Illigal Immigration And How It Is Effecting Our Country.

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  1. dzephaniah profile image59
    dzephaniahposted 12 years ago

    I want to write an article about illegal immigration and its effect on this country.
    I love people in general and I’m a legal immigrant myself (I immigrated here 28 years ago). However because of our “human rights” approach, affirmative action laws, and open door policy, we have invited some problems on our hands. I consider myself a very intelligent and good hearted person. However after moving to South Florida 3 years ago opened my eyes! I am shocked! I can’t wait to get out of here!
    Good citizens made this country to be what it is today. I don’t want us to lose the grip. I want us to take action before it is too late.
    Before I do so, I would like to get some input from you. I want to hear from good, regular people that go about every day and try to earn an honorable living for their families. I don’t want to hear from the laud few that try to force their opinion on the majority. I want to hear from the nice people that usually hold things inside, because they have their reasons. I want you to tell me:
    1.    What bother you the most, about illegal immigration?
    2.    How do we go about solving the problem of illegal immigration?
    Let me give you few examples of the issues that bother me:
    •    Absolute lack of principals from some cultures.
    •    Most of them segregate, not integrate. I see every day how THEY discriminate against me.
    •    Absolute lack of morals. They'll say anything, and do anything to make a Dollar.
    •    They don’t clean after themselves and whole neighborhoods look like a dump.
    •    Many of them have no regard to human life and dignity. Crime rates are astonishing and scary.
    Thank you.

    1. Dave Mathews profile image60
      Dave Mathewsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      1. Why does the government let these people into the country? Why not stick them on the first boat or plane back to where they came from. They gave up their rights to their homeland to come over. They have no rights under the land where they migrated to.

      1. Petra Vlah profile image60
        Petra Vlahposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Who do you suppose will clean your house and babysit your children for the same money? And how much do you think will cost you to buy fruit and vegetables?  Most of the illegal immigrants are hard working people and make a real contribution to the American economy; without them our financial crises would be much worse

        1. habee profile image93
          habeeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          In this economy, I know plenty of US citizens who are now willing to do hard work for low wages - including teenagers. When I was a teen, lots of us in the South worked in tobacco in the summers in order to buy school clothes and have spending money. In the 80s, many of these jobs were taken over by immigrants. Some were legal, and some weren't.

          I mostly see illegals as the victims here. I've seen the way some are treated by employers who use scare tactics and fear to "keep the illegals in their place." I blame employers more than I do the illegals. They're just trying to make a better life for their families, but can we afford to save the world?

    2. ib radmasters profile image60
      ib radmastersposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The over ten million illegal aliens in this country, send most of their money back to Mexico. They get free medical, free education, and financial assistance paid for by the taxpayers.

      All of it done illegally as per the Immigration Laws, and the government doesn't enforce the immigration laws equally. Most of the immigrants that are trying to get into the country legally, spend money on attorneys, and other fees only to be turned away because of quotas.

      It is not fair and it is discriminatory to look the other way when illegals break the law and physically enter the country.

      1. Petra Vlah profile image60
        Petra Vlahposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        They may get some free medical and education benefits, but NOT financial assistance. Let's not forget that they are also bringing money into the economy: ALL of them have to eat and pay rent, they also buy gas and spend on electricity and water, not to mention they are the best costumers of phone companies.  Most of them also have  refreshing qualities in terms of family values, love for their children and respect for their parents.

      2. gmwilliams profile image82
        gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this


    3. gmwilliams profile image82
      gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You have eloquently stated what MANY are thinking; however, they are loathe to state this because it may sound "racist" and " politically incorrect."

  2. John Holden profile image60
    John Holdenposted 12 years ago

    I assume that you  are referring to illegal immigrants and not asylum seekers et al.

    Like it or loath it they have no alternative than to do anything for a dollar.

    1. dzephaniah profile image59
      dzephaniahposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You are right.

  3. Cassie Smith profile image61
    Cassie Smithposted 12 years ago

    #1. That they are here. 

    #2. Unless the government actively returns the illegals and punishes the businesses who hire them, there's not much that we can do.  Also, if we don't give their children automatic citizenship, we might be able to reduce the number of anchor babies.

    People from different countries have different social mores.  In third world countries, it's probably common to litter because their social services might not include garbage pickup.  There's a lot of corruption in government in third world countries as well so they continue their bad behavior here.

  4. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    I like how they do the work that allows me to eat fresh fruit and stay in affordable hotels.

  5. gracenotes profile image91
    gracenotesposted 12 years ago


    It's a real problem, but also a very complex one.  I wish we could wave a magic wand and fix the problem.

    Illegal immigrants make contributions in this country, good and bad.

    I personally do not like feeling marginalized if I were to go into a neighborhood in the U.S. where English is not spoken.  I was treated badly, some years ago, in San Antonio, Texas, where I and a couple of family members had gone to a restaurant.  I would have walked out of that restaurant, but was waiting for a ride to come pick us up, so I had to make do with my meager Spanish, and just order some sort of meal.  I have also heard some Canadians speak about this problem when they traveled to Quebec -- feeling ignored, feeling marginalized in Montreal, etc.

    So, yes, language is part of the problem.  My dad's ranch hand he employed for so many years was legal (married to an American citizen), and my dad was bi-lingual, so they communicated just fine, but his ranch hand, who came from Mexico, was illiterate.  With the ranch hand not being able to read or write, how much motivation do you think he had to learn English?  The education of many older illegal immigrants (past school age) cannot be much better.  So I'd say part of the problem may stem from their education in their home country.

    Yes, I agree with Habee that illegals in this country are being exploited by some companies.  But maybe, from the illegal's perspective, they're not.  Since my Spanish is not very good, I can't ask them myself.

    And, absolutely, here's the weird part.  My dad, who died in 2003, constantly noticed that when he tried to strike up a conversation in Spanish with young Latino people who were U.S. citizens, they didn't know any Spanish.  There was a certain generation of citizens in this country (with Mexican ancestry) who felt it was no longer necessary for their kids to be bi-lingual.  The Mexican-American CNA who helped my mom and dad during dad's last months of life tried to tell her grandkids that they should learn Spanish, because it would help them get a better job someday.  They said, in English, "I don't care."

    Is this country upside-down, or what?

    1. gmwilliams profile image82
      gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Sadly, IT IS and it is going to GET MUCH, MUCH WORSE for this wondrous country.  The illegals are coming! The illegals are....COMING!  Well, it is TIME to stop this influx of illegals coming IMMEDIATELY!   They AREN'T adding anything at all to America, in fact, they are going to make America much much worse!

  6. Ron Montgomery profile image59
    Ron Montgomeryposted 12 years ago

    They are worser even then Hitler.

    1. Petra Vlah profile image60
      Petra Vlahposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      With such grammar, no wonder you have a limited understanding and a myopic vision


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