One day soon Engalnd will be no more. They will ignore this threat till it is too late, hopefully when that happens America will wake up and see the truth of that religion and its babaric nature. … -dominate/
And lets not forget here in America. And they think "Shiek Obama" should help them out in thier war aganst Americans and non-Muslims. … ment-83174
But plenty of problems with right wing hatred.
No problems with Muslims here in England. The problems we do have stem from the activities of far right nationalist groups such as the English Defense League.
Exactly, and the likes of TM scaremongering and quoting unreliable sources as "the truth".
2005 7 July: The 7 July 2005 London bombings conducted by four separate Islamist extremist suicide bombers, killing 56 people and injuring 700.
2007 January - February: The 2007 United Kingdom letter bombs
2007 30 June: 2007 Glasgow International Airport attack perpetrated by Islamist extremists.
2008 22 May: 22 May 2008 Exeter bombing by an Islamist extremist, injuring only the perpetrator.
Between 11 September 2001 and 31 March 2010, 237 individuals have been convicted of terrorism-related offences, including murder, illegal possession of firearms and explosives offences. 1,834 people have been arrested under the Terrorism Act during this period. As of 31 March 2010, 102 prisoners were classified as terrorists, 73 per cent of whom were UK nationals. For more statistical information on the operation of police powers under the Terrorism Act.
Seems like there is no threat in the UK, nothing happening there, everyone sitting around the campfire eating Smores
OK, between sept 2002 and march 2010 237 individuals convicted of terrorism related offences including murder, illegal possession of fire arms and explosives offensives.
And how many none terrorist related murders, illegal possession of fire arms and explosives?
1834 people arrested under the terrorism act, you are well aware that this includes many minor offences that are not terror related?
And of course you are fully aware that we have a far larger terrorism problem in the UK than a few uppity Muslims, called the IRA (backed by Americans).
The IRA is not even the topic, once again deflecting and babbling
And there is no such thing as minor whan it comes to terroism
Good try but it was actually my next post that I was more interested in your reply to.
The IRA is relevant because they are a much greater terrorism threat than Muslims and whilst I agree with you that there is no such thing as minor when it comes to terrorism my point was that the police are labelling many minor offences as terrorist offences, like gathering in a public place and taking photos of public buildings.
Anyway, that's by the by, I'm much more interested in your reply to my next post.
AV, I gave your post a little more thought and came up with a few questions, the answers to which are not suggested by you or any of the other scaremongers.
Remembering that most, if not all of the dozen or so terrorists that you cite are British born citizens of the UK, what do you propose we do?
As they are British by birth, we can't deport them, there is nowhere to deport them to, neither can we make them stateless, that would not go down well with the rest of the world.
What does that leave us with? We could proscribe Islam, make it an illegal religion but I suspect that would make a good lot of presently peaceful Muslims just a bit radical. Look at Hitler (that great socialist, beloved of the working man in every country!) he tried to eliminate the Jews in a much more radical manner than would ever be tolerated in the UK but it did him no good. Judaism prevailed.
As far as I can see, unless you have any better ideas, all we can do is carry on as we are, welcoming Islam and Muslims but making them aware that we have no time for terrorists, be they Muslim,or Irish or anything else.
I look forward to your suggestions AV, I'm sure they will be interesting.
American View, I take it then that you have no suggestions beyond running round like headless chickens, hating?
I take it that you haven't got an answer at all!
You like to stir but offer no solution.
Unlike you, I have a life and do not sit on hubpages. I suggest you expand your horizens.
I do believe that the topic is on the UK to wake up to muslim radicals. I am sure you realize that you cannot deport a citizen nor can one dictate what their beliefs should be. We have radical muslims that were born here too
I notice the UK was way more proactive going after the IRA than they are going after radical muslims. Before I go further notice I say RADICAL Muslims. Obviously not all Muslims are radical. But thare are a large group that are not peaceful and are hell bent on destroying free societies. I cannot tell you what you country should do to protect itself, but perhaps some of the programs once enacted to combat the IRA may be in order.
