A Speical Message from Michelle Obama
Supporting Our Military Families
Good morning,
Independence Day is a wonderful opportunity to come together with family and friends to celebrate our country and the life we all enjoy. But the freedoms and rights that characterize our nation would not be possible without the brave men and women in uniform and the families that support them.
This Independence Day, I have a special message for all Americans about supporting our military families:
Our military families are tested each day. Multiple and extended deployments mean that children often don’t see their moms or dads for long periods of time. Civilian spouses juggle the demands of work and family without their partners for long stretches of time. Family members serve as primary care givers for our wounded warriors, and too many families bear the heartbreaking reality of moving forward with their lives while keeping the memory of our fallen heroes alive. Through it all, military families contribute countless hours to supporting other military families, being role models to our children, and making communities stronger.
A small percentage of Americans fight our wars, but we need 100 percent of Americans to support these brave men and women and their families back home. Here are some things you can do in your community to get started:
Stay informed about the activities and concerns of military families in your community and across the nation;
Take time out to get to know and express appreciation to military families;
Help ensure military families have the opportunity to share their stories and voice their concerns in your community;
Help ensure the places where you work, worship and participate in community life connect their activities to addressing military families' unique challenges; and
Identify opportunities in your communities to tap into the unique skills, experience and commitment to service our military families display each day.
To all of our military families serving this Nation around the world, I offer my sincerest thank you. Your courage, service, and sacrifice are an inspiration to us all.
Happy Independence Day, everyone!
Michelle Obama
Nice to see that she is finally proud to be an American. I guess your husband being elected president is all it takes.
I wonder if she'll still be proud of America when it gets the guts to kick her socialist, terrorist-defending hubby outta the White House.....
And I strongly hope America WILL get the guts to do this. If this generation surrender, there is little hope for our grandchildren.
Does it take "guts" to vote, or were you speaking of something else?
Well when there are Black Panthers threatening the polling places and SEIU workers beating up people at gatherings...yeah, it will take guts to vote.
Such nice words on a Sunday and on the 4th of July...
.....Somehow I don't think you meant Michelle Obama's words!
As far as my words, they are strong word for a strong nation.
And there are many who think the same as me.
Even a bunch on these forums, just not as many as there are vocal liberals like you.
When "nice" means being a pushover for the liberal hogwash that's invading my Country from inside and outside, I'm happy to be not so nice.
GOD BLESS AMERICA from its conservative core to its future comeback!!!
Whatever, I'd rather be nice than nasty.
I was brought up to believe that Americans looked out for one another and actually had empathy for those less fortunate than themselves. Not where big business ruled everything and basic freedoms were denied because the Bible said they were wrong.
Thomas Jefferson would be very ashamed if his country was the way you want it to be.
Happy 4th of July
He would not be ashamed, UW! No doubt he would be disgusted, but there were such people in his time also. Some, perhaps even more narrow minded than today's self appointed god representatives.
It will be interesting in 2012 to see how well hateful will sell. My money is on the American Voter and that will translate into 4 more years of President Obama. While he's more moderate than I would like - it's a trend to the left I can live with. Michelle is a real lady - those who trash her for no reason aren't tarnishing her reputation - but they are showing thier true colors with no hue of red, white or blue.
You said the same about Laura Bush, I have no doubt.
I actually have years of comments on the blog Mahablog.com - I didn't care for W, but you could go through hundreds of comments - many about Bush stupidity - and not find one rude word about Laura.
Not one.
Sorry, I don't. Most liberals - at least on the sites I visit - didn't trash the First Lady while GW Dimbulb was in office. I think if they had, I would have objected, but since the liberals I hang with are pretty well-mannered, it was never an issue. Such is not the case with conservatives on HP and it's interesting you take issue with my defense of a lady, but have no objection to the attack.
