"Mr. President, should they or should they not build a mosque steps away from where radical Islamists killed 3000 people?"
There are two places where the question is factually wrong. What the cultural center will have is a swimming pool, gymnasium, I think a theatre and some prayer rooms. The word 'Mosque' refers to a different Islamic structure - It's as accurate as calling the YMCA a cathedral.
The second inaccuracy is 'steps away'. Depending on how you measure it, the Cordoba House is going to be 2 or 3 blocks from Ground Zero. In New York that's a distance. It doesn't 'overlook' Ground Zero - there are several taller buildings between CH & GZ. The people behind Cordoba House had no more to do with 9/11 than the pope. How do you figure they owe anyone to distance themselves from the site? There IS a Catholic Cathedral right across the street from Ground Zero - no one is demanding it be torn down out of respect.
But let's look at the question which is addressed to the PRESIDENT. Suppose any presidential candidate was asked to name their most favorite and least favorite religion. Can you imagine any candidate would answer such an inappropriate querry? As an INDIVIDUAL, anyone is entitled to an opinion abut theologies they like or dislike. But NO public official should DECLARE a preferance or be asked to do so. Merely asking the question Palin did, in the distorted way she did, exposes the ignorance she has of the national mandate of religous tolerance.
"There IS a Catholic Cathedral right across the street from Ground Zero - no one is demanding it be torn down out of respect."
I must have missed the Catholic attack on buildings in New York
That may be, but I didn't declare any such thing.
Irrelevent. Religious discrimination is religious discrimination, no matter what excuse you offer up to try and validate it.
The question is do we wish to become a people who discriminate based on religion. If we condone it this time, they will just push further.
There are people actively trying to outlaw islam in america. Should these christians win this battle who will be next? And under what guise?
Keep in mind, if you don't belong to their religion, and even if they just think you don't, then your life is meaningless to them.
Maybe you think you're 'in'. Don't be so sure.
So you're saying that we should COMPLETELY ignore the constitution and have Obama decide who can build where in a sovereign state ALL just because someone who is VERY VERY VERY loosely associated with the people who wish to build the church flew a plane into a building nearby?
Really? that's your argument? Destroy the constitution cuz some nutjob flew a plane into a building?
Doesn't quite sound right to me. Your argument would be "prevent the freedoms of anyone anywhere so long as we can in SOME fashion associate the person we don't like to another person who did something wrong"...
For example:
1- All christians can't own guns... ... .. because conquistadors killed a bunch of people
2- All republicans shouldn't be allowed to talk.. ... ... .. because Sarah palin's an idiot, and Richard Nixon lied to the public.
3- no japanese person should be allowed to ever be in an airplane... ... ... .. because they Kamikaze-attacked us during WWII.
See how faulty, emotionally charged politics can lead us astray from what makes American beautiful? Palin is just using this issue to attack obama! Obama has NO authority to prevent this mosque from being built!! neither does palin!!
In fact, some might say that "Palin is using this completely random and unimportant issue that has no logical backing whatsoever, to play politics with the deaths of 3,000 people. She's desecrating the memories of those lost on 9/11/01 for simple pathetic partisan gains". I would be one of the people saying that, for sure.
(before you ask "I'm not asking to destroy the constitution", i'll retort with: "yes you are, the president does NOT have the authority to decide ANYTHING in this situation.")
well if it ain't ol jimbob employing that selective memory thing again.
There's a lot of thngs you appear to have missed jimbob including the rarely mentioned imperial goals of a superpower trying to impose its will across the globe.
How quickly things slip by....
As for Palin.did she have intensive coaching before asking a question?
If you left her in a room with George Junior and they had a typewriter each they would, after 12 months both be covered in ink, and sitting on a floor littered with crunched up blank paper.
Again, you fail to understand the basics. 9/11 was not an attack of Muslims vs Christians. Al Queda published the reason they attacked us. It had nothing to do with Christianity. You do realize there is much more to this than religion right?
Wow, I didn't realize that they had other reasons to hijack planes and fly them into buildings killing innocent people.
That makes it completely ok.
Thanks for the enlightenment.
You should have seen how pissed off she got about the proposed think tank in downtown Wasilla. Talk about insensitivity!
finally!!! an issue i can agree with Doug about (although, for different reasons, perhaps)
Fact #1 - building a mosque is likely sacrilegious (matthew 6:5-18 -- jesus demands that going to synagogues/churches is against the religion... yes I'm aware that this is for Christians, but most of these wacky religions have the same views but different leaders), but people still have a right to build property where they want and when they want, and in what fashion they want - so long as it doesn't infringe on others' rights to do the same.
Fact #2 - yes, 3k+ people died in the WTC attacks... the mosque will be built... how far? about a quarter mile from the event?... so it's not like we're talking about "building a church on an ancient indian burial ground" or some crap - we're talking about building a mosque on property that's NEAR where people died (10 years ago).
