Gaza per capita is starving greater than anywhere in the world. The greatest weapon in world War 2 was starvation.. the world demands anther ceasefire. I protest every US war in my lifetime, except the Cold war of USSR. Because War solved nothing. and US has far too many wars on it's hands now, wail economic and social structure colaspes.
"Because War solved nothing."
Tell that to the people of Kuwait. Tell it to the residents of our south western states, who are American rather than Mexican. Explain it to all those in the country, which has 50 states rather than some smaller number.
Explain it to the residents of Masada and Troy - that war solved nothing. Try to tell the residents of South Korea that nothing was solved with the war there. Heck, you can even discuss it with the Scots, who fought a thousand years to keep Romans, England and others from taking their country from them. Explain it to those throughout most of Europe that fought off the Viking raids for hundreds of years.
And when you have finished there you can explain that war never settled anything to the Aztecs and Incas, as well as all the Indian tribes in America and Canada.
I doubt you will get much agreement from any of these people that war never solved anything.
Don't need approval from everyone for my clean hands or worldly achievements throughout my lifetime. Even refused Bush Jr. a war sculpture, so not to promote mass murder to millions of women and children. There nothing ethicallly or morally worst than a person murdering another human beings. I believe in protecting oneself with less than equal force. My pacifism is not based on any intellectual theory but on a deep antipathy to every form of cruelty and hatred.Nothing will end war unless the people refuse to go to war. And most Americans are sick and tired of war, so don't regret the pass, just be sure not regret the future, many are experiencing the karma 10 fold from war. War cannot be humanized, only abolished. Look at Gaza, how can anyone simultaneously prevent and prepare for war. I don't understand religion being a big tool for such brutality, its futility and its stupidity. Every gun, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
"Disarmament, with mutual honor and confidence, is a continuing imperative. Together we must learn how to compose differences, not with arms, but with intellect and decent purpose.
Persian Gulf Muslim countries closing in on Israel.
Now there are some warmongers. What do they hope to solve?
Warmongers like Benjamin Netanyahu time is very limited. His Martail law keep him afloat. Yet solves nothing and causes more problems for Israelis within the Persians Gulf. I do my own personal studies and envison the depopulating agenda and mass demolition is through poverty, medical errors, pharmaceutical and democide by state and banksters. The world consciousness is becoming awake of the one world order, which is failing again and even quicker than before.
War worldwide is not as great of cause of death. Far more people die from suicide than from conflicts, wars and natural disasters combined by political coruption and greed means.
My one part solution is by a method of tiny house communities with selfsubstanable, urban farming of food, natural grown medicine for people and animals. And best natural environment plan ever. Just have to wait a bit more political mass abuse to become more in demand.
In your previous comment you wrote: I don't understand religion being a big tool for such brutality, its futility and its stupidity.
I realize that you live in your own little bubble world, but religion has always been a tool for control of the masses. Our most famous is the Bible, put together by the Romans at several of their councils, the most famous being the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. Personally, I don't give two hoots and a hollar about the war between Israel and Gaza because these middle easterners, Jew and Muslim, have been fighting since Cain and Abel. I'm sick of hearing about it. Frankly, I wish these two factions would hurry up and wipe each other out so the world could focus its energy elsewhere. My worry is that we are killing our world, not that some of the people on it are dying, Gaia is in danger. But at my age, I won't have to worry about it much longer. I'll turn that over to my grandchildren's generation. And at the rate one of them is going, he's going to have a lot to worry about.
I live alot, for my kid, too. Have a daughter and really proud of her. We relate well together and our arist lifestyles blend.with strong passion, meaningfulness and balance.
For all the senseless and evil things happening today. We are far better off from living the life of most of biblical time peoples. Who barely lifespan lasted pass age 30. Jesus was a very old man at age 33. Most war kills are in the name of God, more than for any other reason. I"m not for Centroism of any kind. I prefer working with strong grassroots people and strong individuals as a team. Still 1'm, no better or worse than the next guy.. Not too far up of extreme happiness. Or Not too far down as suffering in earthly personal hell.