I totally agree, Doug - I think folks who have to trash the President and First Lady actually should consider what the alternative would have been. Whatever political spectrum you are into, I feel that we owe it to this administration to try and work WITH them instead of against them and maybe, just maybe we'd have a better world. Yeah - there are tons of problems - but at least we have fresh blood in there and maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised a bit down the road at what was accomplished. I take her comments as they were meant - for the good of our country. I wish them both godspeed in dealing with the problems on their plate.
"I feel that we owe it to this administration to try and work WITH them instead of against them "
If you disagree with what they are doing then it would be dishonest and unprincipled to try and work WITH them, wouldn't it? Trying to find real compromise is another thing but just about no one really wants to do that.
It is almost beyond belief that people can attack a letter, and its sender, that does nothing but support US troops in action and calls for what appears to be an ungrateful nation to show respect and consideration for their families. I say ungrateful in respect of some of the posters here.
They are situationally patriotic. When a Republican president blunders his way into a disasterous war, we must not question him lest we be thought of as unpatriotic.
When a Democratic first lady asks us to support the troops, the patriotic thing to do is to question her sincerity.
Is it any wonder Republicans were so decisivly thrown out of power?
And what will you say in Nov. when so many dems are thrown out? What will you say in 2012 when obama is sent packing back to Chicago?
The fact is - almost every voter can find *something* about Obama policies they don't like. Maybe too liberal here, to conservative there. He's a moderate who has tried to DO a lot in a short time.
Republicans are known for tor their propensity to Do one thing - lower taxes for the rich. Everything else will work itself out in a *free* economy. The voters didn't go for it last election - and they're not going for it in 2012.
Before you can send Obama packing, you have to come up with a conservative candidate who is more popular. And you got NOBODY!
I'll say, "Wake up TK, your dream didn't come true".
Who here has demonstrated that they are "ungrateful"?
Michelle Obama says ‘’to celebrate our country and the life we all enjoy’’
The 14 million people out of work on this holiday was not mentioned as to how they will find jobs and enjoy the holiday.
Michelle Obama says ‘’But the freedoms and rights that characterize our nation would not be possible without the brave men and women’’
Let’s not forget the take over of our nations industries by Obama Command
Michelle Obama says ‘’This Independence Day, I have a special message for all Americans about supporting our military families:’’
Someone should remind those Democrats in Congress wanting to lose the war by interfering with the spending for the war .
Michelle Obama says ‘’This Independence Day, I have a special message for all Americans about supporting our military families:’’
The president’s decision to send more troops that was asked by the generals took a long time to make a decision. How about the rules of engagement put on our troops by the politicians.
Michelle , remind president Obama that the people need him to follow the constitution. The people want him to stop making excuses as to why we are the greatest country on this earth. The people don’t want a socialistic form of government. The people want their freedoms not taken away and they want a democratic form of government that embraces the constitution .
The politicians proclaim that ‘’ we are a nation of the rule of law ‘, the people want the laws enforced without exception. The people want you Mr. President to understand that you are not above the law. The people want you to stand up and tell the truth about your policies. Freedom and liberty is what our country is all about. Equal justice for all, not social justice for all.
You condemn the Republicans for holding up the extension of unemployment benefits when that statement is a half truth. The Republicans will vote on the extensions if you find an offset to pay for the bill. By the way 2 democrats voted with the Republicans against the bill, Senator Reid ( majority leader) and Senator Nelson. You didn’t mentioned that in your speech, wonder why? When will you start telling the truth?
Pay-go was passed and signed into law, yet your party wants to spend more money adding to the $13 trillion national debt.
2/13/10 2:04 PM EST ( NOTE THE DATE )
President Barack Obama is hailing pay-as-you-go budget legislation he SIGNED Friday night as one in a series of crucial steps needed to snap Washington out of a destructive pattern of overspending.
“Now, Congress will have to pay for what it spends, just like everybody else,” Obama said in his radio and Internet address released Saturday
morning. “After a decade of profligacy, the American people are tired of politicians who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk when it comes to fiscal responsibility. It’s easy to get up in front of the cameras and rant against exploding deficits. What’s hard is actually getting deficits under control. But that’s what WE MUST DO
Well, whoever gets elected, we now know we will be able to insult, lie, trash, call for ressurection, secession, impeachment....all under the banner of Patriotic American!!
