all your unanswered
- 3Religiosity, Ignorance, Low Self-Esteem, & Powerlessness
The0NatureBoy (5 years ago)
- 66Where are the independent evangelicals?
dianetrotter (6 years ago)
- 0Greatest fear is the unknowns. The world is controlled more by fear.
Castlepaloma (6 years ago)
- 137Evangelicals place Trump's policies over their own moral values.
dianetrotter (7 years ago)
- 11Is Mr. Kristof of the NYT combining Church and State in this article..
jackclee lm (7 years ago)
- 26Is God mentioned in the Constitution?
Castlepaloma (9 years ago)
- 24The Truth about The Separation of Church and State
wayne92587 (10 years ago)
- 29Lamenting the Space Shuttle
My Esoteric (10 years ago)
- 10What I love about Christmas
wilderness (11 years ago)
- 4Pope against war in Syria!
maxoxam41 (11 years ago)
- 3The Politics of American Catholicism
Ralph Deeds (11 years ago)
- 0How scary would it have been to be alive during the crusades?
andrew savage (11 years ago)
- 15Same sex marriage in England and Scotland imminent.
gmwilliams (11 years ago)
- 8Bye,Bye Benedict
cuttler (12 years ago)
- 6Anonymous targets Westboro Baptist Church
LiamBean (12 years ago)
- 1Republican Lack of Education in Women
HowardBThiname (12 years ago)
- 330Why are christians trying to stop gay marriage from becoming legal?
Wizard Of Whimsy (12 years ago)
- 0Morality vs. Ideology
kate12402 (12 years ago)
- 21The firts amendment regarding freedom of religion
lovemychris (12 years ago)
- 12Lefties supporting a church. How can this be?
Pcunix (13 years ago)
- 6Political/Christian views
mikelong (13 years ago)
- 54Does conservative theology necessarily require conservative politics?
Evan G Rogers (13 years ago)
- 155Atheists: STOP
Atwas911 (13 years ago)
- 86A Place for the Homeless could be found in every state.
Deb Welch (13 years ago)
- 94Yup... no problem with Muslims in England.
Hollie Thomas (13 years ago)
- 2Child Abuse, Charlie Flanagan TD demands answers while Rome Squirms
TLMinut (13 years ago)
- 1Child Abuse archbishop of US city of Philadelphia resigns
Brenda Durham (13 years ago)
- 1Ruairi Quin Minister for Education demands that Catholic Church pays
TMMason (13 years ago)
- 11The Pledge of Allegiance Divisive? Some Politicians in Oregon say yes.
Evan G Rogers (13 years ago)
- 18Please Dear God, Let the Republicans Run Palin One More Time
Paul Wingert (13 years ago)
- 6Islam and democracy:prospects of democracy in the middle east
recommend1 (13 years ago)
- 9A HairHair On the Tail of the Dog
Mighty Mom (13 years ago)
- 3Das political leaders believe in God, when they start wars?
Cagsil (13 years ago)
- 3Plymouth-Canton School District Allows Ceremonial Dagger
C.J. Wright (14 years ago)
- 1Did the Federal Reseve Examiners go too far?
Tammy L (14 years ago)
- 5Christians are Becoming Dhimmis in the Middle East
Errol Smythe (14 years ago)
Brenda Durham (14 years ago)
- 52Palin questions the President
Jim Hunter (14 years ago)
- 21So if a non christian organisation ........
weholdthesetruths (14 years ago)
- 12Pope Visit To England - Should We Burn the Bible?
Brenda Durham (14 years ago)
- 159Do You Think it's Right to Build a Mosque at Ground Zero?
learner.brown (14 years ago)
- 16Are people too sensitive to memorial crosses on America's highways?
Tim_511 (14 years ago)
- 107That Constitutional Thingie
TMMason (14 years ago)
- 0An Open Letter To Mr President , Nigeria
Sab Oh (14 years ago)
- 47Pray for Obama Psalm 109:8
Ralph Deeds (14 years ago)
- 25Is this part of Obama's fundamental change?
Friendlyword (14 years ago)
- 3How Should Lawmakers Balance Religion and Statecraft
Will Benson (14 years ago)
- 8What is the difference between god and Marxism?
rebekahELLE (14 years ago)
- 21Root cause for child abuse in catholic church
getitrite (14 years ago)
- 14What To Do About Seized Haitian Missionaries
Faybe Bay (14 years ago)