I agree Isreal and Palestinians fights from 1947 is the worst example of decency,, humanitarian, occupatioism and being loving Godlike concept that exists today.
Although I agree with your last paragraph, I don't think you are going to ever find this in demand. I lived through the hippie years and watched the "civilized" world laugh at the hippies for their unsustainable stainable life style. Of course, we now have the internet where we can learn how to do a lot of things that they weren't able to obtain instructions for in their day. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a video of how to plant a garden is worth a thousand books, and a heck of a lot cheaper, too. I saw a lot of hippies feeding themselves with food stamps, not garden plots.
I was more like a working hippy with a sense of most things in moderation in life. Was an over achievemer in the arts in order to survive yet mostly thrived for 50 years.
The tiny houses, urban farming and substantable communities is a must in the future for minimum wagers and youth people. Or it cound be 15 minites cities thats started in Canada. Or worst the hunger games direction.
Went from a toy for the rich, to living my dreams. Or a person can loose their mind without dreams that have deadlines.. Can not live the dream anymore without some service towards the poverish ( greatest killer on earth) Or people living more horrible like Palestinians. For all I have in life, is what I give away. We are only as weak, as our weakest link.
Oh Yes, got my PHD on the university of youtube. The internet is the greatest achievement of the 21 century.
It's tough. But sometimes you need the Churchill action instead of Chamberlain. Sometimes you have to take military action instead of hoping that talking will be sufficient. Talking is not always sufficient, certainly not if your opponent doesn't want to talk and only want to eradicate you from the earth.
Don't underestimate the craziness of religious nutcases. They will never accept talking as they do believe they have God/Allah/Ideology on their side.
Do innocent people suffer. Yes by the thousands. How much innocent Germans were killed to get Hitler in his bunker in Berlin? Hundreds of thousands for sure. Should the Allied forces not have done so and spare hundreds of thousands to let Hitler live. If so Hitler himself would have killed hundreds of thousands more.
So will Hamas. Hamas will never stop killing. Nor will Hezbollah nor the Islamic State.
I must be tough traveling to 6 war zone countries. Learn to protect myself and wail didn't harm a soul.
UK, America and France are top Countries for number of wars in world history. Napoleon, Churchhill Netanyahu, Lincoln and Hitler were about the lowest forms of earthlings to ever attempted love and peace according to my good sense.. Being the king of your own domain and loving your work most hours of life , wail not Harming anyone. All makes much better sense to me than war.
Dont you think?
When bankster(most wars) and Government fear their people greater than people fear their Government. Then people become the masters, not the slaves. Less wars today than ever in human history per capita, makes better human Intelligence. Not the opposite way round like the oxymoron word Military Intelligence.
"UK, America and France are top Countries for number of wars in world history."
Where DO you get such information?
I got this from Nathan, I dont know what country US won over, other than a third area of tha US over Mexico by the 6 shooter. Assume Winners alway write the one-sided stories of lies. Only two rules I live by, be honest and don't harm. Wars break these simplest rule greater than anybody.
1 France 1115
2 The United Kingdom / England 1105
3 United States 833
4 Russia 491
5 Germany 425
6 Spain 387
7 Poland 344
8 Rome 259
9 China 244
10 Turkey 210
Canada has had 7 wars, including the won in 1812 against the American.
I got this from Nathan, I dont know what country US won over, other than a third area of tha US away from Mexico by the 6 shooter. Assume Winners alway write the one-sided stories of lies. Only have two rules I live by. Be honest and don't harm. Wars break these simplest two top rules greater than anybody.
Rank COUNTRY, Won Battles
1.France. 1115
2.The United Kingdom 1105
3.United States 833
4.Russia. 491
5. Germany 425
6.Spain. 387
7.Poland. 344
8.Rome 259
9..China 244
10.Turkey 210
Canada has had 7 wars, mostly involving France, UK and they assumed won in 1812 against the American.
Debunking the Zionist lies. … S6g6jwcm5F
Look at the top 5 countries being dominatly white nations.
