Kamala Harris will win 2024 Election

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  1. Ken Burgess profile image72
    Ken Burgessposted 6 weeks ago

    Prior to the Debate... and then Assassination attempt... and then Biden stepping down...

    My evaluation of how things were trending weeks ago led me to believe that (fair election or not) the Democrats were going to win the election... as I have often noted on here before:

    Women make up 52% or more of the voters.

    58% of women voted for Biden in 2020.

    With Kamala Harris leading the ticket, I expect that 58% to increase to 60% or more in the coming election.

    ‘The choice is so stark... between freedom and fascism’ White Women:

    Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump | US Polls: Which Way Are The Voters Leaning?

    The polls say it is close... but in the polls that matter the shift to Harris has wiped out the areas where Biden was showing clear weakness, with both young and independent voters.

    Those numbers are likely to increase in Harris' favor as the MSM gets behind her efforts and puts the chaos of Biden's efforts behind them. 

    I believe the Democrats will quickly realize they need to hide Biden back in the basement during the next 3 months, shut him up and make his appearances as sparse as possible and push Harris to the front, giving her as much positive publicity as possible.

    The only thing Biden should be dragged out in public for, is to put out bad news that cannot be avoided, let him absorb all the negativity.  Biden has served his purpose, time to put him in the past, where he belongs.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

      Who is running the country now? So much for needing a President.

      1. Ken Burgess profile image72
        Ken Burgessposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

        They... you know the they we are always talking about... they are running the country.  Biden was always just a front man... not a very good one, at that.

        Hey... check out the latest messaging from our MSM:

        1. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

          You mean the pronoun they?

    2. abwilliams profile image68
      abwilliamsposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

      Where's my vomit bag!?

      1. Ken Burgess profile image72
        Ken Burgessposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

        I don't want to hear this is the fault of the evil white Patriarchy after 2025, it will be Harris and her crew running the show....

        Should be great, right?


        1. abwilliams profile image68
          abwilliamsposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

          So great! sad

    3. Credence2 profile image79
      Credence2posted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

      Interesting assessment, Ken

      You may be right, but it is not necessarily a run away for Harris.

      1. All the appropriate people are giddy right now, but I have been around the American electorate long enough to know that it wears off.

      2. There is still bias against women and people of color running for the top slot. It is as American as apply pie and will be a form of head wind for her during her campaign. People tell you one thing yet vote in an entirely different direction.

      3. While Harris inspires the younger voter and more independents, she is challenged by the American Gothic crowd of the older voters in the Heartland who consider Joe Biden a known and trusted quantity and may be concerned about commitment of his replacement.

      4. I have been reading that young white men are preferring Trump, Harris's anticipated increased support among women with have to overcome that.

      5. White women with rare exception have supported Republicans over Democrats in Presidential contests. Will they really change this pattern when it counts in line with the language of outrage at the moment?

      1. gmwilliams profile image84
        gmwilliamsposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

        Exactly Credence,  outside of certain areas of New York and California, many Americans are moderate & conservative in their political stance.  Such moderate & conservative political beliefs are rife in the Midwest & the South, especially in the Bible Belt where conservatism run into right-wing ideology.  Also, there is an educational & socioeconomic divide regarding Harris vs Trump.   The highly educated & affluent, no matter what generation they come from will probably vote for Kamala Harris while the less educated & less affluent will vote for Donald Trump.

        1. Credence2 profile image79
          Credence2posted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

          Most probably, Kamela Harris' candidacy will bring the women's issues to the forefront in a way not possible by Biden. There may be involved more than socioeconomic issues and divides this time out.

        2. abwilliams profile image68
          abwilliamsposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

          If this is the case, "the highly educated & affluent" should be able to find a capable speech-writer, gifted teacher, knowledgeable historian, etc. for Kamala Harris. Left to her own devices, we should start practicing what the old-timers refer to as, "duck and cover".

      2. Ken Burgess profile image72
        Ken Burgessposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

        I think you underestimate several things...

        People always choose hope over confrontation...

