… 309?ca=rdt
This is bad news for Obama! He's losing indepents in droves! It will take more than the black vote to reelect him this time and I don't envision it getting better for him. He's toast thank God and America will soon be back on the right track!
Poll 60% Think America Is On The Wrong Track-
Let's examine this just for a second-
What 60% of America is being talked about?
15% are homeless. 100%-15%=85%
Approximately 50% of the remainder 85% won't participate in a poll to begin with.
Leaving 35% of America, of which 20% are wealthy.
So, 15% are not even accounted for.
Poll of Polls - 65% of people in most countries usually think their country is on the wrong track.
(disclaimer - I totally made that up)
Funny--it started tanking in January....right after the right-wing take-over, and now they run the agenda.
And for god's sakes--look at what the agenda is!!
Taking away rights from all but the richistans and straights!
Taxing more on those who can least afford it, to give away to corporations.
No wonder the attitude is bad about the gvt.
It's god-awful how they roll.(Sheen)
I wonder how many of these BS threads LaLo has started? Any way to find out? One a day? More? Gotta be a HP record of some sort! Have any of them been found to be factual yet?
Oh look its drive by randy with nothing of substance to add! Lol
And nothing of substance here to add it to! What do you average, one a day, LaLo? Are you employed by the Republican party to do this, LaLo? (I hope!)
So says you! Luckily there are plenty of people here that think differently!
Wanta take a poll? You forgot to answer the question about being paid to post this malarkey. Or did you?
Amuse yourself... im sure you've had plenty of practice! Lol
It certainly wouldn't be for the informational or educational value.
Notice she didn't answer if she was being paid to post this nonsense here. Hmmmm...
Did you know, she does it from the goodness of her heart and for the well being of the rest of us?
Actually, I think she does. Pretty much like you and me. We just don't see eye to eye, that's it.
Well Misha, then I would have only one suggestion for her---- quit making look like "hate" spewed garbage.
Frankly I see as much hate, if not more, on the other side. We all tend to hate those who interfere with our attempts to fix the world
I hate no one, regardless of what they are doing or saying. I'm only pointing out that it appears as.
My biggest point is that one side blames the other and then the other side blames the other, and the ignorant people in the middle, continue to pass along the distortion/misinformation, as though it's going to make a difference. That is the truly ignorant who lack any understanding of the bottomline agenda.
Right you hate no one but your posts come across as arrogant like you have some superior knowlege over everyone else while you ridicule me and others... sorry but your claim is just not believable.
If she is, no problem. But I don't know anyone else who posts a new thread with the same old rants almost every day. If she IS getting paid to do this, would it make any difference to you, Misha?
Err, it's like putting lipstick on a pig.
BtF'ing way----what about the poll that says 81% of Americans want the Uber Rich to be taxed more???
WANT collective bargaining?
Want medicare, education help, programs for the poor......
What about those polls that you Reppies are dismissing?
AND.....btF'ing way......Mr. Speaker, WHERE ARE THE JOBS?????
Tax cuts=Jobs you said...............we're waaaaaaiting.
Swearing Imposes a Personal Penalty
It gives a bad impression
It makes you unpleasant to be with
It endangers your relationships
It's a tool for whiners and complainers
It reduces respect people have for you
It shows you don't have control
It's a sign of a bad attitude
It discloses a lack of character
It's immature
It reflects ignorance
It sets a bad example
Swearing is Bad for Society
It contributes to the decline of civility
It represents the dumbing down of America
It offends more people than you think
It makes others uncomfortable
It is disrespectful of others
It turns discussions into arguments
It can be a sign of hostility
It can lead to violence
Swearing corrupts the English language
It's abrasive, lazy language
It doesn't communicate clearly
It neglects more meaningful words
It lacks imagination
It has lost its effectiveness
Tell it to Dick "Go F yourself" Cheney.
He spends your money, I don't.
He owes you, I don't.
Close your eyes if it offends you. Then remember those Americans jumping off of high-rise buildings.
Courtesy of "Go F yourself".
"81% of Americans want the Uber Rich to be taxed more???"
Know what happens when you tax people too much?
They quit paying taxes.
They move to the Bahama's or hide their money.
Because one percent of the population shouldn't be responsible for feeding the other 99%.
And neither should 99% of the population be responsible for feeding 1%.
35% of our population receive government assistance.
In other words 35% are getting free money, well not free, it comes from the rest of us who produce.
The number is not falling.
Democrats think like this.
6 Billion cut from the budget this year is not enough.
60 Billion cut is too much.
Meanwhile we ran a 223 Billion dollar deficit for the month of February.
