Those who are protesting and fighting for the right and the freedom to abort an oopsie, know that it is more than just than oopsie. It's a human life. Abortion is not good for the soul of the child, the mother's psyche or the mother's body.
Yet protesters scream, yell and carry on. However, there are many implications and consequence to consider.
Can the votes of the citizenry in their individual states make better choices than the federal government regarding abortion matters?
I would say yes. Abortion issues are sensitive and I agree that individual states should decide upon what is best for their state.
Why not?
I vehemently disagree. States should never have the ultimate power regarding abortion. Abortion should be decided federally. It is a very dangerous thing for states to decide on abortion. Abortion ought to be CODIFED in federal law.
Women should never be forced into pregnancy & motherhood. All children should be wanted & planned. Abortion is a necessary medical exercise. Birth control isn't 100% effective-accidents DO happen. Why should women be penalized for a mistake? That is the height of barbaric draconianism. Reproductive access is a sign of enlightenment & intelligence.
I agree with you. After working for a state legislature for nearly 30 years, I strongly believe that they do not have the sense to make decisions for a woman's needs. They base their decisions on their religion and, in many cases, misogynist beliefs. In many of these states a woman may be forced to carry a dead baby to term. Or she may die because her doctor can't legally terminate an ectopic pregnancy. This is murder by legislature. If we are willing to let these prejudiced members of state legislatures decide our fates, we should remove these words from the pledge of allegiance: "One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all." Those words are becoming a mockery by our Supreme Court.
You are so right. In our system of government, it is only legislatures that make laws. Roe was decided horribly wrong from the beginning, as many leftist judges have admitted. Elected representatives of We the People of each state should make abortion law. Abortion is a hideous, evil, vile thing. It is the killing of innocent human beings. A Stain on our National Soul. The American Holocaust.
I completely agree Kathryn. It takes a heavy toll on everyone it touches, there are never any winners, I know of too many who have had their lives destroyed by it.
Those who like to pretend that abortion is something worth celebrating
and, supposedly, celebrate theirs, may be the most broken of all!
I can't imagine facing God on judgement day {and I believe we all will} and explaining why I fought so hard for the right to kill another human being, the most innocent and vulnerable of the human species, a baby, God's greatest creation :`(
"I would say yes. Abortion issues are sensitive and I agree that individual states should decide upon what is best for their state."
But the Right will not stop there, they also want to control a woman's ability to go from a restricted state to one where abortion rights are recognized. What is best for your state should STAY within your state and not interfere with others, Right?
This is a incursion by morally priggish and hypocritical evangelical Christians to remake the American society in their image, and I for one will not have it.
They, as alluded to by "Uncle Clearance" will start to attack contraceptives and birth control. The goal is Confining sexual relations solely to the marriage bed. Yet, no one tells me what to do in areas of my private concern. And I hope that the vast majority of women see the direction this is going and put a stop to it before they become virtually hogtied with their own umbilical cords.
And we all know that when women lose control of reproductive choices it will have an adverse effect on what parity they had actually enjoyed within this society.
But that is what your people want, isn't it? We all can go back to the future together. Yes, this issue is "live" and the anger and disappointment of women being virtually dragged into slavery need to be expressed at the polls this November to the effect that they won't even vote for a Republican as the local dog catcher. This is war and now the "kid gloves" are off.
In my view, the issue is being blown out of proportion somewhat. Lots of "next they will do this". Anyway, I think that the issue should, (must be) put on the ballot in all states as to what their abortion laws should be. I don't feel that just leaving the issue to state legislators is appropriate. Let the people have a majority say in any given state.
Even a "majority" should not be able to rule on an individual case. This is still murder by legislation when the life of the mother is at stake. This should be between the woman and her doctor. Religion should not enter into this, and these laws are governed by religion.
Genesis 2: God created all the other animals then said, let us create man in our image. He formed man from the dust of the ground and then breathed into him the breath of life and man became a living soul. The animals did not. And man received his soul after he was formed.
Kathleen, please explain your intent. While I don't believe that a soul can enter a zygote, and I believe that life begins at birth, I'm not sure of your meaning.