The Zionist is a white nation as a nation can be get. The Israelis apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide to-date of Palestinians is as racist and hatred as a any statist can get.
I would have to say the war between Israel and Hamas is the fault of Hamas.
There is NO other way to look at it.
If Hamas didn't attack Israel there would be no war, no problems in Gaza, no deaths.
Hamas is to blame and can end things tomorrow if they surrender.
I think you should speak to the leaders of Hamas and explain to them how war solves nothing.
I have a feeling they may not agree with you.
Most people of the world are not buying anymore the Zionist of Israel having the biblical ultimate rights to own and totallly occupation lands and people of Palestinians. Who have been living there for centuries. Or most people are not buying most leaders of Muslim countries are Terrorists like Hamas or whoever they select or elect.. The fastest growing group in the world are non believers. The Muslims are the fastest growing religious group and Christianity is fifth. There is a reason for everything. There is no more, one world religion or country that can boss us around everyday. Or own the world with world order therory anymore. The world independent media and internet has well exposed Gaza unjustifiecation of US and Isreal mad, greed, and insanity of war invasion. How much evidence most of the world needs to know the US is the ultimate terrorist. About 6 million killed in invading Muslims countries or occupation. The middle east and BRICS is on to it. As they are doing better among themselves and the west doesn't like it, who's fault is that?
My new way of thinking of wars solves nothing. Has been gaining ground since I threw away my war toys at 8 years old. A kinder and friendlier world of the collective consciousness will over come the Madd greedy. As history shows love overcome fear of the tiny faction madd greedies. The ultimate crime in life is murder, especially of 2/3rds of Gazan women and children, plus being most poverish in the world.
A tick tok video that cites NO references to prove a point.
This is just sad.
Israel has been a nation state in the Middle East since the bronze age.
Palestinian is a recent invention. There were no Palestinian people until the 1960s when Yasser Arafat created the Palestinian Liberation Organization. An often overlooked fact is that Yasser Arafat himself was actually Egyptian.
Can you provide something other than a worthless Tick Tock video to prove your point?
Base my thinking on good sense and do my own reserch. How can I trust US or Israel stats after the plandemic. Finally Israel admitted there 100% vaccinated rate was a grand failure. This was the ultimate mistake in our lifetime and worse mistakes or on purpose to come.
This one, simply dose it for me.
Majority of the people were Muslims from the 1300s till the British ,US iand Zionist invasion. The map was call Palestine in 1946 by US President Harry Truman, said . We have to take over the land to complete Israel in small doses.
In my books, possession is 9/10 of the law and the majority people are called a democracy.
If religious law is international law. And native of the land or first God who have total rights and untitlement to the land. Then why can't native Americans who were once were 5 times the population of Europe and history going back 40,000 years should be the rightful owners today. Same with Thor Vikings should reclaim UK.
core population in what is call Isreal today
1517 was. 1.7%
1533 3.2%
1914. 13.6%
1918. 8.1%
1922. 11%
1931. 28.1%
1946. 32.0%
In anyway the Zionist argument doesn't
fly. The zionist are fake jews And can't not ever be the true owners of Israel even according to the real jew born of Jewish blood and orthodox.
^The British mandate for Palestine, which began in 1922, ended prior to Israel’s declaration of independence on May 14, 1948.. The figures prior to 1970 do not include the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, or the Golan Heights, which were occupied by Jordan, Egypt, and Syria, respectively. From 1970, the figures only include citizens of Israel and not Palestinians living in the disputed
“Jewish Population in the World and in
“Israel’s population 8 million” 15 million jews worldwide. Just as many Palestinians in occupation. Or 32 million Palestine immigrants or refugees in other countries.
I would love to see the source for you allegations.
Agreed Mike, 100%!
Hamas exists to hate and to destroy. Hamas brought war on Israel, bringing more hopelessness to Gaza, than had already been brought to Gaza, by Hamas.
That war began in 1947 , and gotten worse ever today. Do you think Benjamin Netanyahu is the best to select a new leader of the Palestinians. Or is he the hungriest fox, guarding the hen house
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