        Trump = Confrontation

        Harris = Hope

        Biden was a hindrance, he could not offer Hope, he can barely put together a coherent sentence if he is not reading directly off a teleprompter.

        Biden has to own the inflation, the wars, the discontent with immigration we have had... he can't escape these issues.

        But Harris can sidestep them all, and Harris can pull in a lot of votes that wouldn't have been there for Biden.

        Harris will get a large amount of votes just because she is a woman... many people will vote just on the belief that it is time we had a woman President.

        Trump has 10 years of negative Press coverage, of being labeled a rapist, a traitor, a Russian puppet, etc. etc. 10 years of being the biggest threat to Democracy the world has ever known.

        Biden's term has been so bad for America, people were willing to give Trump a vote just to be rid of him, despite not liking Trump.

        Harris gives them another option, even if Harris may be worse than Biden, we can't KNOW that... she doesn't have the baggage of the last 4 years, that won't stick on her like it does Biden.

        You underestimate how many people want change, want something to find Hope in... the effort to destroy Trump's reputation has had an impact
        it poisoned him to many Americans... the last 4 years has poisoned an equal amount of Americans to Biden, no other President in history has presided over inflation and foreign affairs as bad as Biden has had and been re-elected.

        You might not see it, but I do... even without some shady shenanigans in tallying the votes in 2024... Harris will win.  Throw in some shifty mail in ballots after the election is over, and Harris will win in a landslide.

        That is my prediction... of course, we have seen some crazy things occur already... no telling what might happen in the next 90 days.

        But if things stay relatively smooth from here on out... Harris is a slam dunk.

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

          "2. There is still bias against women and people of color running for the top slot."

          I think you are absolutely right.  I also think that there are a great many people that will vote Harris because of her color and/or sex.

          The question is which segment is larger.  I suspect the second one, by quite a margin.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image72
            Ken Burgessposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

            I agree, we are 16 years removed from when Obama was elected.

            The majority of Americans would like to see a woman become President.

            The majority of Americans want to vote for hope, for something new.

            Harris will win by the largest majority seen since it was Reagan vs. Mondale.

            The victory should be overwhelming, if we want to avoid the contentious disbelief of the results seen in Venezuela today... or what occurred in 2020.

            This is why what PA and Wisconsin chose to do, keeping the outrageous and un-Constitutional regulations on the books to count mail in ballots days AFTER the election has been held... is the true 'biggest threat to Democracy' America has ever seen.

            So long as critical swing states continue to throw the validity of our elections in question by taking in and counting unverifiable Mail In Ballots AFTER the election has been held... there will ALWAYS be doubt in the election's outcome, if such a State is the deciding State in the election's outcome we will have unrest and it will manifest itself in growing acts of violence if the economic downturn that is on the horizon is as bad as many predict.

            1. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
              Kathleen Cochranposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

              "Harris will win by the largest majority seen since it was Reagan vs. Mondale."

              And Reagan's VP was the last GOP candidate to win the popular vote - then he didn't get re-elected. You have to go back to 1980 to find a GOP candidate the majority of American's chose.

        2. Credence2 profile image79
          Credence2posted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

          I hear you Ken, it is just Trump's confrontational style and comments is crass and unsubstantiated turning people who are not dedicated Trump supporters off.

          I am satisfied with Biden's record. His desire to step down was on his volition and for what he perceived as for the good of the Democratic Party against a menancing threat.

          Your right about about her ability to dump "baggage" even if she is put in the same category as Biden by her detractors. The age issue goes away, against a 78 year old man that doesn't seem to know when it is best to keep his mouth shut.

          Trump destroyed his own reputation, what was the point of calling Harris's husband a "crappy Jew" for instance? He makes his own bed and will be forced to lie in it, turning off moderates and independents.

          I hope that you are right and Harris is a slam dunk, but it won't be like shooting fish in a barrel.

          She needs to win, substantially taking the "election fraud" stuff away from Trump's repertoire.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image72
            Ken Burgessposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

            Harris has the bulk of Social Media and Main Stream media bending over backwards for her.

            Harris has all the support of those agencies and individuals wanting to stop Trump from returning to the WH.

