I know that before you read this first piece, some of you are thinking "why can't we just let people live their lives the way they want too? How do heterosexuals get to live our lives the way we want too when we have homosexuals taking that away from us by disrespecting what we are (heterosexual) with homosexual deceptions? They seem to think heterosexuals are homosexual guinea pigs.
The Insanity Known As Homosexual Activism
Take notice everyone, I mean it's obviously transparent but since homosexual activists are getting away with fooling the public other than themselves, here is their exposure.
Homosexual activists impose ignorance towards the fact that what makes a person a heterosexual is that we have sex with / are sexually attracted to those born with the opposite sex genital we were born with.
(homosexuals get their genital surgically mutilated, Adams apple reversed, breast implants, etc. which leads to heterosexuals being deceived in this most discriminatory, traumatizing and humiliating of ways.)
Homosexual activists impose ignorance towards the fact that what makes a homosexual a homosexual is that they have sex with / are sexually attracted too those born with the same sex genital that they themselves were born with.
(Some homosexuals have a hard time accepting themselves for what they themselves are. Think, if all it took to be a man or a woman for example is how you feel, then why are they getting their genitals surgically mutilated in the first place?)
Homosexual activists impose ignorance towards the fact that thousands of years prove that marriage was created for and in honour of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions.
(Thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honoured with marriage suddenly gets disrespected and dishonoured because homosexuals have no respect for the one ceremony that honours the union of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence. I respect that thousands of years ago our ancestors felt that heterosexual unions were worth honouring with what they decided to call marriage and it is like that has been so easily forgotten because a group of selfish individuals for years desperately scrambled to make anything else the issue until some parliaments of modern times got sick of hearing about it and didn't know how to deal with it at the time of this recent and temporary mockery made of marriage. I say temporary because I believe it will be restored to the respectable state it was created for and in honour of.)
Homosexual activists impose ignorance towards the fact that heterosexual couples who can not have children doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honour of heterosexual unions.
(Marriage was created for and in honour of heterosexual unions yet in desperately scrambling to make anything else the issue, homosexual activists claimed that because some heterosexual couples can't have children and could still get married then because homosexuals can't have children deserve to make marriage about something that marriage never had anything to do with. I am not kidding when I say, and you are all witness, that homosexual activists ignored the fact that heterosexual couples who can't have children and still got married doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honour of heterosexual unions)
Homosexual activists impose ignorance towards the fact that what makes a male human being a male human being is that he is born with a penis and what makes a female human being a female human being is that she is born with a vagina.
(Again, some homosexuals have a hard time accepting themselves for what they themselves are. Think, if all it took to be a man or a woman for example is how you feel, then why are they getting their genitals surgically mutilated in the first place?)
Facts are not agreed upon, they are either recognized or ignored.
(Homosexual activists have imposed so much ignorance towards fact while for now succeeding in making their lies and deceptions the issue within some governments of the world that it raises a great deal of cause for concern that legislations are being constructed based upon lies and deceptions to otherwise be handed down as examples to our future generation on how to make legislative change unless we start cleaning this mess and mockery up soon.)
How did all of this homosexual activist insanity begin you wonder? It is really quite simple.
In the beginning of homosexuality being legalized here in North America for example, it was all about drawing sympathy from the public for homosexuals who just want to have sex with homosexuals and just want to be left alone. (I am confident it was the same in the United Kingdom or anywhere else on the globe) They were completely avoiding focusing the public's attention to the real problem which has not been the homosexuals who want to have sex with other homosexuals, but it's always been the homosexuals who discriminate heterosexuals for our sexual orientation. The homosexuals who pretend to be the opposite sex to make guinea pigs out of heterosexuals with such filthy deceptions is exactly what the problem has always been for hundreds or even thousands of years. Since then that problem has (instead of being resolved by criminalizing discrimination against heterosexuality) escalated to the point of homosexuals tragically getting their genital surgically mutilated, Adams apple reversals, botox, bone shaving so they can pride themselves at how well they can get away with making guinea pigs out of heterosexuals.
Heterosexuals are not bisexuals, we are not homosexuals, we are heterosexuals. If you are a heterosexual and you stand against homosexuals deceiving thus discriminating you for your sexual orientation, to the insane bigot homosexual activists, that makes you a bigot, a hater, a homophobe.