I do not think anyone argues the point of welcoming peaceful people no matter what they are. The question is what to do with those that are not? I think that is a question you need to ask yourself
Sorry, but I've already answered that question, we have no option but to welcome peaceful Islam and peaceful Muslims and come down hard on anybody of any religion and any culture that isn't peaceful.
I think your comment that your comment about waking up to the Muslims is a little presumptuous, I think we are more than fully awake, perhaps too much.
I was hoping for a little more off you as you were so critical, though in fairness to you I would have asked the same question of TM if he hadn't got himself banned again.
Your I was so critical comment made me go back to the original post I left. Seems I was not critical at all, a little sacastic, but not critical
Seem my original post revealed most of your terror acts come from within. My post was actually a response to Hollie who said there were NO problems So I posted the ones I found to show her that indeed there were muslim radical attacks on your soil. Even you could not deny that, By the way, I used smores because I like them at a campfire.
As for TM, he was on one of my threads in the last 2 days. He got tossed in the sin bin already?
I agree with Hollie, we don't have a problem. Or at least no bigger problem than with any other bunch of radicals.
But still, you have no answer.
I think TMs suspension must be nearly up it was several days ago.
I gave you one, did you forget already? May need cat scan, or an mri
"You sort it out yourselves" is hardly an answer.
did you not read "I cannot tell you what you country should do to protect itself, but perhaps some of the programs once enacted to combat the IRA may be in order. "
And that is exactly what we are doing, thank you.
I do agree with the part, no more than with any other bunch of radicals, but that also means you do have a problem.
Why? It doesn't impinge on my day today living, nor does it impinge on the lives of most Brits.
Compare the number of deaths caused by terrorism with the number of random murders or even more tellingly with road deaths and I think that any rational person would agree that we don't have a problem.
Sumantiics, I thought you agreed that nothing is minor when it comes to terrorism. One is to many, same as murder, one is to many
They impinged on me one day almost 10 years ago. Now I have a trach in my throat to remind me on my day to day living. Maybe thats why I am less tolerent of radicals muslims than you. I wonder, Ever pass a Mosque? Do they have a fence around it? Just curious
Their are several Mosques within easy reach of my home. None have fences around them, all have signs inviting me in for food and a chat.
Are you really sure that it was Muslim terrorists that were responsible for your troubles, or is that just what you were told to believe?
Please John. Are you kidding, Lets not go down this road
I'm sorry, if you quote your own posts in answer to mine I haven't the faintest idea of what you are talking about.
Hi American view,
Unfortunately, in the UK, just like the US, we do have a problem with particular sections of the media that just love to encourage Islamaphobia. john will know which titles I'm talking about. We have no more problems in the UK with Muslims than we do with any other section of society. The problems that we have, however, as I've already stated, come from extremist organizations, many of whom are not muslim.
Extremism, and the hateful rhetoric which is often banded around in the press, and some forums, is our biggest problem. My daughter attends a multi faith, multi racial school and this pleases me. Our society is so much richer for the contributions which have been made by other faiths and cultures. It is also very encouraging, because hopefully, when my daughter and her peers reach adulthood, they will instantly recognize the ignorance that surrounds anti Islamic propaganda and they will also hopefully recognize that to live in hate is a very sad, pitiful and debilitating condition.
The" but "word in your sentence is indicated a little suspicious towards Muslim also. I would like to say the all Muslims in England to behave as a gentle citizen of England. Specially the young Muslim generation must raise banner against the Mullahs those who appeared on Tv. and scaremongering to create hate. If we want to live in European countries, we have to accept the culture of this land. It does not mean that you leave Islam. Within Islam ,you can be a good and patriot citizen.
No, no suspicion at all.
It means that I have no problems with Muslims, I do have problems with right wing bigots.
We all should be good citizens and good neighbors, no matter the country we live in or the religion we hold dear!
TMM - you must realize that what he's saying makes perfect sense.
