will they maneuver this giant obstacle?
I can see/hear Jean-Pierre perfecting the spin already: … 12125z6etw
The Oversight Committee released one bank statement showing Owasco transferred $1,380 to Joe Biden on September 17, 2018 when Biden was not in office.
What Comer does not say is that Hunter made only two additional payments to his father in the same amount, on October 15, 2018, and November 15, 2018, a committee aide told the Washington Examiner, speaking anonymously. (That’s a total of less than $4,500.)
Comer also does not mention the previously reported emails from Hunter’s laptop that indicate those transfers were paying his father back for a pickup truck. Instead, he makes it seem as though Hunter has been making shady monthly payments to his father for years. Gotta love Comer. He's a master at this. A real slick Willy. Quite admirable.
In 2019, Hunter’s then personal assistant, Katie Dodge, sent multiple messages regarding his bills. In one, sent on January 17, she said that Biden would pay his son’s bills “in the short-term as Hunter transitions in his career.”
That email included a PDF of the payments Hunter needed to make. The document showed Hunter owed $1,380 to his father for a 2018 Ford Raptor truck. Dodge had reminded Hunter about the $1,380 truck repayment he owed his father in an email she had sent three days earlier.
“The truth is Hunter’s father helped him when he was struggling financially due to his addiction and could not secure credit to finance a truck,” Hunter’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, said in a statement Monday. “When Hunter was able to, he paid his father back and took over the payments himself.”
Quilty as charged...Biden "Helped him while he was struggling"
Will the depravity of this family ever end? My God doesn't Joe Biden understand tough love? What a danger to our country.
The real crime here is why would a parent let their child buy a Ford?? LOL. More of Biden's bad judgment on display.
This is just stupidity on steroids.
Surely others who have posted on this topic have already read this information but the question is why didn't you bring it up? Can't we consider the complete picture? EVER? If a piece of information doesn't fit the party's narrative, is it to be ignored? Or just considered privately? Come on already.
At any rate, fingers crossed that this impeachment trial will begin quickly.. it's going to be like watching someone dive into an empty pool.
There is the "letter of the law" and there is reality.
It technically may be legal for a Chinese bank to invest Billions into Hunter Biden's Investment firm, or for a Chinese Energy company to pay him millions, or for a Chinese shell company to transfer funds to a Biden family owned shell company.
But this loophole, this allowance in the law, does not change the fact that Biden has taken these payoffs, has compromised his integrity, has sold out American interests.
Chinese Energy Company's Payments to Hunter Biden … -h90xgqttp
What We Know About Hunter Biden’s Dealings in China … 1570181403
Hunter Biden's Web of Chinese Interests … 065ef5fc55
Joe Biden's son listed as director at China-backed equity firm ... … quity-firm
Biden's Son, Kerry Family Friend Join Ukrainian Gas Producer's Board … 1400031749
If any of them have the proof they'll bring it. Thus far they have they have absolutely nothing.
I do not see any definitive proof of anything in what you've listed. What seems to happen is that the Republicans make a huge deal of supposed evidence and then The not so spectacular truth of the so-called evidence comes out... Just like these car payments. Literally everything they trot out falls flat.
So... just like the Democrats and their Russian conspiracy and traitor charges against Trump?
Separate incidents. As far as trumps impeachments that's a diversion. The potential Biden impeachment will play out just like Trumps were played out. I do feel like his second impeachment will be vindicated through the courts in terms of the charges that were brought against them. The January 6th committee was really responsible for building the foundation of that case. They took it as far as they were able to as a committee and now we'll see where it goes in the legal system.
I think at this stage, it is becoming clear that there are Americans that are capable of discerning the truth, and are concerned for their country.
Then there are some Americans that are truly clueless, whether due to indoctrination, lack of experience, lack of mental capacity.
Then there are some Americans that really do not like America, nor do they want what is best for America.
Unfortunately is seems many fall into that second or third category, this is why we see LGBTQ+ out protesting for Hamas, we have Jewish teachers being attacked (even killed) on campuses, we have people that think that Gender Fluid and Furries are real things that should have rights and protections, etc. etc.
Its a sign of our own internal moral collapse.
We once shared basic values, particularly at the local level, but now, those values have fallen away, replaced with hatred and rage at Christians and white Americans, specifically 'cisgender-males'.
The Democratic Party instead of moving away from its most extreme and radical positions, embraces them, doubles down on them and has apparently decided that the Republican Party in general is a threat to the United States that it is a Christian, White, Nationalist party.
It means the Republican Party is... in the words of far-Left Daily Kos founder, Markos Moulitsa... an American Taliban.
Or in the words of President Biden... Domestic Terrorists. Not those Republicans that go along and agree with the Democrats on the important matters and lie to their constituents at home (aka RINOs) he means those flag waving, patriotic, "freedom loving" types.
You know, those 75 million or so who voted for Trump in 2020, and any that have decided he wasn't so bad after all since.
James Carville (a Democrat if there ever was one) said on Bill Maher’s show on Friday night, “(House Speaker) Mike Johnson and what he believes is one of the greatest threats we have today to the United States. I know these people. (Christian nationalists). This is a bigger threat than Al Qaeda to this country.
Let that sink in.
The Democrats as a political party, have come to hate Americans and what America has (had) stood for some 200+ years, they don't want to compromise, they don't want to share power, they want to eradicate the opposition... opposition or dissent should be against the law, their law.
The Atlantic (a Far-Left rag) is dedicating its first issue of 2024 to suggesting that a vote for Donald Trump in 2024 is a vote for a fascist regime.
Trump, who in 4 years didn't start WWIII, or a new war at all for that matter... didn't cause extremes of inflation and interest rates... didn't declare martial law or arrest his political opponents, is, based on what the Atlantic says, the biggest threat the nation has ever faced.
No, Trump is a threat to the corruption running rampant in DC, to the insanity and hatred for America that seems to control the Progressive wing of the Democrat Party. Trump is a threat to those who ARE marching us toward WWIII, those who ARE bringing about the death of the American Dream of opportunity and liberty for all. Trump isn't an extremist, he is just a threat to those who are.
Hear, hear Mr. Burgess! (Ken doesn't suffice, when you are on a roll )
I never thought that I'd see the day, in the United States of America, where God-fearing, America-loving, liberty-minded Patriots, no different than those who forged this great Nation, would be seen as the enemy!
That essentially sums up where we are at...
Identity Politics
We are at a real crossroads... people can sense it... but they can't put their finger on it. They can see it in the new 'woke' Disney movies that replace good characters and good stories with "the message".
They can see it on the Streets of San Fransisco and Chicago and Seattle.
They can see it when they go and buy groceries and can't afford to feed their families (without government assistance).
Things are not right, but our Political Leaders (Democrats) are telling us things have never been better and if you don't think so, there is something wrong with you... not their policies, not their economy.
A reflection of Disney sort of... Disney put out flop after flop in 2023, but according to Disney, the problem doesn't lie with what they are putting out... the problem lies with the American people, for being racist, sexist, and hateful.
