Is this guy a plant, a sociology experiment gone awry? What are his motivations? Who IS Glenn Beck really? I invite your commentary.
Anyone who still wear magic underwear as an adult has to be for real. As a semi intelligent nation, I doubt we could make funny stuff like Beck up. Of course seeing as how he is teaching from his education, anything is possible. Dont worry, he'll grap Palin's rearend one day and she'll shoot him, no worries. Beck is another reason condom use should be made mandatory IMO. Let's not suffer thru another one of these mistakes please.
Seriously though, I agree with the compairson to David Barton Texasbeta made below. Both of these people operate from the security of knowing that NONE of their listeners will EVER check to see if anything they say or print is even remotely close to the TRUTH. People who can simply look at something and verify it's authenticity are simply amzing. So are dragon riders but I haven't met any of those yet either.
I'm as conservative as they come but I beg to respectfully differ with you on this one, Lady Love. Beck isn't an American hero and he would probably tell you the same thing. People like Sgt. Alvin C. York or Staff Sergeant Salvatore A. Giunta, recent Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient, are heros.
America is flush with heroes especially those that have served unselfishly in our military! Heroes come in all stripes, they are ordinary people that do extraordinary things. The medal of honor winners are heroes without a doubt, but Beck is a hero too for his extraordinary work educating and informing the American people.
Plus he sells gold to gullible rubes thus helping the economy. Let's make tomorrow Glen Beck day.
No, no, no, Ron! Tomorrow is "Lets Pick On That Dude, Rachel Maddow Day!" Come on, man!!! Get with the program!!!
If you took his advice when he first started telling people to buy gold, you'd be rich right now and probably complaining about how the government wants to take your hard earned money! LOL
That same gold company that has been found guilty of fraud? Yeah...then again, you should be used to that. If only we could have a trial for your posts.
The way to check on things from Glen Beck, is to research yourself, to verify if what he is saying is true or not.
Being bold, about what is unpleasant to hear very often, doesn't make something crazy or not true.
Put all opinions aside for a moment, and take something you may not like that he says, and look at his reasons for saying it, then decide where the problem lies. It MAY be with him, but honesty is critical here.
He's a guy with a lot of common sense and the spirit and charisma and platform to share it with America.
He's begun doing a job that needed done. As far as his bringing religion into it, it would've been better if a Christian were preaching the stuff he's preaching, but hey when there's a need it often gets filled by the willing, not necessarily the most appropriate.
I don't agree with him on everything, and I find him too soft about certain topics, but I hope he doesn't lose his fervor for reminding us what a tyranny we're coming under and how to stay focused on what's right for us as citizens.
Since he does have the freedom of speech, and has worked his way up to where he is (I remember him long ago, I recall laughing so hard at his shows when he was being funny), I think he feels it would be immoral to be quiet about what he is sharing. He is big for getting back to the Constitution for instance, and many people might find that "odd" as if we had gotten away, and call it fear mongering. I agree with him in that though, that we ARE getting away from it, and it is upsetting considering how hard they fought for those freedoms.
Its too easy to say he is doing it to scare people, when the truth is that getting away from the constitution is a scary thing for people (leaving Glen Beck out of that for a moment.) Thus, he is attacked for being the one even suggesting it. That is just one side I know, but its a good example of what is going on. People I know, just want that to not be true, they want that to be a crazy idea. Is it though?
Of course he's real!
He's a real "mormon!"
That ALONE, should answer all the questions for ya...:
Need I say more? :
Sure... explain to us from your experience with "mormons" why that should answer all his questions, please. father was a "dumbass" morman.
You have to study mormonism and live with it to understand why I responded as I did.
Not all Mormons are what you generalize them to be. I have plenty in my family as well, but despite our differences, many are wonderful people. Other than that, I have no argument with you.
In regard to Beck, I'd say he doesn't live his religion. I think that's pretty typical of most religious people.
I can't hold in "high esteem" any human being who could believe in the words of one who proclaimed the ownership of the "golden plates and a visitation by, etc..
Read the biography of this idiot Joseph Smith, if you haven't already, and try to convince me that he and his followers aren't all "wackos."
But then, aren't all believers in mythical god things "wackos?"
Qwark :
Well, there is one thing he is not,and that's a journalist. I will at least give credit to Beck for admitting this. He reminded Barbara Walters on The View, that he was a commentator -- not a journalist.
