Freedom Post Pandemic

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  1. Nathanville profile image92
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    With 90% of adults vaccinated against covid in the UK, the Government ended the lockdown in England on the 21st June and on the 19th July abolished all covid restrictions, including social distancing and mandatory requirement to wear masks.   The Scottish and Welsh Governments have been a little more cautious, but they are following the same route out of the pandemic and back to normal life as England.

    After I and my family have been shielding for the past 16 months, even having our food home delivered to our door, the new found freedom and return to normal life is cool.  Since the ending of the lockdown and abolishing of all covid restrictions in England, we’ve been out for meals to restaurant’s several times, been on several day trips, held a couple of BBQ’s, had one staycation (Holiday in England); and are planning for the end of this month, and early next month another BBQ and a 2nd Staycation of the year; and we’ve also been out socialising with our friends for the first time since the start of the pandemic; whom we haven't seen in over 16 months.

    The new found freedom, and return to normal life, is good; and being fully vaccinated, with a booster shot due next month (September) for all over 50 in the UK we have the security, safety and protection from covid, so that we can continue with normal life post pandemic.

    So if the vaccination programme is going well in your country, then you’ve got a brighter and safer future to look forward, post pandemic.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      This is wonderful news...  I am pleased also to hear the UK will be adding boosters. In my view, boosters are the way to go, it will add that bit more of what is needed to rid the UK of COVID and possible mutations.

      The US continues to struggle with DELTA, and struggle with getting our population vaccinated. So many screamed about science, and just don't realize the vaccine at this point is the best science we have to rid the world of COVID, and its mutations. Our media gives mixed messages and has our population at odds in regards to the virus, and the vaccines.

      I think we are in for a very long bad winter...  So, glad to hear you and yours are well, and back to enjoying a more normal existence.

      1. Nathanville profile image92
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Sharlee,

        Yes, I did see reports that only 40% are vaccinated in some ‘States’, putting a strain on the hospitals in those States;  it is a shame, and I empathise with the plight of those who must feel frustrated by the mixed messages on the Media.

        It certainly is refreshing being able to get out and about again, and see friends that we haven’t seen in a long time, without having to worry about the pandemic.

    2. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this … n-12378970

      About 2/3third vaccinated and the largest Covid circle in European map for the last two weeks. Not a successful story.

      At least some temporary relief from house arrest. Can help the immune system from fear mongering.

      1. Nathanville profile image92
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Yep, and if you read the ‘FULL’ Report from the ‘Sky News’ link that you gave, you will see that 75.3% of adults in the UK are ‘Fully’ vaccinated, with 89.1% having had at least one jab.

        Also, and more crucially important, is the fact that over 98% of those who are being hospitalised and dying from covid are people who are NOT fully vaccinated; proof beyond doubt that the vaccines are working.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Shynews reports 40 million fully vaccinated. If divide 40 mil into 60 mil you get 66%.
          UK is 68,280,000 leaving  over 8 million illegal vaccinated added on from outer space. Probably only 20% are fully vaccinated is closer to the truth.

          You won't find test sites for delta variant because it a complete fraud by the media and Government. It's international criminal to state 98 or 99% delta variant deaths  when it's totally made up.

          1. CHRIS57 profile image59
            CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Castle: believe whatever you want. Facts are that Covid mortality rate in the UK is down very much.This is why new cases are no more of importance. Hospitalization is down. And this led to opening up the country.

            While in the UK they had a strong lockdown for many months, in other countries this was always some negotiating deal between politics and economy. Open up as much as possible without risking high case loads and clogging of the health care system.

            All countries acknowledge the effectiveness of vaccination. And all countries administer vaccines.

            To understand the picture, not all of a population are eligable to be vaccinated. From total population you have to substract the kids, from birth to 12 to 17 years.

            Arthur´s numbers are for the part of the population who is eligable. Certainly not the 66 mill. of the whole UK, but a smaller number.

            Of course your guess of 20% is way too low. But believe what you want. Reality is that vaccinations work. Anecdotal problems with 4,5 billion doses administered worldwide, where is the issue?

            And again: every positive antibody test leads to a full PCR test. And the PCR test checks for the DNA. And there you get your Delta variant findings. Of course a DIY quicktest doesn´t deliver anything on Delta. But the followup process does. There is nothing "made up".

            Arthur, good to read that you now benefit from the vaccination program. Now it is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image77
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Out of 53 countries in Europe this last week. Four countries were worst than UK this last week per capita for Covid deaths. Top four, all well less than 3. 5 million population than UK 68 million. 

              Number of cases per 100,000 population
              Georgia    729.9
              Cyprus    420.9
              Gibraltar    365
              Montenegro    299
              United Kingdom    291.6

              Two countries had no deaths.

              UK Vaccines failure
              Where is the realistic proof that UK is the winner in Europe? Let alone the entire world even by propreganda stats or other wise.

              1. Nathanville profile image92
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                No one has said the UK is the winner in Europe; each country is different when it comes to how prevalent covid has been and how devastating it is on the population; lots of factors that affect the spread of covid includes climate, weather, population density, level of social mixing, level and type of covid restrictions, level of vaccination etc., etc.

                So you cannot make straight comparisons between countries, but you can compare how a country is performing now compared to how it performed over the past 17 months of the pandemic.

                •    Covid deaths in the UK peaked at 1,824per day on 20th January; when less than 1% of the UK population was fully vaccinated.

                •    Covid deaths lowest daily point (after almost 80% of the adult population had been vaccinated) was on the 22nd May with just 6 deaths per day.

                •    Covid deaths started to rise sharply again from the 5th July, with the 7 day average Deaths peaking on the 5th August at 114, now the weekly average is down to 74.

                FYI the UK Government ended the lockdown on the 21st June, and deaths started to rise again from the 5th July; after the lockdown was ended, which was anticipated, but deaths started from a low base, and by UK standards are still at a low level, with signs of falling again; plus the only people dying from covid are the unvaccinated.

                Plus, most important of all, is the proof that the vaccines work because of the undeniable fact that over 98% of those who are being hospitalisations and dying of covid are those people who are unvaccinated.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  It's higher than UK summer of last year. Just like flu seasons. Vaccines are killing more than unvaccined just lying about who is really dieing stats. Wait to the vaccine kick in for the record Covid deaths this winter. Same story as usual  it's on Covid and the unvaccined.

                  1. Nathanville profile image92
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Yep, last summer the UK was under strict lockdown from the 23rd March 2020 until the 4th July 2020, which helped to keep infections and deaths down; and deaths were in single figure by mid-summer; deaths were also in single figure during the same period this summer too. 

                    But since the 21st June this year’s lockdown that was imposed on the 4th January was lifted, and for the first time since the 23rd March 2020 all covid restrictions in England, including social distance and mask, were all abolished on the 19th July; so quite naturally, infections have soared again as expected, especially considering that the Delta variant is far more contagious. 

                    However, the link between infections and death has been broken e.g. in spite of a current high level of infection the death rate remains relatively low.  Whether you like it or not, over 98% of people in the UK being hospitalised and dying are the unvaccinated; which is unequivocal proof that the vaccines work.

      2. Nathanville profile image92
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Below is a simplistic series of graphs, showing just the peak and troughs of infections, hospitalisations and daily deaths in the UK; and it clearly shows that while infection rates have risen sharply since it's low point in May, approaching it's January peak again; hospitalisations and deaths have not, thanks to the vaccinations.

    3. jo miller profile image94
      jo millerposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      This sounds like great news and really pleased for your country.  Just a few weeks ago, though, we were happily planning a trip to Scotland in September then began reading reports that UK was not so safe and travel there was not advised.  After that, things started blowing up here in the USA, so we just dropped our plans.  A good percentage of our population is a little nutty, so there's that.  Maybe next spring?

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
        Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Should'a gone.

      2. Nathanville profile image92
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, it’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated.  Sure, if you are fully vaccinated you are not immune from catching covid, but you are 60% less likely to catch covid if you are fully vaccinated, and highly unlikely to become seriously ill or die e.g. over 98% of those ending up in hospital in the UK are the unvaccinated.

        In the UK 97% of adults over 80 are fully vaccinated and 94% of all adults over the age of 30 are fully vaccinated in the UK.  The issue is with the young, of which only two thirds below the age of 30 have got vaccinated; so it’s amongst this age young age group that the pandemic is raging.  With the bulk of the UK population now vaccinated the UK Government allowed nightclubs to reopen again in England for the first time in 16 months on the 19th July; but as nightclubs are almost exclusively frequented by the under 30’s and a third of under 30’s at unvaccinated, then from the end of September the UK Government is imposing ‘vaccine passports’ on the nightclubs e.g. from that date you’ll only be allowed access to the nightclub if you are fully vaccinated.

        Hopefully by next Spring International Travel will be easier and safer.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Wild unfortunately guesses like the majority of doctors guessing delta variant is 99% from unvaccined which is fraud. At least Faucism and Kill Gates tell us some truth that it will get much worst from the plandemic they are a part of.

        2. jo miller profile image94
          jo millerposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          We're waiting for next spring.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image77
            Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Wait for 2 to 5 years. Just like 95% who are age 50 and over die of covid. That's how long people will take to wake up. To realize they want public social security more than any thing else.

        3. Ken Burgess profile image71
          Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          That will be a telling tale. It will be interesting to see where travel restrictions are a year from now, in many places things are becoming stricter.

          I am glad you can enjoy going out again as normal, fortunately here in Florida we have been able to enjoy that almost un-interrupted during this pandemic.

          1. Nathanville profile image92
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            It’s good to hear that life has been near normal in Florida during the pandemic. 

            Yes it will be interesting to see where travel restrictions are a year from now; it sure does seems to be a mixed picture at present.

            I don’t know what it’s like on your side of the pond but since around mid-May (from the 17th May in the UK) there’s been a concerted effort by European Governments to re-establish international travel.

            Across Europe, subject to controls and limitations imposed by individual States, the ‘covid passport’ has been instrumental in opening up international travel e.g. an electronic passport that proves that you’ve either been fully vaccinated, or have had a negative covid test within the previous 48 hours.

            Prior to the 17th May, under British Law, non-essential travel to or from the UK was illegal.  As from the 17th May the UK Government created a ‘traffic light’ system for travel (which is reviewed and updated by the UK Government every three weeks).  The traffic light system being:-

            •    Green = Countries where it relatively safe e.g. low covid infection rates, so little or no travel restrictions.

            •    Amber = Countries where covid infections is moderately high; a requirement to quarantine at home for 10 days if you are not fully vaccinated.

            •    Red = Countries where non-essential travel is restricted.

            It’s a system the travel industry hate because of the uncertainty e.g. a country’s status can change from green to Amber while people are on holiday, so that they end up having to quarantine on their return; it has discouraged a lot of people from travelling abroad this summer, albeit staycations (holidaying within Britain) is the in-thing now that all covid restrictions have been lifted within Britain.

            COVID-19: Travel rule changes cuts isolation for the vaccinated from France

    4. Miebakagh57 profile image74
      Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Cool. I read elsewhere that night life has open up without any covid protocol.

      1. Nathanville profile image92
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Yep, life has returned back to normal in England; the only covid protocol being introduced into the nightclubs (nightlife) is that as from the end of September you'll only be able to gain access to the nightclubs if you are fully vaccinated e.g. unlike the rest of society in Britain, where around 94% of people over the age of 30 are fully vaccinated, only two thirds of adults below the age of 30 are currently vaccinated, and it's predominantly those under the age of 30 in the UK who frequent the nightclubs.

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
          Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you, Arthur, thank you.

  2. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years ago

    Be Free Now

    1. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Kathryn, it's good to be free.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
        Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Johnson and Johnson vaccines were brought to us thanks to the contribution of abortion babies.

        My doctor just informed me. He does not recommend the J/J vaccine because he is against this sort of thing.

        1. CHRIS57 profile image59
          CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

 … SL1N2LU1T9

          Fetile cells from 1985? Come on, where is your case? Abortion may not be desirable but it is legal within its limits.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
            Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            I believe in God.

            1. Nathanville profile image92
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Religion shouldn’t have anything to do with it.  I’m an atheist but my best and closest friend is a Catholic Priest; and he was as keen to get vaccinated as I was.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                I'm an agnostic although, I think every one is God. Not into personal one God to fits all. Same for nationalism fitting all into one world order is the fake God daily.

                Spiritual sided people lend to mistrusting their Government and this fake science and media being sold as solid truth.

                Atheist are hard-headed about science and lend to nationalism as it is more dangerious than religions, right now.

                True that more people were killed in the name of God than for any other reason. Today Spiritual age balance has changed and will be coming to change nationalism state and bankers hi- jack with their great abuses. Covid biological warfare world order has been greatest attack since second world war.

                1. Nathanville profile image92
                  Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Presumptuous of you Castlepaloma to presume I’m a nationalist; that’s one thing I am not.

                  And using phrases like ‘Covid biological warfare world order’ is just emotive language (propaganda) designed to deliberately incite, and is so factually incorrect.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                    Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    If it sounds like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck.. nationalism

                    Mainly what I hear from you all the time is how UK is better than the US.  Same with Thinking  that vaccines will fit all for the entire world rather than talking about alternative medicine that realistic would work much better.

                    All one-sided towards not hearing the likes of the largest mass protesters in human world history worldwide. Who are against lockdowns vaccines, and masks.

