What do you think of the Canadian Freedom Truck Convoy?
I respect them and their courage to stand up against the tyranny of their government.
"Freedom Convoy: Why Canadian truckers are protesting in Ottawa"
It's been dubbed the Freedom Convoy, and it's got the country talking.
The movement was sparked by a vaccine mandate for truckers crossing the US-Canada border, implemented by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal government earlier this month.
Upset with the new measure that would require unvaccinated Canadian truckers crossing the two nations' boundary to quarantine once they've returned home, a loose coalition of truckers and conservative groups began to organise the cross-country drive that began in western Canada.
It picked up steam and gathered support as it drove east. Many supporters, already opposed to Mr Trudeau and his politics, have grown frustrated with pandemic measures they see as political overreach.
Social media and news footage showed trucks and companion vehicles snaking along highways, cheered on by people gathered on roadsides and overpasses, often waving Canadian flags and signs disparaging Mr Trudeau.
A GoFundMe campaign has raised, to date, over a whopping C$7m ($5.4m; £4m) from over 99,000 donors.
This is the first time in two years Canadian are not going to take it anymore, now Canadian won't stop swinging the other way.
My daughter was born in Ottawa. And I built snow playgrounds of 3 acres for 10 years in a row. These people can handle 30- to 40- zero and had up to 2 Millions attendance for their world's largest winter festival yearly, that's just around the corner.
Right now, At the capital and in the downtown Streets there is 10,000 a day attendance. Many truckers and people are planning on staying there until the mandates and restrictions are changed.
The toughest animal pound per pound in the forest is a woverin. Only a Canadian Beaver can kill a woverin or wolf in sheep clothing like Trudeau. Beaver drown them at home, in waters they can't excape, by beavers who will not ever let go.
I applaud this protest. They are truely discouraged with their government and are doing something about it.
My first thought was to consider Rupert's claims. If they are legitimate, then their prevalence becomes the question. Was it a fringe of idiots or a representation of the whole?
If you have those answers, then it might be a safe leap to start with praise and acceptance.
Sorry for the late reply on this one. I knew little about it, so had to do some leg work. I have read multiple articles and watched a ton of youtube footage. I have not been able to find anything that backs up the allegations that have been offered by Rupert. Actually, it seems the tuckers have been rather vocal about anyone being unruly do not representing their cause.
Here are the only "unruly accusations" I could find --- "Local outlets reported that the blockade is aligned with the Freedom Convoy, whose protests in Ottawa over the weekend sparked “several criminal investigations” into “threatening” and “illegal” behavior, after monuments including the National War Memorial were defaced and demonstrators displayed “intimidating” behavior toward police and others, including staff members at a soup kitchen for homeless people.
Some protesters carried Confederate flags, and at least one flag with a swastika drawn on it could be seen. Two men were charged with offenses related to their actions during the protest, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation." source https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-wor … -mandates/
Currently, the Protesters are blocking the U.S.-Canada crossing at the Coutts border crossing in southern Alberta. This is illegal...
I have not found any acts of violence or destruction of property. These truckers certainly are very much serious about their cause.
I must add, I remember that all throughout the pandemic, long before we had vaccines, the truckers did not have the privilege of locking down, but kept working, putting themselves at a higher risk of getting COVID.
So, I am willing to give them some slack. We are at a point where the virus "seems" to be causing fewer problems. Maybe time to just say, we tried our best, and some are just not going to get vaccinated. I am not willing to ostracize or condemn anyone for refusing to be vaccinated at this juncture.
I am still as you say you were—uninformed. I don't know anything more than what I have heard or seen in media blurbs. At this point, (and when I replied to you), I don't need to know more. My only point was that Ruperts "descriptions" seemed plausible in the context of a huge truckers' event.
If liberal protests can have such an element, then so can the conservatives. That was why I wondered if his descriptions were of a tiny fringe, (tainting the whole), or if they did represent the whole.
We can safely bet that, regardless of choice, the media is presenting a biased version of the facts. It will be lawlessness emphasized on one and peaceful unity on the other.
I wasn't criticizing your support, My gut feels the same way. But, it has failed me before, so I will wait a bit.
My first comment was in support of Mike's opinion. I love to see an organized protest, and I do respect their cause.
" At this point, (and when I replied to you), I don't need to know more."
Then why reply to my comment, if you are not interested in my opinion?