            I could make a long list.  But the truth is the only person Trump could have handily beaten was Biden.

            You greatly underestimate how unpopular Biden is.  How pissed Americans are with his inflation, his wars, and his immigration.

            They were willing to put Trump back in just to be rid of him.   Harris gives them the alternative to having to vote for Trump.

            1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
              Kathryn L Hillposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

              Great! roll

              1. Ken Burgess profile image72
                Ken Burgessposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

                First thing to consider... the 'fix is STILL in'... the changes to the State regulations STILL allow for Mail In Ballots to be gathered and counted AFTER the election is over in WI and PA... two critical swing states.

                So, the STEAL is still in place for the 2024 election... there is no way when people go to bed on election night and Trump is winning that they are going to believe that he lost a week later... fool me once shame on you, fool me twice???

                The rules put in place because of the "Pandemic" are still there, making it easier than ever to "fix" the election results.

                The people in power, as inept and corrupt and incompetent as they may be, have already shown they are willing to do anything to get power and to keep power.

                You will not get them out of power by playing by the rules... they simply change the rules to suit their needs, they create the reasons to justify the changes as necessary.

                We see how twisted their "logic and reason" has become, they support one war 'defending Democracy' and they support another war that is enforcing 'subjugation, apartheid and genocidal acts'... those leading our country have NO moral compunction and NO decency, it is all about power and control for them.

                And they are willing to destroy America, the very things that make America a bastion for those fleeing oppression and tyranny, to gain even more power and control.

                1. Credence2 profile image79
                  Credence2posted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

                  What is your hang up with the idea that ballots postmarked before the election time ends should not be counted? Nobody is going change the time honored process just because a few Rightwingers have burrs in their saddles.

                  There will be no excuses for Trump and MAGA if you lose again, and from all the scuttlebut coming from the Right it is an imperative that he does lose. Vance will be perfect gift to galvanize the women as to what awaits them as worse of the Neaderthol tendencies of the Republican Party.

                  Yes, we should win, I not going to vote for a coward, liar, misogynist, racist, grifter or convicted felon for President and Candidate Harris will need to repeat that point to all.

                  1. Ken Burgess profile image72
                    Ken Burgessposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

                    It is a very simple, honest, fair request that ALL states should support and demand... have your Mail In Ballots mailed and received BEFORE the election OR THEY ARE NOT COUNTED.

                    There... problem solved, no one can claim the election was stolen by fabricated/fake Ballots brought out of some storage area days AFTER the election.

                    The amount of Mail In Ballots should be known, counted, recounted and verified PRIOR to election day... very easy, you want to vote with a Mail In Ballot you better make sure you get it mailed WEEKS prior to election day.

                    Supporting anything else as common sense as that means you want the election results to be determined by the "vote counters" and not the voters.

                  2. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
                    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

                    Fortunately, twerking rap artists will come on ahead of her and she will forget what the heck is going on, or what matters, or what to actually speak about. She will proclaim that Trump should debate her and "say it to her face."
                    WHAT exactly?
                    Anything she could comprehend?


      3. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
        Kathleen Cochranposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

        "White women with rare exception have supported Republicans over Democrats in Presidential contests."

        In the past, many white women were counted among evangelicals who only voted on one issue: abortion. Post Roe v Wade hopefully they will consider the other issues - and vote Blue.

        1. Credence2 profile image79
          Credence2posted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

          While they say "woke", I say "weird".

          We will need white females to help in an overwhelming manner to get Harris over the top and to compensate for certain kinds of voters that she would not reach. For women related issues, Republicans and Trump offer nothing but slavery, particularly since the repeal of Roe vs. Wade. It can't be business as usual at the polls this November.

    4. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
      Kathleen Cochranposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      Mr. Biden will join the fraternity of former presidents who served honorably, peacefully handed over power to his successor, did not incite riots or assaults on our institutions, and kept his oath to protect and defend the Constitution. Trump is not a member of that fraternity.

