Do men leave their wife for another woman? What are the major reasons for them t

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  1. prettydarkhorse profile image62
    prettydarkhorseposted 13 years ago

    Do men leave their wife for another woman? What are the major reasons for them to leave their...

    wife for that other woman?

  2. coolbreeze profile image43
    coolbreezeposted 13 years ago

    I believe the major reasons are sex and money for most people.

  3. mainstreetcm profile image61
    mainstreetcmposted 13 years ago

    In most cases I believe its sex and lust. But there are others where a man feels trapped by his partner and his genuinely unhappy, yet doesn't know how to deal with the situation other than leaving.

  4. MickS profile image61
    MickSposted 13 years ago

    Probably for the same reasons that wives leave their husbands for other men, it works both ways.

  5. Powerful Pierre profile image61
    Powerful Pierreposted 13 years ago

    ONE of the biggest problems is jealousy. Instead of being happy for each other's big moments, one or the other begins to resent that the other partner is getting more attention than them. THIS is the catalyst that causes a lot of breakups. AS a Pastor I heard this complaint often from both parties even more so than money or lust.

  6. perfectperception profile image61
    perfectperceptionposted 13 years ago

    I think most men never leave but string the other woman along for as long as he can, until she realizes the relationship is going nowhere!

  7. gmwilliams profile image84
    gmwilliamsposted 13 years ago

    Again, I did not mean this to be a hub. I was just answering a question; however, I got little bit too wordy in my answer. So here it goes! It all depends upon the circumstances. Marriage is not always until death do us part. Many times during a... read more

  8. pearlmacb profile image74
    pearlmacbposted 13 years ago

    I think the major reason, is simply their needs are not being met by their spouse. 
    But I often see, the wives less of the culprit (especially those with children.) - from my observation, in many cases its the wife that is actually the unhappy one. Her husband is failing to meet her needs over a period of time.....causing her to feel angry & withdrawn. The husband may be tired of being confronted about same issues? pressured to possibly change? making him feel less of "her hero!" a result he finds it easier to leave the drama/ or thick silence to be with another desired companion that makes him feel excited!.....makes him feel like a wonderful man "just the way he is" and sexually inviting again.

    *Perhaps its just pureSelfishness in this day and age, its happening at an alarming rate.

  9. Jhera profile image61
    Jheraposted 13 years ago

    Maybe, the other woman are sexier and prettier than his wife.

  10. rajan jolly profile image92
    rajan jollyposted 12 years ago

    There's a saying" the grass is greener on the other side". I guess most of the time this is the main reason for a guy wandering off to another territory- a woman in this case.


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