                    Big business is Discrimination against people owning their own bodies first and foremost the most important vital part in a human beings well being and life itself can possibly be.

                    Then Supporting all the pharmaceutical the greediest highest profit in history with their most toxic drugs and vaccinates,  murderering humanity along with big business  alcohol and smoking.

                    Covid is as phony as Muslims terrorism. Big business is out there to destroy the entire planet. Using fear mongering to reach their aim of totalitarian. It won't work, watch the pendulum swing the other way, mark my words.

              2. Nathanville profile image92
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                I maybe an atheist, but that doesn’t stop me from giving the church a helping hand, as the certificate I was awarded is testimony too:-



            2. CHRIS57 profile image59
              CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Fine for you, but keep religion and politics out of this.
              I am agnostic, by the way.

        2. Nathanville profile image92
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Chris makes a valid point, but the J&J vaccine hasn’t been used in the UK.  The main covid vaccine in the UK is the AstraZeneca vaccine created by Oxford University, England; and AstraZeneca (a British pharmaceutical Company) is under contract with Oxford University to sell the vaccine at cost (no profit) for humanitarian reasons; which is why the AstraZeneca vaccine at just $4 per dose is the cheapest vaccine in the world.

  3. Glenis Rix profile image97
    Glenis Rixposted 3 years ago

    You are certainly making the most of our new found freedoms, Arthur! I am being more cautious than you. I wear a mask in shops etc and am not confidant about travelling on public transport. I’m mindful that even double vaccinated can still catch covid, albeit mild infection, and can be asymptomatic spreaders. But it’s good to be able to visit family in Scotland at last - my most recent grandchild was 10 months old before I could see him - and to have visitors to my home.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      In my province in Canada our leader has told us if we don't hit 75% fully vaccinated by end of August (higher than UK) He is personally going to make it impossible for unvaxxers human being to live. Mandating food and all the works. No assembly of any kind, because he thinks we might have another idea about covid.
      He has no idea, how tenacious and prepare I am for this totalitarian from ten years ago envisioned and written on hubpages.
      Now!!! one or two steps ahead.

      Don't know where else to go. I've got lockdown for the next 2 to 4 years in our off grid eco village laying low.

      Where Mexico leaders are not accepting the vaccines crap because they know evil pharmaceuticals want you to be hooked on vaccines for life. Much like people over age 50 hooked on legal drugs

    2. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I don’t blame you for being cautious; and it must have been a great moment to finally see your grandson.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image77
        Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Many people can't see pass six inches from their face.

        Best off to focus on your own reality and your prospective. They don't bother me, I won't bother them.

        Keep Jabbing for life, like the prescription drugs. Big Pharma loves the highest profit greed.

  4. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years ago

    How would you feel knowing that your so-called immunity is due to millions of murderous cold-hearted deaths. Oh you wouldn't care.
    Do YOU  believe in God, Nathanville?

    1. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Are you talking about the fetuses in the vaccines

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
        Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        ... fetal tissue from abortions in the J and J vaccine according to my doctor who will not recommend that vaccine to anyone.

    2. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I may not be religious (I am an atheist) but I am a humanitarian so to me all life is precious; one of the main reasons why I am a vegetarian. 

      I don’t like animal testing in products any more than you, but until the International laws are changed there is little I can do other than be pragmatic. 

      I’m not happy with the use of animal testing for human products, and thankfully these days (due to public pressure) a small but increasing number of products are developed without the use of animals (at least in the UK and across the EU).  However, unless/until the international laws are changed (which are unlikely) animal testing is a fact of life for many products we all use daily.

      However, a claim that millions of animals were killed to develop the covid vaccines is propaganda spread by the anti-vaxxers.   FYI; we have little use of the J&J vaccine in the UK anyway; as the main vaccine in the UK is the AstraZeneca vaccine developed by Oxford University, Engalnd.  Oxford University used pigs to test their vaccine, and no pigs were harmed or died in the process; in contrast humans murder hundreds of millions of pigs every year for the bacon e.g. 121 million pigs are killed for food in the USA every year. … -response/


  5. Glenis Rix profile image97
    Glenis Rixposted 3 years ago
  6. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

    According to this UK government website, It seems that August has not been a good month for the UK and Covid. 

    People admitted to the hospital are up over 110 percent.
    People who tested positive as well as testing positive within the last 28 days have increased.

    Lets hope this trend doesn't continue for the UK.

    1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
      Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      That may be. But those being negatively affect are those that fail to go for the covid19 test, fail to take the virus jabs initially. Now are sick, and at the point of death.                                                    May the trend not continue.

      1. Readmikenow profile image95
        Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        There is nothing mentioned about that in the link from the UK government.

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
          Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          That is correct. But the inference is my mine reasoning.

    2. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Actually, August is what was anticipated by the UK Government e.g. a surge in new cases due to the Delta variant, and due to all covid restrictions, including social distancing and mandatory masks being abolished on the 19th July, as life returns to normal in the UK.  The UK Government abolished all covid restrictions on the 19th July because of an expectation that the link between infection rates and hospitalisations would be severely weakened because 89% of the adult population are now vaccinated.

      And that has been the case; since all covid restrictions, including social distancing and mandatory masks have been abolished in England the infection rate has surged, but there hasn’t been a corresponding surge in hospitalisations and deaths.

      Yes, people admitted to hospital are up over 110%, but it’s from a low base, and the actual figures are still relatively low e.g. an increase from 10 to 20 would be a 100% increase but 20 is still a small number.

      The actual figures are:-

      •    On 16th August, 28,816 newly infected people within 24 hours.

      The last time the infection rate in the UK was that high was on the 28th January 2021:-

      •    On the 28th January there were 34,961 people in hospital with covid; yesterday there were just 6,303; just 18% of what it was when the infection rates was the same.

      •    On the 28th January the average daily death rate was 1,223 deaths a day; currently the average death rate is 89 people per day; just 7% of what the death rate was when the infection rate was the same.

      The other important factor is that over 98% of those in hospital with covid, and dying, are the unvaccinated.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image77
        Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Have they predicted the dark winter Covid deaths yet?

        1. Nathanville profile image92
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          With around 90% of the adult population vaccinated, and with over 98% of the hospitalisations and deaths being from just the unvaccinated then the death rate from covid in the UK this coming winter will not be high.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image77
            Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted by the majority

            1. Nathanville profile image92
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              What are you inferring, that all the world scientists are wrong and that you are right!!!

              1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                The media is owned by the same billionaires who are running the covid scams. Covid protester are larger than Gretta protests, they just won't show it.
                Even I had more attendance the Gretta in one year. The next lockdown will be about the natural environment.
                Again mass psychosis.

                It will all come out in the wash.

                1. Nathanville profile image92
                  Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Sorry Castlepaloma, but your research is lousy.   The Media is not owned by the same billionaires as you mistakenly claim; and certainly, as I’ve seen with my own eyes, covid is no scam.

                  For example the British newspapers, the Guardian and Observer are owned by the Scott Trust Limited, which exists to secure the financial and editorial independence of The Guardian in perpetuity.

                  The Guardian was founded in 1821, it was founded by a cotton merchant as a Liberal mouthpiece in response to the police closing down a sister paper for championing the cause of the peterloo massacre protests.  In the Peterloo massacre protests, in Manchester, England, in 1818, 60,000 protesters were demanding the reform of parliamentary representation e.g. the protestors were fighting for democracy, when 18 of the protestors were killed by the authorities (charging cavalry).

                  In 1936 the owner of the Guardian set up the trust specifically to ensure financial security to protect the liberal editorial line of the Guardian for life.

                  It’s not just the Guardian, the Mirror and the Sun (who target the less well educated reader) are owned by different owners with opposing political views, one supports the Conservative Party while the other supports the Labour Party.

                  And you are wrong, the anti-lockdown protests held in London earlier this year, were aired on British TV, and contrary to what you would like to believe, they were small and insignificant for protests in England; a number of which I’ve been to over the years, including the Gretta demonstrations in Bristol which has a good attendance.

                  So as I said before, you seem to be inferring that all the world’s scientists are wrong, and that you are right.

                  1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
                    Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Excellent rebuttal. Well done, Arthur.

                  2. Castlepaloma profile image77
                    Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I'm not a scientist and neither are you. Although I know I've work with historical related scientists and biological scientists. If any 1 in 2400 chance I catch covid. I know more effective proven ways of natural remedies without side effects like in the vaccines.
                    Like zinc, lots of vitamins D and C.

      2. CHRIS57 profile image59
        CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        imho the problem that the UK and the USA are facing is the high number of active cases. I understand this is almost unevitable without restrictions.

        To believe the situation will be less harmful if most/all were vaccinated is a little delusional, if i may say.
        Yes, the likelyhood of severe aftercovid or deaths has dropped significantly. But the number of active cases is rising in almost all countries due to the dominance of the Delta variant.

        From the "successful" times in April the number of active cases in the UK has become 12 times as high. There it does not necessarily help if the propability to die has dropped to 20% of February level.

        I don´t know where to put the line of what is acceptable. Where balancing begins between economic and personal freedom benefits and the dark side of the pandemic?

        Just some numbers that include countries who have magnitudes less active cases, have also very few restrictions but keep safeguards up.

        Active case per thousand population:
        USA : 18,4
        UK: 7,3
        Canada: 0,5
        Germany: 0,7

        You see the difference. And all countries where active cases get out of control are in trouble, no matter vaccinated or not. That is why Israel has problems again, while having been the role model for early vaccination in the first half of the year. Now Israel´s number is 6,2.

        Kind of reflects that with 98% of hospitalizations accounted to unvaccinated, the death rate has dropped by 93% only, to cite your comment. There is no balance and that will cause problems, especially when winter comes and vaccinations and recovered loose some of their antibody rucksack.

        I hope we have medication by then. Some kind of monoclone andibody pill that you take if you feel bad.

        1. Nathanville profile image92
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Yep, I hear what you say; but because the link between high infection rates and deaths has been considerably weakened through the vaccination programme, in spite of a sharp rise in infections due to the Delta Variant and with the UK Government abolishing all covid restrictions; there hasn’t been the same corresponding rise in deaths. 

          And as from September all adults in the UK over the age of 50 will be offered a booster jab, remembering that prior to vaccinations over 90% of covid deaths in the UK were in people over the age of 55; and as 94% of the population in the UK over the age of 30 have been fully vaccinated, in spite of the fact that new cases may rise sharply, those most vulnerable from covid deaths are highly protected.

          It’s the under 30’s who are not getting vaccinated (only two thirds of adult under 30 have got vaccinated); so there is a feeling that the lives of the rest of the population, who are vaccinated and protected, shouldn’t been impaired by covid restrictions just because the young are too selfish to get vaccinated.  And increasingly, it’s the young unvaccinated who are falling sick and ending up in hospital, not the older vaccinated sector of society.

          Covid is a disease that’s not going to go away anytime soon; so if through vaccination we can learn to live with it, then life can return to a form of normality.

          One aspect that does lead to a higher record of ‘live cases’ than would normally be recorded, it also detects the asymptomatics, is the success of the Government’s NHS Covid App since its launch last September.

          Last month; NHS Covid app causing staff shortages and cutting production:

        2. Nathanville profile image92
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          With the NHS covid app being too successful e.g. a victim of its own success, the isolation rules for people in the UK who are pinged by the app, and who are fully vaccinated, were abolished this Monday (16th August 2021), as per video below:-

          Covid-19 UK: DOUBLE-JABBED Brits will finally be free from self isolating from Monday:

        3. CHRIS57 profile image59
          CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Almost 2 weeks have passed and the situation dynamics is now:

          Active case per thousand population (with change over past 12 days):
          USA : 22,40 (plus 29%)
          UK: 8,20 (plus 12%)
          Canada: 0,78 (plus 56%)
          Germany: 1,47 (plus 104%)

          Active cases in G. and CA are rising from a low level and exponentially. The US and the UK seem to have reached some linear growth pattern.  But all a number are growing and we are still in summer and we do have vaccines.

          To hide behind low fatalities is a bad idea, even more so after looking for some weeks at the dynamics.

          Another topic, more economic:
          I know it may be a bad idea and not very ethical, but we have to look at the economic fallout of what is happening now. Average age of people dying is going down significantly. If we leave out the anecdotal events of kids and juveniles dying, now we have middle age people jumping from the plank.
          This means economy has invested a lot on money into their education, they are no more consumers, they can´t spend and keep economy moving any more.
          This was different a year ago, when mostly older, retired people were passing away. The economic impact was much smaller. Actually relieved pension plans. So what does it help if fatalities are down but economic cost per fatality are up.

          I didn´t fill this with numbers, and it is questionable ethics, but the thought should not be neglected. Even after the pandemic is overcome the economy will not be the same, some valuable people will be missing.

          1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
            Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            I do opined that the economic picture is much problematic even if the pandemic is brought under control.                                    Government has to pump much money into the econnmic system.  This can undo what the lockdown did in demaging the economy.

      3. Readmikenow profile image95
        Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        How can there be increases with so many people vaccinated?  Are you telling me the vaccine doesn't work against the Delta variant?  With so many people vaccinated, wouldn't it make sense for the hospitalizations, etc. to decrease? Is the vaccine working like advertised?  Maybe not.

  7. Glenis Rix profile image97
    Glenis Rixposted 3 years ago

    Arthur, no use trying to argue with some people. Give it up as a bad job, Bottom line - anti- Vaxers are reliant on those of us who are vaccinated to keep them safe.