Glenn Beck would not recognize the truth if someone stepped up and smashed him over the head with it.
I once saw him break down and begin to weep - live on television - because: as he said, 'I love my country sooo much!' I nearly threw up. A crocodilian drama queen would have made a better job of it.
Surely middle America can see right through this guy?
Adolf Hitler once said, 'All that freedom of the press means is that certain potentates (rich men) have the ability to dictate what they want to the nation. It is not always in the best interests of the state to let them do so.'
Now I have never agreed with anything that Adolf Hitler said; where Glenn Beck is concerned, however, I can at least see where he is coming from.
I've been listening to Beck since his first day on EIB. He's a hoot. He's so outside the box, I laugh out loud. He's ridiculous so as to break the strain of everyday politics which is insane in itself, but in a bad way. You either get Beck or you don't.
Genuine. You may not agree with his principles and opinions but at least it can't be denied that he is speaking his mind at great personal risk. At times I feel he's a little over the top but I applaud him for exercising his liberty to free speech. Regardless of your opinion of him he is trying to educate the listeners according to his knowledge.
It can be denied - I'll deny your assessment. Glenn Beck is a snake oil salesman, interested only in profit. Whatever scares a gullible audience into thinking he has the answer to the latest "crisis" adds to his bottom line.
If declaring Islam as the only true religion would add significantly to his wealth, he would do so.
His shameless promotion of Goldline to his listeners is evidence of that. There are much better ways to invest in gold, but Beck promotes a company that sells gold coins for 40% over market value. This isn't just one of his advertisers, it's a company he very actively promotes and he fits the gold coin "investment strategy" into his Chicken Little rant about the collapse of world currencies.
Applaud him? Yeah, about as much as Father Coughlin deserved to be applauded. He isn't educating anyone. Have actually researched anything he has claimed? I have 2 degrees in history and this guy skews the facts almost as much as David Barton. He is a joke.
Cool, but still opinion. History can be evaluated differently by as many people that study it. I wouldn't place a copper coin on the education of today. There is so much that is no longer taught and precepts not discussed in modern education. Purposeful omission of knowledge is a vastly greater threat to the world than anything Mr. Beck can ever do. Why is education altered? It's tailor altered to suit the agenda to raise a certain mindset in the rising generation.
You do make a good point about the altering of education to tailor certain agendas. I am not necessarily certain if it's all a Right of Left phenom politically speaking. I think both side does their fair share of it.
I completely agree. I am not a partisan. I'm not so blind as to not see that every side has their agendas and twisted works. I do hold to the fact that this "reform" of education is the greatest detriment to our young.
Guys, I totally agree with you regarding pre-collegiate history classes. However, I have studied in upper level and graduate level history classes in 3 major Texas universities, and I promise you think it is taught at that level, is not accurate. There is no room for bias at that point. You are trained (and that is the point really, not to tell you what happened) intricately and tirelessly to find elements of historical reporting that is inaccurate, and learn how to corroborate endless sources in pursuit of actual truth. Guys, it is not what you think by any means. It gets to be about as biased as accounting. Now anyone can write a book and call it history, with anything they want in it. However, peer reviewed historical accounts or interpretations are shredded by countless people, revisions and revisions, until a final product comes out...and mind you, these aren't standardized books used in classes. If you take accounting, you get maybe 3 books. If you take, say, History of American Constitutional Development and the like, upper level and graduate level history classes, you end up with about 15 books, end up writing 4 - 30 page essays and then have to verbally defend it like a thesis. Don't even get me started on the actual process of writing and defending a thesis...that is a nightmare.
I hear that junk all of the time, but it isn't true, and usually spouted by those who won't accept countless sources of documented fact. Some elements of history can be interpreted in different ways, but by no means a majority. Education is definitely altered, that is in the pre-collegiate world, where nationalism is held higher than actual documented fact (i.e. Columbus discovered America, or sailed around the world, America was a Christian nation, etc). Columbus invaded Haiti. That is a fact. Columbus was convicted of war crimes after his second trip. That is a fact. Columbus didn't sail around the world. That is a fact. Opining that history can always be interpreted in different ways never studied history beyond hs or a survey class in college. Period.
LOL, that you don't like David Barton either. That says a lot... That is ok though, and we see more and more the revising of history taking its toll. Yeah, "I am just a conspiracy theorist", but I also recommend people buying up the older history books.
