should instead have all hospitals simply report the actual numbers, and directed funds so the agency could modernize its data collection process. The CDC insisted this would be impractical, and turned the money down."
I do wonder the reason for turning down funds to modernize its data collection process? Would a CDC that provides accurate information be a threat the government? … -pandemic/
by Castlepaloma 2 years ago
Is it criminal tyranny to mandates anything world wide? Like Vaccines.
by Castlepaloma 2 years ago has been a good example of this practice and went down to zero covid deaths. Don't know how I know how these world events unfold and snowball the other way. It could be intituvive (extreme logic) or a historic and gsypie buff plus knowing billionaire are the...
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If you're not going to get the vaccine, which is scientifically proved to be effective in preventing COVID, then insurance companies should drop you from their policies.This is going to happen, and when it does, will not be anything other than capitalism and the free market at work.If I'm an...
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