Father of Kamala Harris:
"Donald Jasper Harris, OM is a Jamaican-American economist and professor emeritus at Stanford University, known for applying post-Keynesian ideas to development economics."
"Kamala Harris graduated in 1986 with a degree in political science and economics."
What is she most concerned with as far as economics?
... a percolating economy for all as Trump envisions?
~ or the opposite.
Yes, the opposite.
Although Kamala talks of the great things a government-lead "Opportunity Economy" can do for people, she does not understand how true economic opportunity is generated by The People alone.
It happens naturally when citizens are not "burdened" by government restrictions caused by:
1. Too many regulations and stipulations for small business owners.
2. Punitive and expensive fines to drive vehicles and have healthcare.
3. Escalating inflation and excessive taxation.
4. Too much control over the free market.
5. Shutting down sources of power and energy, (naturally flowing good, clean oil.)
6. Allowing the country to be invaded by illegal immigrants.
For instance, the burden of dealing with overwhelming amounts of foreigners who do not speak our language or understand our culture destroys the joy of living in communities where we have been familiar and comfortable. We Citizens work very hard every single day to create peace and plenty. We naturally strive to create opportunities for ourselves as citizens and for those from other countries who are here legally.
But dealing with those who were brought here with false promises and false expectations is a psychological bullet we are forced to take. Its depressing. It feels punitive and it robs us of our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Without this right we are held down both physically and psychologically. The weight of injustice is too heavy for the human spirit.
Her sister, Maya:
"Maya served as Senior Policy Advisor to Hillary Clinton during her 2016 presidential campaign, where she led a team of policy experts to help develop Clinton’s domestic policy agenda. Maya was also Clinton’s representative for the development of the 2016 Democratic Party Platform, considered the most progressive party platform in the Democratic Party’s history. Most recently, Maya served as Campaign Chairperson for her sister, Sen. Kamala Harris, during her 2020 presidential primary campaign and, during the general election, served as a national surrogate for the Biden-Harris ticket."
"Donald Harris's paternal grandmother told him that she was descended from Irish-born Hamilton Brown."
If you are part white, are you not "part-White" and not "Black?"
Why does she say she is Black when she is Jamaican, Indian and White?
Do Blacks identify with her
... at all?
And why does it matter, again?
Because the predominant race in Jamaica is African, either African or Afro European. If you look at the racial make up below, unless she has had a DNA test, she may not know how much white she is, but white does seem to be a minor part of her DNA.
(Remember that during the "good ole years in the U.S., if you had "one drop of African blood," you were identified as Black.)
"Jamaicans of African descent represent 76.3% of the population, followed by 15.1% Afro-European, 3.4% East Indian and Afro-East Indian, 3.2% Caucasian, 1.2% Chinese and 0.8% other. The CIA World Factbook has also provided data on age breakdowns and life expectancy."
So to say that one is Jamaican is to say that one has a good chance of being Black. Your second question is "Do Blacks identify with her ... at all? I think it is in the same category as "Do all Whites agree with Trump?" Some do some don't. Some Blacks have shown up on TV saying they are voting for Trump, but I figure they are few and far between. Election day will answer that question.
Your last question "And why does it matter, again?" is ambiguous. Why does what matter, that she identifies as Black when she is Jamaican? or Do Blacks identify with her ...?
As for the former, since Black and Jamaican are almost synonymous, I don't think it matters except to anyone who is ignorant of history and geography. It doesn't matter to me or my friends.
As for the second question, it will matter greatly on election day. Someone recently pointed out that she is drawing out people who have never cared about voting before such as some millennials, Gen Z some of whom will be old enough to vote, and some Blacks who possibly didn't bother to vote when Obama ran.
I predict that Blacks who voted for Obama will vote for Kamala Harris. We will see.
Why DOES she try so hard to identify as Black?
Why does it matter to her?
What do blacks want from American society/political policies?
Why are some blacks successful and others seem to be bogged down by the drug culture, gang lifestyle, crime and poverty?
Is this election, in all actuality, a Black vs White issue?
(and all elections since Obama's presidency?)
PS I am not a racist. Just an observer.
More about her father:
"Contributions to economic analysis and policy:
Donald Harris's economic philosophy was critical of mainstream economics and questioned orthodox assumptions.