People are going to great lengths to change what the truth is of matters, and that is nothing new, but it is happening in a dumbed down America that is becoming more selfish and that likes their ears tickled.
What do you think David Barton has lied about in History, if you don't mind my asking? Maybe you aren't suggesting it, but as a historian, if you are called "a joke" then you are getting history wrong, or in error. Where are Barton's errors? Many consider him brilliant. So we need to leave it to the facts of matters. Curious....
Yeah, I'm glad he informed me that Obama hates white people.
But didn't Kanye West accuse Bush of the same(reverse)nonsense?
Both Kanye West and Glenn Beck seem to be suffering from some severe psychotic delusions.
You are entitled to that opinion. I could say the same about any number of Presidents we've had.
Actually they are both simply entertainers. They both say what ever sells the most. That's uinderstandable for an singer but doesn't make as much sense for someone who is claiming to tell the truth for a living. Every once in awhile the truth isn't popular with the listeners. Take any given moment that the Faux news Network is on the air. How many listeners do you think are taking the time to find out if they are being lied to. 00.00002% on a good day. Everyone else is lining up to but their copy of Ronald Reagan's 100th birthday worship festival dvd with it's free trial membership for the Newsmax Magazine. Yes sir for a limited time you can knock 33% off the cost of being able to re-read your favorite Fox Lies at your conveinence and in the privacy of your own home.
Agree with you goldenpath, and look what he has gotten for his views? A lot of heat, which isn't indicative of doing something for personal reasons. I hope people look at the facts of what he says, and for a minute put aside what they view of him if it is negative.
Don't people care about actual facts of matters anymore? IF Beck is lying, it should be easy to point out where, and if he is telling the truth, that can have back up. Based on all of that, then comes opinions, and he is an American like everyone else here, and entitled to his views. People that are against that, actually concern me.
No, I am not in agreement with his religious views, but I would fight for his right to believe what he does and for what everyone does, assuming they aren't trying to hurt others or take away their freedoms.
Glen Beck is an entertainer who makes a boat load of money. I had to watch his show when my MIL was here - she thinks the guy walks on water and has hit man after him. He is nothing more than a talk show host with a lot of hot air. A waste of my precious time.
He's dangerous. His brand of theatrics and subliminal blame-gaming is leading people to hate each other....people with guns.
It's already been reported twice that people who listen to him are driven to rage so great they want to kill.
He is about the worst kind of money-grubber on the planet.
He is as real as a $3 bill and as real as Fox news tells him to be. He's a marketing gimmick for Fox news and nothing more. does he believe what he says? I highly doubt it. He is in it for the money, no more, no less. He has not one caring bone in his body as far as I can see. This guy spouted a different tune years ago, he sways whichever the paycheck tells him to sway to.
Beck, Palin, Limbaugh have one purpose in like and that's to make a buck with their BS. The scary part are their followers who believe these people are the second coming. FOX News, or better yet FOX Noise - aka The Republican Fundraising Network welcomes clowns like these and their followers to boost their ratings by telling some people what they want to here to keep them scared and vote their way.
And I suppose one of Obama's speeches giving Chris Matthews (MSNBC) a thrill up his leg is legitimate. There are over the top anchors on all the networks. Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann are a couple more that are way out there in left field.
You are partly correct. They are in it for the money, however unlike their leftist counterparts, they believe in what they say for the most part. They do have a ring of sincerity and that is why they have more followers than the plastic, superficial spokespeople of the left.
You left out another very important point as to why they have such big followings... Because what they say is true and reflects what most Americans believe. In other words, they're RIGHT!
You're right!
But we can look for that word to be deleted from our vocabulary if the libs have anything to do with it.
For them, things are only "fair" or "tolerant" or politically-correct; there's no right or wrong (unless of course, you oppose their views; then they bring that word back into play).
So Americans really want to hear about his ideas of fear, hate, mayhem and conspiracy, rather than get down to a real dialog of problem solving?
You may be right.
How very sad.
LOL! You've never watched his show or listened to his radio program! You don't have a clue what he speaks about! LOL!
Trust me(err no, trust sarah palin), almost every american is aware of beck comedy shows and his FOX sponsored epic rally.