"Hey, we should be pissed off because the US and European powers are completely ignoring all Muslim country's sovereignty and crapping all over our holy land. It's been going on for 97 years and we're sick of it"
For one, I'm surprised it's taken this long for them to start retaliating.
We crap all over them, then they say "dude, this sucks, let's overthrow the crappers", and then TMM says "WHOA!! DUDE!! THEY'RE GOING TO KILL US!!"
Yeah, no sh!t - we've been crapping on them for a century.
Tut, they should stand up and take it like men and not retaliate.
Hello Tom. So nice to see you back. I have to tell you, I missed you around the seventh day of your hiatus and asked about you in the forum.
I have observed a pattern in anti-Muslim rhetoric, like the kind you are spreading here. The bigots never seem to offer any first hand knowledge about the Muslims they put down and almost always justify themselves using passages from the Koran and distorted articles published by hate groups akin to Logan’s Warnings. On the other hand, I see many Anglo-Americans who defend Muslims whenever they encounter attempts, like yours, to demonize millions of Muslims worldwide. The defenders always seem to justify their feelings based on first hand experiences from living close to Muslim friends or having Muslims in their families.
I would love to read about your first-hand, up close and personal experience with Muslims that makes you hate and distrust all Muslims. Please share with me here your own encounters with the feelings and intentions of common Muslims. It might help me to understand your motivations for endorsing this narrow-minded drivel of fear mongers.
Your real motivations aside, you are broadcasting and disseminating the hate speech of a group that boasts “the primary mission of this website is to educate non-Muslims on the ideology & practice of Islam and to Islam's threats to our free and open society. The goal is to assist in developing legislation to defeat the dangerous Sharia movement underway here in America.”
Unlike some others I know, I’ve learned from history that war and atrocities are not caused by religions but by men. Men who use religions and their texts to justify and advance their personal agendas. For this reason, I have no fear of any religion, only the men who wish to corrupt religious principles to achieve power.
Again, Tom, I am happy to see you have returned. I truly missed you.
Nope no problem with Muslim terrorists anywhere except for this list of over 17,000 isolated deadly incidents.
Don't come in here very often but...
'We' generally don't have a problem with Muslims and generally they don't have a problem with us. It's the nutters and trouble makers on both sides that are the problem.
Most people, the world over, regardless of religion or political persuasion, or indeed mental illness - have very simple needs - food, shelter, family.
This is the connection between us and it should be the mutual respect and understanding that enables all of us to try and build our lives - without hatred.
Spot on mate! Spot on!
Basic logic really.... Are you a genius or something, basic logic is so HARD to understand
It's yer simple Boolean diagram with two circles - one labelled "Muslims" and one labelled "troublemakers/nutters". There is a small area where both circles overlap.
Unfortunately, the trouble with logic is that it stops people from enjoying giving vent to their fanaticism.
Agreed, there should be more focus on the things that unite us all without constantly stirring up further tensions by making silly generalizations and far fetched accusations about 'they' whoever 'they' might be.
Some people like to stir tensions up because they have nothing else better to do.
Good point livelonger. Perhaps some form of voluntary work or altruist act would be a far more productive pass time.
You are right. I appreciate you expectation from Muslim as well as other believers to remove hatred.
Every one has right to follow his religion. But do not be fanatic. Let us dancing,singing and celebrating mutual parties to enjoy our short staying period on this Earth. God never dislike, if his creation enjoy the life. We have to request our religious scholars to keep a religion in a certain boundaries.
Please do not teach us to hate and to raise banners against other.
Love is only the way of prosperity. Let us spread this massage all over the world.
I love the message, someone ought to tell the muslim radicals
He will. Who will take care of the Christian radicals?
You know that in this country, Christians are far more likely to support terrorism than Muslims, according to a recent Gallup poll.
Wish I knew who would. Great poll, I am sure when asked would you support terrorism, every radical muslim jumped up and said yes. Please. Thats like saying 90 % of college goers are not having sex because a poll said so when they were asked.