    1. Readmikenow profile image95
      Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      How does that work?

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
        Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        I'm afraid to stand even six feet away from those shedders.

    2. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Yep Glenis, I fully agree with you, it's a waste of time trying to argue with the anti-vaxers, because they'll stay in denial until its too late for them. And I may take you up on your advice soon, because life is now back to normal in Britain we're going on a couple of staycations over the coming month.

  8. profile image0
    ValKarasposted 3 years ago

    According to doctors specializing in psycho-neuro-immunology -- who have been silenced  by the virologists, politicians, and the Media -- prolonged fear is seriously affecting our immunity. So, if our yearly flu was ever made as propagated as Covid has been, we would be seeing the similar numbers getting sick and die of the flu. Fear from a deadly danger has become a chronic mood in the world's mentality.
    Then, it's not just the daily bombardment by the Media, but also the draconian and very suggestive regulations with masks, social isolation, lockdowns, and financial uncertainty, which further affect our immunity.
    Statistics are saying that one in every 5 people in the US has some mental health issues -- and it might be just as true elsewhere -- so let's imagine how that emotional instability has been hit by the heavy daily propagation of a virus -- which of itself even might not be all that dangerous, but our lowered immunity makes it so.
    (In some primitive tribes, a person instantly dies when their Medicine Man points a bone at them -- such is the power of suggestion on body)

    I won't go into any "conspiracy theories" here, but "coincidently", this global paranoia and damaged spirit of the people incredibly benefit the world's manipulators, who are not some imaginary phantoms, but rather obvious "behind the throne" rulers. Putin said that many American presidents had some great plans -- but then the "men in black" show up to tell them to which music to dance.
    Vaccines have been said to work only in people with a sound immune system, so vaccinated or not, some will keep getting sick and others won't.
    Mind is more powerful -- in positive, as well as in negative sense -- than we may ever realize. It can make us or break us.

    1. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your feedback on the mental health situation in the USA.

      But I don’t know of anyone, at least on this side of the pond, who’s lived in fear of the pandemic; yes people have been cautious and over 80% of the British population, along with all the opposition political parties and the (State) Governments in Wales, Scotland and Ireland, have been fully supportive of the UK Government.  It’s been very refreshing to see ‘ALL’ political parties working together to tackle a common enemy (the pandemic); and after divisions of Brexit which split the nation, it’s been refreshing to see the whole nation united in support of the Government in its fight against covid.

      One interesting facet of the British psyche is that during times of national disaster e.g. war and pandemics etc., the British people come together and support each other (community spirit), often referred to as the ‘wartime spirit’.  Consequently, rather than there being more mental health issues in the UK it’s been lower, and there was significant drop in suicides in the UK during the pandemic; albeit, with the prolonged lockdowns there was a significant increase in domestic violence.

      Anyway, all that is behind us now in the UK, because there are no longer any lockdowns and all covid restrictions, including social distancing and mandatory masks, have all been abolished in England, as life in the UK returns to normal.

  9. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

    "The vaccine doesn’t stop the delta variant, according to Israel

    A medical professional administers a booster shot for the coronavirus vaccine at Clalit Health Services, one of Israel’s health maintenance organizations, in Jerusalem, Sunday, Aug. 15, 2021.© Maya Alleruzzo, Associated Press A medical professional administers a booster shot for the coronavirus vaccine at Clalit Health Services, one of Israel’s health maintenance organizations, in Jerusalem, Sunday, Aug. 15, 2021.
    Israel has issued a stark warning about the COVID-19 vaccine — it can blunt the spread of the delta variant, but it cannot defeat it.

    Does the COVID-19 vaccine stop the delta variant?
    Officials in Israel said this week that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine might not be totally effective against the novel coronavirus.

    Israel has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world with 78% of those 12 years old and up fully vaccinated, per Science Magazine. However, the country has been suffering from one of the world’s highest infection rates — with 650 infections per 1 million people, according to Science Magazine.

    “More than half are in fully vaccinated people, underscoring the extraordinary transmissibility of the delta variant and stoking concerns that the benefits of vaccination ebb over time,” per Science Magazine.
    Ran Balicer — chief innovation officer at Clalit Health Services, which is Israel’s largest health maintenance organization — said this is a huge warning for the rest of the world, according to Science Magazine.

    “This is a very clear warning sign for the rest of world,” he said. “If it can happen here, it can probably happen everywhere.” … mp;pc=U531

    1. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      ‘Deseret News’ is published in Salt Lake City and owned by the LDS Church, so it’s not the best source for such information.  Although what they published is factually correct for as far as it goes, they have, as many newspapers do, omitted important facts that would put a different perspective on what they are saying.

      Yes, Israel has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world with 78% of those 12 years old and up fully vaccinated; but they are not the highest, the UK with over 90% of those 18 years old and up vaccinated is higher.  If you look at the most recent vaccination data you will see that a higher percentage of the whole population have been vaccinated in the UK than in Israel. 

      Unlike many countries, to date, the UK Government has decided not to vaccinate children; but because most of the recent infections are in the age group from 16 to 24 the Government has started to vaccinate all 16 & 17 year old earlier this week.

      Yeah, it is likely that the effectiveness of the vaccines will wane overtime, just as the anti-bodies in those previously infected with covid wanes overtime.  One fundal difference between the UK and the rest of the world is that in the UK there was a three months gap between the 1st & 2nd dose, while in the rest of the world it was just a 3 week gap; research on the effect of widening the gap between doses has shown that leaving 8 weeks or more between doses actually gives the body better protection for longer than when the gap is just 3 weeks. 

      Also, as from September all adults over the age of 50 in the UK will be offered a booster shot; this being based on the fact that prior to anyone being vaccinated in the UK 90% of the covid deaths were in people over the age of 55.

      But for clarity, the bit the ‘Deseret News’ article conveniently missed out is that the vaccines were never designed to stop you from catching covid and becoming infectious; they were designed to reduce the risk of you being hospitalised and prevent you from dying, and that is exactly what they do, even against the Delta variant:-

      In answer to your earlier question; the reason there’s been a dramatic increase in infections in the UK, with a moderate increase in hospitalisations, is partly because the Delta variant is far more infectious and because the UK abolished all covid restriction e.g. abolished social distancing and mandatory masks since the 19th July.  Although anyone can become infected with covid, including those who are fully vaccinated, the fact remains that over 90% of those ending up in hospital with covid are the unvaccinated.  Below is the latest technical data for the UK, published earlier today, remembering that in the UK the main covid vaccine is the AstraZeneca Oxford University vaccine:-

      “Pfizer/BioNTech and Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines remain at least as effective as protection from prior natural infection against the Delta variant. Two doses Oxford/AstraZeneca were 67% effective against infection with Delta, while two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech were 80% effective….”  People vaccinated are “less likely to have symptoms.

      Two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech or Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine are estimated to be 96% and 92% effective against hospitalisation with the Delta variant, respectively.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image77
        Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        There are reports up to that of 90% of fully vaxxers are hospitalized in Israel. It was spoken in Israelis language, so probably more true.

        Other report. … feat-delta

        1. Nathanville profile image92
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Your fist statement is false, and if you read the article properly (which you gave the link to) you’ll know that you are misinterpreting what it says; the article is stating the obvious, making it perfectly clear, that the vaccines wane over time, hence why Israel are now giving booster shots to everyone over the age of 50.  And for your information, if you read the article properly, to quote from it:-

          “….and the unvaccinated are still far more likely to end up in the hospital or die.” 

          Also, another clue that you misread the article is in the title of the article, which is:

          “…..Vaccination blunts, but does not defeat Delta”

          And also for your information, the UK is also giving booster shots to everyone over the age of 50 as from September; so that the most vulnerable in the UK will be fully protected from serious illness and death from covid over the winter months.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image77
            Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            I'm saying there is several articles from Israel and videos. Statements between 60% to 90% fully vaccinated are dying.

            Articles below states,
            Most of the vaccinated patients who were hospitalized, about 87 percent, were at least 60 years old.

   … finds.html

            Your projecting like the fake tested delta variants or the 3rd vaccines will make everything better. It won't, it's a plandemic genocide by your wealthy owners who own you.  Not me.

            1. Nathanville profile image92
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Becker Professional Education (which you provided the link for above) is an American Company that’s part of Adtalem Global Education, an American corporation based in Chicago.  It’s not a particularly reputable company either; it’s had numerous lawsuits filed against it over the years, including in 2010 its practice of “spending more on marketing than on student instruction”, leading to over 50% of student’s withdrawing from their courses, which was of concern to the Senate as 80% of Adtalem’s  funding is tax payers money.

              As is typical, the heading and leading paragraphs in the above American Article has taken information out of context, leading to a false impression.  But even then, if you read to the end of the article (which I doubt you did) it does quote quite clearly:-

              To Quote:-

              “….and a growing body of research has shown those who are unvaccinated face far higher risks of severe illness or death from a COVID-19 infection.”

              Plus also, if you follow the link to the source document that the Becker article is based on, and read it properly (which I guess you didn’t), you will see that it also states, to Quote:-

              “….and the unvaccinated are still far more likely to end up in the hospital or die.”


              “…..Vaccination blunts, but does not defeat Delta”

              1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                As always, of every prediction of world events I've made, for the last 40 years has come true, call it extreme logic.
                It will be a hundred million or millions deaths related to covid vaccines. They will always twist vaccines and  blame it on the covid or unvaccinated, NO matter what. About 75% of Canadian covid death are 80 years and over. The won't blame the covid deaths on 2 or more 94% health conditions. It was (according to CDC 6% purely covid deaths) that it the final job that did the (fake news) 80 year olds as goners.

                1. Nathanville profile image92
                  Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Yep, prior to the vaccine rollout in the UK 90% of covid deaths were people over the age of 55; but now that about 96% of people in that age group are fully vaccinated over 90% of the deaths currently are in younger people who are not fully vaccinated; that’s why they death toll in the UK is now less than a 10th of what it was.

                  It’s an established fact that, without the vaccine, the older you are the greater the risk you are at dying from covid. 

                  And you still don’t understand that 94% of people who die of covid are people with other underlying heath conditions e.g. the older people get the more health issues they get (it’s called ageing), but it’s not the underlying health conditions that kills them, it’s the fact that the underlying health conditions, such as asthma, diabetes and obesity etc., makes people more vulnerable to dying from coivd; that is where the 6% comes from that you keep quoiting from the CDC e.g. 6% of the covid deaths are young and healthy people, thus although the risk of death is greatly reduced if you are under the age of 55, there is still a risk.

                  But just as important, and a fact that anti-vaxxers like you completely ignore is the fact the long term illness, known as long covid can and does affect anyone of any age e.g. it affect the young just as much as older people. 

                  It doesn’t matter how big your head gets with false pride (always boosting that you’ve been right on everything for the past 40 years); pride comes before a fall – contrary to your false claims (which as a self-confessed anarchist you would love to come true), the vaccines are not going to kill hundreds of millions of people (that’s just wishing thinking on your part), the vaccines are saving hundreds of thousands of lives.

                  You criticized Britain when it was in lockdown, and imposed covid restrictions such as social distancing and mandatory masks; now that the lockdown has been lifted and all the restrictions, including social distancing and mandatory masks have been abolished, so that life can return to normal in the UK, you are still criticizing Britain – presumably because as an anarchist Britain’s successful road map out of the pandemic hasn’t led to the chaos that you were hoping for.

                  1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
                    Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Arthur, I completely agree with all that you post. It means good sense.

                  2. Castlepaloma profile image77
                    Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Makes complete nonsense to me. The number are way down because like flu it's not in season. Still up from last summer and so will the winter numbers will be way up again as well. Because since vaccines roll out all over the world covid death rate has risen double speed. The mask mandate is lifted because it is against international and constitutional law in the first place. If it wasn't for the largest protester in history against handling of covid. Of course not the mainstream media would covered it. Because wealthy one eye assumed big bother. The same one eye London Olympic mascot and on the dollar bill. Mascot looks like an alien bad condom.

                    Very few children have died of covid. They will now from the vaccines. Designed like all drugs, from fraud Pharmaceutical, to be addictive to on for life

  10. Miebakagh57 profile image74
    Miebakagh57posted 3 years ago

    That is well noted. Much thanks.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Words disappeared.

      Year 2020 under 2 million covid deaths, vaccine roll out started end of 2020 world widespread

      Year 2021 4.44 million deaths more than double the deaths and new variants caused by vaccine and in more Tropical countries and younger people. I don't wish vaccines will increase death toll. Its logical and a pattern with pharmaceutical corporations don't care about your heath.
      Its never been at this high level before.

      1. Nathanville profile image92
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        FYI, like any other virus, covid mutates best when it’s most widespread; hence the more contagious variants sprang up in areas where the infection rates were highest e.g. the Brazilin variant, the UK variant before the vaccine rollout had got headway and the Indian variant. 

        The reason that covid deaths have doubled this year is because much of the world still haven’t been vaccinated.  Covid deaths have risen sharply in countries where there has been little or no vaccination rollout; while in countries where the vaccine rollout is at an advanced stage the death toll in relation to infection rates is down considerably.