They (Disney, Hollywood, Democrats) think they are writing good stories and creating needed changes.
These Activists (that's what they are) want to "decolonize" the movies and "decolonize" America.
They have replaced Actions with Identity.
Everyone needs to understand that, to understand what we are really facing.
They have replaced Actions with Identity
Your actions are not who you are... your identity is who you are.
Identity Politics.
IE - Hamas cannot be vile murdering rapists... they are oppressed Palestinians.
Your Actions do not define who you are, or what you are guilty of... your Identity does.
You can be the most caring, benevolent, human on the planet today... if you are a White Male... then what you are is a victimizer and oppressor. That is your Identity, your Actions don't matter. That is the America the Democrats/Hollywood are bringing (have brought) to reality.
Deeds don't matter, good or bad.
You are not good, or bad, because of what you do... you are good, or bad, because of what you are.
This mindset, this belief, this reality, is why you see LGBTQ+ out there marching for Hamas and attacking Jews. Nothing worse than a white person, unless that white person is also guilty of being a Jew.
"You are not good, or bad, because of what you do... you are good, or bad, because of what you are."
It is clear your theory is relevant, and yes, I see it as factual. We have a segment of Americans that for lack of a better word have been brainwashed into this adverse mindset. However, would it be safe to say most intelligent people governed by innate common sense see those who fall into this group as anti-social oddities?
Undoubtedly, this adverse mindset is prevalent and does pose a true problem for America.
Unfortunately, it does not appear so.
It appears the "intellectual" class, those who think of themselves as elite, and those who make up the majority of our University faculties, have bought into this Social Justice, Identity Politics, faith with which they live by.
Remember, this push for Social Justice, Identity Politics, and the push to smash the Patriarchy... has led to issues of transexuality, genderfluidity, gender bias and a whole slew of other issues that will continue to get worse.
Feminism doesn't replace the Patriarchy with a Matriarchy, it replaces it with individuality, anarchy and insanity (emotions and feelings trump logic).
This supposed (final/fourth) wave of feminism has capitalized on gender to retributively shift the balance in favor of the female gender... into a superiority to the male gender.
This is why you see that more than 60% of those graduating from Universities today are women, the human services fields and white-collar non-STEM jobs are overwhelmingly women... if it doesn't require hard labor or hard math, it is dominated today by women.
Unfortunately for women, in order for civilization to exist, it needs all those hard jobs done that they overwhelmingly leave for men to do.
We are seeing how this forced societal correction is impacting our culture throughout the Western World.
There is nothing worse in today's Western World to be... than a Christian, White, Male... in the world of Identity Politics... in the Feminist belief system... that is the peak of oppressor and victimizer. Guilty regardless of fact, regardless of reality.
We cannot define what a woman is in today's society.
But, we can define what an oppressor is, regardless of Action or deed.
Why should there be a patriarchy? You are a the top of the "food chain" would you be as so rigidly status quo if you were the underdog?
So, who is talking about any gender being superior to the other in the real world?
Who fault is it that men choose not to attend university and acquire the STEM degrees? Civilization can not be sustained by one group under subjection by another. You will have a powder keg, just as we had in the 1960s. And it can and will happen again. There is only bias behind the thinking the women are inherently not proficient in mathematics, go see the film "Hidden Figures".
You can have your white Christian male, but but the idea that they think that they have the right to dominate everybody else is dead on arrival.
The False Narrative of Race - explained by Thomas Sowell
The False Narrative of Feminism - explained by Bettina Arndt
How Identity politics is destroying America - explained by Burt Folsom
How Identity Politics Destroys Equality
Something eerie, something creepy, is happening in America.
The dark mood is brought on by elite universities, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion industry, and massive immigration from illiberal nations and anti-Enlightenment societies.
At Hillcrest High School in Queens, New York, hundreds of students rioted on news that a single teacher in her private social media account had expressed support for Israel.
Waving Palestinian flags, and screaming violent threats, the student mob rioted, destroyed school property, sought the teacher out and tried to crash into her classroom before she was saved from violence by an eventual police arrival.
The subtext was that the overwhelmingly minority students (whose school is ranked academically near the bottom among New York City schools) were acculturated to the racist reality that as the “oppressed” they were exempt from any punishment for hunting down their own teacher.
As a Jewish (and thus white) “oppressive” supporter of Israel, she was reduced to, in the words an enthusiastic commenter on a TikTok video of the riot, a “cracker ass bitch.”
And so the student pack tracked her down as if they were hunting an animal. The old Nazi youth gangs tried to kill Jews because they were not considered “white;” our new Identity Politics Nazis hunt them down because they allege that they are.
Hundreds of such incidents are now occurring on a daily basis as the country is leaving its Weimar phase and heading at warp speed into normalizing Jew-hatred and worse.
Instructors singled out Jewish students in classes at UC Davis and Stanford. Pro-Hamas students ripped down posters, swarmed public buildings, and disrupted traffic.
A pro-Israeli demonstrator in Los Angeles was hit on the head and killed by a pro-Palestinian university professor.
Jewish students were trapped in a Cooper Union university library surrounded by pro-Hamas demonstrators. At MIT, Jewish students were warned to keep away from particular areas of the campus deemed dangerous for them.
Our MSM deserves much of the blame. They push Identity Politics messaging daily, they make excuses for one race while villainizing another, same for gender, and religion.
The media normalizes Hamas’s atrocities by treating it as if it were an ordinary government, not a murderous terrorist clique that decapitates civilians, takes children as hostages, and mutilates those it slaughters.
The media fixates on the Israeli response to mass murder, but rarely the mass murder of 1,200 Israeli civilians that prompted the current war.
The media is further emboldened by the Biden administration. When asked about the outbreak of anti-Semitism across the U.S. ...nearly 60 percent of hate crimes are committed against Jews, who make up 2.5 percent of the population... Biden Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre dismissed them with the false claim that the White House “had not seen any credible threats” to Jews. And then she claimed that the real danger to American residents was Islamophobia and threats to Arab-Americans.
Hate crime and interracial crime statistics do not support Jean-Pierre’s assertions, which prompts the question of why she made them in the first place. But then, in the world of Identity politics, facts don't matter, actions don't matter... Identity does.
Note that almost all the violence in demonstrations over the current war comes from the pro-Hamas side that shouts “river to the sea” genocidal threats, swarms the Capitol rotunda and the White House wall, disrupts traffic, occupies bridges at peak traffic, defaces private and public property, shouts down speakers on campus, harasses passers-by, and often battles the police.
Abroad, the world has gone even crazier.
The United Nations has appointed Iran, a theocratic, terrorist-supporting government that kills dissidents and takes hostages, as the chair nation of the UN Human Rights Council Social Forum. No surprise really, considering the Biden Administration tried to release another 6 Billion dollars to Iran, after Oct 7.
What explains the collective madness?
One is that the racist DEI industry assumes that all intersectional nonwhite communities are victims of white privilege and supremacy.
