With the debates underway, and the adds starting to air. The 2012 elections will be here before we know it. I have my favorite candidates I am wondering what others think about the lineup? Please be respectful. I know there are those out here voting for Obama and you can say so but please respect others opinions this is just a discussion. Thanks!
no one is perfect but Romney will take it and if so win....he is conservative enough and knows business.....yet liberal enough to get some vots from inde and dems who are not liking Obama
For me, political debates have always been difficult to watch. But now, they are almost unbearable because of High Definition television. They all look so made up and creepy. The Rick guy reminds me of someone trying to sell snake oil. It just seems like the same ole' political rhetoric. You can polish a turd, but it's still going to smell.
I'm not overly impressed by any of the candidates.
Romney has his problems with Obamacare due to Romenycare and people that have a problem with his religion. He does seem like the best 'business man' in the group.
Perry seems like something of a loose cannon at times.
Buchmann is out there, if you know what I mean.
Cain seems like a good man but he's not very well known.
Paul is really out there. His biggest problems are his supporters who are so 'in your face' in their rabid support.
Gingrich has too much baggage.
The rest simply don't have the name recognition to get a presidential campaign off the ground.
I'd like to see a man like Allen West run but I don't think that's going to happen, maybe in the VP slot.
Palin isn't in, I don't think she'll get in, and, frankly, would prefer she didn't.
As for the respectful part, I think I was. As for the others here, good luck with that, Sam.
Who do you like?
I would love to see Cain win. but as you said the name recognition is not there. He I feel is best suited for the roll of bringing the country around to a better econimic stand point.
Other than Cain I like Paul. He is super conservitive and I know the doesnt float well with alot of the country but he knows what he is talking about as well. I would trust him over any of the oterh candidates.
Really do not want Romney, and Buchmann will not get it because this country is not ready for a woman president as of yet. I would like to see some of these candidates in the cabinet though, together they have some good heads on their shoulders.
We will see with another debate tonight what happens.
It comes down to crazy rebel - Perry, or Obama Light - Romney. It's no wonder Republicans are so dissatisfied with their choices.
By far the most qualified is Huntsman. But he has been so mild and laid back so far. He revealed an in depth jobs plan and an overhaul of the tax codes. Not like the others that say they are going to do something and offer nothing. Huntsman's plan has been talked about as good economic plans. Because of that, he is starting to become more interviewed by the Media. Question is will the voters begin to recognize him.
More on Huntsman
I agree. Huntsman is the most capable GOP candidate, by far.
Ron, i never had an original idea, i jump on everyone elses coat tails, I take credit for bills I did not write, take credit for creatiing the Tea Party even though I had nothing to do with it, say whatever people want to hear todaybut will say something else tomorrow if in front of people with different opinions, Paul Admit it, if he was a Democrat, the Democrats would not vote for him
I think Romney is the most electable against Obama. I like Mitt's business sense. I like Cain's business experience, too. I really like Huntsman, but it's like he's invisible.
I read hundreds of comments last night on an article in the NYT, and dems are screaming for a liberal to challenge Obama. Some conservatives were saying that Perry has more of a chance of beating Obama than Romney has. Have they seen the polls? What are they smoking?
Maybe they are looking at these polls.
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls … -1452.html
You missed my point. I was talking about how Perry/Romney did against Obama. Big difference.
I see, I guess I did miss your point. I believe Obama will be beaten and beaten badly in November 2012, maybe even by another Democrat.
Not my favorite candidate but from this point I am expecting President Perry in 2012.
i am hoping for Chris Christie to make a run for the job!
The scary thing about Romney's business sense, is that if elected, he'll pad his business buddy's pockets like Bush did at the expense of this country. Bachmann is as nutty as Palin, if not worse, and Perry is a carbon copy of Bush.
So...you don't think Obama does that? Been keeping up with the news? And what about Perry and Merck? As usual, I will be voting for the lesser of two evils next year. Just not sure who that will be.
I'm glad you pointed that out about the padding of the pockets. Unfortunately, it happens on both sides but we're paying for the padding.
I'm with you on the voting for the lesser of two evils. It would be nice to have someone to vote FOR rather than just against the other guy.