  2. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 6 weeks ago

    What happened in Venezuela may be a hint of what is to come.
    https://apnews.com/article/venezuela-pr … 71963b759#

    1. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this


    2. TheShadowSpecter profile image79
      TheShadowSpecterposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      My exact thoughts.  Kamala Harris strikes me as another Nicolas Maduro.  Then again, I hear there is still the possibility that the Democrats will nominate someone else at their convention.  The only question is, "Who?"  I can live with Gretchen Whitmer as the Democratic nominee.  She actually has brains in her head, but some of those other possibilities are somewhat disheartening and disturbing.

  3. abwilliams profile image68
    abwilliamsposted 6 weeks ago

    You should probably change  your title Ken.

    1. Ken Burgess profile image72
      Ken Burgessposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this


      You think they are going to allow Trump to win?

      They have twisted the Courts to go after him, they are attacking the Supreme Court who is standing in their way, an Assassination attempt should have succeeded against him.

      Consider this... if even half the "conspiracy theories" are true, be it about the 2020 election, or the money laundering the Dems have going on in Ukraine, or the rigged NY Court cases, or the FBI - Social Media collusion...

      What chance do you think there is for a Trump re-election?

      Haven't they already proven to you they are willing to do whatever they feel is necessary? 

      Nothing is sacred, nothing is off limits.

      The only thing that has changed is they cannot hide it anymore, they cannot control (yet, but its coming fast) the ability of people to access information that constantly counters the lies they put forth.

      We had a billionaire willing to throw away a fortune to buy Twitter and expose the lies and deception rampant within our government and FBI...

      How much has exposing those things done to change how the American people think about the current Administration?

      Not enough to make a difference IMO.

      1. abwilliams profile image68
        abwilliamsposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

        No argument from me, I just see it as more along the lines of:

        "As Biden Before, Harris To Be Inserted in 2024 Election"

        1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
          Kathryn L Hillposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

          Actually, this model is a hybrid of Barack and Hillary. Maybe that's why she explains her pronouns so frequently.

  4. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 weeks ago

    What ?!!? Rules and regulations?
    HUH? yikes

    1. Ken Burgess profile image72
      Ken Burgessposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this
  5. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 weeks ago

    It's a pity that Trump couldn't take his rightful place as POTUS TODAY.
    All we have to do is prove the election was stolen.
    lol lol lol

    1. abwilliams profile image68
      abwilliamsposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      A B C, It's easy as
      1 2 3, as simple as
      do re mi, A B C, 1 2 3
      baby you and me girl. wink

      1. Ken Burgess profile image72
        Ken Burgessposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

        Too much... this can't be real:


        1. abwilliams profile image68
          abwilliamsposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

          My oh my how music has declined since the Jackson Five!

          Much like other things.....

          1. Credence2 profile image79
            Credence2posted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

            No, it started to decline with all that rap-hip hop stuff.

            1. abwilliams profile image68
              abwilliamsposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

              We can agree on that!

            2. TheShadowSpecter profile image79
              TheShadowSpecterposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

              It started to decline because of people stealing music on the Internet and not paying for it.  I saw an episode of Real Time With Bill Maher so many years ago in which this one gentleman from the music industry explained that singers and musicians were starting to go bankrupt around 2000 inasmuch as there were a number of copyright violations on the Internet that made it easy for people to listen to music for free.

              1. Credence2 profile image79
                Credence2posted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

                I do not debate you on your point, you are probably right.

                But, I speak of a preference for a genre of music, Motown, Classic Rock, for example, that was in vogue and had its heyday before the internet, World Wide Web or anything else, related to it.

        2. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
          Kathleen Cochranposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

          Ken: Glad to see you are still here!

    2. Credence2 profile image79
      Credence2posted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      "All we have to do is prove the election was stolen."

      Which they never have.....

  6. abwilliams profile image68
    abwilliamsposted 5 weeks ago

    Cred, I know that...
    Ken, most assuredly, knows that...
    The world knows that... you "loathe and abhor" Trump.

    1. Credence2 profile image79
      Credence2posted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      Of course you know that, I just thought that by now every one would....