Sorry for interrupting the discussion. I understand we're not talking about Islam here, but it doesn't really matter because Christianity and Islam are quite similar in many respects. Above all, because both religions are Abrahamic, I consider Christians to be my holy brothers and sisters .
So because the world has now transformed into a global village, possibly different perspectives can be heard and appreciated.
According to Islam, the soul enters the body of the fetus during the fourth month of pregnancy. (While the fetus is still in the mother's womb.) The following is the rule on abortion in Islamic law (Shari'ah):
Abortion is classified into two stages:
a) Abortion after the soul (Ruh) enters the body of fetus
b) Abortion before to the soul's entrance into the fetus
Before discussing the abortion judgment with relation to these two stages, it should be noted that the soul (Ruh) enters the fetus at the 120 day (4 months) from conception, according to Shari'ah.
In the verse Allah states the stages of development of the embryo in the womb of the mother. Allah Almighty says:
“ And indeed, We created humankind from an extract of clay, then placed each ˹human˺ as a sperm-drop in a secure place, then We developed the drop into a clinging clot ˹of blood˺, then developed the clot into a lump ˹of flesh˺, then developed the lump into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, then We brought it into being as a new creation (by breathing life into it, i.e. soul)So Blessed is Allah, the Best of Creators. (Surah al-Mu’minun, 12/13/14).
The ruling on abortion at stage ,when the soul enters the fetus, which is 120 days, is clearly illegal and equates to murder because it ends up taking an innocent life. All of the Islamic scholars have uniformly denounced such horrible act.
Some contemporary scholars have given a dispensation to abort the pregnancy after 120 days, in the situation where the life of the mother is in certain and absolute danger. This is based on the Juristic principle stated in the books of Usul al-Fiqh (laws of Fiqh):
“If one is overtaken by two evils, one should choose the lesser of the two” (al-Ashbah wa al-Naza’ir, P.98)
Hi Misbah, it's not an interruption, you are adding to the conversation.
Thanks for sharing, very interesting.
Interesting and thanks for sharing!! Yes, ensoulmement does vary with different religions as well the sects and denominations within them. It ranges from conception to the seventh month from my understanding.
Ensoulment (Yes, it is a Wikipedia article and some give no credence to them. Yet, it is inclusive of varying views giving perspective there are many views for religions, sects of religions, and denominations too while each deserves respect. It is a beginning if one decides to journey a road of discovery while they do have their references listed at the article end.)
And, then there comes personhood too. Yes, the actual physical formation of life seems beginning with actual melding of the egg with the sperm to zygote to a fetus and so forth is what is debated with the legality of abortion at least here in the U.S. That is what is 'seen' and a picture is worth 1,000 words (Ultrasound image) and stimulates emotions. Yet, ensoulment and personhood are worthy of mention at least.
The question of life's beginning can lead one down a road with twists and turns. For instance with general Christianity Spiritual life begins with acceptance of Jesus Christ into your life while others say it is when you are baptized submerged into water and then raised, yet takes place after the acceptance process. And, that is required for eternal life.
So, in essence what I am saying is Life is complex. Seems, there is:
Physical life
Spiritual life
Those of least are the basic tenets of a beginning of Life, though each is different while are synergistic to a complete person while varies by religion and philosophy since there are atheist and humanist too. Thus, is complex when attempting to create a law to encompass each and all.
Thank you so much, Tim
I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this topic and thnx for sharing the link. Yes, I agree with you. Life is complex, “or” maybe, we, as humans, like to live it that way.
If a fetus can move in his mother's womb, I assume he is already alive; I have never seen a lifeless person moving (just my thoughts on how I feel)
I see atheists as lifelong researchers who seek truth and accept and listen to anything with an open mind.
….. And also I am not against of any religion because I feel they are all deeply rooted somewhere in the same place, simply separated by time and development. (Just my thoughts)
In the end, I believe that the majority always wins, but it does not imply that the majority is always right. Sometimes we all just want to benefit ourselves, and breaking the laws, lying, and wrongdoings are some of the worst things we consider to be beneficial; but, such things do not last forever.