Fact #3 - Sarah Palin is as dumb as a brick. It's impossible to take anything she does seriously. The simple fact that she's asking the PRESIDENT about this is quite telling that she has never read the Constitution. NO WHERE in the damned document does it say that the president have any authority to change this!!!... maybe in "Article 1 Section 0: apparently the president has the authority to decide where people can build churches... even though this directly would contradict just about every other article in the Constitution"
Fact #4 - Palin's just trying to... somehow... associate Obama with this unpopular religion and this unpopular action. It isn't really brain surgery: even if obama hated muslims and wanted to kill every burkha wearing woman out there, he still would be helplessly chained by the mighty binds of the Constitution.
Fact #5 - This isn't a federal issue, people. Shut up Palin.
Anyway, i'm glad I can finally agree with Doug on something - we always end up at each others' throats.
Funny, just when you think political maturity comes from experience, Palin seems to disprove the theory. Well, maybe that's her style and maybe someday future politicians will refer to it as the "Palin's way" As for the GOP, they gotta be careful of how they go about trying to gain political points by demonizing their Head of State, because some day all this might come right back to nip them in the butt. "United we stand-- Divided we fall" !
Firstly, what are the boundaries that apply to the Media term “Ground Zero?”
Where does it begin where does it end?
Since no one really knows, is it the surmised target?
Is it the City of New York?
Is it just the World Trade Center complex?
Or does it refer to all of the buildings damaged in the Terrorist Attack that fateful day?
If it is the last one, the site of the proposed Islamic Center is at Ground Zero.
For those of you that do not know, this site is the former Burlington Coat Factory. This building was closed following the damage created by the attack on 9/11, when a landing gear assembly from one of the attacking planes was blown through the roof of the building causing it to be condemned.
That pretty much makes it Ground Zero.
Not around the corner, or not a couple of blocks away, not steps way.
This whole thing is a designed an Islamic geopolitical ploy, to further rub our noses in their feat, and in the eyes of our enemies a “no lose” proposition.
Consider how it has been conceived, they use and publicize our outrage at Islamic audacity to create a “finger pointing” distraction at our apparent disregard of our Constitutional tenants regarding freedom of Religion. All simply by using the term mosque in describing what the proposed new building may be. And a Mosque it is not,a place of worship only it is not. It is a Muslim educational center that may or may not house some prayer facilities, but it will be used to espouse Islamic revolutionary rhetoric.
They build a F/U monument at the site of their greatest triumph.
And our Idiot of a President fell right into the trap.
It should not be allowed simply because this is Part of Ground Zero and does not violate the Constitution’s guarantee of free religious practice.
Besides, not everyone agrees with her about who killed those Americans...not everyone BY FAR.
She might just have a hissy-fit if she knew.
Then again, she still, as of 08, thought that we went to Iraq to avenge 9/11. ???
She's one pannycake short of a stack!
I think Obama has handed the issue deftly. In his speech to a Muslim group the other night he made very clear that our Constitution(you know, the one the tea partiers and Mrs.Palin et al think they own and accuse Obama and the dems of trying to destroy)protects freedom of religion.
And based on that, he defended the right of a religiously affiliated struture to be placed anywhere within the United States.
Granted, that was somewhat of a politically motivated spin, given the audience.
Then he "softened" his statement to say that even though they have the right to do it that doesn't mean it is the right thing to do.
He would be really, really wise to keep out of it. He has way more important things to be working on!
actually the Constitution doesn't fully support freedom of religion- it merely says that the FEDERAL area of government can't bias towards a religion.
... which further proves that this is just palin playing politics. If she REALLY didn't want the mosque built, she'd ask teh governor of New York, or the Mayor of NYC...
she's just an idiot who's playing with the dead for political gains. A necromantic bozo who thinks that torturing the souls of the lost will benefit her directly.
Correct, Jim.
They might consider, then, erecting (no pun intended) a rehab facility for victims of sexually predatory priests....
Priests are the only people who have committed sex crimes?
Learn something new everyday.
jim- your argument is "because random guy number 15 did something bad, then everyone who can be associated with that guy should have their rights taken away"
your dancing on a slippery slope to tyranny.
No, silly. You are willfully misinterpreting my meaning. You know what I meant.
I meant that since there is a Catholic Cathedral there the Catholic Church might want to build a new structure that serves as restitution.
Forget it-- the comparison with Muslims and mosques is too oblique. Sorry.
"To declare all the same as some is the definition of discrimination."
It seems to me that to declare all the same is the OPPOSITE of discrimination. Am I missing your meaning?
I don't even know what the hell he is talking about.
"No, silly. You are willfully misinterpreting my meaning. You know what I meant.
I meant that since there is a Catholic Cathedral there the Catholic Church might want to build a new structure that serves as restitution.
Forget it-- the comparison with Muslims and mosques is too oblique. Sorry."
Of course I'm willfully misinterpreting your meaning, its my job.
It's refreshing to meet someone with such obvious job satisfaction!
I think it's some kind of weird logic algorithm thing.
Like If all As are Bs and all Bs are Cs, then all As are Cs
So back to the OP's discussion.