I really dig into any conversation I join into. Why so snarky?
Sarky you say? Okay, on a reread I can see the closing as being snarky. I was aiming for something a little less critical. My bad.
But, maybe there is some mitigation potential, if my snark, in the context of your digging efforts at that time, isn't that far off—relative to the Rupert comment that sparked this exchange.
Well if you were aiming for a certain response a chat is not the best place to get one. Hard to see the tells, the demeanor, the tone of voice, so on.
it was my intention to be critical. I proffered my comment by admitting I did some leg work before offering my opinion from what I read, and videos I watched.
Mike, I have plenty of relations in both Canada and the United States and I'm a frequent visitor there but I haven't gone for some time because of the Covid. My reading of the situation is a little different and I will say that the Anglo-Saxons are on their last legs. The very fact that the Canadian Prime Minister has to go into hiding justifies my theory. The Anglo-Saxon powers ruled the world for a long time maybe two centuries but now they are suffering an internal implosion. They are still trying to enforce their writ, like creating the Ukraine crisis and unable to face China. An example is the attempt to boycott the Winter Olympics in China but 41 World leaders are attending it. Too long have the Anglo Saxons tried to rule the World by the policy of intimidation, fifth columns, murder, war crimes, and deceit but I think history is now turning a circle and the truckers strike is a sign of the coming implosion in the western world.
I see things differently. I see this situation as many people in Canada wanting to be free of their government's restrictions on Covid and nothing more.
I would say that inf Anglo-Saxons are so bad, then maybe the rest of the world should not take the foreign aid or products from them.
But that is not going to happen because for many years all most all of the inventions and technical advancements have come from Anglo-Saxon countries. Why, because Anglo-Saxon countries have a wide range of people from all races living and working there as well as calling it their home.
Time to hear from a Canadian; that would be me. The vast majority of Canadians are utterly disgusted by what is happening with the so-called "Freedom Convoy."
How does urinating on the National War Memorial and dancing on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier advance their cause? Taking a piss on the monuments that honour those who died to protect their freedom to protest is contemptible.
Some are carrying Confederate and Trump flags. Do they know which country they are in?
They turned up at a charity soup kitchen to harass staff and demand a free meal, causing the kitchen to shut down thereby denying food to those in actual need.
They refused to wear masks in a shopping mall causing management to shut the place down and so denying business owners and their staff the right to make a living.
They have caused a massive grid lock on numerous downtown streets impeding ambulances, fire trucks, and police from getting to where they are needed.
All of these are actions associated with the tiny minority of truckers who refuse to get vaccinated. Ninety percent of their colleagues are vaccinated and quietly going about their vital work.
By all means protest, but do so in a way that is respectful to the community in which they live.
For those very few who don't represent the whole world's largest trucker protest. These few who cause temporary destrubant, were not permanent damages. These people can be given fines, unless the police are part of the scam. The Trudeau design is for Pharmacy to the control every part our health existence forever and he loves WEF world order of us owning nothing and being happy. rrrright.
That is worth standing up for. The mainstream media is as corrupted as their Pfizer sponsorship.
Fauci used the capital trespasser of January 6th. Like it was as bad as 9/11 that killed millions of poor people mostly women and children in the middle East. On those of January 6th the trespassers( yet paid for by their taxes) where 4 protesters were killed and one cop who died of stroke after the event.
It's not just hyper inflation, prices and poverty killing us. it's hyper pettiness mole hills turned into mountains of big lies. With outrageous nonsense rituals that have no scientific bases to back that crap up.
Point of fact - the events I described are not "claims;" they happened and continue to happen after five days. To question the legitimacy of my reporting is offensive; I do not write "alternate facts."
Trucks still block downtown streets in Ottawa, denying access to workplaces, a school, and vaccine clinics, and they continue to blast their horns at night disturbing the sleep of those who live in the area.
There are displays of Nazi paraphernalia, the widespread yelling of profanities, and harassment of homeless people and paramedics, among other actions.
Authorities have tried to negotiate a peaceful ending to the protest but the truckers are adamant - they will settle for nothing less than a complete end to vaccine mandates. That is not going to happen.
They also have what they call a "memorandum of understanding" which calls for the overthrow of our legitimately elected government - no wonder Trump has endorsed the protest.
If they won't leave voluntarily, eventually, the authorities are going to have to tow the trucks away. I shudder to think how the protesters will react to that.