His research and publications focus on exploring the process of capital accumulation and its implications for economic growth, arguing that economic inequality and uneven development are inevitable properties of economic growth in a market economy. From this standpoint, he has sought to assess the traditions of economic study inherited from the classical economists and Karl Marx as well as modern contributions, while engaging in related economic studies of various countries' experience.
Harris is said to work in the tradition of Post-Keynesian economics. He has acknowledged the works of Joan Robinson, Maurice Dobb, Piero Sraffa, Michal Kalecki, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, Joseph Schumpeter, and W. Arthur Lewis as influences upon his work.
One of Harris's most notable contributions to economics is his book Capital Accumulation and Income Distribution. In this work, he lays out the familiar linear model of production and exchange where prices are determined as prices of production in the classical manner, subject to given conditions of distribution. He builds on this framework an analysis of growth that exposes the possibility of economic crises arising from various sources related to investment demand, wage determination, profit realization, and labor supply and, from this perspective, offers a critique of alternative approaches to growth theory."
I Watched the Simpsons where Lisa Simpsons plays Kamala Harris as the new American President. Simpsons happens to predict the 9/11 and the Trump presidential election success,long before it happened. It's so sick how this programing is so successful of getting it correct. Even the pandemic to a tee.
... and more! Very peculiar ...
https://ew.com/simpsons-predictions-tha … ue-8662708
https://www.seattletimes.com/entertainm … ntial-run/
There is no show like Simpsons, that comes close to Simpsons in predictions. I love to meet the writers or maybe not. I'm just a small fish, swimming among sharks.
I'll listen to Harris even less than Biden. She speaks in nonsensical rhymes and her laugh is Madd..
Meanwhile, in Venezuela, Macron won again.
"González and opposition leader Maria Corina Machado told reporters they have obtained more than 70% of tally sheets from Sunday’s election, and they show González with more than double Maduro’s votes. Both called on people, some of whom protested in the hours after Maduro was declared winner, to remain calm and invited them to gather peacefully at 11 a.m. Tuesday to celebrate the results.
'I speak to you with the calmness of the truth,” González said as dozens of supporters cheered outside campaign headquarters in the capital, Caracas. “We have in our hands the tally sheets that demonstrate our categorical and mathematically irreversible victory.'
Their announcement came after the National Electoral Council, which is loyal to Maduro’s ruling Unites Socialist Party of Venezuela, officially declared him the winner, handing him his third six-year term."!
https://apnews.com/article/venezuela-pr … 71963b759#
Does that mean you favor Trump? (I realize you aren't eligible to vote in a U.S. election.)
Trump ripped me off for $10,000 for a sandcastle, I'd built him at Trump world casino. Couldn't sue him,because he has the world record in law suits. By just ignoring top politicians, they loose their power. That power has cost us 2 or three times more taxes from the 70s. And from the 70s, 30 times higher cost in housing at only 6 times increase of wages. Why support anyone who lies, thieves and murders more than anyone. Far better off working on solution on oneself, family and community.
This is how we all get along..... through music!!
and because we're all souls of honesty, intelligence and intuition:
That was a riot, too funny.
You'll probably like this
https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/statu … 5304221038
True enough.
But if you let things go too far, even that is not allowed to you.
You can't just work on yourself, if the fools you choose to ignore march us into Nuclear War and the complete destruction of civilization as we know it.
Do you realize how close we are to having ALL our rights, freedoms, possessions taken from us?
We are VERY close... they are SO close to being able to pull it off, they just need to hold onto control for what... a year more? two?
Its right there for them... the ability to bring about civilization's end, the ability to enslave all who survive the initial waves of death and destruction.
I know you see this... you recognize probably better than anyone in these forums exactly what I am saying, and what is to come.
Certainly things are going to get worst. BY Living more off grid and more off the radar. Has been better than over worked and over taxed being middle class. Not many are going to make it to the other side, well. I've learned to play the Matrix game and enjoy it for most part. Instead of following those corrupted art forms of Hollywood and politics. Better to Create your own movie, where your the star and live the dream. Rather than being asleep in the American dream because your not in the club.
To live off the grid takes intelligence, intuition, a vast amount of practical knowledge including many abilities and skills such as bartering, gardening, mechanics and electrical wiring. Having computer skills is also vital.
So if one is able to live off the grid in this modern world, more power to him/her.
Sadly, if you live in a vehicle of some type you will be better off by yourself. Woe to families trying to survive in a non-traditional manner.
Ken, this is a sincere question. Who are "they"?
