Can guys really fall in love?

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  1. whispers of faith profile image61
    whispers of faithposted 15 years ago

    Can guys really fall in love?

    i have never been in love before mainly cause i'm afraid to give my heart away and not knowing how the guy feels for me

  2. profile image0
    stagnettoposted 15 years ago

    Guys can and do fall in love.  They may have been the wildest and the craziest in their youth but when they meet the right woman they will fall in love even hopelessly, settle down, and probably become more faithful and loyal than most.

    You will know when a man is really in love with you because although we are always being told that men are so different to us women, when it comes to feelings and emotions we are all human whatever sex we are and we want to love and be loved.

    You will notice how he he can't wait to hold you, can't wait to see you and when he is with you he is just happy to be with you and not just for the sex.

    As for giving your heart away, well the saying 'no risk - no gain', has to apply here, you have to risk it if you wan't to fall in love with someone.  And after all, most things in life are a risk but I think you will find that your inner instinct will tell you whether the man you think you have fallen for warrants you giving all your heart to him or not, and if it tells you that he is the right man then don't hold back because then you would be depriving yourself of some of the beauty of falling in love.

    And if, unfortunately you make a mistake, and this wasn't the right man for you, well don't despair.  You have learnt a lesson, you will get over it, you will have learnt how to judge men a little better and the next time an eligible man comes your way you will be that wiser.

    I am quite a bit older now.  I made a very big mistake when I was younger by choosing the wrong man but now at my age I think I at last can differentiate between a good and genuine man and a suave girl pulling one!

  3. lindagoffigan profile image58
    lindagoffiganposted 15 years ago

    I would like for a guy to answer this question.

  4. brett05 profile image59
    brett05posted 15 years ago

    Its not if guys,"can" fall in love, its "will they fall in love with you." Of course they can because god made men unable to resist women, and yes we have hearts too. If you can offer a man all of you, your love and you have had lots of time around each other to really figure out if he is really in love with you, then there should just ask them if they have ever fallin in love before. Dont ask them if they are in love or in love with you cause you might just scare them away. If they say that they have and that they are in love and you see that they have interes in you then they are definately in love with you.
    So yes! Guys can fall in love

  5. Grace1126 profile image55
    Grace1126posted 15 years ago

    Yes, men can fall in love but it usually takes someone taking that love away from them to realize how important that it was. For instance I left my bf about 5 months ago b/c he emotionally neglected me and mentally abused me, when deep down I knew he wasn't like that. Eventually I got tired of his bullshit and left him. He drove 2 hours up to my parents house and through rocks at my window at 1:30 iin the morning. It took me leaving to get him to see how much I ment to him. We are back together.

  6. stricktlydating profile image75
    stricktlydatingposted 15 years ago

    Yes of course, I've seen the toughest, strongest men drawn to tears about losing it, and jump through hoops when he has it. A girl can usually sense it when a guys in love with her. If you feel afraid, it's ok too, you're trying to be careful.

  7. Sarah m Marie profile image59
    Sarah m Marieposted 15 years ago

    Both men and women can and do fall in love as all of the poetry, and love songs (either elated or broken-hearted) will attest!  Love is a healthy, mutual acceptance and respect of one another that withstands the ups and downs of life's challenges and rewards.  Love is constant even as it changes.  When love is present, it does not rescue you or alter another being (for example Beauty and the Beast- if a man, or woman, is a beast, perhaps this is not the one for you).  But love can make your life so much more plentiful in the knowledge that both of you have someone in your life who sees the real person and loves and respects who you are.

    Love is not a battle to be won!  So if you are chasing Mr. Wrong trying to change him to Mr. Right, it won't matter how wonderful you are or how loving. 

    Respect yourself and find the man who does too.  There are some fantastic men out there.  Find that guy who's good to you.  Until then, it's okay to be cautious.  It's okay to give yourself time.

  8. profile image56
    NNathanielStockposted 15 years ago

    Yes guys can really fall in love i'm a 40 year old and i have really fallen in love with an angel. Although she only loves me as a friend which breaks my heart but i can tell you that guys can fall in love.

  9. profile image0
    philip carey 61posted 15 years ago

    Oh yes. I know it as I know I'm sitting at this computer.

  10. skeri profile image59
    skeriposted 15 years ago

    For sure when guy fall in love he is for real in LOVE! I doubt more in girls!!! smile

  11. zionsphere profile image68
    zionsphereposted 15 years ago

    I sure hope so. There have been many men that have told me that true love does not exist.

    But I have seen love reach it's fruition. For example, when a couple has been together since high school and one of them dies in her eighties's usually not long before the spouse goes too.. I've heard of this happening twice among people I know ..both times it was within a week.

    So yes, I do think true love exists, and I think a man can feel it just as well as a woman.

    I also think that your ability to give and receive love is determined by your beliefs about it. So keep believing!!!!

  12. floating mind profile image68
    floating mindposted 15 years ago

    YES!  We can and do fall in love.  OK!  Here is my take on this.  Sometimes, a man can be in love with a woman and not know that he is in love.  That's because most guys do not think about “being in love”, but instead just enjoys the companionship. 

    I see nothing wrong with a woman asking me if I am in love with her.  But what is important is how she asks the question.  If you do it wrong, you could scare me away or worst, make me think that you have a hidden agenda.  I prefer to be a partner in love, not some fish on a hook in love.  As a partner in love, I give all of my love … freely and  completely!

    So, you have to try.  You can't find the love your heart wants if you never put yourself out there to experience love.  I hope this helps.

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