Obama has been a huge disappointment. Unfortunately, the alternatives appear to be much worse. That said, if someone like Huntsman were to manage to get the Republican nod, at least there would be some sanity on the Republican ticket, relatively speaking.
I like Huntsman, too, but I could support Romney. He seems sane and intelligent. Many conservatives are referring to Romney and Huntsman as "Obama light." On the other hand, the far left often calls Obama "Bush light." lol
Here's something to consider. I'm being truthfuly honest and non biased when I ask this - If McCain/Palin won in '08, does anyone think they would of done any better than Obama? In the spring and summer of '08, there was a lot of hype and compairing Obama with FDR in fixing the economy. I believed that was going too far. What a lot of people failed to realize is during the Great Depression, FDR's policies and programs were moderately successful. The Depression in this country finally ended on Dec. 7, 1941 when we entered WW2.
Based on what I've seen so far, I like Huntsman the best, but I need to do more investigating before making a final decision. Romney is probably my second choice, but he just comes off as wanting it too bad, which begs the question of why.
I'd also be pleased if Paul got the nomination. I disagree with far too many of his policies to ever consider voting for him, but at least there would be some interesting debates, whereas with Obama vs. Huntsman/Romney, most policies are basically the same and differ only by degree.
I find it depressing that Perry and Bachmann are even in contention. They are both so far out of touch with reality that it's like they're from an alternate universe or something, and unlike Bush, they give the impression of actually believing the crazy s*** that spews out of their mouths. Plus, God clearly has it in for Gov. Perry, if the response to his prayer for rain is any basis to judge, so if he became president I'd be kind of worried the entire country might go up in flames.
Bachmann is the most solid, principled conservative in the bunch. Shes smart well spoken and has business experience, tax, legal and medical experience as well as congressional experience. She would destrou Obama in a debate and thus country is more than ready for a woman. Cain is also a good man. He made it by working hard and is very familiar with the problems facing the middle class. His business experience would be valuable in getting the country back on track. Paul is fine but his foreign policy ideas and his push to return to a gold standard will keep him from being the nominee. Gingrich is smart! He deserves a place in the next conservative administration but his baggage will probably keep him out. Perry is an ex democrat, Romney is not a conservative either and I'm not looking for a rino. Santorum might be a good pic but he just seems to keep lagging. Palin probably isn't running this time but she would be a good choice. In fact if Goofy was running, even he would be better than Obama!
Bachmann is a whackjob. If not worse to the half governor Palin.
I really wish conservatives would give Huntsman a closer look. For one thing, he knows China really well. lol
Far-right conservatives need to realize that a far-right candidate is going to have a tough time in the national election. He/she would need to garner votes from moderates and independents in order to win.
As far as Cain is concerned, I like the man. He's turned around failing businesses, and he's a DC outsider. I wonder, however, how he would do with foreign policy.
Gingrich might be the smartest guy running, but he has too much baggage.
Huntsman is a democrat posing as a conservative. He hasn't got a chance!
Not with the GOP base, but whoever wins the nomination has to be able to pull moderates and independents away from Obama, and if you read this thread (and the similar one from last week), you'll notice the moderates and independents of HubPages are overwhelmingly favoring Huntsman and/or Romney.
Additionally, Obama has pissed off enough of his own base that if a sane moderate candidate such as Huntsman or Romney was up against him, a lot of us might stay home. If a raving lunatic like Perry or Bachmann gets it, on the other hand, we'll be out in droves to vote for the lesser of evils, you can count on it.
I agree.
On the right-wing boards you have hordes of people saying "I will never vote for Romney." Then, on election day, they will be there voting for him if the alternative is Obama. The GOP knows that, despite on the screaming and wailing of the TP, they will end up voting Republican no matter who gets the nod.
The demsbare gonna vote for Obama no matter who the GOP candidate is, or they'll stay home. Do you really think given the choice between Bachmann, or Perry and Obama that moderates will pull the lever for Obama??? I doubt it!! Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice... no way!!
The last hub about Jon Huntsman is 7 months old (Hint!).