As heterosexuals we have a right to practice exclusively heterosexuality. A homosexual deceiving heterosexuals with these traumatizing and humiliating deceptions clearly discriminates our right.
If any homosexual activist tries telling you that marriage is about equality then remind them of the fact that if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the population we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective. (Reality sets in) Then ask them "Where is the honour in that?" Remind them of the fact that thanks to heterosexuality we even exist which brings us to the next point.
Homosexual activists impose ignorance towards the fact that homosexuality does not equal heterosexuality.
(We are all human and as a human, I myself fight for equality for I strongly encourage the world to recognize that as humans we are all equal. I myself as a human am just as alive as any King, Queen Emperor, pauper, Heterosexual, homosexual etc. that ever existed. From there, to do with the foundations of these very primary global issues I now address, we have homosexuals and we have heterosexuals of which practising homosexuality has never lead to procreation yet practising heterosexuality does lead to procreation which clearly proves beyond any shadow of doubt that homosexuality does not equal heterosexuality and there is no valid contradiction to this clear cut plain as day fact. As human beings we have always had the right to marry a member of the opposite born sex genital that we ourselves were born with because that is what marriage was created for and in honour of and hundreds, if not thousands of years prove that beyond any shadow of doubt. Homosexuals being born as homosexuals and that they can't help that they were born as a homosexual still doesn't change that fact. That they were even born at all, or that anyone / everyone was born at all is thanks to heterosexuality and that is why marriage was created for and in honour of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence)
Also if any homosexual activist makes mention of any ancient civilization having ceremonies about gay couples to try and make marriage to be about homosexual activist delusions, remind them of the fact that none of those ceremonies was marriage!
When presenting these facts, prepare for the first thing that is going to happen, and that is that homosexual activists are going to ignore these facts as thay already do / have in the past as they will instead desperately attempt to make their lies and deceptions the issue over and over again hence their insanity. Just keep reminding them that they still have not contested these facts! Also remind them that sharing fact does not make you a homophobe, a hater or a bigot as well remind them of the fact that standing up for heterosexuality does not make you a bigot, a hater or a homophobe!
I have spent years being discriminated against for sharing this information. Banned off of websites for standing up for all of us heterosexuals with facts backing all of my claims which continue to go uncontested with even so much as a shred of opposing validity to this very day! (I got banned from many United Kingdom sites such as U.K. Chatterbox as I was told the reason was that discussing sexual orientation is now illegal. Why wasn't discussing sexual orientation illegal before homosexual activists imposed changes on legislation through their lies and deceptions and now that they have lied and deceived their way through legislation is it only now deemed inappropriate to discuss sexual orientation? Why is it deemed illegal to stand up for heterosexual rights and heterosexuality no longer being discriminated against in the United Kingdom on-line? Why is it deemed legal for homosexuals to spread hatred for heterosexuals when heterosexuals become offended by these many discriminatory homosexual deceptions by labelling us as homophobes, bigots or haters for it? That is discrimination at it's worst and most deceptive!) I've been banned from hundreds of sites attempting to raise awareness to the general public by sharing these facts! Then I get slandered by these liars and deceiving cowards after they get me banned from sites when they know I can't respond to a site I just got banned from.
Point is I do the best work on the globe when it comes to the foundations of primary Canadian and Global issues I address and all I ever get for it (aside from the satisfaction of knowing that what I am doing is what needs to be done on a level that no one else is perhaps capable with my uniquely specialised intelligence and talent for the well being of the future of the life on this planet) is slandered, banned and discriminated against. I want you all to know that this is all worth it and it is my pleasure! I gave up on my own selfishness long ago because I saw the globe heading in a direction of being flushed down the toilet with a bunch of lies and deceptions used to fool the public which means that I am not allowing myself to move on with my life until I have assured that the globe can start to learn to justify the foundations of issues with primary fact instead of with the delusions, the deceptions and lies of the selfishly insane.
It's one thing to see a deception, but it's quite another too see right through deceptions as I have demonstrated. Now that you have this information of my years of work and experience presented before you on a silver platter of presented fact to do with these issues I address right now, I only hope that you have the sense to make good use of it and help start cleaning up these lgislation based upon ignorance lies and deceptions.
We need to criminalize discrimination against heterosexuality, make illegal surgically mutilated deceptive altercations aka what those with weak minds refer to as a sex change because there is no such thing as a sex change among humans, and restore marriage to a respectable state.