Ooookay, I gather you aren't a fan of his. I couldn't tell by your previous post.
Hmmm... maybe we are in a Simulation ... maybe the Matrix is real
In a way we can't understand so we use movies like the Matrix to express it in interpretive fashion.
It is all right wing propaganda. It would vote for my dog first before giving Donald Trump the time of day
Welcome back from your long hiatus......
BTW How is Your Dog better than Trump?
Just curious.
My Dog does not threaten the continuity of Democracy and the process that has been more than implied by numerous Trump statements and comments. In my opinion, I am one that says that anyone or anything is better than Trump.
And BTW, yes Harris' candidacy will foil the Trump attempt trick Black voters into supporting him. We are coming home.
"Venezuelans vote using electronic machines, which record votes and provide every voter a paper receipt that shows the candidate of their choice. Voters are supposed to deposit their receipt at ballot boxes before exiting the polls.
After polls close, each machine prints a tally sheet showing the candidates’ names and the votes they received.
https://apnews.com/article/venezuela-pr … 71963b759#
I served as a poll watcher in a national election in the late 1990s (1996, I think), and those sound like the machines that were used here then.
I am a League of Women Voters elections board observer and that is exactly how our voting machines work.
Kamala: "I was not the one put in charge of the border.
There's no problem at the border to manage. Besides, if a few migrants are coming in, it's because its too difficult for them to come in legally."
Meanwhile, we have a lot of problems because of the caravans of illegal aliens flooding America. Ten thousand a day. Three hundred thousand a month.
I guess she is fine with it.
This is what we are presented as the Sophisticated, Intellectually Superior, State Sponsored alternative to the deplorable's Trump?
Its funny... not as hysterically funny as the meme's made about Biden after the debate, but I can only imagine what treats we will be given from President Harris.
The all-time best was Kamala with Lester Holt:
K: We have been to the border, we have been to the border.
LH: You haven't been to the border.
K: I haven't been to Europe either. (laughter)
AB: Help us Lord!!
Proof that Harris is better than Biden...
Well, as long as we have an alliance with North Korea, we can overlook trivial things--- such as, the border! :[
Exactly... if you don't pay any attention to the border, it isn't a crisis.
Its only an issue if you pay attention to it. If you say its an issue.
If you say the border is under control, problem solved, its not an issue.
But statistics show us that unlawful border crossings have dropped for the 5th straight month.
Because it is no longer illegal for most border crossers. Biden saw to that. Plus, of course, that only counts the ones that encountered the law.
But isn't that brilliant on their part?
They give incentives for people to come (via NGOs funded with our tax dollars), they provide them access to American jobs, they provide EBT cards, etc.
Then when people complain about it, make it a political matter... just change how the border is enforced, change how people are counted, type up an Executive Order making it illegal to call them illegal immigrants, they are now protected minority persons to be identified as non-native Americans.
Problem solved.
It's a good thing I'm not working for the Biden Administration, its exactly what I would do:
Oh... people are annoyed with migrants... we will make it illegal to call them illegal, and we will give them all the rights citizens have by making them a protected minority and labeling them non-native Americans.
Once that is complete, we can then upgrade their minority status further by identifying them by race, sex, language, giving priority for the highest paying and most significant jobs going to those who suffer the lack of privilege to receive higher education.
That is a little misleading. Those flooding in do not qualify. The following criteria must be met:
"A program being developed by White House officials would offer work permits and deportation protections to unauthorized immigrants married to U.S. citizens, as long as they have lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years, the sources said, requesting anonymity to talk about internal government plans."
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-plan … s-married/
I'm not sure that I support this unless they are studying to become naturalized, but it is difficult to separate families, and many of these people married to citizens do have children. If they are making an honest effort to qualify for naturalization, then I'm for it.
I do support Trump's idea to end birthright citizenship. But shockingly, many people don't know what that is. One of our friends is a naturalized citizen married to a U.S. citizen for years, and they have two grown children. Another friend thought ending birthright citizenship might lead to their deportation. I wish people would educate themselves before they start prattling.
Ken, you and Wilderness write like the govt. is handing out ebt and other incentives to illegal border crossers. They are not eligible. I really wish you would read up on the regulations before you repost gossip. You can find them here. But I know that is a lot of trouble for you to read them for yourselves.
https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/recipient … on-citizen
I am not at all for immigrants taking up jobs for citizens here, but you do realize that even the uneducated fill positions that Americans think they are too good to work.