Therefore, as permanently oppressed, they are declared incapable of being racist themselves. And so they can harass with impunity the supposed victimizers in this case American Jews, who are declared culpable whites.
So the oppressed, according to the DEI bible, cannot be anti-Semitic, though many certainly are. And they apparently cannot be held accountable for their hatred or frequent violence.
Secondly, in the last two decades there has been an epidemic of immigration into Western nations from the Middle East. In often-divided democracies like ours, politicians seek to appease as many pressure groups as possible, whether citizen voters or merely resident demonstrators, to acquire and maintain power.
Such pro-Hamas demonstrators, expect no rebuke for their obvious hypocrisy in cheering on an autocratic, dictatorial Hamas that has wrecked the economy of Gaza, shoots dissidents, and allows no free expression.
And equally "oppressed" LGBTQ+ demonstrators march in unison on the streets of America with them.
Every time a student is cornered, harassed, or threatened; a high school mob tries to swarm and harm a teacher; a government spokesperson dismisses such hatred; or American soldiers are targeted by Iranian-fed terrorist organizations; the madness, racism, anti-Semitism will increase until it reaches a saturation point of abject violence in our streets. Over and Over again.
Once a society mainstreams the values of thuggish oppression and ignores their “from the river to the sea” eliminationist chants and screams of “beat the f—king Jew,” then the next emboldened step is foreordained.
Much in the way rioters could do no wrong as they burned neighborhoods or occupied entire blocks back in 2020. Some extremism is not extremism, if the right Identity is evoked in its name.
Unless the public demands that their universities enforce on campus the Bill of Rights and the right to move freely in safety, that police enforce laws against mob violence on America’s streets and in our schools, and that the United States stops greenlighting mass immigration from anti-Western nations and extending student visas to residents of anti-American, terrorist-supporting, and autocratic Middle East regimes, then in suicidal fashion we are headed for a 1930s nightmare.
"You're seeing something that might be just, in a different context, a pro-Palestinian statement, not antisemitic, but being co-opted and used by a violent extremist in support of their antisemitic ideology," said Elizabeth Neumann, a former DHS official and ABC News contributor."
It is the Right that wants people to believe that supporting Palestinian rights and a fair settlement between the parties in Gaza and the West Bank region is inherently anti-Semitic. What utter nonsense.
Vilolent threats have risen to an equal extent against pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian advocates. So the one sided examples that you provide does not tell the whole story, does it?
It is the old "cowboys and Indians" folklore finding a use in this situation.
I am not as optimistic as the President that the heavy hand of the Trump clone, Netanyahu can be stayed from his ultimate goal in this war of the destruction of the Palestinians and the end of "Palestinian question". So, who can stay his blood soaked hands? Biden has attempted to condition US support to less indiscriminate slaughter from the Israeli government. I guess that is better than nothing at all and better than any possible Republican response.
Compelling links, I will check them out and get back with you.
Who can stay the blood soaked hands of Hamas? Who, outside of Netanyahu, has the will and ability to stop the kind of slaughter Hamas (representing Palestinians) and chosen for a course of action? Who will put an end to the demands that Israel, and all it's people, be removed from the face of the earth?
It really is quite curious that the perpetual aggressor is somehow declared innocent and has a moral right to enter Israel and murder as many people as possible, in as horrific manner as possible. Curious that the demands are that Jews simply sit back, with no response, and be killed at will by terrorists with a huge moral banner given by protestors.
Hamas is the problem, there is no denying that, but Israel has been involved in illegal settments and endless excuse and delay regarding Palestinian grievances for decades now. Or is it OK with the Right that Israel take it all and any fair settlement for the Palestinian is off of the table? Do what the white man did, take all of the Indian land and presumed that it all belonged to them from the beginning? That is quite transparent, you know.
Do you actually see no nuance in this situation? Not all Palestinians want war with israel, nor do they support Hamas. Many Palestinians want peace. Yes Hamas is a problem but how many innocent Palestinians should die? It would seem to be becoming quite clear that Benjamin Netanyahu wants to level the Gaza strip.
Well, keep in mind then, that the Biden Administration instead of trying to get Israel to have a more moderate response seems instead to be agitating and supporting its harsh retribution.
You can't have it both ways, you can't be against this warmongering Administration that is spending hundreds of billions of dollars each year on spreading war to oppress other nations and peoples.... and support it at home merely because you see it targeting and oppressing those within the nation you feel are your enemies.
Its the same government, the same Administration, doing what it is doing to maintain its control and power over as many people as possible for the benefit of the elites, the establishment... not you.
Let me give an example from the first link from Dr.Thomas Sowell. While he is a respected conservative, he may be considered part of a long line of Uncle Thomas' and apologists. … s-benefits
I offer this for your purview, is it considered Woke? In the face of this, how would Dr. Sowell answer? Is not race and structural bigotry the predominant cause of the disparities regarding Black veterans access to the GI Bill after WWII, or am I to just overlook it. These men have earned their right to that benefit sticking their necks out to promote rights for others that they really did not have at home.
How much wealth was stolen from the Black Community with all the elaborate machinery in place to prevent Blacks access to fair housing that clearly circumvented the spirit of the Bill? What does Dr. Sowell have to say about that? Not about race, nonsense, of course it was about race. Those poor whites he used as an example were not subject to a caste system that was determined to keep them down regardless of their doing everything else correctly.
I am sure that upon reading the other, obviously right wing tinged confessions, I would come to a similar conclusion.
I'm sure you would, Credence, I am sure you would.
Glad to have you back.
Everyone agreeing with me and telling me I am making excellent points gets old after a while.
As always, all you have shared rings true, and I would say factual.
My perspective revolves around the idea that Americans, when faced with the adverse impacts of grand ideologies, should naturally tap into their inherent common sense. Can't a sense of practical wisdom prevail, irrespective of one's position in the educational hierarchy or social status?
When faced with discomfort, does not the "fight or flight" kick in? From my view, I feel when one becomes affected by possible mistakes they have made, many innately opt for flight.
No, actually today's prevalent ideology prevents you from using common sense. It replaces faith, it replaces common sense, with a rigid dogma.
I had put this link in a reply to Credence above, but it is an important one to watch to understand Identity Politics and the Biden Administration's positions today.
"Can't we consider the complete picture? EVER"
If it's on the other side, the right side of the aisle, no, not so much. NEVER.
I don't of anyone who would take great pleasure in watching someone dive into an empty pool and break their neck.
Justice will suffice!!
Jumping into an empty pool is a metaphor for stupidity
If you would make a list of all the court cases that Donald Trump had in his life and all the court cases that Joe Biden had in his life. What would those lists look like? And what would that tell us?
She has already spun and then exited quickly, stage right!
All I can say is that it appears we are getting very close to an impeachment.
"Congress aims to hold vote to initiate Biden impeachment inquiry
Vote to initiate impeachment inquiry expected next week" … nt-inquiry
It is time to hear and see what Congress has discovered.
Let me throw out a hypothetical...