So, in the end, I believe it can take a loooooonnnnnggggg time, but goodness always wins.
It is always a pleasure to engage in discussion with you.
Stay blessed!
Thank you, Misbah, for your religion's viewpoint of the discussion. I do find that interesting. But I still believe that if we pledge, "One nation, under God (no matter which god), indivisible, with liberty and justice for all," NO RELIGION should be involved. If the mother dies for need of an abortion, it is still murder by legislation.
Thank you very much, Miss Doris. I suppose in most cases when individuals desire to conduct such an act as abortion are where the pregnancy is unplanned, thus one should be careful what they do. (Excluding the rape cases) If a mother conceived by mistake and is dissatisfied, she will seek for an abortion, but I feel that killing an innocent life to cover up one's mistake is a horrible idea and an immoral act.
How can religion be left out when there are believers? You can't remove the phrase 'In God We Trust' off the dollar bill and coins and expect this issue to be handled without including religion; I don't think it's possible.
By the way, according to Islamic law, it is permissible to abort a fetus after 120 days if the mother's life is in certain and extreme danger. (In my opinion, no religion is cruel enough to suggest or demand that a mother give birth to a baby when her own life is in danger.)
Lots of Love and Blessings to you as always!
"How can religion be left out when there are believers? You can't remove the phrase 'In God We Trust' off the dollar bill and coins and expect this issue to be handled without including religion; I don't think it's possible."
I am sorry, Misbah 786, scripture talks about staying away from those that have the appearance of piety yet are faithless in regards to its true power. Jesus criticized hypocrites for chasing after minutia while ignoring the weightier matters of "the law".
America's display of religious fervor and piety is nothing more than an extended cult more interested in power over others rather than truth and justice. So, nobody really cares what is printed on the back of the bill, if that message does not actually correlate with how you behave.
There are differing sects of religion, 1, at least of every day of the year. Why should I give credence to any one and ignore the others? That is why in regarding affairs of the state, secularism is preferred.
Miz: It sounds like we agree. My point is for Christians not to ignore what the Bible explains clearly to be the point at which a human is different from the animals: when it becomes a soul - at its first breath.
How do you explain Jeremiah 1:4 - The word of the Lord came to me, saying, "before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
Yes, the latter part is Jeremiah being called by God, as a prophet, But, what of the first part, "before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart". Do you believe this was just meant for prophets and disciples, those called by God? But, as believers...aren't we all called "to go and make disciples of all Nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"? I believe this scripture applies to every single person, He, Creator God "knew us", "before he formed us in the womb"
I don't understand this constant need to devalue life; I didn't before I became a Mom and I sure as heck did not after carrying my children, experiencing a living being inside of me, twisting and turning, kicking and elbowing, even kicking objects off of my huge belly, more than once.
I can't comprehend devaluing any of these amazing experiences, in order to justify permanently ending their movement.
We spiritualists explain Jeremiah 1:4 as speaking of the soul. The soul existed forever and will go on existing after our 3D body dies. It is not talking about the 3 dimensional temporary housing of the soul, a concept that most Christians can't comprehend. And although I grew up in a Southern Baptist Church (I got over it), I believe that this "Great Commission" only means an opportunity for nonbelievers to hear and convert. It doesn't mean forcing the Christian religion, or at least Paul's version of it, on other people like states are legislating on their populace. And I would like to know where many of these same Christians are getting their same "gun nut mentality." That wasn't in the New Testament that I read.
Some women are not physically equipped to live through some of these "amazing experiences" that other women have. It will kill them. Been there, done that. I successfully had two children, but as a woman with adenomyosis, I was thankful for Roe v. Wade.
Scripture is always interpreted in the way we that we prefer, Mis Biz.
Most of the evangelical Christian interpretation of virtually everything is just so much BS.
It is all a trick to get the ladies to surrender their freedom of autonomy over their own bodies. Is a zygote really self aware or have a soul?
I have yet to hear an answer as to why laws made by the majority in one state apply to any individual seeking relief in another state where the laws do not apply? And, I am waiting for an answer by the esteemed conservative posters in this thread.