They wrote, :Trudeau is a- swastika symbol sign which leftty press showed only the swastika . They do this kind of thing, out of context, all the time . Most people here didn't come for Trump or Biden. I can't leave my province to go to Ottawa,within my own country because I'm unvpaccinated. It's mostly vaccinated protester because they are most worried about their own freedom and choice for their children's future.
Even I wanted to excape Canada because unvaccinated people are treated like child molestation or discriminated or like Serial killers. It turns decent people into thugs wanting to physically fight me. If they did fight me, the corrupted police would of back them up. Now Shutting down the big stores away from unvaccinated. I've police enforced riots in Canada before. This is like a wild Quebec party they have been waiting 2 years for. Now gathering speed into a deserved civil wars from very patient Canadians. From a Government that have been liar's every step of the way. From failed vaccines and destruction of Canadian lives and worldwide lives on every level. At Least it wasn't like Kakastan where their run off the president, then burn down many of the banks, conquer the police and military. Now the Russian moving in for double the trouble.
We are not allowed to even earn a living by this total nonsense of this nasty flu.
Take away our freedom , one has no liberty and no safety.
If this response was in reply to my comment, then your perception of my intent, by the use of "claims," is a misunderstanding. I did not mean to criticize your "facts,"
My initial choice was `charges,' but because I felt it carried the connotation of `alledged,' I chose claims. It appears that was also a poor choice. Maybe `descriptions' would have been a more neutral choice. If you still feel offended then that's on you. *shrug
On the flip side, I'll take some bacon to go with my egg if your comment wasn't a response to me.
I must ask, were you as discussed with truckers when they worked while many of us had the privilege of staying safe in our homes? It would seem they might think a bit differently about getting vaccinated, due to many possibly feeling comfortable with their own immune system or perhaps having had COVID.
I feel they would be heard louder if they striked, and left us all without goods. Perhaps they will, it would clear the highways and crossings. It would remove the inconvenience some in Canada are being exposed to.
Most of the negative reports about the Canadian freedom truckers are "allegations" with nothing being proven. I've read "someone" did this and "it appears" that happened and "police are launching an investigation into "this." Unproven allegations that appeal to the gullible who too afraid to believe anything that isn't told to them by their government, even if it's not proven true.
Canada has the highest populations of Ukrainians outside of Ukraine. Now, they have even been accused of working for Russia. I can't imagine anything more ridiculous.
I said almost 2 years ago the power to be, going by different names are playing for the end game of world order. The WEF is no conspiracy theory, Trudeau talks about it many times. I know Trudeau is a tough cookie, with him we got marrijanna legalized. Now he wants, all of us on the most dangerous toxic drugs for life and for communist like control. He underestimates strong independent individual Canadians..
The comedian known as "JP" has done an excellent video about the Canadian Freedom Truckers.
"The Canadian Truckers CAN'T Be Stopped!"
lol, I just posted JP, this before you post this.
Often we think alike
The censorship of the government and big tech media has begun.
"US truckers slam Facebook for removing page organizing DC freedom convoy: 'Censorship at its finest'"
https://www.foxnews.com/media/facebook- … censorship
Like the native say, don't ever trust your Government.
The Canadian Unvaccinated have been living like Fugitives for a year. It's a fun change up to see, :A Tyrant on the run;
It's sooooo petty pitifull how the narrative News twists the news.
It appears Canadian farmers have joined the Canadian truckers.
This is growing.
Mike --- It does seem to be growing --
7 hours ago --- "US truckers slam Facebook for removing page organizing DC freedom convoy: 'Censorship at its finest"
Truckers plan to drive from California to Washington, D.C., in protest of vaccine mandates. American truckers are following Canada’s lead and organizing a protest against vaccine mandates. The U.S. group’s Facebook page, however, was removed early Wednesday in a move that the organizer called "censorship at its finest."
The group, titled "Convoy to D.C. 2022," acted as a place for truckers to plan and coordinate their trek from California to Washington, D.C
Jeremy Johnson, who set up the Facebook group, said his personal account was also removed, prompting him to contact a civil rights attorney to discuss the next steps.
"They like to silence people that speak the truth," Johnson said of his Facebook ban.
So, what do you think, will they pull this off?
A spokesperson for Facebook’s parent company, Meta, provided this statement to Fox News: "We have removed this group for repeatedly violating our policies around QAnon." In October 2020, Facebook labeled QAnon a "violence-inducing conspiracy network" and announced group pages and admins tied to QAnon will be removed.