Kathryn, if I understand your statement, some of us are wondering how these U.S. citizens who are qualified to fill these positions and do not work them make a living. We do know that some turn to crime, but people cannot live off welfare like they did in the "old days". President Bill Clinton saw to that. Welfare is only for people with children, and then they can't continue to draw for more than two years. They have to get off their lazy butts and get a job or find an income of some kind. They can't move to another state to continue drawing either because they are in a database of "expired welfare recipients".
I knew a wannabee welfare queen who finally gave up and married her live in boyfriend after her two years ran out. She was drawing welfare on two children fathered by him.
So, no, I'm not saying that welfare is an option to working because it isn't available anymore. Thank you, President Clinton.
One cannot get welfare indefinitely? Plainly false:
"there is no time limit on receiving Section 8 housing assistance. As long as the tenant’s eligibility is not impacted in ways that would disqualify them from the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program."
https://affordablehousingheroes.com/how … e_vignette
"How Long Will My Medicaid Benefits Last?
Your benefits will last as long as you remain eligible."
https://www.webmd.com/health-insurance/ … basics-faq
"WIC is a short-term program. Therefore, a participant will "graduate" at the end of one or more certification periods. A certification period is the length of time a WIC participant is eligible to receive benefits. Depending on whether the individual is pregnant, postpartum, breastfeeding, an infant, or a child, an eligible individual usually receives WIC benefits from 6 months to a year, at which time s/he must reapply.
Children may receive free or reduced cost school lunches inefinitely.
There are a whole raft of welfare programs (government charity) available to people, programs that do not end in 2 years. I wish you were right in the assertion that welfare has an end, but Clinton tried, and failed, to provide that. Far too much crying that people would starve, that it was somehow demeaning to have to work, etc. It was a terrific idea, but it could not last through the opposition from far left liberals.
Its not enough that we have tens of millions of tired, lazy, unwilling to work Americans... we now work to bring in the world's tired, lazy, unwilling to work as well... we are such a good nation, willing to spend our children's futures and freedoms to help as many as we can today.
Really, who knows if there will be a tomorrow, why try to build something that will last and improve things for future generations when we have so many people across the globe that need help right now?
By leveraging away a tomorrow that may never come, we can make sure tens of millions today enjoy a better life and never have to work a day for it.
Its not enough that we have tens of millions of tired, lazy, unwilling to work Americans...
Economists generally considered an unemployment rate below 5% as "full employment"
100% employment is unattainable in any economy.
As of June of this year, we are still experiencing a abor shortage that is impacting industries across the board. From hotels and restaurants to grocery, food processing and manufacturing industries, employers are struggling to find workers to fill essential jobs.
As of now, there are more than 8 million job openings in the U.S. but only 6.5 million unemployed individuals. Why? We've got an aging workforce and declining population.
The facts? As of 2021, the pandemic drove more than 3 million adults into early retirement/ retirement. Additionally, the share of older individuals within the U.S. population is steadily increasing, and it’s likely this trend will continue. This shift is partly attributable to the fact that younger generations are having fewer children compared to their predecessors, resulting in a progressively older and diminishing population.
Another impact on labor participation? Lack of access to affordable child care.
This isn't all about "lazy". And Trump wants to deport 20 million workers who currently prop up these essential industries? What impact would that have on our economy?
https://www.uschamber.com/workforce/und … r-shortage
Consider illegals take lower wages than citizens. Consider that the youth have escape-mentality, playing video games at home, on couches in their childhood abodes, in their bedrooms, their parents' basements or garages. Everything happening in society is against their participation in the real world.
They do not enjoy the real world. What world is that these days?
You are right about a couple of things.
First, I can always learn more, and if truly interested or if I feel motivated by a particular debate/discussion I will do so.
Second, you are right that not all immigrants coming to America are getting EBT/Snap/Etc. but some are, those who have come from Venezuela and a handful of other select nations.
Those who do qualify is not an insignificant amount, I read a while back the number was over 460,000, I believe that was the number that had been provided those services since the Biden Administration began his support efforts and signed on to the UN Global Compact on Migration efforts.
I actually researched this extensively enough back in 2015 to write an article on it, understand where Obama's efforts were taking America:
Dealt Setback, Obama Puts Off Immigrant Plan
One day before hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants were to begin applying for work permits and legal protection, administration officials on Tuesday postponed President Obama’s sweeping executive actions on immigration indefinitely, saying they had no choice but to comply with a federal judge’s last-minute order halting the programs.