I remember you telling me once Cred, that I might be surprised to know, that you are a Christian.
Also, what are you specifically referring to when you use the words, "seeking relief in other states"? Not following.
Let me clarify. Why do conservatives that live in Missouri, that forbade abortion, want to attempt to legislate a manner by which they can punish Missouri women and those that support them for obtaining an abortion in Illinois where it is legal? Isn't it enough to have the practice illegal within the jurisdiction within the state?
This is true, a great question.
Not everyone professing to be Christian behaves consistently with the examples set forth in the scriptures. I have read and continue to read the book which in my relentless logic combined with divine guidance gives me the ability to sort the wheat from the chaff.
The right wing cult identified as evangelical Christianity in this country wants to consider Trump, among the most immoral and amoral man of a generation, as some sort of messiah, the "Greater Cyrus". As, if God would send us all a "dirty angel" as a sign for the end times. That is definitely the "wrong" religion, for me anyway.
The other point is that I come to my conclusions through reason and examining the scriptures as I like to do my own thinking. That is solely my opinion and I recognize that the desire to ask as to the why and how of our existence is as individual as DNA. In scriptures, God challenges us to choose who we will serve. If God gives everyone that choice, who am I to deny it? As a result, I don't proselytize, nor try to strong arm people to adopt my beliefs, as no one can force anyone to believe anything. We must give everyone room to discover or not to discover these things for themselves.
Now that's funny.
No one that I know or know of, would EVER refer to Trump as the Messiah, that's hysterical. Kinda like referring to Hillary Clinton as Mother Teresa!
They would laugh I am doing right now with the thought of it.
Nope, nope, nope, only JC holds the title, Messiah!
If you know someone who believes that Trump is Messiah-like, keep an eye on them.....
I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of a living God. If you don't, that's fine! It is for all of us to either accept it or not...I will never force my beliefs on anyone, never have, won't start now.
The point is that one should not proselytize.
Everyone has the right to believe what he or she wishes since nothing can be objectively proven. My opinion is acceptance of the Christian faith, but because I neither see the Falwell's as examples to follow does not make my beliefs any less legitimate.
That is the point...
A interesting article … cyrus-king
Romans 16: 17-18
"I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ but their own appetites by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people."
Actually, I find more "support" for Mr. Trump as the Antichrist.
Yep, that is my point of view.
Who wants to be "naive"?
Your friend and mine, Mr. Esoteric, wanted me to share this with you:
If you would, let Faye know to keep her posts coming, yours as well. They are being put to good use. I actually tweeted out (in three parts) one of her posts on the Bradford County Florida Democratic Executive Committee’s (BDEC) twitter feed, which I run
Oh my word, where did Mr. Eso go? I will certainly keep reading here and be inspired by all to keep getting my thoughts out!
I never mentioned "forcing" religion on anyone and I was sharing my personal experiences. I've never thought a woman should die in order for another to live. But, that is so rare and no reason for over a billion abortions worldwide. As birth control, after the fact, is the most common reason given...
...and not sure why you are bringing up guns in this particular discussion. ???
Thank you. I thought that was what you meant, but I wasn't sure.
I predict in more enlightened ages women will realize the importance of no sex before marriage.
This understanding alone will prevent the large number of abortions and the tragedies associated with them.
Wouldn't that make an interesting book: true stories explaining the events which led to an abortion?
I don't know at this point Kathryn. Maybe?
I never thought I would see the day when abortion would be celebrated or the day when so many women, even Moms, would go to the mat in order to end a life, not honor a life. :.(
They are frenzied for the right to correct an oopsie.
Oopses should not be made so easily.
What we have is a society with too much freedom. No boundaries.
No sex before marriage. Is that so hard?
It used to be called Adultery.
Not anymore.
"What we have is a society with too much freedom. No boundaries.
No sex before marriage. Is that so hard?
Ah yes, too much freedom. Senegal,
Honduras, Nicaragua, Egypt and El Salvador are countries with some of the most restrictive abortion laws. Controlling reproductive freedom and fascism go hand in hand. Something to strive for in many peoples opinion I suppose.