Why should I trust you? You've never watched his programs either! LOL
Again, you are very mistaken. I stopped watching it for reasons cited. I also stopped listening to Sean Hannity for the same reasons. "You're a great American" to Hannity means that you are capable of vitriolic spew, apparently.
You are prone to making assumptions on little information, I gather...
Maybe you can find an example to back up your point. I've seen Hannity call democrats great Americans, Steve Baldwin, Bob Bechtel, Juan Williams, Gov Rendell and others!
Oh good, its go after Glenn Beck day, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh were getting tired of being blamed for this Countries woes.
I vote we have a "Lets Pick On That Dude, Rachel Maddow Day!"
Careful. I bet he could kick your ass.
Sure, you can run butt you can't hide.
Of course not. Just keeping with the theme.
For being a supposed religious man, Beck sure doesn't live his religion very well. He preaches hate and fear, and he keeps the vitriol going almost daily, continuing the slow vitriolic poisoning of Americans (along with any other vitriolic pundits, regardless of whether conservative or liberal). How many times in scripture do you suppose that God says not to hate or fear? Yet he continues to spread both. I agree with others, that he is doing whatever will earn him and his employers the buck.
From the first days of Fox's inception, it has always bordered on at least the slightly controversial. When the big networks all started leaning middle and liberal ground Fox trumped them with hot, controversial conservatives. It filled a niche among fundamentalist Americans, and earned untold billions for it.
Thus, Beck is a pawn, and he knows it, but the money is too good, so he keeps doing it.
I'd say he doesn't have much integrity at all, despite his pretense for being religious.
I listen to him here at the office but it's more background noise than concentrating on what he's saying. He makes some good points (emphasis on SOME) but he's more than a little over the top with most of his stuff, so much so that it's sometimes like watching a train wreck in person.
I would be curious where you think he is lying, if you think he has, just to make money and to scare people.
I think what often is happening, is that people don't like the idea of what Beck is saying, that it could possibly be true. Then, (from what I have seen) he gives his reasons, gives the facts, and WELCOMES dialogue back. So it is hard to disagree with him.
Thus, we see a lot of what "is going around" being adopted like, "Oh, he must just be a scare monger, full of vitriol, wanting only money", etc. Thing is, that a lot of things he is speaking about, often deserve to be spoken about in a negative manner, as they are very negative and cause people to be hurt, or lose freedoms.
People can disagree with him, but I haven't been able to see people show where he fails in his reasoning or logic. Sometimes things are scary because they are scary. That said, I am not completely up to date with all he has been saying, but I have seen his books and shows and know what he stands for. Seems to be a good vs evil thing, reflective of certain worldviews, ironically. So, people have other reasons for going against him, rather than just reasons of denial, etc. (I am not in agreement with him religiously, btw)
They all have in common personal failures,in living a positive life. Their success has been in devisive talk, not commonsense or logic.
Facts of matter, like history, and what is going on currently, aren't divisive talk unless you are just against those things for some other personal reason. I see a lot of common sense and logic actually, and I think it is what angers most people.
Glen Beck especially knows how much he is targeted, and he can't afford to be putting out lies that he could be caught in, or illogic or lack of common sense. That is why he does his homework, and why we see general smear campaigns like this, without ever giving real rebuttals to what he is saying.
I trust if there was something in particular, we would hear about it, but we don't. Is there something that maybe I haven't heard about? Sure, but bring it so we can talk about it perhaps. I am a logical person
But wait. That's not completely accurate, is it? Beck does his homework to "spin" facts into his own version of arguments. It's the spin that's the problem here. He's also prone to emotional outbursts for the sake of sensationalism. His audience LOVES it, over rational, problem-solving dialog. We are addicted to theatrics and court room antics. So, although I can see what you're saying, I'm not really buying it. The "homework" is about how to present his next best selling theatrics. Kind of like "based on a true story."
Uh huh.
Yeah, Jim Jones and David Koresh had the same problem.
I am saying that he gives facts, then often looks at history, then gives an "I don't know, but look at where this could go" kind of talk. Have you ever watched him? What he often says is not, "not making sense" but it actually does, and that is what I am saying is distressing to many people.
Like for instance, he is really BIG on being a fan of the Constitution, and hoping the country will keep to that. I would be willing to bet that most anyone here that agrees with the constitution would agree with him on that HUGE issue. Yet we see the derisiveness. So, I guess I am curious how you think what you are calling "spin" is not possible, as he seems to think it is possible. He has given his reasons, then gives his opinions. I wonder what people are upset about? There is some junk going on in the world, should we just look the other way because it might be true?
