There are also freedom convoy protesters in every Major city across Canada.
According to Trudeau, they are all a small minority fringe group. Who are islambicphobe, women haters, extremist, racist, violent, lawbreakers and all hold uncepetable Views.
After watching the link, tell me if everything Trudeau said is true?
This lawyer interviewer did 16 hours of these video's. Towards the end of this part video, he tried persistently for any of the counter protesters nicely to talk. One women was shoving her sign in front of his face blocking any discourses. A couple of them did talk and the best thing they could come up with is the honking of the horns for half the day.
Concussion... freedom movement is just too horny.
Not ever seen a Canada Day like across Canada, that was so full of hugs and kisses. Couldnt show Trudeau this misinformation. Because him, being triple vaxxed and masked. May cause a third case of Covid for him. Just mere thought of hugs and kisses could spread throughout his family tree. His half brother can't wait , it's True- thou.
I love everything about this video; kids being kids no matter where they are.
Freedom is craved by all, no matter what some may say.
Standing together, coming together, unified, for a common cause, a common longing, precious FREEDOM!
love your support, 2 provinces out of 10 just lifted their mandates. No matter how much money Trudeau throws at them.
I shared this video {livestream} to my FB page, because it is so positive and uplifting, but was just informed that it is not there, it cannot be seen. Apparently, I am the only one that can see it. :`(
We still have a long way to go!!!
The Canadian government is starting to get real.
They are now arresting people who provide fuel to the truckers. It is going to go downhill from here. What a shame!
"Canada 'Freedom Convoy': Ottawa police arrest 7, threaten charges for others caught bringing fuel to truckers
Ottawa police say more than 100 have been issued tickets in connection to the protest"
Canadian police announced Monday that seven people have been arrested and more than 100 have been issued tickets in connection to "demonstration-related enforcement" in Ottawa.
This comes after Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of emergency Sunday afternoon as approximately 500 trucks and vehicles with the "Freedom Convoy" continued to linger in the streets of the Canadian capital to protest vaccine mandates and other coronavirus-related restrictions.
Ottawa Police Service issued a warning earlier Monday that "anyone found bringing fuel to the demonstration trucks in the red zone could be subject to arrest and charges."
Multiple vehicles and fuel have been seized. Five of the seven arrests were for unspecified mischief. A sixth person was charged for driving while prohibited and a seventh for mischief "relating to property damage of a downtown business," police said in a press release. " … ckets-fuel
The new way of showing the news of people loving people, is this kind of news cell phone podcast or like Joe Rogan style. Can't buy me love, or we will end up, can't buy me lunch.
It is sad how they are treating the Ottawa protesters.
BLM protests were justified. The trucker convoy is a violent spreading "contagion" according to CNN.
Could you imagine the backlash if that sort of language were used about the BLM protests?
It sure is great being priviledged.
The Canadian Government is breaking almost every constitutional law and a few human rights in the book,. And using every dirty trick like Blazing Saddles. Not by shooting, it's by way of Globalist creating ceremonial suicides.
One person set himself on fire because he couldn't get a job.
They cancel every hotel in the area, they closed most government services and business shops wail the largest crowds they have ever seen are there, larger than the world's largest Snow festival that cancelled anyway because of Covid. . Shut down bridges getting into Ottawa with plastic and cement brigades everywhere.
They tried stealing 10 million dollar funds. They got caught and redirect to returning the funds with a Sur charge back to donater. They got caught fining and stopped fuel to the truckers their lawyer had to save that one. Next dirty trick canceling their driver license and trucking insurance. They are pretending the whole world can't see them, we are watching history in the making.
And we have to go to "conspiracy sites" and such to get any sort of real news in this here in the US. I have a difficult time finding out what is going on when I am seeking the news out. FB made a deliberate attempt to downplay the convoy, then the Canadian govt said it was an occupation. Kind of look silly downplaying it now.
We are not supposed to believe the videos of peaceful protesting we see on Youtube I guess. Meanwhile, I gotta get to my work outside of home job in retail like the rest of the plebians.
I've not seen so many Canadians hugging, kissing and dancing ever. According to Trudeau science their should be the world's largest holocaust pile of died bodies in front of the capital.
It looks like the Freedom Convoy is working.
"THE TRUCK STOPS HERE: Four Canadian Provinces to Lift COVD Restrictions"
Four provinces have announced they will lift some COVID restrictions and eliminate others all together: Quebec, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island.