        In fact if you look at the timeline, you will see that world covid deaths daily average peaked at over 17,000 in February, at the beginning of the vaccine rollout across the wealthy countries.  It peaked again at around 14,000 in May, and is currently around 9,000 a day; so as the vaccine programme has rolled out the trend of covid deaths has been downwards.

        I know that you are going to argue that like flu, covid is seasonal, and the worst is to come; but looking at the world data there is no evidence to suggest that it’s seasonal in the way you think it is; and that’s certainly not the experience of Australia who are approaching their summer but facing the worst covid infections they’ve had to date; noting that only a minority of Australians have been vaccinated, so they have very little protection against the Delta variant; which is why New South Wales has gone into ‘Lockdown’.

  11. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

    Based on studies by the CDC, it appears the value of the vaccine is fading.

    Boosters will be needed within 8 months after taking the vaccine.  I don't think anyone knows the long-term effects of the vaccine, and they certainly don't know the long-term effects of the boosters. 

    "Two new studies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show fully vaccinated Americans’ immunity to Covid-19 is waning as the more-transmissible Delta variant continues to spread across the country.

    One study, which focused on frontline health care workers, found that vaccine effectiveness declined by nearly thirty percentage points since the Delta variant became the dominant strain in the U.S. The analysis also concluded that the Covid-19 vaccines were 80 percent effective in preventing infection among the frontline health care workers.

    The CDC cautioned in its report that the vaccine effectiveness “might also be declining as time since vaccination increases and because of poor precision in estimates due to limited number of weeks of observation.”

    CDC officials pointed to recent state data on breakthrough infection states, and its New York study, as clear proof that Americans need booster shots. But critics inside the Biden administration and outside health experts have argued the CDC has not presented enough evidence to support doling a second round of shots domestically when dozens of countries are still struggling to get a hold of first doses. … mp;pc=U531

    1. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Pfizer is holding vaccines back for ramson for trade of some countries military bases and natural resources.

      It's a hell of a game from psychos.

    2. Miebakagh57 profile image74
      Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the information. But the vaccines actually does its initial work effectively.                                      As noted, it is those who are not vaccinated that are getting sick and being hospitalized. The  CDC and P prevention( USA) seems not to be a strong independent body. Government intervention with its functions should be strongly resisted.                                Certain persons will not go for the vaccine jabs. But  they hardly took any preventive measures against covid19 and it's varants. So the disease cmtinue to spread and mutate.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image77
        Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Many months ago I said they are going to mandate vaccines. People told me I'm crazy. Most part they have, jab for job, travelling passport and so on. I said vaccines will more than double the speed of covid spread, it has. It will more than double again this dark winter. Why will vaxxers denier blame it on non Vaxxers or the covid because they are under  mass psychosis. No matter how many of my predictions come true  Or how many 10s of million will die because the variants comes from the vaccines, not from scientists or non vaxxers.

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
          Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Castlepaloma, why are you still talking like that? Were you a virilogist? These proffesionals were careful not to make any dubious or disparageing remark.                                               But I am sorry to say that all your posts, and comments so far lacks the understanding of a lay person. FYI, covid19 and all its variants are deadly disease.                                     Seriously, main-stream medicine, virilogist, and all those who have got a better understanding of covid are on the frontline to provide what the sick needed. Vaccines and the accompany boosters are the best tools now.                                       Yes, vaccines like any medication have a limited life-span. Have you ever seen a medicine that permanently cures the common cold? That is your trouble.                                      Vaccines,  has never double the rate of covid spread, and its variant. Nor does the vaccine propagate and mutate covid. If you want a test of how good the pfizer vaccine is, get a jab.

    3. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, studies in Israel and the UK have shown similar results; which is why everyone over the age of 30 in Israel is currently being offered a booster jab, and as from September everyone in the UK over the age of 50 will be offered a booster job - Trials carried out in the UK earlier this year have shown that the booster jab is safe and effective

      Also as from this Tuesday just gone everyone in the UK who test positive with covid will be offered to take part a longer term NHS anti-body study to better understand how the covid antibodies wax and wane in the body overtime, which will better help the Government formulate it’s strategy for next year.

      1. Readmikenow profile image95
        Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Again, nobody knows the long-term effects or long-term side effects of the vaccine, and NOBODY knows what a booster will do to a person's body.  So many people have the vaccine, we will eventually discover these things.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          There is a good degree of not knowing what the  vaccines will do. Yet by my intuitive and guesstimate when the 3 greatest scammers of all time are behind our well being. With the likes of Government, banks and pharmaceutical. You know it's going to get much worse. Everyone knows.

          1. Nathanville profile image92
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            FYI Castlepaloma, this short video tells you exactly what the covid vaccine does:-

            How the COVID-19 vaccines were created so quickly:

          2. Miebakagh57 profile image74
            Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            'Yet my intuitive and guesstimate'. Science has no intuitive and guesstimate rules. Should that happen under any circustances, then the question is spread out in the lab for every scientist under the sun, in that field to carry out a test, observation, inference, and a conclusion.                                      But the story will further be test under peer review. If anyone here can recalled how we got our B-complex vitamins initially, than I am not wrong.

        2. Nathanville profile image92
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          There’s nothing sinister about the vaccines, all they do is introduce a harmless substance into the body that looks just like the spikes on the surface of a covid virus; and then thinking the harmless substance is an invading body, your own immune system starts making anti-bodies that fit exactly the shape of the covid spikes. 

          And importantly they protect people from a highly infectious and deadly virus, and save lives. 

          It takes about 4 weeks for the body to make enough anti-bodies to ward off covid, if you subsequently get infected.  Without the vaccine your body will make the same anti-bodies if you get covid, but it takes around 4 weeks for your immune system to make enough anti-bodies to give you full protection, by which time you could be dead.

          FYI various extensive trials have been run in the UK on various aspects of vaccinations; including the booster shots; so we do know what the booster shot does to a person’s body e.g. it boosts the immune system against the covid virus and further protects people from serious illness and death.

          1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
            Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you, Arthur. Thank you. All these are basic biology or F Daniel Health Sciences.                                             I did not know where ReadMikeNow is coming from. Methink he is kind of a political guy. Good that he has drop ropes to that man whose user name began with 'Ca' and ends with an 'a'. Sure, he has began to hang himself! Lol!                                                      If Castlepaloma had a science mentality like we do, he should have known that the introduction of a vaccine began by introducing a micro or tiny fraction(culture) of the virus into the human body that triggers the protective anti-bodies.                                    Naturally, all these are going on in the human bodies against a fever or cough. But when it become too hard for the body, the introduction of a related foreign body is the option for better health and well being. Let's give RMN the benefit of the doubt.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image77
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I naturally adapt my amunne system to what ever continent traveling.
              Amunne system needs practice starting a little bit and build.

              You guy are always saying 'scientist', what about geologist, physicist, chemist, etc... An astrophysicist may not have anything useful to say about the symbiotic microbiome.

              Both you guys would not make it into the museum natural history work that I do for 4 decade. . Working with scientist also must know enough about science to fact check sciencist results.

              Or be creative and studied enough to handle other scientific scrutiny and public education.

              1. Nathanville profile image92
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Castlepaloma, if you understood the methodology of how to “fact check scientist results” (as you put it) then you wouldn’t constantly be dismissing the scientific evidence on covid and on the vaccines; so your statement rings untrue:  Besides the proper terminology you should have used, if you were knowledgeable in science as you claim to be, is “Peer Review”.

                And good luck with your immune system; no matter what you say, the older you get the less effective it becomes.

                1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
                  Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Arthur, thank you. Your last sentense cannot be deny. That is why we that are past middle age should run to get the covid19 or the madona injections.                                         But alas! Some will not go for it. They argued that the vaccines does not contain the cv19 virus. That being the case, they should befriend natural remedies that will enhanced they immune system and inflict a booster effect.                           Seriously, doctors now have a better understanding and knowledge of the covid disease and infection, and how to treat a specific variant like the gamma or delta variants.                                               The September Study on those who have not take the jab will tell us more. Hopefully our medical scientists are likely to introduce live or cultured  cv virus into a new vaccine.

                  1. Nathanville profile image92
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Yep, in spite of the benefits the vaccines offer, and the lives they save; some will never learn until its too late.

                2. Castlepaloma profile image77
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  When I see your doctors living well above life expectancy, ill take note. Meanwhile I'll be my own best doctor in the world. And take my studies from natural path doctors who do live well over the average age person.

                  Fact checker from professional is more efficient than internet amateurs. Or we don't get paid.

          2. Readmikenow profile image95
            Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            If you believe the Covid vaccine is like other vaccines, you would be very mistaken.  There has NEVER been a vaccine like this one.

            "Moeller who is also a consulting professor of medicine at Duke University, knows what he is talking about. He has contacts at Moderna, one of the two companies that have developed the new vaccine, and has followed its development closely.

            mRNA is a nucleic acid – Moeller compared it to an instruction manual that teaches the cells how to fight COVID. As the CDC describes it:

            “mRNA can most easily be described as instructions for the cell on how to make a piece of the “spike protein” that is unique to SARS-CoV-2. Since only part of the protein is made, it does not do any harm to the person vaccinated but it is antigenic.

            “After the piece of the spike protein is made, the cell breaks down the mRNA strand and disposes of them using enzymes in the cell. It is important to note that the mRNA strand never enters the cell’s nucleus or affects genetic material."

   … 856731001/

            1. Nathanville profile image92
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I know exactly how the covid vaccines are made and how they work, I do have College qualifications in Human Biology and thus an understanding in this area; so giving me the details is like telling ‘granny to suck eggs’. 

              The AstraZeneca Oxford University vaccine used as the prime vaccine in the UK, and the J&J vaccine uses different technologies to the Moderna and the Pfizer vaccines; but the principle very much the same.

              You also seem quite knowledgeable in this area; so you may find this short video below of some interest?

              Inside the Lab That Invented the COVID-19 Vaccine:

              1. Readmikenow profile image95
                Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Then you agree there has never before been a vaccine like the Covid vaccine.

                1. Nathanville profile image92
                  Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Yep, all the covid vaccines are new technology, based on decades of R&D; but all the safety protocols have been fulfilled to the same standard as is done with the development of any other vaccines.

                  Also, while Moderna and Pfizer are mRNA vaccines, the AstraZenica Oxford University vaccine used as the main vaccine in the UK, along with the J&J vaccine are not mRNA vaccines, they are ‘viral vector’ vaccine types; a different technology:

                2. Miebakagh57 profile image74
                  Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Yes, I can agree. But  Arthur(Nathanvilli) is saying that all the present covid vaccines: J & J, Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZenneca Oxford University vaccines are made with the same technology. I believe if this were not the case, these vaccines would be much questionable. A basic standard was set up for they production.                                   Arguably, I believe also a time will come as more research is done to improve these present covid vaccines and or formulate new ones. Nothing at present is permanent is permanent.

                  1. Nathanville profile image92
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Yep, with the knowledge being gained, the scientists are constantly getting better at targeting the vaccines for greater effect.

                3. Nathanville profile image92
                  Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  As opposed to the Moderna & Pfizer vaccines that are manufactured by creating artificial genetic material (mRHA) in the lab to mimic the covid spike; the AstraZeneca Oxford University vaccine (the main covid vaccine used in the UK) is manufactured in the lab by using ‘cloned' human kidney cells that are genetically modified to mimic the covid spike, which is then hidden inside a dead cell from a monkey flu virus (Trojan Horse).

                  Both the AstraZeneca Oxford University and the Pfizer vaccines started to be developed around the 20th January 2020, just after China had given the labs around the world the genetic code of the covid virus; so by the time WHO classified covid as a Pandemic in March 2020 these labs were well on the way to perfecting the initial doses of the vaccines for the first phase of human trials.

                  In January 2021 the UK was the first country in the world to start ‘Human Challenge Trials” on Covid-19; to better understand the virus and to help develop better vaccines for the future.  A Human Challenge Trial being trials done under controlled conditions in the Lab, where paid volunteers agree to be deliberately infected with a virus. 

                  In the UK the NHS paid each volunteer who took part in the Human Challenge Trials £4,500 ($6,200).

                  Human challenge trial to study immune response to COVID-19:

                  1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
                    Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Thank you for this information.

                4. CHRIS57 profile image59
                  CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  You seem to have issues with the new vaccines.

                  When i read about the situation in the US, there is a rollout of monoclone antibody medication under way. Question: Do you also oppose this treatment? This development is even newer, me think.

                  1. Readmikenow profile image95
                    Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I don't have any opposition to a vaccine.  I oppose being forced to take it so I can go to a restaurant, etc.  I have natural immunity.  That is the reason I don't want the vaccine.  Also, people who have survived Covid have real problems when they do take the vaccine.  I think if you have had Covid, you should be exempt from taking the vaccine.  Anybody can take any vaccine they like, just don't try and force it on me, especially since I don't feel I need it.

            2. Miebakagh57 profile image74
              Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              RMN, thanks for the link. It's an informative and interesting read.

  12. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

    I wonder why the cases of Covid are increasing in the UK with so many people being vaccinated.

    "Coronavirus: COVID-19 cases rise significantly again during week 13-19 August

    During the seven-day period between 13-19 August 2021:   

    1,175 new cases reported   
    An increase of 33% on the previous week   
    The 7-day infection rate for Shropshire was 361.1 per 100,000   
    It was 321.8 per 100,000 for the West Midlands, and 324.0 for England 
    23 hospital beds were occupied by COVID-19 patients  
    6 COVID-19-related deaths in a local hospital " … 19-august/

    1. CHRIS57 profile image59
      CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I wrote this in another discussion, but fits in here: … 21261991v1

      This study found out that apparently Delta is tricky, because Delta seems to hide/suppress symptoms for a few days. People with Delta are infectuous some days before first symptoms develop.

