Does Michelle Obama exemplify positive characteristics of a First Lady of the Un

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  1. Dexter Yarbrough profile image68
    Dexter Yarbroughposted 13 years ago

    Does Michelle Obama exemplify positive characteristics of a First Lady of the United States?

    Politics and personal ideology aside, do you think Michelle Obama has presented a good image and positive characteristics as First Lady of the United States?

  2. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    she is definetly a classy lady. though i'm canadian i have respect for her as being the first black first lady in itself must be hard. add all the b.s. about where Mr. Oboma was born and all the other racial stuff, the pressures on her must be incredible.

  3. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    She's okay.  What I find difficult in their household and in most politician's household are the elaborate vacations they take where much of the expense falls into our laps.

    In today's economy we are all struggling to make ends meet and keep our jobs.  I think it is in bad taste for them to fly off skiing or go to Spain.  Why not tighten their belts too and spend time at home doing things--like we have to?

  4. onegoodwoman profile image69
    onegoodwomanposted 13 years ago

    Yes, I do think Mrs. Obama is a positive role model.  It is to our discredit as Americans, that the spouse of a politician has more influence, grace, and decorum, than the politician does.

    Never  underestimate the power of a woman..............she covers many short comings of a man.

    It is also a shortcoming of American politics that we should be focused on such things.  It is no fault of Mrs. Obama.

  5. LillyGrillzit profile image77
    LillyGrillzitposted 13 years ago

    She is an awesome First Lady of the United States of America. I liked her before I liked President Obama. She has accomplished so much in her short time. Very intelligent and well educated, she has
    1). Changed the way Veteran's families are treated and viewed. She is an advocate for returning veterans and their families. She has given to them what none of the war mongers ever cared about.

    2). Started "Get Moving", and partnered Chef's with Public Schools to bring nutritional awareness to children and families. She has also caused many schools to begin programs, teaching them to grow their own food.

    I cannot believe how ignorant our Country has become. We finally have a First Family that shows how a husband should treat his wife and family, excellent role models. We have a nation of people so twisted by subliminal brainwashing, they cannot see one good thing this good President and Wife have done. For Shame, for shame.

    This photo is from of our First Couple - There is Love. Those who cannot see that, are far removed from their hearts.

  6. Torch Harrison profile image68
    Torch Harrisonposted 13 years ago

    That depends.  She appears to be a cultured and talented lady.  I do like that she emphasises education and being at home with her children.  She's a sharp dresser, too.  But I think she spends far too lavishly as a First Lady.  We haven't had someone like that in the White House since Ronald Reagan's wife.  She also has a habit of making unfortunate comments which are picked up by the media.  She should refrain from giving an opinion on controversial subjects and allow her husband to deal with such issues.

  7. JT Walters profile image73
    JT Waltersposted 13 years ago

    I think Michele Obama has done a wonderful job as first lady and no ne can take that from her and she wasn't paid a dime to do it.  She has served this country with a greatd eal of dignity and honor and there is no partisan wrap about her.  Ms. Obama has been terrific.

  8. DeborahNeyens profile image95
    DeborahNeyensposted 13 years ago

    Yes.  She's a beautiful, smart, real woman.  I admire what she's done with respect to the Let's Move campaign against childhood obesity and raising awareness about the need for better nutrition.  I love the fact that she planted a garden at the White House.  It has to be very difficult raising two young girls under the circumstances, and both she and the President seem to be doing an excellent job there and very much involved in their girls' lives.

  9. Patti Riggs Hale profile image61
    Patti Riggs Haleposted 13 years ago

    Yes, I think both Michelle and Barack are very intelligent, caring people and I wish them nothing but the best.

  10. missolive profile image61
    missoliveposted 13 years ago

    Hi Dex!
    I believe she does. I feel for her though. The media and pop culture of today are not those that marveled at say Jackie O and others. (I think Jackie O. will continue to be the reigning Queen for a bit longer) Has TMZ stalked the White House yet?

    I cannot even begin to imagine the stresses Michelle Obama endures, but she has handled it well. I love her platforms for family, health and nutrition. Yet, it saddens me to hear people scoff at the idea of her even having a platform. It's ridiculous.

    oh oh - I feel a rant surfacing - I better just end my post here smile


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