Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau Has Just Resigned

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  1. abwilliams profile image71
    abwilliamsposted 6 weeks ago

    I did not see this coming. Last I heard, he was in for the long haul... (no pun intended)
    Not a fan, never have been. To this I say good riddance, but I am surprised by this, and wondering, what is --- the rest of the story!

    1. Sharlee01 profile image87
      Sharlee01posted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

      I have many Canadian friends who winter in Puerto Vallarta, and over the years, I've heard plenty about their politics. Recently, Canada has seen a liberal-conservative divide much like the U.S. This divide has deepened, driven by policy differences on issues like climate change, healthcare, and immigration—sound familiar? The Liberals, under Justin Trudeau, focus on progressive policies, while the Conservatives prioritize fiscal conservatism and stricter immigration controls. Partisan rhetoric has grown more heated, especially with the rise of populism in the Conservative Party, mirroring the tone of U.S. politics. It seems like Trudeau could see the writing on the wall.

      1. abwilliams profile image71
        abwilliamsposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

        Yes, but to resign, go down without a fight? I don't know if that's all there is to this Shar, but possibly!! Maybe he doesn't have any fight in him, it has just always come easy pushing the people around or into corners, and he senses ("sees the writing") those days are gone, behind them.....
        Depending on the people, naturally.

        1. Sharlee01 profile image87
          Sharlee01posted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

          Canada is facing financial challenges, but whether it's in serious trouble depends on how you look at it. The federal debt has grown significantly, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Their government continues to run budget deficits. Economic growth has resumed a bithj, but it's slower compared to pre-pandemic levels, affected by inflation, global uncertainties, and higher interest rates from the Bank of Canada. Inflation has been a concern, though it has moderated recently, and interest rate hikes, while aimed at controlling inflation, have raised borrowing costs for both individuals and businesses, as well as the cost of servicing government debt. On the household level, Canadians carry some of the highest debt levels globally, largely due to high costs. On the positive side, Canada benefits from its wealth of natural resources and strong trade ties with the U.S.  But President Trump has threatened them with tariffs which will affect their economy if they can't come to a mutual solution.

          In addition, many of Canada's problems are the same as those in the U.S. The people seem to have experienced a great epiphany, much like what we saw with the Trump election. Perhaps they felt their nation was not on the path they wanted it to be, and this sentiment could be driving shifts in priorities and expectations for leadership. In my view, Trudeau is bailing due to realizing he is not strong enough to do the job.

  2. abwilliams profile image71
    abwilliamsposted 6 weeks ago

    Hear ye Hear ye... calling any Canadian Trumps out there!!! wink


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