Well you can thank a too low minimum wage and a requirement of business for unemployment for that.
Well you probably can't,but any right thinking person can.
A too low minimum wage?
Why should there be a minimum wage?
A job should pay what its worth.
If its worth 1 dollar an hour then that should be the pay.
Making hamburgers at McDonalds shouldn't pay more than its worth.
Then why object to the government making pay up to a minimum level if business won't pay a living wage?
If you actually kill off the low paid then the jobs won't get done will they, so you won't actually be any better off.
I object to the government deciding what a minimum wage should be.
The market should decide.
Products are more expensive than they are worth because government has decided what the pay should be.
Or are you one of the brilliant ones who think business should lose money?
Keep in mind business wont be in business too long if they don't make a profit.
You are capable of understanding that...right?
I'm obviously more capable of working things out than you are Jim.
The market doesn't decide anything especially not wages, it dictates them.
You rightly say making burgers shouldn't pay more than it's worth but what about paying what it's worth? Look at MacDonalds profits and then tell me they can't afford to pay!
Crony capitalism is the curse of the modern age, it holds people down in unneeded poverty.
I'm at a loss to understand why you feel the need to defend it!
YES! Walmart got rich, partially because they never gave employee's full-time hours, and so avoided paying any healthcare costs.
Walmart employees were on gvt healthcare, while Walmart profitted billions.
Once again, Socialism for the rich.
And none of the right complains.
"I'm obviously more capable of working things out than you are Jim."
Doubt it.
"The market doesn't decide anything especially not wages, it dictates them."
The government dictates the minimum wage, business puts thought into what a wage should be, they then compare it to the competition to see if they can compete for the best employee.
"You rightly say making burgers shouldn't pay more than it's worth but what about paying what it's worth? Look at MacDonalds profits and then tell me they can't afford to pay!
How much do you think making hamburgers is worth? 1 dollar an hour? 100 dollars an hour? Its worth exactly what someone agrees to work for.
"I'm at a loss to understand why you feel the need to defend it!"
You are at a loss for a lot of things.
No, crony capitalism sits down round the table and decides how little they can get away with paying anybody. What do you thing pay rates are so consistent?
Anybody who tries to kick the trend suddenly finds it can't get supplies or whatever.
Yes I am at a loss for a lot of things, like why somebody wants to defend the system that screws them into the ground, why anybody would deny another a living wage, why anybody would rather be in hock to big business than free, how anybody can imagine that being tied to the dollar is freedom!
Because they have no loyalty to the country that gave them the great opportunity to make all that money.
Because they are not happy having 57 million, they must have 59.
Because they do not want to pay taxes at the rate of the rest of us, they want to pay as least as possible while taking advantage of the best this country has to offer.
It's called greed, and it is neither noble, nor patriotic.
Greed is not wanting to keep your own money.
Greed is wanting others to pay for your retirement and health care.
And explain to me why that doesn't include the super rich?
How exactly do you pay for your retirement and health care when you are only working for a dollar an hour?
But I stretch that dollar a looooong way
Oh do keep up! Jim was saying that if a job was only worth a dollar an hour then a dollar an hour was what should be paid.
So, social security and medicare are greed?
And Bill Gates should not have to pay the live here?
I do believe there is a place like is called Dubai. Why don't you google it and see how that would work here in America?
"So, social security and medicare are greed?"
If you feel its owed to you because you were born in America then yes, it is greed.
I am talking about government employees who belong to Unions that do not want to pay for their own retirement and health care.
But you knew that already.
What! Macdonalds workers are now government employees!
WHAT? Did you graduate from Beckles U?
Gvt workers most certainly do pay for their retirements!!! That's why they are excempt from FICA, right? Or ARE they exempt?
The only ones I see getting a free ride are wives who never worked outside of the home....they get to collect SS and medicare too.
But that does not bother me.
What bothers me is people like you, who seem to think the only people who matter are those who somehow USE America to get around the tax system.
Those who get rich here, but put their money somewhere else-to avoid taxes!
Those companies who USE gvt to pay for their employees' healthcare, while they pocket billions!
Those oil companies who have had the biggest boom years of profit (Iraq Invasion!), and yet pay 0 dollars to the country that made them rich!
I am being careful here, but you are just what your crowd used to call me!
hint: Oliver North called Obama this, while on Klannity's show.
"I am being careful here, but you are just what your crowd used to call me!
hint: Oliver North called Obama this, while on Klannity's show."
I have no idea what you are talking about.
Nor do I care.