The judge’s ruling was a significant setback for the president, who had asserted broad authority to take executive actions in the face of congressional Republicans’ refusal to overhaul the immigration system. White House officials have defended the president’s actions as legal and proper even as his adversaries in Congress and the states have accused him of vastly exceeding the powers of his office.
In a decision late Monday, Judge Andrew S. Hanen, of Federal District Court for the Southern District of Texas, in Brownsville, ruled in favor of Texas and 25 other states that had challenged Mr. Obama’s immigration actions. The judge said that the administration’s programs would impose major burdens on states, unleashing illegal immigration and straining state budgets, and that the administration had not followed required procedures for changing federal rules.
https://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/18/us/o … texas.html
U.N., U.S. hold parallel summits to address migrant crisis
The agreement covers migrants and refugees, at the same time that the International Organization on Migration (IOM) becomes part of the U.N. It provides a framework for protecting them and lays out a non-binding framework for countries to share the burden of the mass movement of forcibly displaced persons, to be negotiated during 2017-18.
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/un-obama-m … -refugees/
President Obama: "Immigrants and Refugees Revitalize and Renew America"
https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/bl … -americans
I thought you might like the last link as it puts a positive perspective on the matter.
What happened... Trump won the Presidency, and the Global Compact on Migration and efforts to bring in millions of migrants at taxpayer expense was shelved until Biden was sworn in.
And now it is in action, and I expect efforts to double across all fronts, from media blitz to legislation to doubling the numbers coming in per year after Harris wins the election.
This is certainly one of the things the UN, WEF, and other international agencies fear about Trump returning to the WH, Trump will almost certainly pull America out of the Global Compact on Migration and end all funding to those non-profits and NGOs that aid migrants getting here.
"Lord, help us!"
He will.
He got us through Trump.
If he can get us back to Trump, he will have.
People in America have become cavalier, nonchalant and shallow, never considering what economic and social conditions are required for producing the American Dream. (And don't tell me they no longer care about living good and happy lives.) And so, they will vote for a person like Kamala Harris.
Let's forget about her being a young mixed-race female:
WHAT is her vision and agenda?
WHAT exactly will she deliver?
WHAT is she willing to do to be president?
WHO is she beholden to?
WHO is behind her vision and agenda?
Please. We must know more before we settle and end up voting for this presidential "candidate," (who at one time was rejected by the majority ... let us not forget why.)
Trying to become President
"Ms. Harris is the only 2020 Democrat who has fallen hard out of the top tier of candidates. She has proved to be an uneven campaigner who changes her message and tactics to little effect and has a staff torn into factions."
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/29/us/p … -2020.html
"Ms. Harris has described herself as a 'progressive prosecutor' and argued that it is possible to be tough on crime while also confronting the deep inequities of the criminal justice system."
“Our campaign uniquely spoke to the experiences of Black women and people of color — and their importance to the success and future of this party,” Harris wrote in her letter to supporters.
She had racked up the second-highest number of endorsements from Democratic members of Congress — 17 — and the most endorsements from members of the Black and Hispanic Caucuses thus far.
Harris said she is “still very much in this fight,” but didn’t offer support for any other candidate. “I will do everything in my power to defeat Donald Trump and fight for the future of our country and the best of who we are.”
https://rollcall.com/2019/12/03/kamala- … tial-race/
And then she became Vice-President.
"In interviews, Indian-American political leaders and community advocates called Mr. Biden’s choice of Ms. Harris — the daughter of an Indian mother and a Jamaican father — a refutation of President Trump’s demonization of immigrants and a powerful statement on American possibility."
They say Harris is also black.
Maybe it's true every white person has at lease 2% black DNA in them. Adam and Eve must have come from Africa.
To conclude:
People haven't suffered enough if they end up electing Kampala to continue where Biden left off. The American People have changed. Where did we go wrong? If she gets elected (by fair vote,) it will prove that we have gone dreadfully and disastrously wrong.
How come they don't see that she stands for nothing, will say anything and is in it for herself, basking in the great joke of it all, cackling her weird insane laugh all the way to the bank?
Furthermore, why do we put up with this *coup?
We should insist that Joe Biden leaves office, no matter what, via the 25th amendment and install the Vice President in her rightful place. Then we would at least have some time (not much) to learn more about this VP:
How she does.
What she does.