I do this because I care about our future and we deserve better than a pile of deceptions, we deserve to start to get organized with facts on the very foundations of each and every issue to bring us further from insanity and chaos and towards order and understanding thus allowing us to start believing in ourselves, each other and that we actually have a future as the human race to take care of this Earth as responsible intelligent beings in unity!
I hope you are well and I thank you all for your most valuable time and attention.
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hilariously EVERY SINGLE one of those paragraphs is factually incorrect.
Here are some examples.
No gay person I know denies that being gay is about loving and caring for people of the same gender.
Nope those thousands of years is rubbish too, first off same sex marriage was legal in many places during human history, ancient Rome, India etc. etc.
Being born with a vagina does not make someone female nor is a penis enough to make you a male. First off I have a very good friend who is a Hermaphrodite, by your "logic" she is both male and female equally, which is rubbish, her brain, upper body, facial structure etc. etc is female. Genitalia is just a piece of flesh, the chemical composition of the brain is far more important, that is a scientific fact.
etc. etc. endless errors.
Standing up for heterosexuality is not a bad thing! Stopping a group of insane activists from getting away with imposing lies and deceptions on weak parliamentary minds to form bias legislation is not a bad thing!
My Pleasure
/ David
Back in the 60s, we stood up for our marriage rights, to keep those dirty African-Americans from marrying our pure, innocent sons and daughters! Now look at the world today, with interracial marriage running rampant! It is sinful, and God is displeased!
That's why he visited those meteors upon us and wiped out all life on Ea--wait, that didn't happen? What the hell, man? And nothing else changed? No cats marrying dogs?! It's almost like expanding the rules of marriage has no effect on anything, except for allowing more people to be married or something!
If it is insane to want to marry, share health insurance, co-parent, inherit without being taxes and make each other's end of life decisions and have the full suite of human rights -- sign me up, I am insane.
Interracial marriage or not, marriage was created for and in honour of heterosexual unions because thanks to heterosexuality we even exist. Doesn't matter what racial variation or how desperate any of you may be to try and make anything else the issue.
/ David.
You don't even know the difference between homosexuality and transsexualism.
Homosexual - sexually attracted to and romantically interested in the same biological sex.
Bisexual - sexually attracted to and romantically interested in both sexes.
Transsexual - having a perceived or "ego" sex that does not match the physical sex.
Transvestite - an individual who dresses up as the opposite sex, usually a man as a woman, for the sheer fun of it. Transvestites are almost always heterosexual.
Drag queen/drag king - an individual, normally bisexual or homosexual, who dresses up as the opposite sex for fetish/genderbending reasons.
All of these things are separate, although they can blend. (You can be both transsexual and homosexual). Now, let's take the issue you have, which is homosexuals "deceiving" heterosexuals by "pretending" to be the opposite sex.
Let's take all three.
1. Transsexual. This is a recognized psychiatric condition, officially called "gender dysphoric disorder" for which the recognized treatment acknowledged by the majority of psychiatrists is gender reassignment - a LENGTHY process that involves a minimum of TWO YEARS of hormone therapy before surgery can even be considered. Transsexuals can have any sexual orientation. These people suffer a profound disconnect and depression because the "map" in their brain does not match their body, which is generally only resolved by transitioning. A trans woman is not wandering around "deceiving" men. That's not how it works or what it's about.
2. Transvestite. A transvestite is a man who has a hobby of dressing up as a woman. (A female impersonator, on the other hand, does so for money, being a specialist form of actor. British pantomime dames do it for comedy. Japanese onnagata are far more serious). These men just want to be pretty. They are generally heterosexual and the only time I've ever heard of one deceiving somebody - it was a prank set up by some friends who wanted to teach him a lesson about sleeping around. A variant is crossplaying - dressing up as a fictional character of the opposite sex - which is generally about aesthetics and being a fan of the character.
3. Drag queen/drag king. A drag queen or drag king doesn't want to attract HETEROSEXUALS, people! They want to attract other queer people.
I have never ONCE met a homosexual person who wanted to trick heterosexual people into bed with them. Not once.
Read. Learn, Understand what it is you're criticizing.
There is no gender re assignment surgery and here you are encouraging this sick filthy disgusting deception while trying to pass of that heterosexuals are not victims to these sickly deceptions.