      This may explain the higher virus load for the Delta variant (has more time to develop before discovery) and it may explain the rapid spreading, because more infected people run around uncontrolled without symptoms.

      Makes sense to me.

      Actually the UK after dropping all lockdown measures is similar to Florida, but with a much higher vaccination rate. So the UK has a lower 7 day infection rate and a much lower hospitalisation.

      With the information of the study (link above) the only cure seems to be: Test in short intervals, and test everybody, no matter without symptoms or  with symptoms. In Germany we have no lockdown, but we have antibody test intervals (2-3 times per week) in every company for their employees mandatory.

      The general issue is that the virus gets out of control now. Infection rate growth is everywhere, not only in the US or UK. While vaccination keeps the consequences controllable, it looks different for the spreading. A really dire situation in states like Florida, but self inflicted with low vaccination and political struggle on distancing and mask mandates.

      1. Readmikenow profile image95
        Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Why hasn't the vaccine kept Covid from spreading?  It is now been proven that the vaccine is losing its ability to protect against Covid.  In some cases, it has decreased by 40 percent in 8 months.  Does this mean within a year the vaccine will have no ability to fight Covid?  What then?  Boosters every eight months for forever?  Nobody knows the long-term effects or side effects of a booster for people vaccinated.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          The illusion that vaccines are going to stop the spread of covid is hopeless. Most likely it will make it much worst because Pharmaceutical won't let us off the grand profit hook and sinker.

          1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
            Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Where is the evidence-based facts that vaccines stop the spread of covid? The point is that it help control and contained covid19 to some extend which is evidentially great.                                 The present vaccination question with those deadly cv variants like Delta is very challenging. Our medical scientists, medical researchers, and virilogists are not sleeping but still at work in the lab. Do you have a good thought for them?                                     Castlepaloma, you seem not to be aware of the fact that not every person from 14 years upwards has had a  vaccine jab and booster shot. Or you were just feigning ignorance? Presently, those persons being hospitalized with covid illness are evidently the ones that reject a covid vaccine injection. Do not be surprised if you end up like one of them.

        2. CHRIS57 profile image59
          CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          If you compare recent months in the state of New York with Florida, you do see what more and earlier vaccination does.

          As far as we can see now, breakthrough infections are rare and correspond to the effectiveness guarantees of the vaccine providers.

          Without vaccine and without the Delta variant the USA allowed roughly 0,7% of population per month to be infected (mostly 2020).

          Now some 60% of population are protected (includes recovered) but the Delta variant is more than twice as contageous, thus resulting in similar or even higher numbers of new infections for this year.

          If we understand the mechanism behind the Delta variant, refer to the study i provided, then a solution could be testing, testing, every day testing of everyone (cheap antibody quicktests). If that is not done, then the high number of active cases spoils the show and lets the virus off the hook.

          While vaccination and mask wearing seems to compromise the human rights of some people, is simple everyday antibody testing also compromising freedom?Like brushing your teeth?  Just asking.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image77
            Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Billionaires sponsor and lobbyists always know what is the best bang for their investment by the way the control the Government and media. What will it be the bang for their buck, this time. Covid sex manual, fart butt plugs and triple mask to shut us the hell up.

            Great empty fear mongering, 99% unvaccinated are only ones who have delta variant. Lol.

            I'm sure the billionaires are crying with laughter all the way to the bank. And over what they can get vaxxers to do next. Fear is stealing peoples thinking ability.
            Like those Afghanis trying to hang on to jet planes.

            1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
              Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Castlepaloma, this is a serious discussion puting search light to save humanity. Why were you being nutty? I am not moved by your dead hoax. Thanks.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                I got a 0.005 in the world of dying of covid. Compared to heart disease of 32% plus ten other ways greater to die from than from covid. I joke when being most serious.

                This mass psychosis
                the billionaires game. This is by far most dangerous brain washing game. More dangerous than any viruses of natural disaster.
                STOP IT!!!
                SNAP OUT OF IT!!!

                1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
                  Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Castlepaloa, is heart disease contagious? Nope. But covid19 is. So your joke is not relevant here.

                  1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
                    Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Everybody that got vaccinated didn't need to. How about that?
                    What we need to do, is stop all bad habits, stay away from each other and wear masks out of respect for others and to protect ourselves. We don't need vaccine mandates. We don't need mask mandates.
                    We need common sense. Like, if your're sick stay home. STAY HOME!
                    Maybe this is desperate wishful thinking.
                    Can you Blame me?

                    I really wonder what Mighty Triple O is thinking about all this?
                        Did we deserve it?
                    if so, I would love to know

                                 H O W?

                    Maybe in the future we will build domes and within the domes we will have normal lives.
                    If anyone tests positive for Covid or whatever, then out they go.
                    Or perhaps we will organize ourselves into communities with clear cut boundaries. Within those communities, if any one test positive, then out they go, into the outer areas ... oh man...

                  2. Castlepaloma profile image77
                    Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Smoking kills 4 times greater annual than covid. Flu disappear because number went over to covid and the other 94% of other health conditions got thrown into covid death certificate including skydiving death and people already dead before covid.

        3. Nathanville profile image92
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Three reasons why covid is currently spreading in the UK:-

          1.    The Delta variant is more than twice as contagious than the previous covid variants, and

          2.    The UK Government ended the lockdown on the 21st June, and all covid restrictions, including social distancing and mandatory masks were abolished by the Government in England on the 19th July.

          3.    The vaccines doesn’t stop you from getting infected, they only reduce the risk of you becoming serious ill with covid, and prevents you from dying from covid.

          However, although covid infections have risen sharply since the restrictions have eased and lifted, as people return to normal life, because of the protection the vaccines give hospitalisations and deaths remain relatively low.

          FYI the vaccines were never designed to stop you from getting infected with covid, they were designed to stop you from becoming seriously ill and dying from covid; and that is exactly what they do.  In fact, although the vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting infected, it does reduce the risk of you getting infected by about 60%.

          Yes, the effectively of the vaccine wanes over time e.g. the covid anti-bodies decrease overtime if you’re not exposed to covid.  It’s no different to when a person becomes infected with covid e.g. over the next 4 weeks after infection their body makes the anti-bodies, which then gives them good protection from re-infection for the next 8 months; but then, if they don’t get exposed to covid during that time the anti-bodies decrease, putting them at risk of re-infection.

          So yes, it may be likely that booster jabs may be required once a year for the most vulnerable, just like the flu jab e.g. in the UK everyone over 50 will be offered the booster jab as from September.

          And, due to the ‘Human Challenge Trials’ that have been conducted in the UK over the past 8 months, we do have a good understanding of the risks and benefits of the booster jab.  You could wait 10 years to see if there are any long-term side effects, and discover that it’s no different to the annual flu jab, and in the meantime hundreds of thousands of people die because of vaccine hesitancy; or you could accept that the benefits outweigh the risks and take the booster shots (just like the annual flu jabs) and save hundreds of thousands of lives in the process.

          Bottom line, we know covid kills, and all the evidence is that the vaccines are safe; far safer than the myriad of harmful chemicals put in processed and junk food by the food manufacturers for added flavour, colouring and preservatives, that many people eat daily. 
          So in summary - Which is far better: -

          •    To keep people in lockdown, and to continue to impose social distancing and mandatory masks, with no end in sight; or

          •    Having vaccinated around 90% of the UK adult population to abolish all restrictions and allow people to have their freedom back and live again; albeit in the knowledge that infection rates will rise, but with hospitalisations and deaths remaining relatively low due to the protection the vaccines give.

          It doesn’t matter what the UK does, as a self-confessed anarchist Castlepaloma will be critical of it because all he wants to see is death and destruction so that anarchy can rule.

          1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
            Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Arthur, makes much sense to me. Thank you.                                 The UK government so far has done the best she can do, and still doing much.

            1. Nathanville profile image92
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Yeah, the UK Government made lots of mistakes (errors of judgment) during the first six months of the pandemic, but the General Public, and even the political opposition parties have been very forgiving because if nothing else the Government has persisted in fighting the pandemic on all fronts and learning from their mistakes ended up initiating policies that achieved results.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Funny thought when anarchist rule.

                Their mandate

                : Think for yourselves
                : No one above me or below me
                : No wars or violence
                : volunteers, no forcing
                :love and work
                :independent :individualism
                : Family government

                Wouldn't be enough conflict for your liking.

              2. Miebakagh57 profile image74
                Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Yes, learning from mistakes makes one progressive. So the UK learns her lessons well.                                    No wonder, she is one of the foremost in the vaccination schenes in the world nowadays, I think after Isreal.

            2. Nathanville profile image92
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              One further thought.

              I am a socialist, so politically I do not support the current UK Government; and it even pains me in defending the achievements of a right-wing Conservative Government; as there is nothing I would like better than to see the Government fall and be replaced by a Socialist Government.  But credit where credit is due; this Government has, as you say, done its best to fight the pandemic, and in doing so has the full support of 80% of the British Public at this time, which is quite unique when normally they only have the support of 30% to 40% of the British Public at best.

              1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
                Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                That is much understandable. It is currently better to unit and give the unpopular government the support to fight the greatest number one enemy the world has ever produce.                                    That is the British people at they best.

          2. Readmikenow profile image95
            Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            "far safer than the myriad of harmful chemicals put in processed and junk food by the food manufacturers for added flavour, colouring and preservatives, that many people eat daily"

            I'm sure you realize these foods are not designed to fight a virus.  Bad analogy.

            The vaccines DO come with known side effects.  Everything from myocarditis and pericarditis to Guillain-Barre syndrome and more.  I always hear the argument that they are rare.  Maybe, the incidents of them are growing rapidly.

            1. Taking the vaccine comes with risks to your health.
            2. The vaccine, within 8 months, loses up to 40 percent of its effectiveness
            3. Since there is still much unknown about the vaccine, are you taking a greater risk by getting the vaccine or by NOT getting it?  There are strong arguments on both sides.
            4. People who get the vaccine are still getting sick with Covid.  Vaccinated people are still dying from Covid.
            5. People who don't get the vaccine should not be condemned. Vaccinated people still die and get sick and their vaccine wears off, probably within a year.  Each side is taking a risk.

            1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
              Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              "The vaccine DO come with a know side effect." I am sorry to note here that you have contradict yourself. For a while ago, you said that the long tern effect of the covid vaccine were not known. What is the matter? Please be a good advocate here.

            2. Nathanville profile image92
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Any risk with the vaccines, as you noted, is very rare (around 1 in a million); the risk of death or the serious illness of ‘long term covid’ from catching covid if you are unvaccinated is far, far greater – and no the incidents of rare serious effects of rare complications are not growing. 

              The dangerous chemicals put in processed food and junk food by the manufacturers in the USA is a good analogy; because you’re pumping your body with toxins from food every day; while the vaccine (which is harmless) is just two doses initially and an annual booster for the most vulnerable (no different to the flu vaccine).  Much of the toxins deliberately put in American food are banned in Europe and across the world.  If Americans don’t mind pumping their bodies with food toxins daily then why should they be worried about what vaccines contain, especially as (contrary what anti-vaxxers, and anarchist would like you to believe) is quite harmless.  The toxins does do more harm to your health than any vaccine will ever do.

              Yeah, you lose some immunity (anti-bodies) from covid over 8 months regardless to whether you got that immunity from a previous infection of covid or from the vaccine; the difference being that with the vaccine you are guaranteed a better level of protection e.g. while the vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting infected it does dramatically reduce the risk of hospitalisation, and makes the risk of death extremely unlikely.  Whereas, if you are unvaccinated it’s a matter of chance in whether you die from covid, and the risk is far, far higher.

              You’ve made your choice not to get vaccinated, and that’s your decision; and the British people have made their choice to get vaccinated and consequently in the UK we have our freedom back, with no covid restrictions, no legal requirement to social distance, and no legal requirement to wear masks – that is our choice.

              The bottom line is, with 90% of the adult population now vaccinated in the UK, for the level of infection within the community hospitalisations are down by more than a 5th, and deaths are a 10th of what they were (for the comparable level on infection previously experienced in the UK); a clear indication that the vaccines are doing their job.

              1. CHRIS57 profile image59
                CHRIS57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Arthur, where is the percentage of 90% vaccinated adults coming from?
                Multiple internet sources put the UK to some 64% fully vaccinated and 71% with first shot. This is quite impressive, but is the difference coming from those under 18 not counted?

                The more the situation progresses in countries with high vaccination, the more it becomes obvious that there is failure on one objective: "keep the infection rates low to reduce propability of mutation".

                We shall see how the vaccination progress turns out in reducing hospitalisation and deaths.

                I provide a screenshot: Agegroup infection over time in G. from recent RKI publications. Even though in German, i think the graphic is selfexplaining.


                It kind of suprised me, that the infection development in 2021 is exactly the same as for the same period of time in 2020. Almost looks like copy/paste. G. had a strict lockdown only in winter. So last year in Aug./Sept./Oct. there were very few restrictions in place, same as this year.

                It is the young people who "maintain" the virus case load, while the older people suffer. Hope this does not repeat this fall/winter.