Lets say those stories you heard about Hunter Biden and Kerry's kid getting 1.5 Billion from a Chinese bank were true.
Lets say Joe Biden is China's Manchurian Candidate... China, seeing the threat Trump posed to their plans of global domination, their plans to dethrone America, needed to remove him and replace him with their own puppet.
But how do you get Biden to cripple America in only 4 years?
You can flood the nation with a crippling drug like Fentanyl, killing its citizens while enriching yourself in the process.
You can fill their Social Media with destructive nonsense while using to gather as much information as possible, like they do with TikTok.
You can have the puppet President you secretly control start a destructive war that uses up the nation's military and strategic reserves, in a war that cannot be won, and then you have another war break out spreading its forces even thinner.
You have that military alienate the strongest, smartest most capable individuals with campaigns to attract the least capable, least willing to fight, literally reversing the identity of the military from being a killing machine... to being a queer friendly fraternity.
You have your puppet President alienate allies critical to its economic wellbeing, like Saudi Arabia and the UAE, driving them into the arms of China.
You in short, do everything you have seen the Biden Administration do, this is how you ensure the defeat of America and the rise of China.
Thanks a lot Ken! Couldn't I have just stewed on the fact that the Biden family has become filthy rich ("filthy" in every sense of the word) at our expense, for about five minutes?
I can't dispute anything you've laid out. I just hope, once we are rid of Biden, that we can focus exclusively on U.S. for a change! Gore once said that America has a fever and that we do --- but the climate has nothing to do with it! I just pray we haven't let the sickness linger too long.
Not giving up on us, not by a long shot!
To give some context to my concerns... this is worth the watch, ignore its title, the information provided is precious and will be found few other places.
Thanks for sharing Ken, it sure ain't pretty. Trump at the helm, the individuals he would surround himself with, offer some comfort. If it's Joe, somehow finding his way back in (which is very likely, I know what we are dealing with) it truly will be the beginning of the end of days.
Biden was in direct contact with Hunter’s business partners using email alias as VP
"FIRST ON FOX: As vice president, Joe Biden used email aliases and private email addresses to communicate with son Hunter Biden and Hunter's business associates hundreds of times, new records released by the House Ways & Means Committee revealed.
The committee obtained metadata from IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler that reveals Joe Biden used alias email accounts 327 times during a nine-year period — 2010 to 2019 — to correspond with his son, Hunter, and one of Hunter's key business associates, Eric Schwerin, among others.
The majority of the email traffic took place while Biden was vice president.
The committee says 54 of the emails were "exclusively" between Joe Biden and Schwerin, who the committee describes as "the architect of the Biden family’s shell companies.
The email aliases used were "robinware456," "JRBware" and "RobertLPeters."
Earlier this year, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., revealed the existence of Biden's email aliases.
After Comer's release of those aliases, Fox News Digital learned the whistleblowers, who are still employed as IRS investigators, ran a search in their existing files for the Biden email aliases in email exchanges with Hunter Biden and Eric Schwerin. That search led to the revelation of the 327 exchanges.
A source told Fox News Digital the whistleblowers could only access metadata for these exchanges. The source said accessing the content of the emails would require a search warrant.
The whistleblowers turned over the results of the search to the committee after a closed-door meeting Tuesday, and the committee released the information Tuesday.
Schwerin, who was the former president of Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca Advisors, served as then-Vice President Biden’s "bookkeeper" from 2009 to 2017.
Schwerin, during a March 2023 meeting with the House Oversight Committee staff, explained that "he was not aware of any transactions into or out of the then-Vice President’s bank account related to business conducted by any Biden family member," a spokesperson for the Democrats on the committee told Fox News Digital.
The White House has also cited Schwerin's statement that Biden was not involved in his family's business dealings when pushing back against Republicans' impeachment inquiry.
A person familiar with Schwerin's role in handling then-Vice President Biden's finances told Fox News Digital that Schwerin worked on Biden's personal budget and helped coordinate with his tax preparers.
The individual also pointed to the frequency of Schwerin's communications with Biden and his top aides and said it was "inevitable" Rosemont Seneca business came up in conversations.
House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., has subpoenaed Schwerin for a deposition on Nov. 9. The committee is in communication with his attorney to set a date for the deposition.
Meanwhile, the data shows direct emails between Schwerin and Vice President Biden increased during times when the vice president traveled to Ukraine.
The committee said the data shows Joe Biden and Schwerin exchanged five emails in June 2014 before the vice president’s trip to Ukraine that month.
After that trip and before Biden’s November 2014 trip back to Ukraine, he and Schwerin emailed 27 times.
Hunter Biden joined the board of Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings in April 2014.
Biden has acknowledged that when he was vice president he successfully pressured Ukraine to fire Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin. At the time, Shokin was investigating Burisma Holdings during the same period Hunter Biden held a highly lucrative role on the board, receiving thousands of dollars per month.
At the time, the vice president threatened to withhold $1 billion of critical U.S. aid if Shokin was not fired.
Biden allies maintain the vice president pushed for Shokin's firing due to concerns the Ukrainian prosecutor went easy on corruption and say his firing was the policy position of the U.S. and international community.
"Vice President Biden appears to have treated Air Force Two like a corporate jet, traveling to Ukraine and Mexico to advance Hunter Biden’s business interests," Ways & Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith said. "Evidence from today’s documents show right around the time of international trips like those to Ukraine, Joe Biden was emailing his son and his son’s business partner from private email accounts using aliases while vice president."
To read more -- … lias-as-vp
Source to verify Fox News articles claims … enue-code/
To say that I'm not surprised that none of the far-right members of this forum acknowledge Willow's clear explanation of the three $1,380 repayments Hunter made to Joe in repayment for truck payments as commonplace. Instead using them to claim that the other side lacks common sense. Repayments that have been known for a few years now.
It's been established that Hunter tried to sell fake access to his father. So Hunter is shady, the left understands that. It's why we're fine that Hunter does not have any position in government. Using loan repayments from family as evidence of something nefarious is just the latest fabricated narrative in this saga. One we fully expect the gullible in the far-right to fall for and amplify, as well as defend when it's so easily debunked. Just the latest example of the two different realities the sides live within and how easy it is to manipulate a group of people through the omission of the actual facts of the matter.
"Using loan repayments from family as evidence of something nefarious is just the latest fabricated narrative in this saga."
If this was a loan, where is the original loan check? Where are the records of the loan?
$200,000 is quite a bit of money to loan without any records.
If it were actually a loan, there would be records of it, not just records of payments of it.
Comer's committee has that check, that occurred six weeks (Janaury 12, 2018 to be exact) before the repayment, according to the Democratic members of Comer's committee and reported on by multiple non-far-right media sources. So Comer was aware of the initial loan before gaslighting all the far-right people gullible enough to believe his omissions. {looks around the room and starts pointing}
I can share why I have not added a view on this investigation besides posting articles. I think it is only fair to see the evidence that has been collected and see if the smoke turns into a fire. It will be interesting to see if Biden can prove he ever drew funds out of his accounts to prove he was providing loans to various family members. Money spent leaves a very clear trail.