Brian Brase, co-organizer of the event, disputed the way Facebook characterized the group.." read more
That trucker's strike is just the symptom and not the disease. It just about shows that the western world is going to implode from the inside in the years to come. This is an inevitable historical cycle and cannot be stopped. The Americans have lost every war fought after 1945 and now this internal implosion is going to be the last straw.
I think the only war America has won was the Mexico/American war. This is a cold third world war right now. Trucker convoy is the first serious Canadian public move that has been started, much more to come other than the Covid vaccines. Mainstream media won't cover what is really happening. Yet 100s of cell phone podcasts will force mainstream to cover it soon enough
I am sitting 5000 miles away but in touch with my relations in Vancouver and Toronto and mind you, they're really worried.
I must ask, just inquisitive, and no insult meant. What are your relations fearful of in regard to this protest? Is this protest not mainly a complaint about getting rid of a vaccination requirement?
It's far more than just about vaccination. Its over all freedom
Freedom of realationship, what work I choose, spirit and what goes into our bodies etc.... There are also many nurses and Medical professionals standing in protest for freedom of choice for different doctors opinions until your own mind is satisfied.
Above all our own personal opinion for what ever gose in or out for every individual body.
Truckers aim is no mandate and no vaccine passports. Mandates have always done more harm than good in human history.
When the media owes the minds of the people, they own the people. Watch for news from 100s of cell phones in the wild west style of directly raw to the public as witnesses. As the Aquarius age minds and hearts turn.
Question? is my profile face still on. Maybe Castro Trudeau is working on canceling me out too.
Can't speak for emge, but I'd be concerned that:
1. Supply lines and emergency services will be curtailed. Highways are the arteries of a nation; close them and the nation will suffer.
2. It could so easily turn to violence, following the lead of American "protests".
It would all be over if the Canadian Prime Minister would simply meet with the leaders of the freedom convoy and listen to their concerns. If he and his government would simply speak with these people who are law-abiding, tax paying Canadian citizens. Instead, he is treating these hard-working citizens of Canada as if they are some type of invading force.
They're not. They simply want the government, who takes their tax money, and spends, it to listen to their concerns.
These truckers are not the enemy of Canada, they ARE Canada. It's about time the Canadian government begin treating them like citizens and not subjects.
I've worked part-time in communist china and USSR and they treated me like a king and now in my own country they treat like trash.
Look at what happened to Kakastan when they mandated vaccines to take out their own money from the banks.
Truckers are perfect to lead the way. Followed by farmers, Artist, Entertainer, hunters and hockey players.
Don't mess with us, last resource is violence. I won't go personally that far, unless they attack my family in defense.
A Canadian man is facing criminal charges after plowing through a group of protesters taking part in the Freedom Convoy of truckers protesting the country’s coronavirus vaccine mandates Friday night.
"A 42yr old male is facing charges after driving through a group of protesters that were part of the Freedom Convoy at the Legislative grounds," the Winnipeg Police tweeted Saturday. "4 adult males were struck." In an accompanying press release, police say the driver in a Jeep Patriot plowed through the crowd and then sped off at high speeds before being chased down by police and arrested after a brief struggle."
Three people sustained minor injuries that did not require medical attention and the fourth was treated in the hospital and released.
"A 42-year-old male from Headingly, Manitoba, faces charges of: Assault with Weapon x 4, Dangerous Operation of a Conveyance Cause Bodily Harm x 2, Dangerous Operation of a Conveyance, Fail to Stop After Accident Knowing That Reckless x 2, Fail to Stop at Scene of Accident x 2," police say.
Graphic video of the incident circulated on social media showing a group of people peacefully protesting before being struck by the Jeep and chasing after it as it fled.
The Freedom Convoy is composed of truckers and other protesters who are demanding the Canadian government end federal COVID-19 mandates including vaccine requirements for cross-border travel.
The powers that be tried to take away their funding and give it to other organizations. Republican Governor Ron Desantis stepped in and threatened GoFundMe with a fraud investigation if the did such a thing. The protestors just moved to another planform.
"Convoy Spokesman to Newsmax: GoFundMe Made Its Own Mess
The GoFundMe platform has made a "mess that doesn't have to be" by stopping donations to the Canadian trucker convoy protesting COVID mandates and then ordering the $10 million in remaining funds to be refunded to donors, Benjamin Dichter, a spokesman for Freedom Convoy 2022, told Newsmax on Saturday.