If he is just another nut job, then lets see it. I am speaking of the few times I have watched the guy, and listened to him on the radio long ago. I didn't like the stuff either... and neither did the forefathers. If he is right, should he not be getting upset about it? You call it theatrics...i think that makes poor theater and that you are borderline putting people down. You assume its sensationalism? That is fine, but considering what he is talking about, should his tone be say, monotone to avoid the accusations like you give above? That doesn't make sense to me.
No one spins better than those on the left! At best you can claim the Beck can't PROVE that Soros' funding of Media Matters, NPR, Open Society, and Tides is not motivated by any ill intent, but you'd have to be a foll to ignore the fact that he (Soros) is involved and is exercising his influence with his money through these organizations. Now, maybe you think that's a good thing and can make the case, but I would have to disagree.
Yes, the left is just as good at spinning as the right. As I've said, I'm not really a fan of either. And both have presented some pretty valid info and points at times, but it's just so riddled with spew and opinion that it's like pushing a bill through congress laiden with earmarks. You can't get to the real issue because it's got leaches all over it. That's not very helpful.
I grew up very conservative. I still cherish the values I was taught. However, in learning to think for myself, I have come to realize how much I disagree with both sides, because of the constant spin, the vitriol that only makes problems worse, not better. There is a better way, but I don't think people want to be bothered with it. It's just to stop the insanity, accept that we do have common ground, common hopes and interests, and try to figure out how to equitably arrive at those goals. It means putting down the name-calling, vitriol, greed, lust, ego and so many other things.
But I don't think most people are ready to do that yet.
"accept that we do have common ground, common hopes and interests, and try to figure out how to equitably arrive at those goals"
Yes we do but since when is it the role of government to guarantee equal results? The fact of the matter is life isn't fair and therefore isn't equitable and to attempt to make it so is unnatural.
Well to it is not fair - certainly. And business interests, on either side Left of Right, being able to effectively contribute/fund/back campains and well, "buy elections," is not real democracy - democracy in my mind is "one vote, one person." In a democracy a bum on the street's vote is equal to a billionaires vote - but that's itsn't the case is it?
No that is the case. Everyone's vote counts equally.
It ISN'T government's role, it's OUR responsibility. Our individual responsibility. I never implied that it's government's role, but apparently you assumed I believe that. I don't. From what I can tell, you assume far too much that I'm a liberal, but I'm not. I'm just not a joiner of anything. I'm fine being me, and evaluating for myself.
And I will agree with you on Soros... but seriously, what personal gain does he stand to receive by supporting agendas that are clearly "anti-business?" He is, after all, a currency speculator and has supported the idea of a united European currency (the Euro) and by that support, has essentially shot some of his business earnings in the foot. It's sort of like the not-so-bright "Patriot" from middle America (don't criticize that generalization - I live there) with not pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of who complains when a "Left Wind" agenda is proposed - like increased funding for Medicare of Medicaid - even if it benefits them personally.
Not everyone in the audience is balanced, and his shpiel tends to play to the dark side of certain personalities. Risky business...and Fox knows that. So does he. Not a good thing, overall.
Sorry, I just can't go far right, anymore than I can go far left, and Glenn, unfortunately, does, as you say, view things with 20/20 hindsight, but we need to look forward, not back. Can we say "Pillar Of Salt"?
This world he sees behind us? Gone. Get over it.
Have you personally psycho-analyzed everyone in his audiences?
Well, not everyone in any audience is "balanced". Especially on the Left. And especially when the commentators who they boldly follow into the areas of taboo thinking, are unbalanced. I give you examples----The View; Tyra Banks; Rachel Maddow; Oprah Winfrey; Dr. Phil (who USED to be balanced, or so it seemed, until he leaned like the Tower of Pisa, probably 'cause the great Oprah shoved him); and a myriad of other products or defectors of common sense.
Oceansunset: Glen claims to know and understand the motives of the founding fathers. He claims to know and communicate with God back in forward. It takes more than common sence and logic to know and do these things. Common sence tells me thats not logical. What homework? I watch news often.