I think the latest information as well as documents IRS whistleblowers handed over on Tuesday is damming.
My source --- Dec 5, 2023
Newly Released Evidence Underscores Joe Biden’s Excessive Use of a Secret Email Address to Communicate with his Son’s Business Associates
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House Ways and Means Committee voted to release 56 new pages of evidence showing that then-Vice President Joe Biden used multiple email aliases and private email addresses to communicate with his son’s business associate and main financial architect, directly refuting previous public statements the President has made that he had no knowledge of his son’s business dealings. The President appears now to not only have had knowledge but also been intimately involved in Hunter Biden’s business dealings. The material released today further corroborates the previous testimony of IRS agents Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley highlighting the incredible level of access Hunter Biden and his business partners had in Joe Biden’s public office while working for foreign businesses.
At today’s Ways and Means Committee Executive Session hearing with IRS whistleblowers Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley, Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) highlighted the credibility and breadth of the whistleblowers’ testimony:
“Through months of testifying for hours and producing hundreds of pages of documentation, and just as many months of baseless attacks against them, their story has remained the same and their credibility intact. The same cannot be said for President Biden.
“So far, our witnesses have produced over eleven-hundred pages of evidence, sat for 14 hours of closed-door testimony with counsel from the majority and minority on this committee, testified publicly before the Oversight Committee, and today, have provided us with new evidence.”
Chairman Smith also provided a detailed account of the scope of involvement Joe Biden had in the Biden family’s business dealings as well as lengths to which Joe Biden went to cover his tracks: Read more if interested … ssociates/
It's already been proven that Biden took out the same amounts. I even provided the exact date to Mike since he seems to be just as out of the loop on the details for the $200,000 transfer (January of 2018) as you appear to be. Comer confirmed the amount of the truck loan when he got pressed in his MSN appearance today, but tried to muddle the waters in saying he's not sure where Biden got the $4,000 in the first place - as if Biden wouldn't have that amount on hand.
I don't follow this stuff too closely, but this appears to be new News:
CNN: Hunter Biden has been charged with nine federal tax crimes, including three felonies, for a long-running scheme to evade millions in taxes. … l-tax-case
"Hunter Biden made millions of dollars from private equity deals, corporate consulting and legal fees in Ukraine, China, Romania and other countries. Prosecutors previously said he had the money to buy luxury items like a Porsche and was warned about his looming tax bills by accountants and associates – but still missed the IRS deadlines."
Ken, see what I mean about bad karma... The bunch is dripping in it.
Top priority for the country is to get this Administration removed.
I'm not sure if its too late or not... we are eyeball deep in danger with Russia, China, Iran and those nations that are now shifting over to side with them, like the UAE, Turkey, etc.
After reviewing statements by Biden, the SoS, SoD, made recently, they are trying to threaten the House to give them money for their wars, or they will be sending Americans to fight Russians down the road.
Lies and fearmongering of course, but underlying that is a truth... one that I have been warning about for almost two years now... that they want to go to war with Russia, some in that Administration have always been working toward that goal.
I understand your view, but a significant number of Americans are expressing concerns about the funds allocated to Ukraine. The idea of deploying our military there could potentially provoke strong reactions, and I believe it might be a breaking point for Biden, his last nail. In my opinion, their overarching plan seems to be heading towards a collapse. Well, one can hope, right? LOL
Hunter clearly evaded his taxes over that three year period. He has since paid those back taxes, but if the government feels it has a case, then so be it. Others have gone to jail for such things, so let the courts decide it if the special counsel feels it has a case here. And similar to Trump pardoning his cronies like Stone and Manafort, Biden will have the right and power to pardon his son if he wants to.
"And similar to Trump pardoning his cronies like Stone and Manafort, Biden will have the right and power to pardon his son if he wants to."
Republican heads would explode.
Nah, he doesn't get involved in his son's life.
You say that as if the Democrats respond to such things any better.
Golly... we only had a guy persecuted on fraudulent charges (Russia/Dossier) and an entire voter base of tens of millions of people suppressed on Social Media (Twitter Files) ...
It really does get to the point where a sane person goes WTF... Biden has been releasing hundreds of billions to Iran... letting them sell their oil without restriction... but hey, that has nothing to do with the chaos exploding in the Middle East... Iran is friends with Biden, right?
Oh, we have a war in Ukraine... didn't need to have it... but Biden sure wanted it, heck he is threatening America just the other day... give me 60 billion more or we'll be sending our own troops to fight them.
No one calls him on the fact that this ass won't negotiate with Russia, that it all could have been avoided if he told Zelensky for F-off and accept the Minsk Agreement, that the US would not back him in a war against Russia.
But then, they wouldn't be able to launder hundreds of billions through Ukraine, they wouldn't be making their friends in the MIC happy.
No one wants to hold these idiots accountable in the MSM, or even any of the Democrats, including Democrat voters... they just line up and support anything that comes out... Open Borders, who cares, Biden says its under control... Child Mutilation supported, well, that must be good, kids can't drink or vote or drive or sign a contract... but they can be trusted to make a decision on getting a sex change operation.
The... insanity... has... to... be... stopped.
Of course Democrat heads would have exploded if Trump pardoned his kids, or himself. There was no finger-pointing in my comment.
What are the odds you would give?
Jailed for Life -
No Longer with Us-
Elected President-
What excuse circumvents the necessity to have an election in 2024?
At War with Russia-
At War with Russia, China and Iran-
World Wide Economic Collapse and Civil Unrest-
Pandemic #2-
Two or more of the above-
My crystal ball quit on me because I stopped going down rabbit holes, so I can only guess.
Jailing for life doesn't seem likely, and no longer with us might be the worst possible outcome.
Unless there is an unequivocally criminal conviction, getting elected looks most likely.
The delayed election question is scary as hell.
So true, and we did see Demacrats Brain matter all over left media...
Ken, honestly, I haven't kept up with the Hunter saga either. I find it challenging to prioritize his controversies over the frequent crises I observe coming from the White House and left-leaning individuals almost every week.
At this point, I will be closely following his indictments. As well as what looks like the impending Biden impeachment.
Aren't fireworks saved for July 4th? I think we are in for some explosive fireworks in 2024.
I wasn't aware of the report suggesting that there were bank documents indicating a money transfer from Joe Biden to his brother as a loan. As I mentioned earlier, it might be prudent to withhold judgment until all the information becomes public in hearings. There has been much discussion, and at this stage, it is essential to substantiate or refute claims with concrete evidence in an open setting.
Recalling the impactful testimony provided by two IRS agents, it is reasonable to assume that they had access to Hunter Biden's complete financial records. Their recent submission of extensive documentation to the Comer adds weight to their investigation. Personally, I believe that the IRS is adept at tracing financial transactions, and it is challenging for anyone to follow the flow of cash better than they can.
I learned today that Hunter Biden has been indicted on nine tax-related charges, including three felony counts, as per court documents filed in a federal court in Los Angeles this Thursday.