I went on his site, and liked some of the proposals. Cutting Obamacare without recognition that there really is an access to healthcare problem is to my mind not wise. He does not really address the structural issues that beset America, like the exoport of jobs to Asia. He does not seem to mention the budget deficit,just cutting taxes!
From the current Republican field he seems to be a possible candidate rather than a joke candidate.
Democrats are drooling over the prospect of running against Bachmann. The hypocrisy of claiming to be a free market champion while grabbing armloads of government handouts is just the beginning of her long list of impossible to defend positions. She smacked Perry around pretty good last night; another favor to Democrats.
Democrats love Bachmann.
I thought I read somewhere that the Democrat-Socialist-Leant Leftist-Nazis were afraid of them. Something about being intimidated by their intelligence...
They do know THE TRUTH better than we lyin' socialists do. You're not supposed to listen to what she says, but rather respect how defiant she looks as she's saying it.
Stand up comics really love Backmann and Palin.
Liar. You would do Newt at the drop of a hat.
Palin and Bachmann are cute as long as they don't talk.
Sorry Greek 1 - she has principles. You would have to marry her first!
As governor of Texas Rick Perry exceeded George W. Bush's performance in an important respect. "At 234, Perry has broken the record held by his predecessor, George W. Bush, for the number of executions over which a governor has presided."
"In 2001 Perry vetoed a bill that would have banned the execution of the mentally retarded and required that judges, not juries, determine competence."
The Washington Spectator, September 15, 2011.
I read that, too, Ralph. Scary.
LL, I'm pretty conservative, and I could never vote for Bachmann. I know a lot of other conservatives who feel the same way. And from what I've seen/read/heard so far, Perry is almost as bad. The TP is going to end up giving Obama four more years. This country is slightly right of center - not to the extreme right. The far right better think about this before the GOP nomination!
What is it that you hate about Romney? Is it Romneycare? Is it because he's a Mormon? You're not going to find the "perfect candidate." Romney is smart, well educated, thoughtful, reasonable, and has lots of business experience. As for Romneycare, the majority of Mass. citizens like it, according to the polls.
Those moderates who LL mistakenly thinks would vote for Bachmann actually COULD vote for Romney. The only candidates with a chance at grabbing the ring are Obama and Obama light. TP's will protest, bitch and moan - that's what they do best.
What makes Bachmann or Perry "far" right? Is it because they believe in God, or constitutional government? This characterization by the media of Bachmann and Perry as "extremists" is purposely being done because these are the people most feared by the far left. There is nothing extremist about either of them and no reason at all that moderates wouldn't vote for them over Obama. No reasonable, logical, clear thinking person would re-elect Obama, the poverty president, unless they are a far left loony ideologue.
You don't think Romney believes in God? Bachmann is just too strange. Did you hear what she said about submitting to her husband's will - even if she were president? With her education, I know she has to be smart, but she doesn't come across that way. Perry lost points with me with the Merck issue and his ideas on illegal immigrants. Also, he's way too quick to execute prisoners, and he's proud of his execution record. That just doesn't seem very Christian to me. I'm not saying Romney is against the death penalty, but he's taken it very seriously:
"Confronted with a growing number of wrongful murder convictions in Massachusetts as well as in other states, and looking back on the failed attempts of two previous governors to reinstate the death penalty, Governor Romney established a blue-ribbon comission to address legislators' concerns over innocence. On May 3, 2004, the Governor's Council on Capital Punishment issued their Final Report, with recommendations for creating a system "as infallible as humanly possible."
When George W Bush made a speech, I couldn't listen for more than two minutes without getting annoyed and turning the radio off. When Obama speaks, he sounds very reasonable and I feel he has thought deeply about what he is talking about. To be honest the current crop of GOP candidates boggles my mind. I think I would have to be under the influence of some illegal substance to listen to them calmly.
@ oldhorse...No...I tried that...It's still impossible to watch them calmly...
As a nonpolitical politician analyzer,I'd say the line up of GOP politicians could be taken care of with one shot...if they were lined up just right...and the wind was at your back so the smell doesn't make your eyes water and screw up your aim...
The Dem's,on the other hand,might require several cause they never line up and are usually with each others spouses...Is this the pot thread?
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by icountthetimes 12 years ago
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