You're all for trashing heterosexuality just to push forward homosexual activists lies and deceptions!
Oh and thanks for pointing out the different fabricated names for homosexuals.
You contradicted absolutely nothing within the composition beginning this very thread with so much as a shred of validity then you desperately scramble to make your delusions the issue. Very typical of the weak minded homosexual activists.
/ David
We get it, you are a bigot. Or a troll. Or both.
Standing up for heterosexuality and against homosexual deceptions with facts that homosexual activists are not able to contest makes you a bigot says the bigots themselves!
lmfao how pathetic they blubber and whine hate, bigot, spammer, homophobe, troll in desperate attempt to try and make their delusions the issue while also attempting to hide the facts they are not able to contest with a shred of validity under a slew of rubbish they present.
Blubber, whine, lie, deceive and desperately scramble to make your delusions the issue all you want because I know that is the very best any of you homosexual activists prove to be able to do. The title sums it up.
/ David
I stand up against heterosexual deceptions! Or at least those put about by ignorant bigots!
Frankly I can't waste my time on ripping to shreds your astoundingly misinformed rant.
Okay, so I have narrowed it down to c) both of the above.
It's no secret that you contest nothing because you are not capable of contesting fact with so much as a shred of validity so you attempt to make your delusion that you ever could the issue along with making up a lie calling it a misinformed rant (what proves that to be a lie is that you are not able to contest it with so much as a shred of validity) and funny thing I just wrote the following for someone else but it is obviously also meant for you:
Standing up for heterosexuality and against homosexual deceptions with facts that homosexual activists are not able to contest makes you a bigot says the bigots themselves!
lmfao how pathetic they blubber and whine hate, bigot, spammer, homophobe, troll in desperate attempt to try and make their delusions the issue while also attempting to hide the facts they are not able to contest with a shred of validity under a slew of rubbish they present.
Blubber, whine, lie, deceive and desperately scramble to make your delusions the issue all you want because I know that is the very best any of you homosexual activists prove to be able to do. The title sums it up.
/ David
Bigot (n): : a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance (Merriam-Webster online)
So, challenge.
Where in what I said here or ANYTHING I have ever said on this site have I regarded or treated heterosexuals with hatred and intolerance?
And, hrm, where am I intolerantly devoted to my prejudices? Can anyone find an example of that?
I absolutely agree that hatred against heterosexuals is wrong. Just the same as hatred of homosexuals is wrong.
Hatred of ANY group is wrong.
From the composition beginning this very thread.
"Homosexual activists impose ignorance towards the fact that what makes a homosexual a homosexual is that they have sex with / are sexually attracted too those born with the same sex genital that they themselves were born with. "
A response from Josak
"No gay person I know denies that being gay is about loving and caring for people of the same gender."
But then Josak goes on to say
"Being born with a vagina does not make someone female nor is a penis enough to make you a male."
Thus proves my point that they ignore the facts and desperately scramble to make their delusions the issue.
This was also in the composition beginning this very thread and notice that Josak completely ignored it.
"(Again, some homosexuals have a hard time accepting themselves for what they themselves are. Think, if all it took to be a man or a woman for example is how you feel, then why are they getting their genitals surgically mutilated in the first place?)"
They are getting their genitals mutilated to pretend to be the opposite sex because what determines your sex (no matter how insane your brain may be) is the genital you are born with.
/ David
Again, this is not about hermaphrodites deciding which genital to hack off although we already know that homosexual activists constantly and desperately scramble to make anything else the issue because they are not able to contest fact with so much as a shred of validity.
You do know the vast majority of gay people don't have sex changes right?
Genitalia not being the deciding factor in gender is a scientific fact. Simple as that. You are provably totally, irretrievably wrong.
Also hermaphrodites often don't "hack" either set of genitals off.
I know of no homosexuals (of either sex) who have had, or even want, their genitalia mutilated, surgically or otherwise.
I suggest that you go away and learn all about homosexuality before continuing to pour out your misinformed hate.
Good grief. Stop feedin' the troll, everybody.
(exits thread)
Jennifer, I am not sharing opinion, I back my claims with fact of which you completely avoid contesting and once again instead desperately scramble and attempt to make your delusions the issue to no surprise. Secondly I do not hate anyone or anything but these deceptions and lies and delusions you encourage makes me absolutely furious that you think you're going to continue to get away with it let alone have gotten away with it thus far.