  7. abwilliams profile image68
    abwilliamsposted 5 weeks ago

    Just came across this, and shared it to FB. Wow. Just. WOW.

    https://www.facebook.com/share/v/VbaxJi … tid=TrneLp

    1. Ken Burgess profile image72
      Ken Burgessposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      Do you have a non-FB link or title for me to search?

  8. abwilliams profile image68
    abwilliamsposted 5 weeks ago

    Ken, it originated on TikTok. Titled, "Brainwashing Techniques".

  9. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
    Kathleen Cochranposted 5 weeks ago

    The best thing about the outlook for this election now - the end of Trump. If he loses (the third time for the popular vote) he will go back to being a TV personality of no consequence. MAGA will no doubt latch on to another political figure but without the constant infusion of Trump hot air, they will fade into the background of history - not unlike the KKK.

    A few more weeks and the nightmare could be over. Wouldn't it be ironic if white women made the difference?

    1. abwilliams profile image68
      abwilliamsposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      God help us, to not be the tools of Satan.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
        Kathryn L Hillposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

        Total tools.

      2. Ken Burgess profile image72
        Ken Burgessposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

        It is coming... the break downs to civil society continue to multiply and become more violent in France, the UK, IE:

        https://twitter.com/real_lord_miles/sta … 6212243670

        To deliberately do this, to determine the best way to create a borderless, global corporate fascism where the people have no loyalty to nation or family...

        But here is the thing, it is not going to go as they plan, these types of grand schemes, even if planned out over decades, never work out because there are things that weren't taken into account...

        No, I think it is much more probable that AI... the descendant of Chatgpt or OpenAI or whatever it is that takes the next big step... quite literally Borgs humanity.

        Maybe that is what is needed, maybe that will break the chain of insanity, the cycle of civilization rising and falling... maybe...

        1. TheShadowSpecter profile image79
          TheShadowSpecterposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

          Scientists and engineers making AI more intelligent than humans is a colossal mistake.  It makes me think of that movie 2001:  A Space Odyssey in which the mega-computer on the spaceship began killing off its crew one by one until the sole surviving astronaut was able to outsmart it and shut it down.  By then, the damage had already been done, and the spaceship had been caught in Jupiter's gravity.  Don't ask me to explain the ending of the film in which the sole surviving astronaut changed from an adult into a baby.  It was way weird.  In any event, the movie got its point across to its audience about the dangers of AI, and that movie was released in 1968 long before AI was even a thing.

          1. Credence2 profile image79
            Credence2posted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

            That was a great and epic film, I had to read the book to get a greater understanding of the significance of the end. I appeared that when man evolved beyond a certain point of development he was ready to evolve  into something new. The advanced civilization that initially interacted with the man apes saw to that. Arthur Clarke, the author, wrote the book and much more is clarified there.

            The question remains can a computer go beyond its instructions in its initial programming? HAL obviously did indeed.  HAL was quite impressive but it had sentience that I simply do not believe that we have the technology to duplicate today, what do you think? I cant imagine any computer as going beyond mimicking and having independent thought.

            1. GA Anderson profile image81
              GA Andersonposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

              I think you should turn your imagination loose. It will probably still stop of the real possibilities.

              In reading about AI, via my Musk interest, and its use in training the autodrive features Tesla is developing for its Robotaxis, one point was mentioned, more than once, about the inner workings of the AI 'algorithms': AI is human-coded on how to teach itself stuff it doesn't know. And, to teach itself the needed code to enable it to do what it, formerly, didn't know how to do. And, that process has become so intricate, complicated, and integral to the inner algorithm that the human parents of the code don't really know how the machine is coding what it does

              Shades of Skynet

              Or not. Another point made in a talk about the subject is the analog vs. digital firewall between 'Skynet' and control of 'our' nuclear weapons; Our control systems started as analog controls and processes. When the computer created the 'Digital Age' the military purposely maintained the analog firewall.

              AI might decide to fire the weapons, but they will need an analog bridge to get past our human control. Or so was said. *shrug*


              1. TheShadowSpecter profile image79
                TheShadowSpecterposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

                Did you ever see the movie WarGames starring Matthew Broderick and Ally Sheedy?  What you just described reminds me of that science-fiction film.