                It looks like there is "belt" for the age groups from 60.. 80 years. Apparently fewer infections reach this age group ( same as for toddlers). A lot can be speculated on this phenomenom. Some will even say, the immune system of 60..80 year old is better..., some will say this age group has less contact to active business life and is better able to decide and isolate for themselves. 

                Another little information: As the age group over 70 has a very high vaccination percentage, almost all infections are breakthrough infections. There are simply no unvaccinated people left in that age group. Any statistics pointing to the fact that elderly are much more prone for breakthrough infection if compared to younger folks is simply false. We have think the maths all the way to the end.

                1. Nathanville profile image92
                  Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Yeah, the percentages given are a percentage of all those eligible for the vaccine, not of the whole population; specifically a percentage of the population aged 16 and over.

                  As at yesterday (7th September), in the UK:-

                  •    88.8% have had the 1st dose, and
                  •    80.1% have had the 2nd dose.

                  The reason the figure I previous quoted has slightly dropped from 90% is that up until last month only adults 18 and over in the UK were eligible for the vaccine; then as from August 16 & 17 year olds became eligible.

                  Source: -

                  In the UK it’s far from a mirror image of last year:-

                  1.    We are no longer in lockdown; the lockdown was lifted on the 21st June.

                  2.    Social Distancing & Mandatory masks were abolished on the 19th July.

                  3.    Nightclubs were allowed to open again, for the first time in 16 months on the 19th July.

                  4.    Therefore, not surprisingly, new cases are almost as high as they were at the peak of pandemic back in January.

                  5.     Although every person in the UK is entitled to two free 'quick' (15 minute test) covid test kits per week; freely available from any pharmacist e.g. being handed out like sweeties.  And if you get a positive from the quick test you can get a free 'full' test, with the results returned within 24 hours.  It does mean the number of new cases being detected is far higher than it would otherwise be, but it also mean that people, even those with no symptoms, get to know that they are infectious quickly, and can then isolate so as not to pass the infection onto others.

                  6.    However, although (not surprisingly) hospitalisations & deaths have risen since abolishing the lockdown, social distancing and mandatory masks, and re-opening nightclubs; hospitalisations and deaths are a fraction of what they were when new cases were this high back in January e.g. a low caseload that doesn’t overwhelm the hospitals.

                  In the UK the vast majority of those over the age of 30 have vaccinated, although uptake for the vaccine has been more sluggish for those under 30; and its predominantly the under 30’s who frequent nightclubs and spread the virus further (predominantly a pandemic of the unvaccinated).  Therefore, as from the end of September the Government will be bringing in new laws whereby (as from October) only people who have been double vaccinated will be permitted into the nightclubs (vaccine passport).

        4. CHRIS57 profile image59
          CHRIS57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Much is a matter of mass. If more people get infected then the likelyhood of breakthrough infections is higher. Same for the likelyhood of spreading.

          Anyways, I read a very recent publication from one German state of Baden-Württemberg (home of cuckoo clock, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche and SAP). The headline of the article: Pandemic of the unvaccinated (raw google translate):

          Baden-Württemberg: 10.1 is the seven-day incidence per 100,000 inhabitants for those who have been vaccinated twice with a vaccine from Biontech, Astrazeneca or Moderna or once from Johnson and Johnson. For unvaccinated people, however, the value is 122.5 (as of August 26th). In the previous four weeks up to August 26, the Baden-Württemberg State Health Office received a total of 15,653 COVID-19 cases, including only 302 cases (1.9 percent) "with information on a complete vaccination (breakthrough infections)", such as the Stuttgart regional council writes an email to our editorial team. 81 of them had to be hospitalized. Of the 47 people who had to be treated in the intensive care unit during the period, the vaccination status was known of 39 cases were not completely or not at all vaccinated at the time of the illness.

          To compare with the state of Florida (roughly twice the population of B.-W.): 28 day incidence 900.000 vs. the mere 15.000 over here (30 times higher) There are simply way too many people running around with the virus inFlorida and this causes the high numbers in hospitalisations and deaths. It is the same virus, the same variant, the same statistics that is haunting us. But political measures and political will seem to make a difference.

          Again: now it is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. It is interesting to see that German states implement statistical indicators for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Helps to understand the situation.

          1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
            Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you. It will be interesting.

            1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
              Kathryn L Hillposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              ... no one is listening to true science.

              1. CHRIS57 profile image59
                CHRIS57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Science comes neutral, with facts, with assessable conclusions, but without judgement, without belief.

                What is "true science"?

              2. Miebakagh57 profile image74
                Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Exempting ex-President Donald Trump, who else? Fact is that they are many.                                   Basically, science observes and tests facts. Draw inferences and conclutions. And subjected those to peer review. Then the final trial began. That is true science.

                1. CHRIS57 profile image59
                  CHRIS57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Miebackh, i am not sure that that was ment with the expression "true science".

            2. Castlepaloma profile image77
              Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Miebackh. Forgot where you posted killing animals for eating including in the Bible. King James

              God does not want us to eat meat. People are made in God's image and animals are not, but this spiritual difference is not sufficiently morally significant to allow killing animals for food. Killing another person is a capital crime and a sin. Killing an animal is just a sin.

              The moral and spiritual ambiguity about eating meat is made more explicit in the ninth chapter of Genesis (Genesis 9:3-6) when God tells Noah in the covenant made with him after the Great Flood,

              "Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat. And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's

              1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
                Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                "Miebakah. Forget where you post killing animal for eating. Bible King James." Castlepaloma, where in the forum have I ever posted that?

                1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                  Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Just a discussion we were having.

                  1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
                    Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Yes, just a discussion. But you're input don't make much sense than a love dog wagging his/her tail. Always be forthcoming or keep silence.

  13. Nathanville profile image92
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    Yesterday, Castlepaloma, a self-confessed anarchist wrote in another comment on this forum:-

    “….when anarchist rule.

    Their mandate

    •    Think for yourselves
    •    No one above me or below me
    •    No wars or violence
    •    Volunteers, no forcing
    •    Love and work
    •    Independent : Individualism
    •    Family government”

    As a Socialist I may detest right-wing Capitalist Governments when they are in power; but at least I can respect that they are democratically elected by the people; whereas, anarchists don’t believe in democracy.

    Therefore, I’m not sure which is worst, anarchism or communism?

    1. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      That was me wrote that, in fun.
      Don't like labels, will incorporate many thing into my life from different groups, as long as it makes good sense.

      Democracy literally means: "Rule by the people." Or more specifically, the majority of the people. Most or all anarchist do not like communism or Nazis. Or the way corporationism is ruling the world right now.

      In many minds, most anyone that aims for us to be ruled by a group. Not me, group eco is very limited .
      Same shared anarchists today.
      It's difficult for me to imagine that an anarchist; who is presumably opposed to authority in all its guises and hopefully rejects the very notion of rulers, would then consent to being ruled by "the people"... I know I sure as hell don't want to be ruled by anyone.
      Although many unable to break through the years of propaganda fed to them by the state and its schooling and media apparatuses.

      From an early age, it's hammered into us that democracy = freedom. Any anarchist will tell you that although most of us live in societies that are governed by forms of democracy, none of us have anything resembling freedom. Yet a lot of us make excuses to ourselves so we can continue to romanticize democracy... Tell a room full of anarchists that you oppose democracy and you'll no doubt hear impassioned insistences that what we have now isn't "real" democracy, but "if we had anarchism, we'd have "real" democracy and things would be different, because anarchism is the only real democracy!"

      A point on their political journey, and some anarchists will spend a lot more time thinking about labor rights, housing, migrant aid and other pressing concerns, while putting very little philosophical thought into the nature of hierarchy and all the ways it manifests itself and becomes ingrained in our lives.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
        Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        it is natural to have leaders and followers in human society. Where there is no society, there is no need for leaders.

        You see this phenomenon in the animal kingdom. For instance, some dogs are alpha-leader dogs. Other dogs actually look to them for guidance, having no idea what to do without it.

        Even as a child I knew who the alpha-people were. They just have a special quality for leadership. You respect them because they have self-respect and seem to exude a natural sense of command. They are smart and have common sense.

        Not all people have these qualities and they know who they are. They want capable people at the helm of their lives. Its not a matter of being forced to follow a ruler. Its a matter of wanting and needing guidance in surviving the harsh conditions of the physical earth plane.

        We cannot live in our own bubble. We naturally form societies and/or live in tribes where we rely on fathers, mothers and leaders. We need them all and the better they are, the better we will be.

        The Constitution of the United States was written by very wise and enlightened leaders. If we would just follow it, all will be fine. For instance, it gives us the rule of law. By not following the laws which forbid the formation of monopolies, we find ourselves controlled by ever-growing tyrannies. It gives freedom of religion because morals are vital in a democratic republic.

        Now, God is the most wonderful and smart of leaders. There is an enlightened being we can happily follow if we could only hear him. Instead, we are bombarded by our our five senses and run head-long into dark ditches. Being able to avoid life's pitfalls is is why we have leaders and why we need to listen to them: Our mothers, fathers our founding fathers and God, Himself.

        Eventually good followers will become good leaders ...
        and presidents ...
        if the people are lucky enough.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Dog are like family, very social and roaming like human.
          Anarchist are like family domestic and global.

          Free market is the same as capitalism. Corporationism is  very different and dangerous. Centro organizations require slaves for their extreme hierarchy system filled with greed and not balanced for a society as a whole. You and I are not in the exclusive club, in fact they want exclusive government just for themselves and you and I own nothing and will be happy.

          Check out WEF many world leaders are behind it as they bring us to our knees with worthless masks and lockdowns.

      2. Nathanville profile image92
        Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        I’m back, just been on our 2nd staycation since the lifting of all covid restrictions in July; holiday in Portsmouth this time.  And next week we’re on our third staycation, a week’s holiday in Kent.  So we are making the best of our new found freedom in the UK, with no mask, no social distancing, and no lockdowns.

        Anyway, getting back to your points: -

        In other words you don’t believe in taxes and you don’t believe in the need for a ‘Police Force’ (Law and Order) etc?

        1. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Just income tax is theift, other taxes on what we use is understood.

          Where I live we don't lock our house or car doors. If someone steals it's understood by the family we don't deal or trade with that person and that person will move on. If really dangerous situation arises, we can hire a protecter, violence is prohibited in our community.

          1. Nathanville profile image92
            Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            ????? How do you collect taxes if you don’t have an ‘authority’ (a governing body) to organise and enforce the collection of taxes and; and without an ‘authority’ what would you need taxes for anyway????

            Yeah, right - violence is prohibited in most communities; but it doesn’t stop violence from happening; are you really that naïve??????

            1. Castlepaloma profile image77
              Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Income tax was used temporary for the second world war. Then it was by volunteered and still is today. Authorities got greedy and hunger for more control, it a struggle that continues like with Covid or Religion used as another tool for more control.

              You can't stop killing with killing nor violence with violence. Having been at a world class in wrestling. I understand the art of not fighting and defuse any violence that surrounds me and my circle. If violence is in one circle  it's because one encourages it.

              Words don't hurt yeah. Do they?

              1. Nathanville profile image92
                Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Firstly, you didn’t answer my first question.  You said that “other taxes on what we use is understood.”, but you failed to explain how such taxes can be collected in an anarchy where you have no ‘Authority’ (Government).

                Secondly, I couldn’t agree with you more about violence; unlike the USA Police, the British Police are trained to defuse the situation.  However, you still need the police and courts (law & order) because it doesn’t matter how much people like you and me want peace, there will always be criminal gangs bent on theft, murder, drugs and rape etc. 

                UK Police Take Down Knife Wielding Man Without Anyone Being Hurt.  What Would Happen In The USA?

                1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                  Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Most anarchist I know are not against governing society taking care of the small stuff. Its when government run much of our lives and stealing a third or half the money on our earnings is unethical.

                  One part I don't agree with is many anarchist like their guns in order to protect themselves from overpowering tyranny of police and military police coercion as it's a crime gone wild. The Government coercion happened in Germany and in Russia dictatorship. Maybe these anarchist are right on a feberal level. I know on a local level guns don't work, more dangerous than any weapon in the world. I can protect myself from any hand weapon, yet any fool can shoot a gun.

                  1. Nathanville profile image92
                    Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    And what do you mean by “Governing Society taking care of the small stuff”; that sounds very typical of a Local Parish Government in England (local governments in England that take care of the small stuff) – Vicar of Dibley as a reference.

                    Hilarious Parish Meeting Moments | The Vicar of Dibley:

                    But even then local taxes has to be enforced and collected, how would the ‘governing societies’ be created in an anarchist society?  Would they be appointed or elected?  And how would the local tax collection be enforced?

                    However, how would you propose infrastructure projects (national scale), such as road construction and maintenance, railway networks and trains are laid and built, waterways, sewage, electricity, hospitals, schools and so on are all built and maintained and financed, without ‘organisation’ & ‘taxes’ (Governments and Income Tax on Earnings)? 

                    I couldn’t agree with you more on guns, that’s why guns are banned in the UK, and why we don’t have gun violence in the UK; but try telling the Americans the evils of guns and they’ll shoot you down!!!

  14. Brenda Arledge profile image82
    Brenda Arledgeposted 3 years ago

    Sone things here in the United States are being closed iur local Wendy's is drive thru only & some offuces are requiring masks.
    But we are vaccinated so we are disappointed.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Expecte a few more years of these complete nonsense.