Hardly surprising that far-right media would choose not to inform their base that those documents showing Biden loaning the money to his family exists. Neither does it surprise any of us on the left here that the far-right members of this forum would not do a simple search and discover these truths for themselves. We see it so often, that Fox or Newsmax omits a key piece of data, creates a narrative that isn't really truthful, and it gets reposted here by someone who thinks they have a gotcha moment, only to be easily debunked in minutes. Pretty much sums up around 60% of the threads.
Guilty AS Charged ... Chuckle Chuckle
Actually, I am guilty of not following all the droppings on Hunter Biden. As I said, I feel I will wait for the official hearings. I can see why you are banned so frequently. To repeat --- "I wasn't aware of the report suggesting that there were bank documents indicating a money transfer from Joe Biden to his brother as a loan. As I mentioned earlier, it might be prudent to withhold judgment until all the information becomes public in hearings. There has been much discussion, and at this stage, it is essential to substantiate or refute claims with concrete evidence in an open setting."
MY BAD -- for even opening a conversation with you. As always I will step away. BYE
If my pointing out how the far-right elected reps in Congress like Comer and the media they use to gaslight people offends, so be it. The goal is to try to get people to open their eyes and do their own research, not just accept the false narratives they are being fed before coming to other sites and spreading those false narratives.
Unless, of course, the topic is Donald Trump. In that case, "spread" it like manure, as if the whole world relied upon your crop, alone.
....and poor Joe is just a victim, helpless to truly understand just how deceptive his son really is or the world in which his son operates.
YET savvy and capable enough to be the President of the United States of America!?!
Smart enough to not want to give his child a position in his government, unlike others. And apparently smart enough to only take money after he gave the same amount of money to those family members in the months before.
I think you are on to something there...
If they come out and tell the world Joe has found a newfound non-binary gender-fluid awareness, wouldn't that rank him right up there at the top of the pyramid of Identity Politics?
Heck... by default, you would be proving yourself a racist, sexist, virulent and violent hater of America by not voting for him.
That is a brilliant campaign strategy right there... he needs to dump the white cis-gender routine and get with it.
This is a fun one. If it was a fair and vetted list, it would indicate the double standard which exists and has existed, between (R) and (D). But never so boldly and blatantly, until Donald Trump elected to run for Office.
From the 1970s until he was elected president in 2016, Donald Trump and his businesses were involved in over 4,000 legal cases in U.S. federal and state courts, including battles with casino patrons, million-dollar real estate lawsuits, personal defamation lawsuits, and over 100 business tax disputes.
(source Wikipedia)
Now How many court cases can you find against Joe Biden? More than 4000? more than a 1000? more than a 100?
that's basically the difference in a nutshell.
"Donald Trump and his businesses were involved in over 4,000 legal cases in U.S. federal and state courts"
And how many of those cases listed Donald Trump as a defendant? It is certainly not unusual for a business to be involved in a court case - no business of any size will be free of that, not in the US - but owners are very seldom defendants. So if you're going to compare the number of lawsuits, better compare apples to apples, and look at only negative verdicts as well. How many court cases as each lost, personally, not as a business owner with the business being sued?
Yes, I was thinking about that argument.
but it does not work.
Compare Donald Trump with all the other presidents of the US. From Washington to Roosevelt to Nixon to Reagan to Biden.. And you clearly see that he is something else.
His record of court cases is not like any other business. There are too many. and on top of that, you have personal court cases too.
Now the media is zooming in on Hunter Biden. Not Joe Biden but Hunter.
That's like looking at what is close to Joe Biden. Let's do the same thing with Donald Trump. What's close to him? His business.
Now if we compare the father/son Joe Biden and Hunter Biden and Donald Trump and the Trump business. Then we can compare apples with apples.
Compare the Biden empire and the Trump empire and you see who is doing more dirty laundry....
Which empire is larger, and which has been investigated to within an inch of its life in recent years?
I used to work for a fortune 500 company. We once got sued when a truck broke down. It pulled off the road, past the shoulder completely onto private land. Perhaps 20 feet from the road. A drunken motorcyclist ran off the road and under the truck. The company lost the suit - it should not have parked the truck that would not move there.
This is what business faces in the US - lawsuits completely without merit but which are successful because business has deep pockets and juries sympathize with people that are hurt. The Trump empire is no different.
Did you check out how many of those cases he won? He did win the majority, settled many, and lost some, some were tossed out of court and not heard. This is an interesting source … -lawsuits/
I don't think one can compare the two presidents regarding lawsuits. Trump has a huge conglomerate of businesses, as well as business ventures. Biden has lived off of taxpayers, and to be honest, Senators are not paid well. Not sure if he has had any lawsuits brought against him. Not meant to be funny -- but he is just another common Joe in America's society.
Not sure I would even consider Trump's lawsuits as a drawback for voting for him. Big businesses as a rule have long lists of various lawsuits.
I stand by my initial response.
But, it really is like comparing apples to oranges.
Trump is a businessman, with ownership in businesses, lawsuits come, it's a fact of life!
Biden, on the other hand, is a career Politician. He chose a different path to get rich. Not working for it!
ehm Donald Trump inherited his wealth. He was born with a golden spoon in his hand.
Yep. A golden spoon and $4B. All inherited. Not.
Oh, only $4B. So he's not one of the elite... He's one of us. Yes, we all started out with $4B......
"IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler approached Congress earlier this year, alleging that prosecutorial decisions made throughout the federal investigation into the president’s son were impacted by politics."
Reacting to the latest indictment, Shapley and Ziegler said they have been vindicated.
"Eight months ago we did something ordinary people don’t do: we risked our careers and reputations to bring the truth out of the shadows and into the light," Shapley and Ziegler said in a joint-statement. "We were moved solely by our consciences, yet faced continual attacks. Nevertheless, in the face of all odds, we never wavered from what we shared with Congress."
Shapley and Ziegler said the indictment "is a complete vindication of our thorough investigation, and underscores the wide agreement by investigators and prosecutors that the evidence supported charges against Hunter Biden."
"Yet as we have stated, this is much bigger than our investigation or any one individual: it’s about equal treatment of taxpayers under the law," they said.
Shapley, who led the IRS portion of the probe, said that Hunter Biden should have been charged with tax evasion for 2014, and for filing false tax returns for 2018 and 2019. With regard to the 2014 tax returns, Shapley said that Hunter Biden did not report income from Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings. … llegations
Thank God for these two honest men who did their job, and without fear reported facts on what their investigation revealed.
I am sure their deligence, and work will help bring Hunter Biden to Justice.
'Child Mutilation supported, well, that must be good, kids can't drink or vote or drive or sign a contract... but they can be trusted to make a decision on getting a sex change operation.'
Can't kids drink in their home with parental approval? Can't they drive - did your parents just have you show up to get your driver's permit without first taking you out to drive? Can't they sign contracts with parental approval? Ken acts as if a child goes out on their own and makes this decision without their parents and without having consulted plenty of medical professionals first. Tired of those untrue distortions.