Jennifer asks
"Where in what I said here or ANYTHING I have ever said on this site have I regarded or treated heterosexuals with hatred and intolerance?"
Encouraging these homosexual deceptions and acting like heterosexuals are not victims and that respecting heterosexuals for our sexual orientation means nothing!
You guys have been falsely whining discrimination for years and anyone who opposes the lot of you you call a hater so now you get the same treatment in kind!
You don't like it then cry me a river!
/ David
Now in the second page of no one agreeing with your rubbish. It's enough to make me proud of hubpages.
Brenda has not discovered this thread yet
This thread has caused me to have more respect for Brenda's relative civility.
Shhhhhhh, DON'T. That's ALL we need................
She would be a breath of fresh air, sweetened with common sense and humility!
Well something like that.
Where then are these facts that you claim to back up your hatred with? You haven't presented any thus far.
Okay. You want facts?
This is from the National Institutes of Health: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency … 001527.htm
I realize I'm probably wasting your time, but:
FACT: Gender dysphoria/gender identity disorder is real.
FACT: People who suffer from it may be attracted to either gender or both.
FACT: 1 in 54,000 people suffer from GID, 75% of them males transitioning to female.
FACT: Gender dysphoria is only diagnosed if the person is not intersex (the correct term for "hermaphtoridte").
FACT: Gender dysphoria causes problems functioning in normal society.
Those are the facts YOU are choosing to ignore.
(Source on the statistics: http://www.jfponline.com/pages.asp?aid=4784)
Josak, from the composition beginning this very thread:
"Also if any homosexual activist makes mention of any ancient civilization having ceremonies about gay couples to try and make marriage to be about homosexual activist delusions, remind them of the fact that none of those ceremonies was marriage!"
The vast majority of gay people having their genital mutilated or not is not the issue, it is that this operation needs to be criminalized so it is never repeated again. Heterosexuals are not homosexual guinea pigs. We need to criminalize discrimination against heterosexuality immediately!
You clam something as a scientific fact then go ahead and respond to this using your scientific so called fact and watch your rubbish claim crumble as you encourage ignorance towards the fact!
"(Again, some homosexuals have a hard time accepting themselves for what they themselves are. Think, if all it took to be a man or a woman for example is how you feel, then why are they getting their genitals surgically mutilated in the first place?)"
They are getting their genitals mutilated to pretend to be the opposite sex because what determines your sex (no matter how insane your brain may be) is the genital you are born with.
/ David
Yeah some homosexual becomes a scientist then starts trying to make ignorant rhetoric out to be fact and here you are trying to use the deceptive garbage! Insanity and ignorant.
Jennifer syays
"FACT: Gender dysphoria/gender identity disorder is real.
FACT: People who suffer from it may be attracted to either gender or both.
FACT: 1 in 54,000 people suffer from GID, 75% of them males transitioning to female.
FACT: Gender dysphoria is only diagnosed if the person is not intersex (the correct term for "hermaphtoridte").
FACT: Gender dysphoria causes problems functioning in normal society.
Those are the facts YOU are choosing to ignore."
So in part thanks for reminding us all that some homosexuals have a hard time accepting themselves for what they are.
Thanks for sharing that because some homosexuals are not able to accept themselves for what they are. you want them to be able to make guinea pigs out of heterosexuals thus discriminate us for our sexual orientation to push for a bais deceptive garbage agenda!
Fact there is no such thing as a sex change among humans, there are homosexuals with mutilated genitals which leads to heterosexuals being discriminated against for our sexual orientation, traumatized, degraded and humiliated and let me guess you are even going to try and tell me that deceiving heterosexuals with these filthy deceptions is positive impact helping heterosexuals to function. Well again the title of the composition beginning this thread sums it up.
Heterosexuals do not get their genitals surgically mutilated to pretend to be the opposite sex. Homosexuals do!
There is no transition, there is sickly deception that you encourage.
/ David
John Holden
Standing up for heterosexuality and against homosexual deceptions with facts that homosexual activists are not able to contest makes you a hater says the haters themselves!
lmfao how pathetic they blubber and whine hate, bigot, spammer, homophobe, troll in desperate attempt to try and make their delusions the issue while also attempting to hide the facts they are not able to contest with a shred of validity under a slew of rubbish they present.