You spend a lot of time on HubPages responding to people whose opinions you claim you don't care about.
What motivates you to respond, then, except animus towards people who think differently from you?
I publish Hubs (i.e. I'm not a forum troll).
I engage in intelligent discussion with people that I agree with or don't agree with in the forums without resorting to personal attacks or partisan sniping.
If I don't understand something from a person I don't care for, I just ignore that post.
Jim, Federal Govt employees have been paying a portion of their own healthcare benefits and retirement since 1984. As a federal employee, there is no "free ride" like there is in many of the state and city unions around the country. So to say "goverment employees don't pay for their own healthcare and retirement" is not correct.
Of course 60% of the population thinks the government is on the wrong track.
There are two parties to vote for (thus at most only about 50% can agree), numerous people don't care unless something affects them (usually negatively, because it's government).
You have written three hubs in six months at Hubpages yet you have made 2154 comments to the forums mainly about opposing Democrats policies. Whilst it is your right to do that; Your arguments to date are unpersuasive.
Well at least you're paying attention! Lol
76% of statistics are made up on the spot - Source: George Washington
That George, he was a riot! Grew pot on his plantation, ya know!
60% think America is on the wrong track. Suppose for fun that LaLo posted a real statistic. (It could happen - it's got to be hard making stuff up about Obama every day.) So if this was a real statistic, where does it say that the 60% agree with LaLo?
I noticed last year how the wingnuts played with numbers by including the segment of voters who were displeased with the Health Care Law because it was not liberal ENOUGH! You had to look at the raw data to see how they added liberal dissatisfaction to wingnut dissatisfaction to produce a distorted score. That's the case here as well. Lots of us look at the antics of the House & and we know they are on the wrong track. So just what are you counting?
We should probably be paying LaLo ourselves for providing this essential service. Think how much time she saves each of us from having to watch Fox News ourselves !!!
Thank you, LaLo!
Sure, Reuters is just making up those numbers to make the POTUS look bad. So are NBC, Wall Street Journal, CBS, Pew Research, CNN, ABC, Gallup, National Journal, Newsweek, etc. They all report very similar findings, and all of them AREN'T right-slanted, either.
Like Randy said, I'm sure it's all just "nonsense." Everyone here in the US thinks things are going great - especially the gas prices and rising food costs. Not that I blame all this on Obama, but I don't believe these polls are just "nonsense." lol
If anything Reuters would sugarcoat things.
Obama promised everything would be good before the election, now it just one excuse after another. He is not to blame for everything, but there is a lot more he could do if he wasn't running for reelection already. It is so sad that one politician after another is only concerned about their next term rather than what is best for the country as a whole. Doesn't matter what party they belong to.
Future prices for cattle are at a high I have never seen before. This will drastically affect the prices in the supermarket for any beef cuts or products that contain beef. Time to eat more pork, I guess. That and get out your illegal firearms and go hunting for supper!
And the price of gas is going to drive up the cost of just about everthing that has to be transported. Like I said, I'm not holding Obama responsible for all this, but to disbelieve that a lot of folks ain't happy is just not rational. Many "experts" say that gas will reach over $5 a gallon soon. I hope they're wrong!
The price of gas "hits people in the face" on a regular basis - not only when they fill up, but also every time they pass a gas station and see the posted prices. My husband has no idea how much a dozen eggs cost, but he can tell you how much gas is a gallon.
Hi habee, I hope you're well. Petrol prices in Australia have gone up heaps in the last week. We are now looking at $1.50 a liter. I'm not sure I remember how many liters in an American gallon, but that would put our gas at something like, $5 or $6 a gallon I reckon.
Approx 4.2 litres per US Gallon Earnest. Our petrol prices are nearing nearly $7 a gallon.
What really pisses me off is that there is plenty of oil supply and plenty of gasoline supply, we are just at the mercy of the speculators in the market, because gas is priced off the futures markets. The people in the market are just using this as a tool to make money going up and down without regard to how much it harms the average joe. It has no relation to true supply and demand. The sad thing is everyone in Washington knows this but they know where their bread is buttered, so they lay low and doan say nothin! And they sure as hell won't take any action!
Spot on logic! The thieving, lying bathplugs are gouging us for at least 10c a liter at the moment according to our leading auto club in Australia as well.
Bathplugs! I love it! Although 'the scum around the tub' may be more like it!
Why not blame it all on Obama? Wasn't Bush blamed for everything including the economic meltdown even though in his 8 years the economy was better off than now more than 2 years after Obama and 5 trillion in NEW Obama debt!