"I don't understand what the motivation is to cause themselves such chaos and sacrifice their own reputation," Dichter told "The Count." "We've moved to another platform, GiveSendGo, and in the first 24 hours, we have $1.5 million donated in the first day. It hasn't been 24 hours."
GoFundMe said Saturday it will automatically refund what is left of the estimated $10 million raised for the convoy after Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and others threatened a fraud investigation into the operation after news broke the funding source was being stopped and the money could be donated elsewhere."
https://www.newsmax.com/newsmax-tv/truc … d/1055652/
It is the same reason why Facebook removed their website, the effort to take away people's ability to speak out, GoFundMe is just one more trying to silence the voices of discontent.
The purpose of a Government is to sort out Citizens indifferences. Not to hide and Go one-sided Ape crap on them spreading it on Instagram or lying mainstream News.
In the situation with the Canadian Truckers Freedom convoy...the hypocrisy and double standards could not be clearer.
"FLASHBACK: GoFundMe supported Antifa-occupied ‘CHAZ/CHOP’ even after people were murdered
GoFundMe, the crowdfunding platform that recently seized over $10 million in funds intended for the Canadian truckers’ Freedom Convoy, financially supported and promoted the illegal “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” or CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle, Washington during the height of the summer 2020 riots that broke out in the wake of George Floyd’s death.
As detailed by Jack Posobiec on Twitter, GoFundMe tweeted an advertisement publicizing one of the many crowdfunds set up in the CHAZ/CHOP, which was established by Black Lives Matter supporters, local gangs, and elements of Antifa, who set up a cop-free perimeter that encased several neighborhoods in Seattle’s Capitol Hill district.
Several people, including three minors, were gunned down at the location.
In a tweet, GoFundMe promoted the CHAZ/CHOP: “In a community with no police, this farmer is feeding people & bringing them closer together.”
Crucially, GoFundMe has supported violent, illegal movements such as CHAZ/CHOP but has cited “police reports of violence and other unlawful activity” and its policies against “violence and harassment” as its reason for seizing the Freedom Convoy’s crowdfund."
https://thepostmillennial.com/gofundme- … syndicated
is GoFundMe been stolen and they have started another new funding?
It seems the Government and criminals disorganization have done many fugly stunts and will break every law in book.
This is a press conference from the people of the Freedom Convoy in Canada.
I believe them far more than I do the "legacy" media.
They describe the falsehoods placed upon them.
It's beautiful to see a group of strong independent individuals coming together for peaceful mandate demonstration.
European vs Africa. Europe has 15 times the Covid deaths per capita and 8 times the vaccination. Meaning an European has a 120 time stronger chance of dying from Covid vaccine than an unvaccinated African overall.
If those stats were the opposite, I would fight for vaccination like they were the real black plugue. Since it's base on the greatest lie of our modern century. So kiss my, I mean ask me no question I will tell no lies, or truths Infact no progress at all at anytime without discourses.
After saying prayers, a person goes out and speaks with the police. It is all very polite. The police are taking the trucker's fuel. They have snipers in the rooftops. This is ridiculous.
It has not been all "very polite." The people living in the area have been subject to nearly continuous honking of horns, according to multiple reports. An injunction to prevent the honking has just been granted.
https://globalnews.ca/news/8601005/otta … njunction/
The only way to change this Government abuse is to do something or anything. Or Totalitarian will own us like throughout human history.
They cut the honking noise down from 8am 8pm and doing everything in the bylaws, still the honking is too much.
The Government is breaking far too many bylaws like stealing food, fuel, funds, freedom to ensemble, freedom of body and movement. Freedom to protest and many other unethical constitutional laws and human rights. Who is touching them? Poverty is the worst killer of all and the wealthy love doubling their record profits and control of all the human lives.
The Freedom Convoy trucker protests seems to be a global movement.
"Canadian-style trucker protests spread throughout the world
In Netherlands, New Zealand, UK, US, truckers driving in solidarity with Canadian convoy"
Following the example of the thousands of Canadian truckers protesting COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the capital of Ottawa, truckers in other countries have begun organizing their own versions of the "Freedom Convoy."