Blubber, whine, lie, deceive and desperately scramble to make your delusions the issue all you want because I know that is the very best any of you homosexual activists prove to be able to do. The title sums it up.
/ David
You're so ignorant you don't even recognize that this is in English?
Oh let me guess, I never claimed to profess traditional English spelling or grammar so you are desperately scrambling now to make that issue like thousands before you.
How about you try addressing the foundation of this issue with validity for once John. Oh I know you are not able which is why you so vigorously exemplify ignorance towards the relevance of what fact has so easily proven..
/ David
They might be English words, but used in an unrecognisable way.
How about you try addressing the foundation of this issue with validity?
Let's start with your idea that all homosexuals want to be the opposite sex and will undergo genital mutilation to achieve this end. Where is your foundation for this claim?
As you claim it is so easily proven, prove it.
John Holden, I can't say it comes as a surprise that you desperately scramble to make your delusions the issue.
John wrote
"Let's start with your idea that all homosexuals want to be the opposite sex and will undergo genital mutilation to achieve this end. Where is your foundation for this claim?
As you claim it is so easily proven, prove it."
OK where did I claim that?
sad really considering anyone can read this following quote in the very composition beginning this very thread which easily reveals John's deliberate ignorance through his attempt at trying to force words into my mouth..
"In the beginning of homosexuality being legalized here in North America for example, it was all about drawing sympathy from the public for homosexuals who just want to have sex with homosexuals and just want to be left alone. (I am confident it was the same in the United Kingdom or anywhere else on the globe) They were completely avoiding focusing the public's attention to the real problem which has not been the homosexuals who want to have sex with other homosexuals, but it's always been the homosexuals who discriminate heterosexuals for our sexual orientation. The homosexuals who pretend to be the opposite sex to make guinea pigs out of heterosexuals with such filthy deceptions is exactly what the problem has always been for hundreds or even thousands of years. Since then that problem has (instead of being resolved by criminalizing discrimination against heterosexuality) escalated to the point of homosexuals tragically getting their genital surgically mutilated, Adams apple reversals, botox, bone shaving so they can pride themselves at how well they can get away with making guinea pigs out of heterosexuals."
/ David
"They are getting their genitals mutilated to pretend to be the opposite sex because what determines your sex (no matter how insane your brain may be) is the genital you are born with."
There, amongst other places.
And no, it's not my delusions that are the issue here, it's your delusions.
"Since then that problem has (instead of being resolved by criminalizing discrimination against heterosexuality) escalated to the point of homosexuals tragically getting their genital surgically mutilated, Adams apple reversals, botox, bone shaving so they can pride themselves at how well they can get away with making guinea pigs out of heterosexuals."
Oh, and there as well.
Well then if you are claiming that I share delusions then back it up instead of just claiming it or trying to force words in my mouth.
and right, there as well as the other quote from the very same composition. and where does it say all? Right i never made the claim.
/ David
Oh you call attempting to force words into my mouth as backing your claim? Doesn't come as a surprise John.
However, you attempting to claim that I made a claim that I never made is evidence that you are delusional John.
/ David
OK troll, you said "They are getting their etc etc" and "homosexuals tragically getting their genital surgically mutilated, etc etc "
Not some, or a few, but "they" and "homosexuals" implying all.
Included in a composition where this:
""In the beginning of homosexuality being legalized here in North America for example, it was all about drawing sympathy from the public for homosexuals who just want to have sex with homosexuals and just want to be left alone. (I am confident it was the same in the United Kingdom or anywhere else on the globe) They were completely avoiding focusing the public's attention to the real problem which has not been the homosexuals who want to have sex with other homosexuals, but it's always been the homosexuals who discriminate heterosexuals for our sexual orientation. The homosexuals who pretend to be the opposite sex to make guinea pigs out of heterosexuals with such filthy deceptions is exactly what the problem has always been for hundreds or even thousands of years. Since then that problem has (instead of being resolved by criminalizing discrimination against heterosexuality) escalated to the point of homosexuals tragically getting their genital surgically mutilated, Adams apple reversals, botox, bone shaving so they can pride themselves at how well they can get away with making guinea pigs out of heterosexuals.""
is included and yet your brain is way too small to figure out something so simple all by yourself and it clearly reveals not all homosexuals. So you try and force your deceptions and ignorance upon me!
lmfao how pathetic they blubber and whine hate, bigot, spammer, homophobe, troll in desperate attempt to try and make their delusions the issue while also attempting to hide the facts they are not able to contest with a shred of validity under a slew of rubbish they present.