  15. Brenda Arledge profile image82
    Brenda Arledgeposted 2 years ago

    We are going backwards again.  Mask mandates at some places.
    Hopsital visitation limited to one person.
    Some restaurants are drivevthru only...
    I've been vaccinated, but a lot have not.
    The virus is rearing it's ugly head.

    1. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      I do sympathise with you; and yes, unless enough people consent to being vaccinated then Governments will have to bring in restrictions and find other ways to combat the virus for years to come - or face the consequences.

  16. Castlepaloma profile image77
    Castlepalomaposted 2 years ago

    Sound all backwards, for the development of human kind.

  17. CHRIS57 profile image59
    CHRIS57posted 2 years ago

    Interesting that the UK will have vaccine passports to allow access.

    This actually is the only form of restriction we have in Germany. There is the 3 G (Geimpft=vaccinated; Genesen=recovered; Getestet=quicktest valid 24h or PCR test valid 72h) to get access to any kind of indoor event or gathering.

    Having dinner inside: one of the 3G will do.
    Go to school: same
    Go and party: same

    We had first school day ceremony for our youngest grandson. His mother (not vaccinated) was only allowed to participate after showing a recent test certificate.

    On the other hand for those fully vaccinated there are no restrictions any more. We have a digital vaccination passport on the smartphone (ok, it is a big QR-code), show it, register and get access. Almost like in China, only they are not allowed to track by name.

    1. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      At the moment there are no legal restrictions or requirements, so Yeah, in the UK nightclubs are currently the only places where vaccine passports (proof of full vaccination) will be required, when they are introduced as from the end of this month; albeit the Government is talking about introducing the alternate covid-passport (3G system) for other large events e.g. festivals etc. 

      Yes, likewise the covid vaccine passport is available via the NHS app on the smartphone, and likewise is a big QR-code.   

      However, to have dinner inside (restaurant) and for schools, or to party etc., there has been no restrictions since the 19th July, and the Government isn’t currently planning to make any such restrictions.  And the UK Government is also dithering over whether to vaccinate children or not.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image77
        Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Sounds better.

        1. Nathanville profile image92
          Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Yep, and all thanks to a high uptake of the covid vaccine by the British Public, which has made it possible for the Government to abolish the covid Restrictions so that life can return to normal without the hospitals being overwhelmed by sick people suffering from covid and fighting for their life on ventilators, and without the terrible covid death tolls that blighted the UK when covid infections were as high as they are now.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
            Kathryn L Hillposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            whooping cough

        2. Miebakagh57 profile image74
          Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Castlepaloma? 'Sounds better'? OMG!                                              You this conspiracy theorist! And anti-vexxer! Sounds better while your dad's dead?

          1. Nathanville profile image92
            Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            Yeah, perhaps Castlepaloma has finally seen the light?

            1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
              Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Author, really? Neither you or him own me the answer.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Only about the less masks and lockdowns.

              2. Castlepaloma profile image77
                Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                UK has 100 deaths per week Sweden zero. UK freedom did help the immune system, with a coupled with some remedies. Yet again it's going raise up again maybe for a 100years

                Since two jabs is not working, three jabs is now required. The fourth is already being considered.
                "Israel is preparing to administer a FOURTH dose of the Covid-19 vaccine."
                "Israel recently announced that being fully vaccinated now means people must get a third dose of the Pfizer jab."
                "Despite being one of the most vaccinated countries on earth, Israel is experiencing record Covid cases and hospitalizations." [
                "Zarka also said people should be prepared to take a Covid jab ‘every five to six months."

                Second jab, same as the first jab, third jab same as the second jab.... "Israel says anyone with just two Covid jabs needs a THIRD shot to be properly protected against virus as it offers new injections to its entire population including children as young as 12" [
                Safe and effective. "An Israeli study, which analysed 2.5 million Israelis from June 1 to August 14 and was published on August 19, found that those who were vaccinated in January or February were six to 13 times more likely to get infected than unvaccinated people who already had COVID-19 in June, July, and August."

                State of Massachusetts has 74% vaccined covid victims in their hospital. It's all over map, the full genocide is coming.

                1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
                  Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Castlepaloma, can you back all these up with a good source?

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                    Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this
                2. Nathanville profile image92
                  Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  You can believe whatever you like but FYI although covid infections in Israel is up 20% on its previous peak, deaths are actually down by over 66% (thanks to the protection the vaccination gives).   Yeah, the reason there are far more infected people in Israel who have been vaccinated than unvaccinated is simply because there are far more vaccinated than unvaccinated people in Israel; the vaccine does not prevent infection, it protects against illness and death.

                  Yeah, the covid deaths in the UK is a fraction of what it was with the amount of infection we currently have specifically because the vaccines work in saving lives; the facts speak for themselves.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                    Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Comparing the covid death summer lows to winter most high covid deaths is the similar across the first world countries. Wait til the third booster hits the winter high, much greater. It's a golden opportunity for many to join the vaxxer genocide abuse. So we can swing the penludum there other way faster..

      2. CHRIS57 profile image59
        CHRIS57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        It looks like multiple countries step up in enforcing vaccination.

        Most recent is the announcement of the Biden administration.

        Here in G. (being a "socialist" system), we have discussion going on that those not vaccinated, but having to quarantine (for what reason ever) loose their entitlement for sickleave pay.

        All action seems to aim at the financials of those not vaccinated. Is something similar to be seen in the UK?

        1. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Most people don't see how covid damages the masses in a physically way intellectually, realationships, spiritually and financially. A greater unbalanced humans have ever experienced in their livetime.

          As I predicted, after the second jab, bodies will hit the floor, back in January.

          Viral post: “CDC confesses: Vaccines are failing, and the vaxxed can be superspreaders.”

          A greatest discrimination are against unvaccinated because in order for the great vaccineed genocide to work they are injecting as many as they can before the masses get on their scammers of depopulation coupled with environmental issues used as a tool for world order normal.

          1. Nathanville profile image92
            Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            Sorry to disappoint you matey, but your just spouting a conspiracy theory that was first published on a conspiracy site called ‘Natural News’ on the 29th July, and subsequently spread by anti-vaxxers via Instagram posts on the 31st July.

   … 475438001/

            If you stop going so deeply down your rabbit holes of conspiracy theories, and paid more attention to the actual science, you might get a little closer to understanding the true facts.  But of course if you did see the light of day then you’d soon realise that your desire for the whole world to fall into chaos so that anarchy can rule supreme isn’t going to happen.

            1. CHRIS57 profile image59
              CHRIS57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Arthur, this matter of spreading more or less, with or without vaccination is totally associated to testing, imho.

              Having said this, the claim "vaxxed can be superspreaders" is probably true. If vaccinated are infected but show (due to vaccination) no or few symptoms, these people will run around undetected and help spread the virus.

              The likelyhood of remaining infected, but undected is higher for the vaccinated, however vaccinated get the virus more seldon (some 2-10% of active cases are breakthrough infections).

              These numbers (remain undected more likely, get infected less likely) multiply. Don´t know any specifics on this calculus, but the claim can not be ruled out, imho.

              1. wilderness profile image96
                wildernessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Certainly not a virologist, and just thinking "out loud", but... If there are no symptoms doesn't that mean that the virus numbers in the body is small?  And if they are small, isn't the chance of infecting others also small?  If the breath out carries 10,000,000 viruses isn't the chance of infecting someone greater than if it carries 10,000 viruses?

                Don't know if that reasoning is valid at all, but it sounds reasonable.

                1. CHRIS57 profile image59
                  CHRIS57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  wilderness, agreed.
                  We all, the laypersons and the virologists still know too little about the virus.

                  Today my wife and i relaxed in our city and had some coffee and a mouthful of cake. I had to show my vaccination passport QR code and was admitted to the restaurant. Others had to show recent antibody test results to get in.

                  I asked myself, what if i got infected but don´t know because no symptoms. Likelyhood is not low with 3 grandchildren living in walking distance attending 3 different schools and our daugther being an active teacher.

                  Situation in G. is still relaxed, but R-factor is high. Seems to me that much spreading is happening totally undetected. May be the viral load is not that importantant, small load doing the same evil trick as high loads do. Even though i accept and agree with you comment.

                  Actually because quite many are vaccinated, there is less and less testing done and that is not good, me think.

                  1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
                    Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    A weekly test of all vaccinated persons is idea. But this is not within the work load of the covid health workers. It should be some day, depending on progress, complication, and new detection.

              2. Nathanville profile image92
                Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Chris, I’ve read all your above comments, including the comment that fewer tests are being done in the UK; which is incorrect, as explained below.

                Yes, in the way you describe it then vaccinated people could be described as super spreaders because they are less likely to become ill if they catch covid, and not even know that they are infected unless they take a test. 

                However, vaccinated people are not super spreaders in the way that Castlepaloma would like us to believe e.g. if you are vaccinated then you are more likely to become infected with covid.

                As regards the valid point both you and wilderness make in that how can you be infected and not know it, suggesting that it may be down to the level of virus load.  I’m not a virologist either, but I did study human biology at College and pass the exam for my certification.  Put into simple terms:

                In the case of covid, it’s not actually the virus that kills you; it’s your own immune system.  With covid, when your immune system detects the virus in some people it initially goes into overdrive to try to fight the virus, which causes the coughing and breathing difficulties, and potentially eventual death.  The reason why you get a temperature when you’re ill is because your body deliberately raises the temperature in an attempt to kill the virus infecting you. 

                Left to its own devices e.g. in asymptomatic people, all that the virus does is replicate itself in your lungs to infect other people and spread itself further, and in the process doing no harm to you.  Then, over the following month (the time it takes the body to make sufficient anti-bodies to tackle such an infection) your body makes sufficient anti-bodies to harmlessly kill off the infection in you, without you even knowing you were infected.

                All that the vaccine does is to show your body how to make the anti-bodies, so that if/when you do subsequently get infected your body does not need to go into overdrive to try to fight the virus (causing you symptoms) because you already have the antibodies, and they can just quickly get on with the job of eradicating the virus over the next few weeks, without you even knowing you’re infected.

                TEST KITS
                As regards test kits and testing.  I don’t know what quick test kits you use in Germany; you keep saying they’re antibody quick test kits?  We do have those in the UK, but used by the NHS for statistical studies e.g. they test whether someone has antibodies having been previously exposed to covid or having been vaccinated. 

                For testing whether someone may currently have covid, in the UK we use the Rapid lateral flow test kits that give the result in 30 minutes, and have proven to be 95% accurate.  Back in the summer of 2020 the UK Government commissioned three UK manufactures to develop the kits, and then during August 2020 each of the three kits were mass tested on three large towns in the UK and the one that performed best was mass trialled in Liverpool (city of half a million) in September 2020.   

                Following the successful Liverpool trials the winning British manufacturer was commissioned to mass produce and stock pile the kits for free mass distribution to the whole UK population from March 2021.

                Therefore, as from March of this year, every person in the UK is entitled to two free Rapid lateral flow test kits per week; freely available on demand from any pharmacist on request, without any proof of ID e.g. given away like sweeties.

                Consequently, mass testing, using the free Rapid lateral flow test kits is a common practice in the UK; the advantage being that it detects asymptomatic people just as easily as people showing symptoms.  And if the rapid lateral flow test shows a positive result you can get a proper PCR test done immediately with the result back within 24 hours.

                Also, in the UK the Government after a number of technical issues managed to finally successfully launch the NHS covid app in September 2020; which is superior to the Apple/Google covid app used by South Koria, Australia and many countries around the world.  The NHS app has proved very popular, and very successful in identifying infected people, including asymptomatic people.  In fact it was a victim of its own success during the recent spike in cases, so much so that the UK Government had to change to laws on isolation e.g. previously the app would tell you to isolate for 10 days and get tested; whereas now it tells you to get tested and only isolate if the test is positive.

                So all in all, testing for covid is as high as ever, with naturally lots of people (including asymptomatic people) being identified as being infectious, where otherwise, without all the testing and the app they would go undetected.

                The current R value in the UK is 0.9 to 1.1

                •    How to do the UK lateral flow device test:
                •    NHS COVID-19 app:

                1. CHRIS57 profile image59
                  CHRIS57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

         … p100326998

                  The kind of quick test kits you can buy in your favourite supermarket.
                  And, i was wrong, they sell for 90 cents per test, not 50 cent as i had noted above.

                  The situation in Germany looks too relaxed. Number of active cases is only 20% of UK numbers population abjusted. People don´t pay much attention to the virus any more. They arranged themselves with this mask wearing, but with distancing this is no more taken serious. People start shaking hands again.

                  But then - in the past months number of active cases tripled in G. So it is not over, and .. listening to this guy it is also not over in the UK, especially Scotland. Even though some saturation is seen.

                  1. Nathanville profile image92
                    Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Thanks for the link and video Chris, yes we can’t be to complacent, but there were some encouraging notes in the video; in summary:

                    •    Covid cases in the UK no longer climbing, except for Scotland; new daily cases down 9.2% from previous week.

                    •    Protection from hospitalisations in vaccinated waning only slightly.

                    •    Cases remain highest in the young, especially in people under the age of 20 e.g. predominantly the unvaccinated; as unlike most of the rest of the Industrialised nations children are not currently vaccinated in the UK.