Muslims in Europe are destroying the continent!
hmmm familiar... yeah, where did I hear that before??
...Hey GO - too bad, you had to post a reminder of a horrific incident so recent - forgotten already I guess.....
"Anders Behring Breivik has admitted killing 77 people on July 22 when he first detonated a truck bomb outside government offices in the capital, Oslo, and then went on a meticulously planned shooting spree on the island, some 40 kilometres away.
Breivik denies criminal guilt because he believes the massacre was necessary to save Norway and Europe. He said the attacks were an attempt at cultural revolution, aimed at purging Europe of Muslims and punishing politicians that have embraced multiculturalism."
Peace everyone!
Good point GO. He should have got a girlfriend.
Yes one suppossed "Christian", who is a Socialist, cleanses the world of the idea that Muslims might be a bad thing in your country.
And of course lets not take THEM at THEIR OWN WORDS EITHER.
And to even campare the American Right to the Muslim terrorists is a joke that exemplifies the lack of intelligence and intellect on the Left and Progressive wings of the spectrum.
Next you all will throw up Tim McVey, and that will be two suppossed Christians, your almost getting there now huh? Duhh!
Of course McVey had strong ties to Abu Sayef in the phillipines, and was a Neo-NAZI, and we know what NAZIs are.... so...
As I said... duhh!.
One day England will be no m,ore.
And the fact is your BS doesn't change what THEY SAY and intend to do.
Funny... I thought if you were preaching the over-throw of the Govt of the nation you lived in it was illegal. Appearently that is only if it is a white Christian though.
Im not comparing right to left to terrorist to anything...
Just xenophobia to xenophobia, tribalism to tribalism, fear to fear and hate to hate
There is no phobia when you know they are out to get you.
One is not paronoid if there really are people out to get him/her.
See how simple that is?
The Left and Proigressives have forever spouted off about how nice and peaceful America's enemies are... they have been coddling poeple who hate us for 90 years now.
What a joke.
you missed the point TM....i don't really care whether a person is right, left, in the middle, on the outside, on top, on the bottom...has beliefs doesn't have beliefs.....
...a man with twisted hateful views of the world....killed with his hatred of those who didn't think in his twisted way....he was spreading hate and then acted upon his hatred....
Peace TM....
And you miss the point, my friend. I do not care about a Muslim who wants to live in peace and be a part of this country... I care about the ones that are in their Mosques preaching this hate and over-throw America BS... as we all ignore it.
Funny I remember a lot of white Christian churches being shut down for exactly ythe same hateful speech.
But I guess the Muslims are exempt from that law.
Um, I think you misread some articles. The kids he shot were the socialists. He himself thought "cultural Marxists" were ruining his country.
The Cultural Marxists are a different breed of Socialist. There are many a breed of Marxian thought and they do not all get along.
or are you claiming he, being born and raised in a Socialist country, was a Capitalist?
Funny how you jump through hoops to prove everybody evil is a socialist but when ever anybody points the finger at a conservative you immediately deny that they are "real" conservatives!
Typical twisting of the right.
"such rabble rousing might well result in you having your collar felt if you were in the UK."
What do you mean by that?
And no John, the fact is a "Conservative" in Europe, is no-where near what a Conservative is here in America.
Sorry, misled by your claim to be an expert on all things British.
Having your collar felt is cant for being arrested by the police.
Actually that shows just how controlled and un-free your country is these days.
What is funny is if this was a white man in a church the Govt would have broke the door down and arrested all for hate speech crimes, among others, both here and in England... but not Muslims
No, we just have a more robust attitude to people stirring up hatred.
I don't follow the rest of your post, Muslims are arrested for hate speech in the UK probably more readily than white men in churches.
I would like to see proof of that assertion.
And if so then great...
Not in America though... I posted the Kalifa videos link. If a white Christian in a church were saying that the FBI would have him taser and slap him in cuffs, with life-times of federal charges against him.