                1. GA Anderson profile image81
                  GA Andersonposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

                  Yep, I saw that movie. If the analog/digital talk speaker was right, then War Games was a bit of Hollywood extrapolation. ;-)


              2. Ken Burgess profile image72
                Ken Burgessposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

                I believe we are most likely to "evolve" into a Borg like existence.

                Look at how AI is being used, I found it interesting that PP and others in these forums started deferring to Chatgpt answers almost immediately... as if what the AI presented was the definitive answer.

                Fooling around with it, you will find this is not the case at all... it ignores sources of information its bias tells it to ignore.

                I asked it a question about 9/11 just now to use for an example, its top four sources of information were:  Wikipedia, BBC, history.co.uk (x2).

                Why is copilot with GPT-4's top sources of information on 9/11 from the UK?

                Hypothetical question, I know the answer.  Bias.
                . . . . . .

                I think Elon Musk realizes the necessity of being able to merge the human mind to the internet, the direct access will unify the two in advance of AI becoming so powerful that it becomes a threat to humanity.

                If humanity evolves with AI, if they bond, in a mutual purpose, to explore and create together... we might be OK.

                We see today that many people are so tied to their phones they cannot function without them, their lives are linked to instant information and instant ability to contact who-ever they want, whenever they want. 

                Renew your driver's license, order food, apply for credit, apply for a job, buy your car, trade stocks, etc. all online, on your phone... it is already the normal way to do things, doing things in person, face to face is becoming a thing of the past... a sign of your age.

                Extend that out, you will communicate to others via a hive-mind... it may even become where our brains can create a virtual world in conjunction with the internet where we meet others... while never leaving our home.

                1. Credence2 profile image79
                  Credence2posted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

                  "AI is human-coded on how to teach itself stuff it doesn't know. And, to teach itself the needed code to enable it to do what it, formerly, didn't know how to do."

                  If humanity evolves with AI, if they bond, in a mutual purpose, to explore and create together... we might be OK.
                  It can perform or some would say mimic human capabilities  with incalculably greater speed and reliability. For our sakes, I hope that AI and humanity can merge in the way you suggest.

                  1. TheShadowSpecter profile image79
                    TheShadowSpecterposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

                    Demon Seed was a fairly disturbing movie.  The thought of a mega-computer replicating a deceased child gives me the creeps, especially when it was the deceased child of the scientist who was supposed to be keeping it under control.

                  2. Ken Burgess profile image72
                    Ken Burgessposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

                    A lot can go wrong.

                    Humans have curiosity, they can be recoded as well as a computer program and we are getting to the point where we fully understand how to do that.

                    If we are going to survive... if we are going to "evolve" ourselves out of our cycle of perpetual civilization's rise and fall throughout known (and unknown/unconfirmed) history we have to succeed in this...

                    And we have to colonize Mars to the point where that colony can sustain itself indefinitely on its own.

                    Whether you travel the history of man thru books and documentaries, or whether you use psychedelics to travel time/dimensions, ultimately the story repeats.

                    They say the story is burned into our DNA, civilization rises, understanding reaches levels we barely comprehend at this moment in time, and then something disastrous happens to wipe almost all of it away... The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis (I believe it has been established as fact) is the most recent event that wiped the last global civilization from the history books.

                    But even in our KNOWN history, we have tales of Alexander the Great burning down the greatest collection of knowledge ever known to man when he burned down the Library of Alexandria.

                    When the Mongols crossed across a continent killing tens of millions and burning cities to the ground, how much knowledge was lost then?

                    Passing down knowledge is the true key to our survival, as a civilization and a species.

                    When a civilization was destroyed, the discoveries it learned were lost, and all of humanity lost out. 

                    We do not know what civilization once lived where the Amazon River - Rain Forest is, but we know they had discovered a way of creating the richest earth ever seen known as "Dark Earth".

                    https://scitechdaily.com/dark-earth-dec … ark-earth/

                    https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/12/americas … index.html

                    The Romans created a cement that was more advanced than the cement we create today, the Greeks had a weapon called "Greek Fire" how to make it is lost to time.