I like how so many people like to say something snarky and then add "...and nothing more." Isn't this a community of writers? Just a shallow criticism but try out a new phrase. And no, I guess I dont actually like that. I think it's kind of lame.
I think it's puzzling how when we make "...and nothing more" judgements about people in the public eye we never stop and think about how insanely complex we ourselves are. Why do we label people we don't know so easily when we can't even define ourselves accurately.
I don't trust any of your indignant pronouncements about Glenn Beck.
My remark about Beck had nothing to do with indignation! How'd ya come up with that opinion?
I understand "mormonism" and the kinds of people it attracts.
Having lived with it, I'm just giving ya my opinion of the idiocy of it.
Ah I responded twice in this thread. Once to you and once here which was more general. You must have mixed them up. My indignation comment had nothing to do with your comment... so we're cool.
Ok so now I'm curious about what you understand about Mormonism and the kind of people it attracts. Because I know the religion thoroughly and have a different opinion about it and its members.
I would like to hear your thoughts on it if thats ok. And, if you're open to it, maybe I can give you a new perspective to consider. Also what kind of philosophy or religion are you coming from?
It was a question about Glen in the beginning, there are as many answers as there are answerees. Everbody has an opinion, those who have seen and hear Glen like or dislike him. There is no reason to get upset.
Exactly. It just seems like we all make judgements of people, especially those in the public eye, too quickly. And don't worry I wasn't that upset. There are many more people here who are more upset
Oh boy, DTR0005. Now you've really opened yourself up for pillorying!
"I wouldn't trust things that Oprah says if I were you -- she's dark you know."
Exactly how long do you expect it will be before the "r" word is leveled at you?
Duck and cover! Duck and cover!
Byron Williams was arrested after he opened fire on California Highway Patrol officers in July. He was accused of plotting to kill employees at the ACLU and the Tides Foundation, a small foundation that gives money to human rights groups, environmentalists and other progressive causes. Now, in a series of exclusive jailhouse interviews published on the website of the watchdog group Media Matters, independent journalist John Hamilton reveals that Byron Williams was inspired by listening to Glenn Beck of Fox News and other right-wing media figures. [includes rush transcript]
Here's a great Hub by bgamall: … Government
It looks like others are finally seeing the light about Beck.
I read this article this morning. I think Fox would do well to get rid of him. … -the-coop/
Oh sure the left would like nothing more than to silence Beck since he makes it hard for them to hatch their plans under the light of scrunity.
LL, did you read the article, it's coming from the conservatives.
I don't listen to him, and don't really care what Fox does. I thought it was an interesting article since his ratings are dropping and the bottom line with Fox is $$.
I read the article and I wouldn't consider Bill Kristol who now has a gig with MSLSD to be a true conservative nor is David Corn whose bias was clear in the piece. Yes Glenn is a bit long in hyperbole but you can not ignore the connections he points out or the questions he raises.
Don't you think it could be done with less ranting? I don't think solutions are found at either extreme. Why does he insist on instilling anger and fear? If he does have viable points to consider, perhaps he wouldn't be losing his viewers, if he actually made sense. The message is often lost in the rhetoric.
I guess it brings up the issue of the Republican party itself, it's trying to figure out what it really stands for.
He doesn't instill anger or fear! You obviously don't watch his show. He is passionate about his beliefs and perhaps taken out of context that can be mistaken for anger or fear but he certainly doesn't evoke those emotions. He educates.
I guess we read different periodicals. I have certainly listened to him or I wouldn't post, but I don't watch his show. He definitely stirs up anger, and fear is part of the anger. It's one thing to be passionate about issues, I'm passionate about certain issues, but I think there are more effective ways of provoking thought.
Your certainly entitled to your opinion and I wouldn't expect your style to be identical to his... I must say though it works for him and as another poster mentioned no one has been able to show his facts are incorrect though you may reach a different conclusion.
That's not what I mean, of course, styles are different. As someone who 'communicates' with an audience, he is responsible for what he says and how he says it. You say he 'educates'; I would hardly call Beck anything close to an educator.
Stating that the Bushes didn't bomb Mesopotamia because it will be the capital of the new Caliphate does not equate to instilling fear? On what planet? Do YOU actually watch / listen to him?
The most intriguing thing about Beck and his opinions appears to be the phenomena that those opposing what he says do not attack or refute the information he presents, but instead assault the man himself with intensifying vitriol. A statement easily supported with these and other multiple forums on the subject, all attacking the messenger not the message.