                    •    Long Covid – average of 894 people per day in the UK developing the Long Covid illness; which is of some concern, but the risk in the vaccinated of getting long covid is about half that of the unvaccinated.

           … d-19-tests

                    Thanks to Google Translate I was able to view your link in English.  It’s interesting that the rapid tests are 90 cents per kit of 5 tests in Germany, but free in the UK per kit of 7 tests.  Being free, and freely available does mean that the take up and use of the tests is far greater than it would be if there was a fee.



        2. Nathanville profile image92
          Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          In the UK the only such action being taken by the British Government is a ‘Six Weeks Public Consultation’ launched yesterday (9th September) on whether there should be “mandatory vaccination” on all “frontline health and social care staff” e.g. frontline workers in the NHS and Care Homes etc. – currently 92% of all health and social workers in the UK are vaccinated.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image77
            Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

   … -immunity/

            Sorry to hear that for UK health workers, because

            Israeli Study Finds Natural Immunity to Coronavirus Far Superior to Vaccine-Induced Immunity

            1. Nathanville profile image92
              Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Sorry to disappoint you matey, but the link you provided above is from National Vaccine Information Center, an American anti-vaxxer publication founded in 1982; renowned for scaremongering and misinformation (lies) about vaccines.

              Actually, genuine studies in the UK are finding the reverse to the false claims being made in the conspiracy publications.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                There plenty of so call conspiracy theories that turn out to be absolutely true, because we all conspire.

                The new covid world order normal, is the most powerful one to date.
                Wrote another post on it. Secret society can hide, yet at this level everyone knows.

                1. Nathanville profile image92
                  Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  That’s the point, conspiracy theories are always false; unless of course you think the earth is flat, that the maned moon landings were a hoax and that the Bank of England is owned by the Rothschilds.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                    Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Flat earth everyone know that's wacko. Moon landing ,don't know, lacks witnesses at actually place. Maybe Jesus had more witnesses.

                    Rothschild best cover up known to man, to know secret society, they would have to kill you. They have a license to kill and money to print.

                    Stated, In the case of covid, it’s not actually the virus that kills you; it’s your own immune system.

                    Is it any wonder that 78percent are obese or over the age of 80 that die of covid. Only in this range vaccines can be strongly recommend yet not mandatory especially to the youth, vastly healthy.

                    Because still there are better remedies to boost one immune system and get rid of most of the virus.

        3. Miebakagh57 profile image74
          Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

          I'll gladly welcome such financial actions to be copy by government of all countries. Same should be extended to the big private firms by law. As for the sole owners, these should be easily curtail by distributors, banks, and local government into isolation and so lost they business activities.                                      Covid19 is a contagious disease and should be treat as leprosy in all its  aspect.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
            Kathryn L Hillposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            ... think whopping cough. This microbe its contained in the Covid 19 "manmade biological weapon virus" according to research done within the US government.

            Every EVERY respiratory illness can be halted in its tracks by treating the first symptoms, which are cold-like, immediately, carefully and appropriately. Its time to eat lightly, rest and drink teas, broths and soups until the symptoms reside. WHICH THEY WILL.

            1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
              Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Your last "treat" pointers is a home remedy for any cold. But many who're western at heart will not kindly taken to it.                                             As for the research done in the USA, and other countries, there are being debunk. The  WHO has not upheld any yet. If it's true that an accident occured in  Wuhan, China, this also is being refuted by the Chinese authhorities.                                        So, it's best the world concentrate in the eredication of this man made biological weapon.

            2. Castlepaloma profile image77
              Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              You think most vaxxer care about health tips. About 78% covid deaths are obese people. They don't even carry health food at the hospital vending coin machines.

              Only way to change their mind is let over 100 million of them die, Then we can string Fauci up and maybe kill Gates and Satan Klaus

              1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
                Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                I don't think you're contributing seriously and significantly to the discussion at hand.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                  Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  I was right about vaccines killing people from 8 months ago. From under 2million 2020, to 4.6million now from by far the greatest vaccines roll out worldwide in human history.

                  If in 8months from now if covid hasn't killed over 10million. I will stop warning people about the vaccine genocide.

                  And If they are still blaming unvaccinated after 10million. Then I will tell you when they are killing a 100million.

                  1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
                    Kathryn L Hillposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    I can't find any facts regarding the amount of people who have died from the vaccine.

                  2. Miebakagh57 profile image74
                    Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Castlepaloma, stop misinterpreting guiuine figures, and using that to misinform, and mislead. You're not or getting smarter than most here.                                                    The 4.6 million deaths record are from the 224.7 million cases of CV19 world-wide. World population is 7.9 billion presently. How 'street smart' you can be here can be checked. Unless you're the only guy with one eye and the majority of us are blind!?

            3. Nathanville profile image92
              Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              I wish it was that simple, but unlike the common cold covid can be lethal.

              Yeah, if you are under the age of 55 and fit and healthy, then the odds of covid being fatal is slim.  But the older you are, regardless to how fit you are, covid becomes a greater risk.

              Also, unlike the common cold, a high percentage of people of all ages, even healthy young people, do suffer from the unpleasant illness known as ‘long covid’  There’s about 1 million long covid suffers in the UK and about 5 million long covid suffers in the USA.

              Finally, as Miebakagh quite rightly points out the American concept that the virus is "manmade biological weapon virus" is a fallacy that has been debunked worldwide.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                There are 99plus percentage of other ways to suffer and die other than dying from covid. I don't have the empathy to allow 0.005 covid world deaths to damages or effect my spiritual, intellectual, physical, realationships and totally ruin financially in my arts and culture industry over one thing and never happened before in my lifetime.

                Fauci US funding in covid research in China is not off the table. They certainly can change up the mix cocktail booster shots every 6 months and get people hooked on it like the flu shot for life.

  18. Nathanville profile image92
    Nathanvilleposted 2 years ago

    UK Government Does U-Turn on Vaccine Passports
    With around 90% of all adults vaccinated in the UK on the 19th July the UK abolished all covid restrictions, and allowed nightclubs to re-open again for the first time in 16 months.  Albeit, the Government anticipated that with lifting all restrictions and the re-opening of nightclubs that infections rates would rise; as they did - especially as at that time only two thirds of the under 30’s were vaccinated, and it predominantly being the under 30’s who frequent the nightclubs.

    Therefore, in August the UK Government decided that as from the 1st October it would introduce vaccine passports for nightclubs, and covid passports for other large events. 

    However, covid infection rates have not reached the levels the Government were fearing, and in the past week have fallen by 9.2% (except for in Scotland, where new covid infections are still on the rise); plus, over 80% of all adults between the ages of 16 & 30 are now vaccinated, giving the Government some reassurance.

    So today (12th September) the UK Government have announced that it will NOT be introducing vaccine or covid passports for nightclubs and large events in England; as the feared exponential rise in new covid cases hasn’t materialised.  Albeit, in Scotland, where new cases are still on the rise the Scottish Government is still going ahead with the introduction of vaccine passports for nightclubs and large events in Scotland.  While the Welsh Government, hasn’t yet decided whether it will introduce vaccine passports for nightclubs and large events.

    Looking at the worldwide data, it’s interesting to note that while new covid cases have risen sharply since the 22 June, that in contrast worldwide covid deaths have fallen sharply since the 7th May; a good sign that the vaccination programmes are having a positive impact in weakening the link between infection and death.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      That actually sounds better than what they are doing to us here in the maritime Canada. Making it impossible to work without the jab.

      1. Nathanville profile image92
        Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Yep, and its only been possible because around 90% of the adult population in the UK have been vaccinated.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          How is that possible when 21% are under age 18 and all the non or anti vaxxers.

          Either they or you are making things up.
          My guessimate it would 30or 40percent.

          1. Nathanville profile image92
            Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            Since when have adults been younger that 18?  If you read my comments carefully I said around 90% of adults, not 90% of the entire population. 

            Besides, in August the UK Government lowered the eligibility age for the covid vaccinations from 18 to 16; so its around 90% of the population over the age of 16 have been vaccinated in the UK.

            To be precise, its 89.1% of all adults over the age of 16 in the UK who have been vaccinated, see link below for details:-


            1. Castlepaloma profile image77
              Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              BBC says more than 48 million people have had a first vaccine dose - 89% of over-16s - and more than 43 million - 80% of over-16s - have had both doses.

              Only thing that is amazing to me is how all corporations and nationalism can come together with a record amount of lies, harming humanity.

              1. Nathanville profile image92
                Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                What the BBC stated is correct; you just like to think its lies because the UK’s successful vaccine rollout is contrary to what you want to believe.

                In fact over the past week, while I and my family have been on our third staycation (vacation) since July (a week’s holiday in Rochester, Kent), the vaccinations in the UK have improved even more, as follows:

                •    Now stands at 89.3% of all adults over the age of 16 for 1st dose in the UK, and

                •    81.5% of all adults over the age of 16 for both doses.

                •    The booster jab will be offered to all adults over the age of 50, from the end of this month; my appointment is on the 13th October.

                •    And the UK Government have done another U-Turn, and have now decided that they will start vaccinating all children over the age of 12 also, as from the end of this month.

                So all in all, we should be well protected for winter in the UK.


                1. Miebakagh57 profile image74
                  Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Thank you, Author. Thank you for the information.                                     Nigeria, has already geared up her vaccination programme, since March, 2021.                                      I don't have the statistics of those vaccinated. But compilation is still going on. I've took my first shot,(moderna) and I'm scheduled for a second jab on Thursday 23 September, 2021.                                                   The vaccination done was under the Nigerian Federal Government, Ministry of Health.

                  1. CHRIS57 profile image59
                    CHRIS57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Miebakagh57: Good to hear that vaccination programs pick up in Nigeria. But your active case count is only half of lets say Norway in Europe but with 40 times higher population.

                    Looks like Nigeria is not affected at all from the virus. Or is the testing and counting not correct?

                  2. Nathanville profile image92
                    Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Wow, good to hear that the vaccines are finally being rolled out in Nigeria.

                2. CHRIS57 profile image59
                  CHRIS57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Apparently the UK is not loaded with political twists and infights on this topic. Allows government to move forward freely with vaccination efforts (3rd shot, juveniles).

                  But looking at numbers from this summer, the virus is still very fatal. And the fatality rate is directly linked to the number of active cases.

                  Comparing average monthly active case count with Covid related mortality in that period leads to 0,63% USA, 0,69% UK, 0,73% Germany. This is the chance of dying from the virus after you were infected. Seems to be more general, not really linked to vaccination rate or political acceptance of vaccination. So far so good.

                  The matter gets tricky if you look at active cases in absolute terms. Here the US and UK are a magnitude higher (pop. adjusted) than G.  and that leads to a magnitude higher death toll, not to speak of long Covid.

                  It is a political decision to lift all restrictions. But there are consequences.
                  At the end of the day, these consequences (for the UK some 100 deaths per day more now than with restrictions), these consequences will have to be outweighed by better economy and better way of life (freedom).

                  Daily death counts are rising steadily in the USA and even in the UK with a higher "herd immunity" level. What is going on?

                  An anecdotal fact from G.: After the vaccination program picked up speed in February, nobody below 60 and vaccinated died of the virus. There are many breakthrough infections, but if you are not healthwise compromised or simply old, nothing serious will happen to you.

                  1. Nathanville profile image92
                    Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Yep, after the bitter political and social split in society over Brexit; it’s been very refreshing that all political parties and the General Public at large have been united behind the Government in its fight against the covid pandemic.

                    Albeit, the UK government is currently at odds with its ‘scientific advisors’ (SAGE) (The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies); SAGE recommended to the UK Government that the benefits to the children themselves of vaccination is only marginal, and that it would be better to donate the vaccination to the third world, where it would have more impact.  Also, SAGE recommended to the UK Government that, based on the most recent UK studies (evidence) that in the UK protection against serious illness and death for fully vaccinated people is remaining high, and therefore the booster jab isn’t essential, suggesting that it would instead be more beneficial to donate the spare vaccines to the third world, where its use would have greater positive impact.

                    But the UK Government has decided to take a ‘belts and braces’ approach to vaccinations this winter, to better ensure the NHS is not overwhelmed, and thus keep the economy open, and social life normal. 

                    Yes, covid deaths in the UK are uncomfortably high, but they are a 10th of what they were when covid daily infections rates were as high as they are now prior to the vaccination rollout, and thus the hospitals are no longer overwhelmed with people suffering from covid (one of the key factors that would trigger political action to supress new covid infections e.g. re-introduction of covid restrictions and lockdowns etc.

                    Yeah, death rates in the UK has been rising steadily (but slowly) in the UK, since all covid restrictions were lifted in July, but not as rapidly as new daily infections e.g. the vaccinations has weakened the link between infections and death.  However, the good news is that new daily infections has fallen significantly over the past 10 days, so if the trend continues, then daily deaths should also start falling soon.

                    Yep, likewise, in the UK it’s predominantly the unvaccinated, and those not fully vaccinated, who are falling ill and dying from covid.  So as the last 10% of vaccinated people become due for their 2nd jab (people under 30) and the four weeks after the 2nd jab for it to take full effect, then the daily death toll should drop significantly; especially once the children are also fully vaccinated, reducing the spread of the virus.  Remember that in the UK (unlike the rest of the world), there’s a 12 week’s gap between the 1st and 2nd dose, so there’s a 16 weeks’ time-lag from the 1st jab, until that person is fully protected.


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