Beef prices are going up because corn us going up and corn us going up because Obama supported ethanol subsidies and because Obama is printing money devaluing the dollar.... because there is NO WAY to pay back the 14 trillion dollar debt except to inflate it away!
It was not better for me under Bush. I was not included in the big party you all had, and for which we are all paying for now.
Stop re-writing history to fit your Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Thank you, I appreciate it.
Obama has done more in his first 2 years than any president in recent memory! When will you stop blaming Bush for where we are today and give Obama the credit he deserves?
Obama has done more for people like me than any Republican ever dreamed of. Well--not the old-time Republicans--they did care. But not this crop we have now, who would just as soon spit on,as look at people like me.
You see, I am not among the wealthy, ergo I do not matter in BushWorld.
Obama has talked about my plight, brough it to the forefront, and given ME--a nobody--ME--a tax cut!
He visits poor schools, not religious ones.
He does not demonize me for only paying FICA--he acknowledges it as the tax that it is.....the MOST regressive, btw!!
Over at Repub Central, you would think that I did not deserve to breathe air.
So all Obama has done for you is talk about your plight and put a few bucks in your pocket? He's done that all while destroying our economy insuring jobs list are lost permanently he's done all that for you while he's destroyed the value of those dollars he put in your pocket increasing the prices of energy and food raising the cost of banking while lowering what you earn on your meager savings! He's stood by while the values of peoples homes continue to decline and foreclosures continue to rise! But he's taken the meager taxes you paid and given it to his union buddies so they can have medical care for life and a lucrative retirement! And what does he have planned for you? He's going to phase out Dannie and Freddie and eliminate the mortgage deduction further wiping out home values and raising interest rates. Yes Obama is for the poor... for keeping them poor and making them beholden on him for survival all while he wages war and dictates what energy we can use and where we can get it from! Well good luck clinging to your saviour!
I don't agree with any of what you just said, nor do I call president Obama my savior.
He is a nice man, who smiles a lot, and makes me feel good about America.
He is very smart, calm and capable, unlike the reactionary's that we have been subject to lately.
He is also a mad genius, and soon you will see the manifestation of that.
After 8 years of horrible meanness and brutality, I can't believe our good fortune to have him there.
"He is very smart, calm and capable"
Don't forget clean.
You can believe what you want but the results of his policies are in evidence every day.
Wall street is to blame in a way for higher oil prices because the price for oil is set in the futures pit where speculators working for customers bid to secure supplies for future delivery. Speculators work for businesses like airlines who are looking to buy their fuel now for delivery later because if the wait until later then the prices might be higher than they anticipated when they set their ticket prices and could cause them to lose money. Speculators are betting that prices will be higher later and they are doing so with good reason. The middle east is unstable Saudi Arabia is expecting a day of rage protest tomorrow Libyia is at war Egypt stability is questionable Iran is flexing its muscle in the area and FUTURE supply is at risk of disruption. Couple this with our monetary policy and you can understand why prices are being bid up.
Only 60%? Things are improving!
81% said we were on the wrong track at the end of Bush's presidency.
Dissatisfaction with the status quo is a powerful impetus to improve things, to press for change. I'd be worried if the "wrong track" percentage were low. Complacency is not in our genes, and not a good thing.
Lady, why even bother? these clowns like lovemychris clearly show they need the government cheese! they want whatever they can get for free they think it is owed to them. it is clear...can you not see this? As I said many times we became the superpower because of our way of thinking and these lazy azz people who have no drive to be successful want everything for free. These people are so stupid that they can not comprehend that the top 2% pays like 75% of the actual taxes. yes everyone even hamburger makers at McDonald's pay taxes but they conveniently forget that because the make so little they get most if not all back when they do their taxes. it is the people who make a lot of money who actually pay the most and these greedy people want more. I'm not rich YET but because this is America I plan to be because we have that opportunity and I personally will try to accomplish what i set out for.
Yes I can just see the headlines now, The Worlds Richest Men- Bill Gate, Donald Trump, George Soros, Danny Maio!
They wouldn't let you join their little club! Well except maybe to clean their shoes
I do not need headlines, I try to do it because that is my goal. and I do not need to be a gates or trump. Sorry I'm not a lazy want everything for free person. I like to help the less fortunate because some people actually do need help and we should be there for them as humans but most abuse the system and you know it. ever go to the supermarket and see people buying beer, steak, and junk food and paying with EBT card? then they leave and get into a new car and drive off! yeah that is helping. people are greedy and I have found that actually democrats are the most selfish people. look at the 08 election they posted the tax returns of Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin by percentage the McCain/palin gave 7times more than the cheap Obama/Biden who are suppose to be for the poor! please explain this! It is public knowledge and anyone can see the tax returns. yes the McCain/Palin side gave a lot more money but I was looking at the percentage of what they earned to donations. speaks for itself LOUD and Clear!