Who the $#@ does Sarah Palin think she is baiting the POTUS like that? And why in the world would he answer her.
I guess she thinks she is a US citizen and isn't he answerable to all US citizens?
We didn't elect him King for life...did we?
We didn't right?
"I guess she thinks she is a US citizen and isn't he answerable to all US citizens?"
There's over 300 millon Americans so if everyone writes once a year, and teh president answers each one, that's a million answers per day. (assuming he gets Sunday off). The wiongnuts would love it if the POTUS was answerable to every phony argument they throw up. He's answered already in favor of the First Amendment of the US Constitution - which Sarah Palin seems oblivious to.
Uh, I don't care how he answers just as long as he does.
And you calling anybody a wingnut is just too damn funny.
"Of course I'm willfully misinterpreting your meaning, its my job."
Hiya Jim! LOL!
I'm still full of piss and vinegar, Jim! Yeah I know, there's also some BS intermingled in the mix!
What a characteristically meaningless response. You avoided his point. Which citizens should he choose to respond to? At least as your original post is fairly read, every one individually.
you're joking about calling him a king...
... but a tyrannical dictator would be the only head of state to be able to tear the right to build private property where they wish.
In the long run it won't matter anyway , we are selling the American culture at bargain basement prices becoming souless slaves to the almighty economy . In twenty years there will be a mosgue, a gay bar and New mall across the street. The real question is will America be any more aware of the risks from internal or external enemies, I think not.
It's like having the vicodin ice cream truck drive circles around Rush Limbaugh's house.
"There IS a Catholic Cathedral right across the street from Ground Zero - no one is demanding it be torn down out of respect."
Jim said - I must have missed the Catholic attack on buildings in New York.
Exactly true. And none of the Moslems involved in Cordoba House or the Cordoba Initiative had anything to do with any attacks on buildings in New York. It took decades but we admitted the mistake of throwing Japanese-Americans in jail after Pearl Harbor.
Discriminating against moderate Moslems in New York only feeds the Islamic propaganda machine. It's the most idiotic thing we can do unless the objective is to turn moderates into suicide bombers.
Figures the woman the right see as a intelligent woman goes and questions the president. The woman who has to write on her hand to remember her talking points so the lamestream media doesn't have anything to bad mouth her. The woman with no foreign or domesic policy other than her mama grizzlies. A bunch of women who don't know what the constitution actually says or to see palin is a joke who won't do another interesting interview outside her softball interviews on fox.
That's right...as the other bagger said, she wants the media to "Be their friend. Ask the questions we want asked."....
Faux complies absolutely...with the baggers and all Republicans. Soft-ball, gushing adoration, complete insanity.
any real tea-bagger could answer this issue easily:
"it ain't in the constitution for the prez-i-dent to be doin' this sorta stuff, y'know, bannin' private property, an whatnot -- so i reckin' Palin should shut her pie-hole!"
Anyone who has bothered to read the Constitution - as every REAL tea-bagger should have done years ago - will instantly see this for what it truly is:
Sarah Palin, the necromancer, is using, twisting, and torturing the souls of the fallen on 9/11/01 to control the minds of the people of the country to ignore their sacred laws and practices which are spelled out in a mystical document called "the Constitution".
She's pure evil. Enough said.
(PS - i've been playing a lot of Dungeons and Dragons lately... But I think the analogy is apt: she's a necromancer because she's playing with the dead for her own gain.)
Pailin couldn't question Donald Duck!
What's she gonna do? Talk to him in tongues?
It's amazing this sort of topic gets as much attention as it does. In my opinion, I think it's just a way to get everyone sidetracked on what the real issues are. Who cares about a "Mosque" anyway? The only reason anyone does, is that they believe what we have been told about the MYTH about 9-11.
First of all Bin Lauden was no more responsible for 9-11 than the "Catholic Church!"
Sarah Palin's comments "Mr. President, should they or should they not build a mosque steps away from where radical Islamists killed 3000 people?" Were only used to create controversy and take our attention away from what really matters. When we fight and argue amongst ourselves, the things that would be noticed, go on UNNOTICED!
FACT: Politics and the idea that WE have freedom of choice is an ILLUSION! Religion is nothing but BS either. Just another form of control
i've always argued that government and religion are the same:
An artificial way for one group of people to claim control over another.
hmmm...Karl Marx said something similar. I always knew you were a mole.
if you wanted to associate me with marx... then you got another thing coming.
That guy made so many logical fallacies in his reasoning it's ridiculous.
The only reason people know who he is is because numerous people realized they could use his ill-thought-out ideas to rise to power and crush the masses.
Evan G oh please.....
Your last paragraph simply displays such palpable ignorance that it's not worth responding to.
And I've even bitten my tongue at an earlier post of yours where you proclaim the benefits of your christianity but then proceed to call other religions 'weird'.
You're dislaying the seeds of fanaticism and we all know where that leads.
Palin's question is a bratty challenge.
The term that comes to mind when I think of her is "ignorant, insolent slut."
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