Actually there is nothing in Socialism, or Marx and Engals own writings, that precludes the use of race or national pride to reach the goal of centralized authority and collectivism through statism. Hitler did just fine with his Socialist expirement.
And appearently I am banned for 3 days for some reason.
See ya then.
Gee I wonder if they know you can still edit under suspension? I could have fun with this.
@Jonh... 5:07pm...
I don't know who you're talking to down there, John. I told you I am suspended for telling you that England could come and try to take America back any time they wanted... appearently I have offended the English.
And I thought the French were touchy lil critters.
You mean that any form of socialism expired under Hitler!
At last.
Are you claiming that it's impossible for anyone born and raised in a country with one economic system to prefer another?
Regardless, to the best of my knowledge little is known of his economic views, so we don't have much to go on there. Culturally, however, he is the antithesis of every socialist belief system I'm familiar with, being nationalist, xenophobic, and Islamophobic. One of the defining social characteristics of socialism and Marxism is that it does not recognize national, racial, religious, or ethnic differences and instead focuses on class differences. His other social beliefs were also a hodgepodge of popular far right causes - anti-feminism, anti-multiculturalism, etc.
Kerryg, you miss the point,he is evil therefore he is a socialist.
All conservatives are as pure as the driven snow.
Are they? I honestly did not know that
So can we go skiing on them then?
if you think Socialism is no more than a economic theory... well then... IDK what to say to you.
LOL. You can't face the truth, so you pretend you can't read - how convenient.
I think the fact that 3 out of 5 sentences in my post discussed the social beliefs of socialism (and/or the antithesis thereof) ought to be a pretty good indication that I do not regard socialism as "no more than an economic theory."
You might, though, if you consider him a socialist despite the fact that not a single one of his known social beliefs are consistent with any form of socialism ever devised. The only grounds you could possibly have to consider him a socialist are economic, and if you can point me to the part of his manifesto where his socialist economic views are explained, I would be most interested in seeing that.
"Yes one suppossed "Christian", who is a Socialist, cleanses the world of the idea that Muslims might be a bad thing in your country."
No it doesn't.. but why do a few Muslims negate the idea that the majority simply want to live in peace?
A few... go count them up and let me know the number of this "few".
i think your math and mine would be off by a billion or so
You pre-supppose I include all Muslims in my statements... I do not.
I read the title of your forum post and the part that their "religion... is babaric nature"
Just cause their religion is babaric... doesn't mean I do not see some good in some of the people.
And I would wager you monies that a majority of Islam would indeed love to see the collapse, over-throw, of this nation and the west.
so you put the number at half a billion, then?
Actually I would place it higher than that, approx 75 to 80%.
And lets remember that a faithful Muslims follows the commands of allah and momo... and since the verses 9 and 5 were the last of momo's revalations to the ummah, -(tradition states they were goven from his death bed adding that much more wioeght to there intent and authority)-, they hold an inordinate amount of wieght and authority and abbrogates all previous concilliatory verses spoken as regards the Jews, Christians, and non-believers.
Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." "People of the Book" refers to Christians and Jews. This was one of the final "revelations" from Allah and it set in motion the tenacious military expansion, in which Muhammad's companions managed to conquer two-thirds of the Christian world in just the next 100 years. Islam is intended to dominate all other people and faiths.
Quran (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them." According to this verse, the best way of staying safe from Muslim violence is to convert to Islam. Prayer (salat) and the poor tax (zakat) are among the religions Five Pillars.
Quran (9:14) - "Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace..."
Quran (9:20) - "Those who believe, and have left their homes and striven with their wealth and their lives in Allah's way are of much greater worth in Allah's sight. These are they who are triumphant." The "striving" spoken of here is Jihad.
Quran (9:30) - "And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!"
Quran (9:38-39) - "O ye who believe! what is the matter with you, that, when ye are asked to go forth in the cause of Allah, ye cling heavily to the earth? Do ye prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter. Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place." This is a warning to those who refuse to fight, that they will be punished with Hell.