Blubber, whine, lie, deceive and desperately scramble to make your delusions the issue all you want because I know that is the very best any of you homosexual activists prove to be able to do. The title sums it up.
/ David
Er, I'm not a homosexual activist, I'm not even a homosexual. And you raised the subject, nobody else.
Maybe I was wrong and you are not a bigot, but a very, very clever homosexual activist. because very few sane people would want to be associated with your platform.
psycheskinner, You mean because I reveal homosexual activists for the liars and deceivers they prove to be they want to hide from me and keep me hidden from the public like the bunch of bigots you prove to be. Then you attempt to drag me down to your level by referring to me as a homosexual activist.
That's just a cheap attempt of insulting me and I am proud to stand strong against the discrimination and deceptions you homosexual activists represent.
/ David
LMFAO If you fight for homosexual activist agenda then whether you want to admit it or not you are active on behalf of the liars and deceivers themselves which technically makes you a homosexual activist. It may be short lived but you did it.
/ David
I fight for honesty and decency.
You fight for bigotry and hatred, oh, and you're pretty handy with the insults too.
I would moderate them if you want to stay on hubpages for another day.
You fight for honesty you you lied by trying to force words into my mouth (It doesn't surprise me that you find your conduct as fighting for honesty) Yeah real decent.
Standing up for heterosexuality and against homosexual deceptions with facts that homosexual activists are not able to contest makes you a hater or a bigot says the haters and bigots themselves!
lmfao how pathetic they blubber and whine hate, bigot, spammer, homophobe, troll in desperate attempt to try and make their delusions the issue while also attempting to hide the facts they are not able to contest with a shred of validity under a slew of rubbish they present.
Blubber, whine, lie, deceive and desperately scramble to make your delusions the issue all you want because I know that is the very best any of you homosexual activists prove to be able to do. The title sums it up.
You are attempting to make me into what your delusions would rather I be so you make up lies about me like I am a hater or a bigot then you claim you would moderate them. Well then you go ahead and moderate them because mine stay.
/ David
Good night, I hope you feel better in the morning.
Goodnight John, I'll feel much better finding sites without such bias moderated crud for management if that is what this site is yet to reveal to be. It wouldn't be the first bias run site I got kicked from. I'll feel even better upon completing my goals.
/ David
We'll see about that John. Sleep well and I hope you snap out of it soon and wake up to reality. I don't wish it on you but perhaps some day especially as surgeries progress etc. that you might be traumatized and humiliated by these sick deceptions before you realize I was right or perhaps your children or their children will be victims as any one else could be! Of course if it makes you furious they'l then label you as a hater etc.! Wake up John.
/ David
by Julie Grimes 6 years ago
Why do homosexuals always feel the need to talk about their sexuality?Homosexuals it seems talk about sex all the time. If it isn't sex then it is their sexuality, and they chatter away about it way more than straight peopledo. Why do they do that? Are their lives only perpelled...
by mdawson17 14 years ago
In the recent years I have seen more men come out of the closet after being married for more than 5 years. This concerns me becuase I think of the spouse that has dedicated her complete life to him!I have seen children lives tour up and even worse the children involved become very confused.I have...
by Jami Johnson 6 years ago
What is your sexual orientation (if you don't mind me asking)?I have always been an open person; I believe people can fall in love and have sex with absolutely anyone (because love and sex feels good and everyone wants to feel good). I have never identified with a specific sexual orientation. I...
by Kylyssa Shay 8 years ago
Do you believe gay men and lesbian women can have children and still be homosexual?I recently learned that some people believe the act of reproduction (producing a child, even through artificial insemination) makes an otherwise gay person at least partially heterosexual. I do not believe this but...
by SEXYLADYDEE 11 years ago
Why is homosexuality such a hotbed issue?As a Christian I don't believe I have the right to make judgements. I also think it's interesting how we are supposed to be living with love in our hearts as Christ did but so many drag out the old testament when it's serves their purpose. Ham, Noah son...
by Akriti Mattu 9 years ago
Personally, i feel it's a huge leap forward. What are your views ?
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