And the wife and kids? Used to be off-limits......but No More.
Let's see, trash, common street walker, baboon, OH YEAH...we have quite the legacy to live up to!!
You know, you don't need to go to Europe to see the Ugly American.
They are rampant and breeding since the election of 08.
Watch your back real Americans...they come armed.
Their right to harrass and intimidate as given them under the second amendment.
But don't dare stand up to them or they will fling the passive/aggressive insults at you and then whine and call anything you say to them a personal insult.
Well I guess it is hard for the Republicans to find an inexperienced NOBODY like Obama to run for President.
Got a name of a GOP candidate you think can beat President 'Nobody' Obama - so we can all laugh?
I don't think there is a GOP candidate that can beat President Nobody Obama's record of being a job killer. And I guess only libs and dems would find that funny.
Every major economic downturn in the past 100 years (along with the massive loss of jobs) has happened under a Republican administration.
Through most of W's time, including the years that he did the greatest damage to our economy and our natioanl security, he had a dimwit...er Republican majority in congress.
Lie to yourself, the democrats took control in the last two years and that's when the economy started tanking.
Wrong again. (If you read, learn, and THEN respond, this won't happen so often) The war, insider deals with companies Cheney et al had financial interests in, and dismanteling of regulatory systems, happened under Fox's watch..
Fiunny-we must live in a parrallel universe. When the dems took over is when all the dirty laundry started being aired. When things started getting fixed.
When the thugs and thieves were finally HALTED.
That's why they throw such hissy fits all the time.
Under a thug/bully is always a BIG BABY.
btw, Palins New boobs.....up or down? Local newscaster bets she will go blonde this summer....
Imagine that. The NEW Marilyn.
You'd like that wouldn't all you Republican men? *droool*
After all, Billy Krystal did! *wink* *wink*...or as his generation says, hubba hubba!
PNAC PosterGirl.(shades of marilyn with an annie get yer gun twist)
YUP...it will sell. Git er done!
Pelosi's face was lifted but not Pelosi's brain.
Would you care to explain the war in Afghanistan and the increase in troop strenght in that war?
How about detention without trial - the continuation of unconstitutinal Bush policies (minus torture) which violate Habeus Corpus.
Anyone who reads Glenn Greenwald (constitutional scholar) has a view of hust how many real policies of this POTUS are moderate/conservative.
Why don't you run? You seem to know what is wrong and how to fix everything. And I'm sure you would never make any mistakes or misspeak.
I'm overqualified. I can speak in public without a teleprompter
Monosyllabic grunts do not qualify as public speaking, they do however get high ratings on Fox.
You know Obama can't help making those grunts when his teleprompter breaks.
Good one. Obama is not known for his public speaking ability...
Oh wait, he is. Your post makes no sense.
I guess that makes you more qualified than every president since the teleprompter was invented.
Not being an American I might not have a right to speak up here but reading through this thread most of you have missed the your first lady's message... and no matter if she believes in it or not
it's .....
... 100 percent of Americans need to support the brave military men and women and their families back home
...so on a day like Independence day... which is a day when all Americans should be shouting in unisome, shouldn't you all set your political crap aside and honor the soldiers who are away from home and their families???????
just my nickels worth
Happy 4th of July
Of course you have every right, though I am unfamiliar with the word "unisome".
Americans were deeply divided in 1776 and we continue to honor that tradition.
We are what we are. I don't see that changing anytime soon. We are among the most diverse nations on Earth, ethnically and ideologically. There are many benefits to such a situation, but also a lot of infighting.
P.S. I'm genuinely curious. Is unisome a word or was it a typo? I like to learn at least one new word daily. Yesterday's was perineum.