Quran (9:41) - "Go forth, light-armed and heavy-armed, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the way of Allah! That is best for you if ye but knew." See also the verse that follows (9:42) - "If there had been immediate gain (in sight), and the journey easy, they would (all) without doubt have followed thee, but the distance was long, (and weighed) on them" This contradicts the myth that Muslims are to fight only in self-defense, since the wording implies that battle will be waged a long distance from home (in another country and on Christian soil, in this case, according to the historians).
Quran (9:73) - "O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination." Dehumanizing those who reject Islam, by reminding Muslims that they are merely firewood for Hell, makes it easier to justify slaughter. It also explains why today's devout Muslims have little regard for those outside the faith.
Quran (9:88) - "But the Messenger, and those who believe with him, strive and fight with their wealth and their persons: for them are (all) good things: and it is they who will prosper."
Quran (9:111) - "Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Quran: and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme."
Quran (9:123) - "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness." … olence.htm
Of course that is just what islam, Allah and Momo have to say about it.
But I imagine that you all will argue that none of this matters, what you all think out-wieghs anything momo or allah says and so it will be just fine.... continue on ignoring the threat.
SO you think that 80% of the Muslim population iseager and waiting for the chance to "slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush."
Only the truely faithful.
And of course there is always a percentage of population in any ideology, country, etc, which is simple adverse to violence.
Do I think they are all, 80%), out there running around with weapons and bombs attacking us... no.
But there are other ways to participate in the Jihad than holding a gun, or blowing yourself to hell.
So we ignore threats to our lives and country... just to get along.
What a laugh... Liberal diplomacy at its best.
This line of reasoning is getting very tiresome, racism and bigotry at its worst.
If the US attacks Muslim countries on a regular basis and wages an aggressive (and often illegal) campaign against them then you have to expect retribution. To then blame your victims for fighting back is hypocritical in the extreme. I have no ill-will toward America but such blatantly foul and fascist thinking prompts tacit support for the Muslim side in all this.
Maybe if this kind of sick drivel ceased I might feel more inclined to be sympathetic to the US position.
We do not need, nor do we want, your sympathy.
You only represent a tiny minority of the WE you espouse. The remainder do need the sympathy of myself and others, and our support. When the abuse of your economy slides you into obscurity and your troops have to leave all the places that you are aggressively attacking Muslims (in the main) you will be dependant on outside support. You do not speak for the US, only your own bigoted views.
Problem is that you didn't start this thread with your problems in mind.
You started it with the intent of stirring unrest in the UK.
Fortunately we aren't quite so obsessed with free speech in the UK and such rabble rousing might well result in you having your collar felt if you were in the UK.
And rightly so in my book.
Yes just ignore it... it will all just go away on its own.
What a joke that logic is.
Quill, my hat's off to you. If I can express myself one tenth as well as you do, I'll be content.
Can TM think of any reasons why anyone might justifiably dislike the USA?
Hmmmm got 220 million Muslims in Indonesia......right on my back doorstep here in Australia, should I be worried?
American View, I pass mosques all the time, and they typically (from what I've seen) don't have fences..
Your view does not represent all Americans....
Who said they had fences? I aked if the Mosques in the UK had fences around them. Perhaps you did not know John was from the UK. I did not say the Mosques in the US had fences, but you made that leap and try to blame me. But you answer peaks my curiosity. "Typicaly" in that context means most of them do not, but some do. So is there one by you that has a fence? And perhaps fence was not the proper word as maybe a border around the Mosque.
Now the only reason I asked was for all the Mosques I have seen On the news overseas, and the pictures of mosques from other countries, all seem to have a concrete fence completely surrounding them, much like a fortress. So I was curious if they were like that in the UK. I have not seen one like that here.
"Radical" means many things... Sufism was considered "radical" for a long time...and it has nothing at all to do with violence...
It is sad how the media distorts or monopolizes the use of words... A person can have radical beliefs that justify the use of terrorism... But another can have the radical belief that all variations of "God" or "Gods" are the same, regardless of the name or specific rituals attached to it/them..
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