Indeed you have a responsibility a duty to your country to earn all that you can and be all that you can! For the record the top 10% of filers pay 70% of the taxes the bottom 50% pay 3% of the taxes and 47% of filers pay nothing or a negative tax!
Excuse me, but FICA is a tax, like any other. You do not get it back, it pays into your retirement.
FICA is more than state and federal income taxes COMBINED.
The upper money earners do not pay FICA. They are excempt from $103,000 and up.
The only reason the top 10% pay 70% is because they hold 70% of all the wealth!
That means 50% hold only 3% of the wealth in America, and the bottom...well, they pay just to survive. Slave labor for the modern world.
You cannot be all that you can be when all you can do is survive.
The cost of living is killing the lower classes.
And who decides the cost? The gvt?
Me thinks not.
Fica is not more than state and fed combined! please
Yes FICA is a tax you pay AND your rich employer pays a matching amount for all their employees! And you do get it back when you retire... depending on how long you live you may or may not get back what you put in. Even though after 103k it isn't deducted from your pay your monthly benefit doesn't increase as a result. By the way 103k is NOT rich!
16k is rich in Egypt! Everything is relative it depends on where you live.
No, but 5 mil is. And if you make 5 mil, 397,000,000,000 (or whatever-you get my drift) is exempt from FICA.
Yes but what you get back your monthly benefit is calculated on what you pay in your "fica wages". So its not like the rich are getting out of paying anything since they have earned the maximum payout. If you're going to ask the rich to pay more in then they are going to earn a bigger layout.
And I'm supposed to take the high road with a person like you, who thinks personal attacks are a good response to a discussion?
Can you speak without the malice?
Or do you want it back?
anyone can live comfortably. it is called go to educate yourself take chances and work hard! actually some do not even have to do this, look at the kardashians, jersey shore. they make millions and do NOTHING! I'm sorry if your going to think low then you live low! ok on the taxes fica doesnt get returned but if you make so little you get everything else back. you just want what you didn't earn. many business's fail do they get their money back? these people took chances spent a lot of time growing their business and you want to punish these people?? where is the logic?
Two more reasons we are in trouble:
1. A friend of mine works with a fella who readily admits he makes more on unemployment than he does working. He claims 2 people and gave exact numbers to show that he is further ahead laying at home. How can a system not be bankrupt when they allow this to happen? The person in question makes close to $19 an hour at his job.
2. Another liberal friend of mine goes to the grocery store. Happens to see 2 guys with grocery carts. Obviously they were together putting things in each others carts. First guy goes up to the checkout counter with a cart full of ice cream, cakes, lots of other junk food along with other groceries. From the looks of him, he needed salads in his cart. Anyway he pulls out food stamps and pays for his groceries. His buddy pushes his cart up and unloads a cart full of liquor. He pulls out a huge roll of $100's and pays for the booze. What's wrong with this picture? How many children are going hungry to pay for this obvious fraud? Why doesn't the Secretary of Agriculture work on fixing the food stamp program? Too busy firing black women for wrong reasons? Or could it be he's too busy helping his wife get ready to run for public office?
I agree, I actually just wrote about this a few post up, here in NY they do not have food stamps it is a EBT card, like a credit card and is not as embarrassing. Maybe if they kept it with food stamps some of these thieves would not use it...who am i fooling they would use it in another town further then there home so nobody knows them.
How can you make more on Unemployment, when it pays 2/3ds of your original pay???????
And I know plenty of people like that guy with food stamps. My ex, for example. He owned his own business.......EVERYTHING and the kitchen sink he took off as "business expenses".
Bought his kid a truck.....check.
Bought wood for his new floor....check.
Lunches, dinners, gas,.......check.
Exxon mobil paid 0 taxes to the US gvt. Let's many food stamps you think that equals?
You have selective outrage. And if someone qualifies for food stamps, who are YOU to tell them how to spend it?
I'm the one paying taxes so they can get food stamps, that's who.
And I'm paying Dick Cheney......AND?? Does he ask me how he can spend it??
Would you feel comfortable putting any other rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights into that same sentence?
When you write a hub on it i'll discuss it
It's a short question, you can go ahead and answer it.
Its a short question requiring a long answer & the preface of your question needs a long explanation
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