Why? Because you said so? Sorry, but I'll refer to many state laws that, as usual, contradict your opinion on the alcohol issue. The drive one needs a certified instructor and vehicle, not a parent. And the contract issue of when a child and parent sign a contract vary by state as well.
You can attempt to normalize such a horrific practice all day long and insult and mock those calling it out as such, but at the end of the day, it still remains, a horrific practice!
So if a kid has a mole and does not feel comfortable with it and has it removed? Child mutilation? Braces - child torture for sure. Plenty of procedures exist that help kids alter themselves to be more comfortable or give them esteem by making them look more attractive. It's nice that so many can overlook all those other procedures to attack one of the most vulnerable populations in the country from a psychological standpoint. That's the truly horrific practice - attacking a population that is already susceptible to self-harm. A population that doesn't really impact their own existence in any way.
A detailed description of the procedures for sex change operations, without photos (trust me they aren't pretty), consider the permanency and severity of these operations, and then tell me you think they should be done on children that are not of legal age: … er-surgery
To try and compare this to people who get a mole removed, or braces on their teeth is absurd IMO... but I recognize that for many on what we call the Progressive or Left path, we are dealing with two entirely different views of reality and morality, and I do not believe the two sides can come together to agree on these issues anymore.
Nor do I think it is necessary for us to find a common ground, things have gone too far, the cyclical nature of civilization is going to come full circle in time.
The pendulum has swung too far in one direction to be centered back again peacefully, in addition to all the social stressors, there is the economic ends we have reached with the dollar, the massive amount of debt in the system, and the rise of China, Russia and others to peer status on the world stage.
So basically you're advocating violence against anyone not agreeing with your stance, while preaching to someone with multiple transgendered family members about the permanency of the procedures. As usual, your assumption that you are the only one educated on a topic is comical.
Where has Ken advocated violence in his comment? Please point out the context. Simply point out the very words that advocate violence.
"A detailed description of the procedures for sex change operations, without photos (trust me they aren't pretty), consider the permanency and severity of these operations, and then tell me you think they should be done on children that are not of legal age: … er-surgery
To try and compare this to people who get a mole removed, or braces on their teeth is absurd IMO... but I recognize that for many on what we call the Progressive or Left path, we are dealing with two entirely different views of reality and morality, and I do not believe the two sides can come together to agree on these issues anymore.
Nor do I think it is necessary for us to find a common ground, things have gone too far, the cyclical nature of civilization is going to come full circle in time.
The pendulum has swung too far in one direction to be centered back again peacefully, in addition to all the social stressors, there is the economic ends we have reached with the dollar, the massive amount of debt in the system, and the rise of China, Russia and others to peer status on the world stage."
'The pendulum has swung too far in one direction to be centered back again peacefully...'
In my opinion, that appears to be advocating violence.
I interpreted it that he was sharing that the pendulum had swung too far left. My understanding was that he was alluding to what we commonly describe as the center, which avoids both left and right extremes, and the term "peacefully" conveyed a sense of the center being a more tranquil and serene middle ground. He seemed to be saying most likely it would be hard to return to a middle ground. I also considered the entirety of his comment to draw my conclusion. His first paragraph set the tone, in my view.
You are entitled to that, I just read it differently. As in that it will take violence to swing it back from where it currently sits.
I see your take, and I can see that sentence could be misconstrued. The conversation is very compelling and stirs emotions.
I will do my absolute best to remember not to respond to you in the future.
I don't want to accidentally offend you, and I am sure any form of reply is ripe to do just that.
Who was offended? Just pointing out that it was easy to interpret your post as an advocation to violence. But the fabricated accusation that someone just has to be offended through conversing with you will surely be missed while you refuse to reply to my posts. (sheds one left eye tear)
What logic suggests that the act of removing a mole for cosmetic enhancement is equivalent in significance to life-altering procedures such as the reconstruction of a sex organ or the removal of breasts or a penis, at any age? Adoleent children are not psychologically developed or one might say equipt to make such a dession.
Are you aware of how very delicate such sugerys are, and as any surery can develope complications?
No, I clearly live in a cave and have never had multiple people in my immediate family go through gender reassignment surgery. My question would be have any of you people arguing against it ever met anyone or even spoken with any transgendered individuals?
Well, not sure what to say. I never sought to bring out sarcasm. However, I can see you having family members who have gone through with reassignment you will possibly have some insights into their journeys.
You perhaps could have shared some of what you gleaned from their individual experiences.
To answer your question --- I live in Puerto Vallarta for part of the year, it is I would say a city where transgenders feel very comfortable. So yes, I have many gay, and trans close friends and acquaintances. None resigned as children. I think in the past we did not see children go through surgical reassignment. I also think it is still rare thus far. However, it is being supported now by many.
I've been around both teen transition and post-teen transition. And know the stats that 97% are happy with their transition and of those 3% who aren't, the majority feel that external pressures from society are a main reason behind their unhappiness, not their own internal reasoning. It's why I advocate for acceptance, but understand there needs to be limitations such as males participating in female sports (as the research has made it clear that male-born athletes still retain advantages over female-born athletes).
Thus far these are my thoughts on reassignment. In my view, I feel there should be an age requirement for reassignment surgery, I strongly believe that individuals should be 18 or older before undergoing such procedures.
Firstly, 18 is generally considered the legal age of adulthood in the US, and many countries. At this point, individuals are deemed mature enough to make significant life decisions, including medical choices that may have long-term implications. Reassignment surgery is a profound step in one's life, involving physical, emotional, and psychological changes. At 18, individuals are more likely to better understand their identity and have had time to explore their feelings and preferences.
Moreover, delaying reassignment surgery until the age of 18 allows for greater emotional and mental preparedness. Adolescence is a period of self-discovery, is it not? Individuals may undergo significant personal growth during this time. Allowing a few more years before undergoing irreversible procedures ensures that individuals have had the opportunity to explore their gender identity thoroughly and make more informed decisions about their future.
From a medical standpoint, the physical development of individuals is generally more stable by the age of 18. Hormonal fluctuations and other physiological changes have settled, providing a more predictable foundation for surgical interventions. This stability can contribute to better surgical outcomes and minimize potential complications, and discomfort that could apply if this form of surgery is performed while still growing.
I also strongly believe that providing gay or transgender adolescents with the opportunity to regularly consult with a psychologist during their formative years can be immensely beneficial. These professionals can offer valuable support in navigating complex emotions that may be challenging for parents and peers to address. This proactive approach can contribute significantly to their emotional well-being. These individuals need a more supportive and understanding environment during their critical period of self-discovery.
Reasonable, but I still think that just leaving the decision to family and their doctors is the right move. Especially with the rates of satisfaction with the outcomes that currently exist.
Well stated, a mature, common sense view on the matter.
Here are some other concerns I have.
What are the motivations of the Parent?
What evaluations do the parents have to go through?