The once-unthinkable prospect of U.S. women crossing the border to access safe, legal reproductive healthcare in Mexico, could soon become a reality.
The far right is already drafting a model legislation blueprint for a Christian nationalist surveillance state.
Looks like you won't have long to wait for your desire to see freedoms limited.
Are you sure that throwing out phrases like "reproductive freedom" is the wise thing to do? It does not, after all, have anything at all to do with the morality or "rightness" of murdering helpless children.
If you're going to debate abortion, I just can't see such platitudes doing anything to convince the pro-lifers of anything at all. Except, maybe, that you find such murder acceptable in your mind.
Isn't that the plan Faye, to become one with Mexico and one with the world; no more borders, no more sovereign Nation, no more United States of America?
Somehow with you and your way of talking about this particular subject, abortion, I picture babies being thrown into volcanoes or over cliffs in order to satisfy the thirst {or appetite} of the Freedom Gods.
My bank teller, a guy in his mid twenties is helping his girlfriend take care of their baby. I assumed they were married as he chatted about the struggles of being a new parent. However, I eventually learned that, no, he is not getting along with the mother very well and he may have to leave her.
My dog groomer, 26 yrs, very pregnant, chatted with me about her situation. She told me this would be baby 2 and that her mother takes care of child 1, (a two year old) while she works. She told me she has cut off the boyfriend from sex. She explained she did not believe in abortion. Then she said, "He wants to marry me, but I don't think he is mature enough. He partys too much."
I said, "He might change once he has committed himself to you and the children!"
"I cannot trust him to change," she said flatly.
I insisted, "You will need his help! You should agree to marry him and give him a chance since he is willing!"
She said, "He better help me!"
But if she has cut him off from the love potion, he may drift away from her and the children.
- very sad, if you ask me.
We could all go on and on with similar modern day anecdotes, I am sure.
I expressed what "I believe", call it proselytizing if you wish. I don't know much about the Falwells, but following never a good practice, people are imperfect and will, inevitably, let you down.
I never said anything about your proselytizing, I only defined what it was.
I support that anyone can believe what they want, just don't have their beliefs be forced on others.
Only fools follow people blindly without questioning where they are leading them to. Your acknowledgement of the inherent imperfection of people and the danger of relying on them is agreed to and quite clear.
They aren't even trying to hide it anymore. Misogyny on full display.
Minnesota Republican candidate for lieutenant governor Matt Birk is standing behind comments he made about women and abortion.
The former Minnesota Vikings center made the comments at the National Right to Life conference in Georgia last month, saying American culture promotes abortion partially by telling women "they should have careers."
"They aren't even trying to hide it anymore."
Who are "they"? One idiot making a stupid statement?
I know of no one that would make such a stupid statement. Do you?
by Scott Belford 8 months ago
If the leaked Supreme Court Decision on Roe v Wade becomes reality, then it won't be a Woman's Right to Choose and control her own body that goes by the way-side in Conservative States - it is any previous ruling that is based on the Right to Privacy which will vanish as well.That is what these...
by Epleeba1 9 years ago
The national debate around abortion centers around two peaks of moral high ground. There is the woman's right to have ultimate control over her own body versus the right to life of a fetus. I will admit upfront to being a pro-choice advocate. I am not saying I approve abortion...
by brittvan22 12 years ago
There has been rowe v. wade, etc. Is abortion clear cut murder or do you think there are special cases and exceptions?
by Dawn Bostick 15 years ago
Do you believe that abortion is murder or is it just a choice?
by Tammy Barnette 12 years ago … er-a-death"Thousands protested in Ireland and parents cried out in India after a miscarrying woman died having been refused an abortion. The laws have to change, Irish physicians say."
by Dave Mathews 12 years ago
Abortion and euthanasia, and suicide all require a cessation of life. For abortion it is a requirement for the cessation of life of the fetus. For euthanasia and suicide, it is a requirement by an already living and viable human being for life to come to an end, or to bring their life to an...
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