From Leeuwarden in the Netherlands to Wellington, New Zealand, to London to Canberra, Australia, truckers are hitting the road to send a clear message: stop the mandates.
Another group of truckers is planning a protest in the United States, driving to the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.
"I think you’re starting to see what will become a big global movement to end these mandates," Brian Brase, co-organizer of the U.S. protest, told Fox News Digital on Sunday. "It’s a violation of your human rights to be mandated to take this vaccine. If you want it, go get it, but being mandated to get it, we’re standing up against that. We think it’s wrong."
https://www.foxnews.com/world/canadian- … read-world
In Canada they do this also to the homeless which is Worst than the US. They take away any vital way of survival like heat and then they fine them Thousands of $, where they know they can't pay. Tyranny is at largest ever, and the people must win our natural freedom or live on their knees forever or die.
WOW ! The truckers are picking up steam...
Canadian truckers shut down busiest border crossing in North America, back up Detroit roads.
https://www.foxnews.com/world/canada-fr … it-traffic
Angry Canada truckers block the busiest bridge with the U.S.; Trudeau faces grilling
https://www.reuters.com/article/health- … NL1N2UJ0TY
If they don't allow me on how I want to live . Certainly Government and media don't get to choose on how I get to die. No way by Illegal lethal injection. A man in Australia set himself on fire and cried out, NO VAX ID!!!
Won't be going that far.
The trucker's upheaval against the Canadian government is actually on a very trivial point but the very fact that it has led to a state of emergency in the capital and the Prime Minister having gone into hiding shows that something more is amiss. The problem is that western democracies are now facing an internal implosion and in another two decades I expect the end resul, I do not know what it will be.
That sounds possible, going by my gut too. It is swinging the other way. Yet they are not done with us yet. More and more we are on to them.
It looks like the Freedom Convoy is working.
"THE TRUCK STOPS HERE: Four Canadian Provinces to Lift COVD Restrictions"
Four provinces have announced they will lift some COVID restrictions and eliminate others all together: Quebec, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island.
According to AP, during a news conference in Ottawa that excluded mainstream media outlets, Benjamin Dichter, one of the protest organizers, said: “I think the government and the media are drastically underestimating the resolve and patience of truckers.”
“Drop the mandates. Drop the passports,” he said.
Despite the progress being made, it sounds like there is still work to be done.
https://hannity.com/media-room/the-truc … -protests/
Didn't realize 4 province changed restrictions.
We are trucking now!
Trudeu and Onterio premiere Doug Ford have threatened them with Jail, heavy fines and loss of license and passports.
We will see what side Canadians fall on, the side of tyranny or the side that wants freedom. Canadians aren't known for standing up to their government so it will be interesting to see if there is backlash for this heavy handed approach or if the people will cower and back down.
The Canadian police are being ridiculous.
"Great-grandfather, 78, is handcuffed by Ottawa cops for HONKING his car horn in support of Freedom Convoy: Video of arrest which left 4ft 10ins elderly man bloodied and bruised emerges after Justin Trudeau smeared protesters as 'swastika-wavers'"
A 4ft-10inch great grandfather was handcuffed and arrested by two Canadian cops for honking his horn in support of Freedom Convoy protesters in Ottawa on Sunday - a day before a judge outlawed blaring horns due to left-wing backlash against the anti-mandate protesters who have been smeared by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as 'swastika-wavers'.
A bystander filmed while two officers pulled over Gerry Charlebois, 78, for beeping his horn.
'What did he do wrong?' the bystander asked. 'None of your f****** concern, man,' one officer responded.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … ed-it.html
I did law enforcement part-time and the only time I felt like a criminal. I was saving homeless people's lives wail the cop were deliberately killing them.
These police are on the wrong side of the law and history. I'm going to collect all these podcasts where their are hundreds of them. if they are not accounted for by law. Then I going to show it to the Cop's children and then their grand children.
by Castlepaloma 3 years ago
by Angie B Williams 3 years ago
By daring to take a stand against ridiculous COVID restrictions, via Government mandates, these truckers and all who support them, are being DEALT WITH...and we go about our day, as if it could never happen there, nor here in the States. This is what happens when you put Dictators in charge, you...
by Castlepaloma 3 years ago
https://youtu.be/Sl88jzJK1RsAfter 2 years of worst time of my life. Now alot more happier to be a Canadian, almost lost faith.Truckers stand off with Trudeau after he comes out of his fox hole that guards the chicken house.
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