According to AP, during a news conference in Ottawa that excluded mainstream media outlets, Benjamin Dichter, one of the protest organizers, said: “I think the government and the media are drastically underestimating the resolve and patience of truckers.”
“Drop the mandates. Drop the passports,” he said.
Despite the progress being made, it sounds like there is still work to be done. … r-protests
Along with freedom.
If can not own my body, I own nothing.
The Canadian police are being ridiculous.
"Great-grandfather, 78, is handcuffed by Ottawa cops for HONKING his car horn in support of Freedom Convoy: Video of arrest which left 4ft 10ins elderly man bloodied and bruised emerges after Justin Trudeau smeared protesters as 'swastika-wavers'"
A 4ft-10inch great grandfather was handcuffed and arrested by two Canadian cops for honking his horn in support of Freedom Convoy protesters in Ottawa on Sunday - a day before a judge outlawed blaring horns due to left-wing backlash against the anti-mandate protesters who have been smeared by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as 'swastika-wavers'.
A bystander filmed while two officers pulled over Gerry Charlebois, 78, for beeping his horn.
'What did he do wrong?' the bystander asked. 'None of your f****** concern, man,' one officer responded. … ed-it.html
The swastika and Confederate flag was to believe set up by police, because the Trucker don't allow them.
The 78 year old man who getting away from the cops grip. Cop, said he insulted him, only his ego, him being 2 1/2 feet taller.
Home is the truth we instinctively know
Truck home is everywhere he goes
Many false prophets try’na lead us astray and wanna tell us what to do. But not hear what we say by ignoring us in a game of righteous pretend. While children lose their future. Made to cover up their faces. Forced injections at their favorite places. Where does it end taking to the streets The government wont hear us they just call the police. Faceless storm troopers Where is your humanity
Just following orders is no excuse for your insanity
Time to cut the cancer out at the source
If not, we own nothing , not body nor endorsement
I just saw the story. Horrible! To treat this elderly man as if he is a street thug (oh wait...street thugs get a pass & praise) if you honk for out!! Also saw where some of the truckers had their firewood {used for keeping warm} confiscated by the Police. I know the Police are following Trudeau's orders, but come on....arresting little old men for honking and hauling off firewood as if scoring some major drug bust. It is pathetic!
Scare tactics pure and simple. The word horrible does not do this incident justice.
I agree Sharlee, I was struggling to find the right word, "horrible" doesn't quite get there!
I understand that there's pictures circulating of this little old man's bruised body. I am infuriated by the treatment of these truckers and their supporters, who just want their lives back. They just want Trudeau and all others ,who have lost their way to come back to their senses! When they do, they'll leave, get back to work and on with their lives! Simple as that. Then, it will be our turn.......and it is about time!!! Thank you Canada for getting this ball rolling. Time to put an end to these ridiculous mandates and after that, vote out all the bums, who think they Rule! We aren't serfs, we are free men and women. The left needs to relearn this!!!
Many have said the protest is most peaceful and pleasant demonstration they have ever seen!!! No violence, no hate, no trash
According to our smartest person in Canada, Trudeau. They are a fringe minority of racist, homophobic, woman haters, Nazis Trumpers, white supremist, Islamic phobic, Criminals, not Canadian, horny, vandalist of Sacred hero's ( non living) and above all extreme terrorist.
Must be the difference CBC and mainstream media vs the reality of cell phones.
Castlepaloma, if you want to get widespread support for your point of view, you need to share reasonably accurate information. When you make a claim that 2.5 million protestors and counter-protestors are in Ottawa (an astounding and seemingly ridiculous number), as you did in the title of this thread, you need to share references from mainstream and conventional news sources as well as other ones if you want to convince people that the claim is correct. If you rely only on alternate and conspiracy sites or organizations to support amazing news, many people are going to dismiss your claim.
Personally I know Ottawa from building the world's largest Snowgrounds for ten years at the world largest winter Festival that has draws up to 2 million attentence. The Trucker organization claim since the beginning of the protest the attendance has gathered has been to 2.5 million people. I've been very keen on the process for my body and freedom is depending on it. From studies of serveral podcast episode watching greater crowds than any Ottawa Winter ever I concur with the Truckers attendance. It's been my pleasure business to know these things for 47 years. For most of the people there, have not seen the winter festival with such grand crowds and so much hugging, kissing and dancing ever. Having the time of their lives wail changing human history and centralist greed an absolute power.
You live in BC maybe you notice the world sandsculpture championship from starting in 1979 onward. I also have been a pioneering that part of the movement also.