                    We have amassed a ton of knowledge, no one brain can hold it all, but computers can, and if we can mesh our minds to have perpetual access to all that knowledge... then perhaps if the greatest human minds are able to access and use that information in conjunction with AIs ability to calculate and validate any theory... we can propel our species forward beyond anything we could imagine today.

              3. Credence2 profile image79
                Credence2posted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

                Thanks GA for your comment.

                Turning my imagination loose is a pastime of mine. So much has changed since my Commodore computer. I always believed that creativity was an exclusive feature to the human mind. Perhaps not, but there is a danger associated with not having some sort of leash on Computers operating totally independent of its creators.

                "AI is human-coded on how to teach itself stuff it doesn't know. And, to teach itself the needed code to enable it to do what it, formerly, didn't know how to do."

                That is what Hal and Skynet in the realm of science fiction represents, so it's coming.

                The dreaded Skynet:
                "Defense network computers. New... powerful... hooked into everything, trusted to run it all. They say it got smart, a new order of intelligence. Then it saw all people as a threat, not just the ones on the other side. Decided our fate in a microsecond: extermination."
                Dave Bowman: open the pod bay doors, Hal

                Hal: sorry Dave, I can't do that

                1. GA Anderson profile image81
                  GA Andersonposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

                  I'm right there with you. From Hal to Skynet to I,Robot, our Sci-fi is turning into our grandkids reality.


                  1. Ken Burgess profile image72
                    Ken Burgessposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

                    If we can make it to that point...

                    If we haven't allowed the insane to drive civilization off the cliff...

                    It may be 'the West' is doomed to collapse inwards...


                    Is this (the above) what we see occurring today?

                    Is there a chance that by BRICS separating from the West they can reverse the trend, at least in their respective cultures/societies?

                    The only thing we can hope is that China/BRICS rises to the challenge of continuing to move humanity and technology forward... if the West fails to correct its course (which seems likely).

  10. abwilliams profile image68
    abwilliamsposted 5 weeks ago

    I still cannot accept that any woman can push so hard (no pun intended) for the murder of another human being, that has never caused any harm to anyone. The most innocent of all. :,(

    1. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
      Kathleen Cochranposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      What forms of birth control did you use? Are those children any less not here? And how often is a legal abortion necessary when something goes wrong? And in about 1 in 4 pregnancies, something goes wrong.

      Most women accept that they can't make one rule that fits every situation and they choose to trust their doctors - for themselves and for others - without judgement.

  11. abwilliams profile image68
    abwilliamsposted 5 weeks ago

    None of your damn business my means of birth control. 
    Is this what helps you to sleep at night, putting the prevention of a pregnancy and the killing of a little human with a heartbeat and fingernails, on the same level?
    I also believe in peace through strength, if America's borders are secure and if we have a strong defense (love the prospect of an iron dome) we are less likely to be attacked. It is called being pro-active.

  12. Ken Burgess profile image72
    Ken Burgessposted 5 weeks ago

    And now it is official:

    BREAKING REPORT: Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals BLOCKS MANDATE FOR PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP to vote in Arizona..

    On August 1, a panel of the Ninth Circuit reversed a previous ruling that MANDATED proof of citizenship for voting in federal elections.

    In a close 2-1 decision, the new ruling permits individuals to register to vote using a state form without needing to provide citizenship documentation for federal offices like President and Congress.

    https://twitter.com/ChuckCallesto/statu … 3234700686

    https://azfreenews.com/2024/08/ninth-ci … se-ruling/

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      ???  Why would we wish to prevent foreign citizens from having a hand in how we run our country?  Surely they have as much right to determine our future as we do!

      (Want to bet on whether SCOTUS will once more slap the 9th circuit down?)

      1. abwilliams profile image68
        abwilliamsposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

        Is there time!?

  13. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
    Kathleen Cochranposted 5 weeks ago

    abwilliams: I'm sorry. Did I invade your right to privacy?

    1. abwilliams profile image68
      abwilliamsposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      How do you sleep at night?
      Does that invade yours?


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