~ and then be better able to determine whether she should stay or not at election time.
Right now this whole situation is unfair. (Understatement.) Yet we go about our daily lives as though everything is fine and normal, when it isn't.
At all.
* "A coup d'état, often abbreviated to coup, is the overthrow of a lawful government through illegal means."
You have to love Michaelah Montgomery. A proud black woman telling the truth about kamala and the left. I think all those on the left should listen to her words.
Not impressed, she comes off as a bimbo. What does Trump pay to employ rightwing mouthpieces? Trump heads a bigoted ticket and a bigoted campaign and will not fool blacks into voting for them.
ABT: anything but trump.....
Nah, you don't have to love her. At first, I only lasted about 50 seconds—to the point where she 'flourished': "So put some respect on my name."
Then, to be sure I wasn't being rash, I went back to at least watch the rest. I couldn't do it. 2:30 was all I could take. Her behavior was so off-putting that I couldn't even consider the points she wanted to make.
I agree with you Mike, she is a breath of fresh air and I love her energy!
"authentic" may be in the eye of the beholder. Some think Trump is. I'll tell you, if I identified with someone like Trump, I'd run - not walk - to the nearest analyst to find out why and get treatment to make it stop. There is nothing positive there.
We need a world where the youth are educated, trained and inspired to make their lives a success by parents and teachers who care about them. Where they are taught mathematics, reading and writing in a concrete on-paper way. Where they have the opportunity to enjoy sports and develop athletic abilities. Where common sense is instilled by appropriate and practical boundaries.
"As of now, there are more than 8 million job openings in the U.S. but only 6.5 million unemployed individuals. Why? We've got an aging workforce and declining population."
I disagree.
The youth of today, due to many factors, are not psychologically or mentally robust enough to even take jobs. The Chinese-designed Common Core curriculum, over dependence on computer use in classrooms and at home, and the interruption of public and private education during Covid have negatively affected the youth. They have a hard time spelling words properly and have limited vocabularies. They shy away from anything involving numbers and amounts. They cannot write in cursive, can only print ... or type. They are catered to, felt sorry for, given everything, and are influenced by social media which promotes a culture of bullying and mean-spirited competition. How can they confidently step in where their elders have retired or died.
Jobs are there because businesses and organizations of all types need help, but who will hire America's young adults who have poor self-mastery, awareness, or appropriate knowledge/training and skills?
So the answer is to encourage businesses to hire cheap foreign labor... and so abandon our own youth, shortchanging their ability to be independent and and self-reliant?
"The youth of today, due to many factors, are not psychologically or mentally robust enough to even take jobs. "
Upon what is this opinion based? Seems like a good sweeping generalization of the younger generation.
In terms of the facts, teens / young adult employment reached a 14-year high last year.
In terms of education, studies show that millennials are currently the most educated generation with Gen z to soon top them.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/business … mic-wages/
California, for instance:
"37% of California public school students are meeting Math proficiencies and less than half are meeting English Language Arts state standards, our main focus continues to be students’ psychological wellbeing of “equity and inclusion” rather than academic achievement.
I wonder if California Public Education is experiencing a “mission drift”… after all, if an ice cream shop can’t keep their freezers cold, then just change the product to creamy sweet soup. No one will notice. https://ocde.us/MTSS/Pages/Overview.aspx"
From reader reaction to this article:
https://edsource.org/2024/gov-newsoms-t … get/714604
https://edsource.org/2023/flat-test-sco … ent/698895
The fact of the matter is that Kamala Harris, (who's Father was of African, Irish and Jamaican descent, Mother from India,) benefited from our system of government and our way of life, here in the USA, land of opportunity and justice for all, equally. She was able to rise to the top and I mean absolute top: Running for President of The United States of America!
And will she Give-Back as President?
Who is it she really cares about?
We the People?
"Another impact on labor participation? Lack of access to affordable child care."
So, more mothers should abandon their children to government-indoctrination early childhood programs/schools?
https://csba.org/GovernanceAndPolicyRes … #gsc.tab=0
Biden Harris record:
Inflation up 19.7%
National debt: 35.3 Trillion $$$$$$$$$$$$$
Immigrants entered the US illegally: 10 million +
This is a very touching story from the Rubin Report.
Bless this boy's mother who is treating him perfectly. The child is in touch with his own self and mind, despite his disabilities. Trump surely recognized this.
I have been using the word, genuine, a lot lately, but this is genuine.