Hard to believe I make a living from this, Yet can you carve this and draw crowds like that.
Everyone conspire in degrees , yet my tin hat doesn't fit like Trudeau suggest.
Castlepaloma, given your track record for grossly exaggerating facts I decided to ‘fact check’ some of your claims.
Firstly, your claim that 2.5 million people visit Winterlude:
• Typically around 600,000 on average attend, in 2019 that might have been a little higher.
• In 1980 100,000 visitors attended Winterlude.
• 1985 half a million visitors attended WInterlude.
• 1991 1.2 million visitors attended Winterlude, and
• 2007 1.6 million visitors attended Winderlude (the Record so far).
So your estimate that up to 2 million people visits Winterlude is somewhat a bit of an exaggeration.
As regards your claim that 2.5 million people gathered to protest in Ottawa does seem to also be somewhat of an exaggeration.
On ‘fact checking’ a conservative estimate by conspiracy theorists is that over 50,000 trucks were involved in the protests. However, simple maths will tell you that that cannot be the case because such a number of trucks would have taken up hundreds of miles of more road space than the protest actually occupied.
At the peak of the protests on the 28th January there was an estimated 18,000 demonstrators; far short of the 2.5 million you quote.
Besides, looking at the aerial view of the protests at their height you can see that there is nowhere near 100,000 let alone 2.5 million; looking at the aerial footage 18,000 would seem a reasonable estimate.
The largest Winter festival in the world I was part of in Quebec City. Winterlube wanted that title so I so switch to Ottawa and my French is not good anyway. The News paper headlines said it was on up to 2 million people attendance. It's difficult to record attendance because many activities are indoors or people are in and out all the time..
After obviously countless big lies by a loose cannon Trudeau
Now has shown clearly and mainstream media just poorly repeating what Trudeau sayd Which is greatest nonsensical lies I've ever heard in my life and It's actually backfiring.
So why believe the mainstream press when they act like the Communist. Why believe anything they say attendance. The Government closed downtown businesses and services in Ottawa just in spite of record local attendance from trucker convoy
And they most worldwide attention by News right now. Its human rights, constitutional law all rolled in one exposure of tyranny in the raw.
I've seen being a highlight on Media for 47 many events around the world, I know my attendance
Make up your mind. First you said the winter festival in Ottawa, now you’re saying the winter festival in Quebec City. Granted it’s the largest winter festival in the Western Hemisphere, but even so, the record breaking attendance was in 2006, with up 1 million; half of what you claimed.
And using the excuse that “It's difficult to record attendance” for inflating the figures is a poor excuse; attendances at such events can quite accurately be estimated:
I said Winterlube wanted that title so I so switch to Ottawa and my French is not good anyway. What is confusing?
I've had many larger crowds than Ottawa, on up to 8 million in a single sandscupture contest in China
What’s confusing is that you stated that up to 2 million people attend the winter festival; but you haven’t made it clear whether it’s the Ottawa or the Quebec City winter festival where you’re claiming that up to million people visit.
In either event your claim is an over estimation because the record number of visitors to the Quebec City was up to 1 million in 2006, and 1.6 million in Ottawa in 2007 – both falling rather short of the 2 million you claimed.
So as I stated at the start, you have a track record of grossly exaggerating facts; so why should we believe that you had 8 million people see a single sands sculpture that you did in China without some Corroborating evidence?
I'm not going into all the venue's that draw millions attendance at events. Or annual venues that draw millions annually a year. Like international Sandsculpture contest, theme parks, agriculture fairgrounds, amusement park and so on. We mostly do indoor sandsculpture that draw 4 times the normal foot traffic in the largest malls in the world.
It doesn't matter any more, as long as Trudeau won't let me out of my province or draw crowds. I would be treated far better in a other Communist country.
Interesting, I thought the forums were for discussion. I wasn't aware that sources had to be provided, in order to open a discussion. They'll just be contradicting sources. It's best if people just talk it through.
I think we can all see for ourselves the massive numbers; there's a ground swell...finally!
Free people have had their fill of tyrannical government and pompous leaders. Things are changing for the better.
by Readmikenow 3 years ago
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by Castlepaloma 3 years ago 2 years of worst time of my life. Now alot more happier to be a Canadian, almost lost faith.Truckers stand off with Trudeau after he comes out of his fox hole that guards the chicken house.
by Castlepaloma 3 years ago Conference of the freedom convoy.
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