Is there some process where the parents have proven they are not projecting onto the child their own fetishes, their own ideologies?
What about the research that has shown that for many children, they outgrow certain perceptions and ideas related to their gender?
I have a son that is on the spectrum, at some point when he was around 9 or 10 he expressed that he was gay, then a while after that he expressed he was bisexual... we didn't over-react, we didn't react much at all, we just said OK, you be you... what we didn't do, is race out, have him talk to specialists, get counseling and put him on a track for hormones or surgery.
Because... just my opinion... but you don't alter your child's anatomy or his development with hormones... you let him develop and eventually those things will sort themselves out.
He's 18 now... and he's not gay, he's not bi... and that has nothing to do with me, or to the best of my knowledge my wife, we just accepted what he told us, loved him and cared for him as best we could and let it work itself out.
Thank heavens, we were not so ideologically twisted, so warped, that we wanted to impose our beliefs or fantasies on him... he was such an impressionable personality at that time he would have gone along with it.
Children need to be protected... until they are old enough to make that decision on their own... and that is when the Law recognizes them as an adult.
Side note - the Pharmaceutical companies and other related medical fields may have a little bit of bias in this matter, I'm going to guess all those hormones and related surgeries make them a pretty penny, and a customer for life.
"The Pharmaceutical companies and other related medical fields may have a little bit of bias in this matter, I'm going to guess all those hormones and related surgeries make them a pretty penny, and a customer for life."
I think you may have hit on the main motivation on the promotion of transgender ideology.
My wife's side of the family has people who consider themselves transgender. I refuse to call these people by their new name or refer to them in delusional gender. I was there when they were born and have attended their birthdays since their first. I know who they are and won't give into their delusions.
As I have told my relatives, A man cannot become a woman and a woman cannot become a man. The only thing that can happen or that does happen is that a person chemically and/or surgically alters their body to provide the illusion they are the opposite sex. It is an illusion with no basis in reality. These are facts and they are irrefutable.
I tell my wife's trans relatives I take offense that they expect me to play into their delusions. I will be honest with them no matter how uncomfortable it makes them. If they want to be around someone who is weak-minded and emotionally needy to play into their delusions, they need to go to someone else.
I have always had the view that if there is a mental disconnect between a person's mind and their body then maybe fixing the mind would be a better option than permanently altering the body to fit a person's delusion.
This has led to many emotional confrontations, drama and other things. I refuse to give in to it on any level. I will continue to embrace reality.
I think the pharmaceutical companies and medical professions will continue to promote this sort of thing because it is financially beneficial to them.
You've raised valid points, particularly regarding the age at which individuals should be allowed to undergo reassignment surgery. I share the concern about parental consent being deemed sufficient for such a significant decision for a child, especially considering the potential long-term impacts of hormone treatments.
Reflecting on my own experience with an early hysterectomy, the hormone discussion was pivotal. Despite my awareness as an RN of the associated risks, my close friend and doctor emphasized the benefits as well as the pitfalls of hormones. One pitfall is potential complications, including cancer, which make it crucial to question the effects of hormones on a child's developing body. I asked my doctor if --- would you use the common hormone therapy that many do use after a hysterectomy. She answered no...
Your insight on projection in parenting resonates with me. Age regulations for such surgeries could indeed help mitigate confusion for the child and just offer much-needed time to make such a decision.
Children undergo continuous growth, from the moment of birth, both physically and mentally. While it's understandable that they may grapple with gender identity, waiting until the age of 18 appears prudent. Establishing regulations to delay reassignment surgery until then, with the option of involving a psychologist, seems like a reasonable approach. While psychologists may project, the good ones strive to offer unbiased support.
As a conservative, my natural inclination has always been to guide my children with a common-sense approach, making decisions on their behalf until we realized it was to time to give them the freedom to make their own decisions. We encouraged open expression of their thoughts, engaging in discussions with reasoning. Though there were times of discontent, I'm proud that my children turned out well and have adopted the values we instilled in them while raising their children.
I know some might look at the way I raised my children as perhaps restricting. My common sense dictated that these kids needed to live in the society we built. A society that chews up many... I wanted to offer paths that might lead to satisfying lives through hard work, and good decision making.
Fully agree.
My wife is a RN as well, she was in Pediatrics for many years, now she works rape and forensics for the County Sheriffs Office and a couple local shelters.
We have some differences in political views, but major issues like protecting children, though seen from slightly different perspectives, the resulting belief is the same.
She would not be with me if the presumptions some make about me due to the debates we have in these forums proved true. I truly have only one real loathing for any type of person, a deeply rooted one, and that is for those people who prey on children... our whole society is taking a step into dangerous territory and many, many, mothers and fathers are getting a bit concerned about the direction they see it going.
Throughout my professional journey, I spent numerous years in the emergency room before transitioning to surgery and later telemetry. Thus, I can relate to your sentiments about child predators and abusers. The indelible memories of what I witnessed will undoubtedly stay with me. Children, in their vulnerability, demand our protection, as they lack the capacity to make sound decisions at a young age. I vividly remember the heart-wrenching cries of badly abused children when separated from their abusers.
Acknowledging that the world is imperfect and not all parents are capable of providing a safe and nurturing environment, I emphasize the importance of competent parenting skills. While I generally view individuals with respect for their right to choose, I must admit that the idea of regulating reassignment surgery is acceptable, in my opinion. Previously, I never imagined that any physician would consider performing such surgery on a child, and it is disheartening to think that some parents would endorse such a decision. In expressing your displeasure and concerns, I stand in solidarity with you on this matter.
I see a poison root is making every attempt to take hold. I am very shocked by what I see. We have worked so hard to make America a great nation, yet some are hell-bent on destroying it piece by piece.
One of the things I think need to be discussed on this topic are the horrors of "detransitioning." There is a support group for such people and according to them the numbers of people detransitioning have grown 200% from last year.
Here is an interesting article about it.
5 Detransitioning Horror Stories Anyone Thinking of Transitioning Should Read First … or-stories
I've always heard it said that you should think long and hard about getting a tattoo, because it takes a lot to undo!
I wonder if anyone ever told them to think long and hard, because this isn't as if you're just getting a tattoo!?! :`(
This breaks my heart!
There are so many detransition horror stories. I could provide many links.
I wish parents and people considering such a thing hear the stories of people who have detransitioned. They are coming more and more common.
This is one of the many that got to me.
"Somehow I had to get myself off these drugs and tell everyone in my entire life that I was not who I said I was. My parents were shocked and felt like they failed me on every level imaginable. My friends all turned against me because I was evidence that their beliefs were a lie. I was a joke. I was a fraud. I was many years behind in development and incapable of feeding my future children. And worst of all, completely alone.
Even the medical professionals who got me into this mess now have no idea what to do with me and they refuse to help me. It almost killed me as it has killed many who regret transition.”
I think this is a sequel: 2 to 92? Maybe just an episode in a continuing series.
An informational article on the topic with study outcomes and links to over a dozen studies done on the subject, if people are curious. … lly-shows/
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