Try as hard as the left and the media may to portray him as a monster, we know better!
I don't see any stories of harris doing anything similar.
Agreed, it is very important how we treat others. I wonder how Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss are doing these days? I know we all hope that the threats and harassment against them have stopped.
(~ we need tsmog about now.)
Here is one black family not on board,
at all.
Why doesn't VP Harris just explain her POV today as she did back four years ago?
That was a great video, I was compelled to watch in its entirety. I am I impressed, I did not anticipate your having so much depth in these matters.
1. Defining blackness is oxymoron. What is this "black enough" stuff?She running for President to represent us all.
2. I would have preferred a white, male bonefide Democrat to run, as it is more important for me to stop Donald Trump. I don't want the issues of gender and race to take votes away from otherwise ideologically loyal and faithful Democrat voter. But, VP Harris seem well on the way of handling the Trump problem all on her own terms and I wish her all the success.
Yes, she was a prosecutor who did her job, prosecute. And your not going to make a lot of friends in the job.
Equal access to equal educational opportunity is important if we are serious about dealing with the gaps in income and employment opportunity. Harris gets that.
She was poised and well spoken in her dialogue with Uncle Luke, she gets the message and I support her.
What about the question of helping TOO MUCH?
What about the question of helping TOO MUCH?
Elaborate please.....
See my last two posts:
https://hubpages.com/politics/forum/361 … ism?page=2
See the last comment by wilderness:
https://hubpages.com/politics/forum/340 … ica?page=2
The video reveals that Harris's whole impetus is to culturally manage the white vs black (as SHE defines it) scenario. It is based on the injustice of the WHITES treatment of BLACKS.
Is it possible to manage the WHITE culture VERSUS the BLACK culture scenario?
Can the details of this scenario be managed without injustice to the whole?
The injustice would be to implement Socialism. Thoughtful people are naturally afraid of Communism, which is the next step after Socialism. Totalitarianism is the ultimate threat.
We, (all of us,) need our freedom, as a natural right.
"1. Defining blackness is oxymoron. What is this 'black enough' stuff? She running for President to represent us all."
Is she?
The mistake is this:
Socialism creates unfairness and bad results in its endeavor to equalize outcome over opportunity.
1. The government helps TOO MUCH when it caters to those who "have less," in order for them to be EQUAL to those who "have more." "Tax the rich, feed the poor 'till are no rich no more."
2. Those who "have less" take government handouts and become lazy and dependent because they get out of the habit of relying on their own efforts. "Stand up, you've been promised just one day."
Ideally, welfare assistance $$$ in times of need should be temporary and in most cases, be expected to be paid back.
The problem with conservatives that if capitalism isn't in the laissez fare pre New Deal, 19th Century predator and exploitation style, then its socialism. The truth is somewhere in the middle.
In the example about welfare, I don't disagree with the idea that it should be temporary, does that make me a socialist? I could work with a loan idea for those that are in temporary hard times.
I support the idea that people need to have a goal of being gainfully employed rather than on a permanent dole. But, I do support the idea of tax child credits to help mothers pay for day care rather than the Vance hairbrained solution that grandparents need to step up. The conservatives and their angel food ideals are always in contradiction to the reality on the ground.
Why do you have more, is it like Trump who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth? Why should the wealthy solely have the advantage of opportunity merely because they have the money? Our society need to promote opportunity to all with the talent and the desire to succeed. Conservative know that upward mobility between generations is not always fluid and they are more than happy to create a caste society saying that they are ahead because daddy gave him or her the silver spoon and that they have earn d their advantages.
So much for your idea that we should have to remain in poverty based on the "cards you are dealt", we know that the system is unfair let's work toward making it less so.
Those are my ideals, you speaking from the right, I don't expect you to understand or appreciate my point of view.
I'm not for forcing anyone beyond what they are willing to do.
Are you?
I understand, I wouldn’t want to force people to invest in themselves and the infrastructure from the middle out.
When I was in Western Europe years ago, if I knew then what I know now, I probably should have stayed there…
Only 43 days to figure out the trickery that is the Deep State in our government.
Enjoy the remaining time, I say. Only 43 days to savor the relative peace of the current time.
A time of successful recovery from the dark days of the pandemic, despite the inflation caused by this administration.
The Way I See it.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the globe, war is really festering.
https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/23/us/p … deast.html
Who is Uncle Luke?
The same person?
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