Damn! Now you are required to teach me a new word.
my exact sentiments. I often wonder if these posters who continually bash the president and his family step back and observe how lowly it really makes them appear.
I think her message speaks, those who criticize are selfish. we all have opinions, but I've quit reading certain posts here, nothing but disparaging insults meant to incite.
http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/07/ … y-families
I agree with you. Some just have to make political digs...
Hubpages is not an an American web site. I will admit I sometimes post for a USA political audience but it's not intended as a snub to non- Americans. Considering how the US is quite willing to tell the rest of the world how to live (a policy I don't endorse), it's only fair the folks outside the US give their opinions (often well-informed opinions) for the benfit od those living in North America.
Don't let anyone say your voice is unwelcome.
Previous comment intended for Zsuszy Bee and others from around the world who visit forums.
Oh, so now you're discriminating against posters from other worlds?
I heard him talk fine during the G20 without a teleprompter. He talks better than our PM.
You know, I thought there was nothing more that the lovely HP conservatives could say that would shock and sadden me, but I wake up this morning after spending an evening honoring individual veterans for their sacrifices and read this.
Sab, Brenda, jiberish, Flightkeeper - you're an embarrassment to yourselves and conservatives. People like you are the reason an incompetent warmonger was reelected after 4 incredibly damaging years in office. And, I am heartened to say, people like you are turning voters off. So keep talking. It reminds us all why we don't want to return to the stupidity, childishness, greed, and lack of vision that Republicans gave us for 8 years and continue to offer now.
Keep on talking...
I read the words of Brenda, Sab, and their ilk and I keep thinking of the townspeople of Rockridge from Blazing Saddles...real frontier gibberish if I ever heard or read it myself....
Backward thoughts from backward thinking people....
I prefer them to all the forward-thinking people
Yup, can't have educated people actually running a country...
Yes, well since Obama thinks there are 57 states and he's running the country, you're right educated people aren't running the country
He misspoke once and you guys keep on harping about it. No one is perfect, not even you.
With no legitimate way to diss Obama's intelligence and education, they resort to trivialities.
... from 2008.. after he had been campaigning for 15 months straight.. but not allowed to be human and make a misstep as he glanced at his notes, which he quickly corrected.
McCain also made a number of gaffes during the campaign.
these men are human. like Clinton said the other day, unhappy people blame the president in office for their problems because they expect him to fix everything.
[now these are same people who oppose any form of helping those in need.]
People you support only "misspeak," but those you don't are "stupid." Round and round it goes...
So why don't YOU stop it?
In all fairness, George W. Bush persisted in using the word "NU-KU-LAR" even after being corrected and teased about it. It seems beyond his ability to pronounce NU-CLE-AR.
Name THE president who never made a statement that later turned out not to be true.
It's not the same as lying.
When Obama made his misstatement - what real harm was caused?
(I eagerly await your ACTUAL lie as a response)
When W. intentionally, repeatedly, and coercively lied about WMD, thousands of lives and billions of dollars were lost.
See the difference?
From WikiAnswers -
"After graduating high school from Punahou School in Hawaii, Barack Obama attended Occidental College for two years, then got his B.A. from Columbia University. He later got his law degree from Harvard Law School (where he became the Harvard Law Review's first African American president), graduating magna cum laude. Obama was also a lecturer of constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School. "
If you want to beat up on one mistatement from the candidate on the campaign trail, you only show your lack of objectivity.
Doug Hughes
Wonder why Barak Obama would not allow Columbia university to release his records?
The press and the media were silent on the matter.
Sounds a little like kerry not relaseing his service records.
Probably Obama's marks at Columbia were so low that he probably barely passed.
Very nice message! Caring and intelligent woman!
Kudos to all the families of soldiers deployed!
Most of all to the soldiers who are sent away form their roots and family just to serve the country
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Here is the menu to the White House Super Bowl party! Lol no vegtables here!http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/20 … bowl-menu/As usual with democrats its do as I say not as I do!
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