It should be easy to tear apart his “fabrications” with the “truth” but oddly the best any of his opposition can come up with is rhetoric.
I neither support nor reject what the man says, but it is interesting he raises such vehemence in so many that oppose his presentations.
Yeah, maybe because he said the only way to stop socialist/communist/muslim/terrorist/America-haters like Obama and Pelosi is to shoot them in the head.
Odd that a Democrat WAS shot in the head.
Said he wanted to strangle Michael Moore with his bare hands.
Acted out pouring gasoline down Obama or Pelosi's throat.
Says that Obama hates white people, hates America, wants to destroy it....
Yeah, I'd say that's enough to throw his so-called information out the window. Who needs, as Kristol said, a repeat of the Birchers?
If the Christians Righty's got rid of Howard Stern for poopoo come we can't get rid of Beck for murder and violent talk?
Did you see this stuff?
Are there youtube videos?
I watch Beck occasionally but must have tuned in when he was merely being dramatic about the dangers facing the world.
If you don't have the proof, I'll have to assume you are engaging in hyperbole or downright lies.
what a joke! chris you are the one starting hate! show me proof of what you just wrote and I will Admit i was wrong and eat crow. You radical leftie azz's crack me up. show us some proof! OMG some people are sooooooooooooooooo stupid. and for the record i think beck is a little over the top but if you really listen and research what is being said it makes a lot of sense. I tried to find some things that I thought couldn't be fact but actually was. please have proof before writing and inserting foot in your mouth. … ck_Bio.htm
Hmmm. . . It's almost as if it was meant to be.
Schism on the Right:
Chris Matthews just reported that Lindsay Graham, Bill Kristol and several other conservatives backed away from Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin on their latest conspiracy delusions about the communists and the Muslims are working together with support from the Bushes on a new world order and Islamic caliphate. Not sure I got the drift correctly. Matthews thinks "there's some housecleaning going on."
Ralph, did you see this article? It mentions what you're talking about. … -the-coop/
Thanks, Rebecca. I hadn't seen it. Very interesting. I hope Fox throws Beck under the train!
I think much of Glenn Beck is just for show. He's a "political entertainer".
He's a dangerous operative.
They let him loose on Obama, but now he's after all of them.
He's drunk on his power and that is the first step to self-destruction.
Like that robot in Lost in Space used to say, arms flailing around....."Warning! Warning!"--that's how I see Ole Glenny-Boy. His programming is going out of wack!
The only problem with Beck is he is on a channel called Fox NEWS. And too many people don't "get" that he is a commentator, an opinion person, an entertainer. They think he is for real.
Perhaps if he were on Comedy Central like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert it would be better for all concerned.
by Stacie L 13 years ago
Glenn Beck Losing It. Glenn Beck was a target Friday when Joe Scarborough claims he is losing it before our eyes. The “Morning Joe” host said the Fox commentator has gone “out of control” and is “bad for the conservative movement.”"I’ve been telling conservatives for about two years, this guy...
by BJC 15 years ago
The mainstream liberal media can't handle anyone who isn't politically correct. Yes, Beck gave his opinion and that is his right. People are treating Obama like he's God, he's not.How on earth can Obama attend a church for 20 years with a racist for a pastor and either not know or...
by Ron Montgomery 15 years ago
Glenn Beck is losing sponsors (his life blood) at a rate that threatens his future as a TV/Radio ranter.33 and counting.
by Hi-Jinks 14 years ago
Should Glenn Beck be arrested for murder?He says be afraid that the government H1N1 vaccine. "Would you allow the govement vaccinate your children?" When these unvaccinated children start to get sick and die, who is to blame?To yell Fire in a theater is not Free Speech.
by Stacie L 11 years ago
Conservative radio host Glenn Beck is at it again. Beck, known for his outrages comments on American political life, is now saying that he plans to expose what he calls a government cover-up and conspiracy involving the Boston Marathon bombings.According to Beck's website, The Blaze, a Saudi...
by Susan Reid 13 years ago
By Paul FarhiWhen you have a group of religious leaders taking out an ad in the WSJ demanding that your boss (Roger Ailes)tell you to STOP with the Nazi comments, do you stop? Or do you gleefully continue with your on-air blasphemy? Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, January 26, 2011; 11:40 PM...
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