What Are The Qualities Of A Good Wife?

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  1. ngureco profile image78
    ngurecoposted 15 years ago

    What Are The Qualities Of A Good Wife?

  2. words cocktail profile image60
    words cocktailposted 15 years ago

    I think qualities would differ from person to person, thoughts to thoughts..
    However...hub pages have everything so try the searchbar and find for yourself!!
    Read http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-be-a-goo … ualities..
    might give you an answer somewhere!!--I am not sure..

  3. profile image57
    MysticLingerieposted 15 years ago

    Faithful and supporting...wait that goes both ways. Lol well those two qualities are a good start for good wife/husband

  4. profile image0
    shinujohn2008posted 15 years ago

    A good wife should always allow the husbands to speak and create an atmosphere to talk everything.

  5. shabarigirish profile image60
    shabarigirishposted 15 years ago

    Behind every successful man, there is a woman.
    So I feel ideal wife should understand your feelings, support for your growth, do constructive critics, respect your opinions, and most importantly she should feel that you are her life.

    But True love comes with no expectations, Love your wife with true heart, you can experience all the above qualities in her.

  6. Laura Thykeson profile image65
    Laura Thykesonposted 15 years ago

    Be both his wife AND his best friend, where he feels comfortable talking to you about anything. Remember-this is who you are supposed to be sharing your life with forever...You had better actually LIKE each other as well! Treat him with patience, loyalty, be ready at times to give more than 50-50 (goes both ways) and don't jump his butt the minute he walks in the door. Give him some time to wind down. Do for him what you would want him to do for you.

  7. Mahmo profile image60
    Mahmoposted 15 years ago

    A good wife should not be talkative, and should know when to speak and when to shut up !

  8. andromida profile image56
    andromidaposted 15 years ago

    A good wife is should be the best friend of her husband. And what are the qualities of a best friend : trustworthy, compassionate, supportive and of course very amiable.

  9. iykrichie profile image39
    iykrichieposted 15 years ago

    They include non superficial but idealistic qualities, in addition to she should be subtle, conserved, homely, good in the kitchen and should know the value of money.

  10. G Miah profile image77
    G Miahposted 15 years ago

    Some good answeres i'd like to add to. A wife who understands her husbands needs, always there for him, loving, caring and passionate about familt.

  11. profile image51
    Barressyposted 15 years ago

    A good wife should be a helper to her husband and not a source of worry for him a good wife is a form of a shock absorber to her husband, most importantly if they are christians the good wife is the prayer pillar of the home, covering the household in continuous prayers. She should be a good cook,be and keep the home neat,be industrious,diligent quick to forgive and have good listening ears. Above all shoul have good fear of God.

  12. avangend profile image58
    avangendposted 15 years ago

    As one who is yet unmarried, I look for certain qualities in a potential wife. Of course beauty is attractive, but it is far from being the most important aspect of a person. The ability to think, the ability to care, and the ability to find the humor in life are things that I value. Self confidence greatly magnifies the attractiveness of these qualities. Essentially then, I seek someone with a legitimate personality who is unafraid to share it, but also willing to allow other's personalities to exist as well. I am reluctant to make a "hit-list" of things the "perfect girl" for me would have, since it will undoubtedly fail to describe she whom I end up with. But in a nutshell, these are, for me, the qualities of a good wife.

  13. vikas16sep2006 profile image59
    vikas16sep2006posted 15 years ago

    be a simple .......live like humen being ....

  14. ftwells profile image60
    ftwellsposted 15 years ago

    Probably very similar to those of a good husband. Loving, Supportive, and Caring are but a few . . . . . . .

  15. maggy68 profile image60
    maggy68posted 15 years ago

    what are the qualities of a good wife???

    a good wife needs to be understanding, compassionate, loving, respectful, passionate, exciting, sexy, demure, kind.  a good wife needs to be able to give her man the space he needs and craves and still be right there by his side when he needs her to be there.

  16. ohkennyabi profile image80
    ohkennyabiposted 15 years ago

    Able to share and support the husband's dreams/aspiration. Loving, best friends and loyalty. Off course the same is expected of the husband too. In this way there will be harmony, like the Ying & Yang.

  17. profile image0
    RTalloniposted 15 years ago

    She is one in whom the heart of her husband can trust to fulfill her role as his wife.

  18. Lexy profile image68
    Lexyposted 15 years ago

    There are so many qualities that make a good wife...some that I can think of are:

    loyal, trustworthy, faithful, compassionate, hard-working, committed, kind, affectionate, innovative, thoughtful, strong, generous, wise, and God centered.

  19. Delaney Boling profile image52
    Delaney Bolingposted 15 years ago

    Three words: comprimise without resentment.

  20. terced ojos profile image60
    terced ojosposted 15 years ago

    I completely agree with Laura Thykeson and as a man I try to be this kind of partner to my wife.

    As a result we have a really good relationship and she really is my best friend.

    She's hard working, attentive, a wonderful mother to our children and we work well together.

    I intend to give her her every hearts desire if it is in my power because she is absolutely worthy.

    Friend, partner,lover, wife.

    My wife is the Queen because she is the servant of our children and then her King.

    I am the King because I am the servant of our children and my Queen.

    Life Is Good. wink

  21. kenya! profile image61
    kenya!posted 15 years ago

    GOOD COMMUNICATOR (that's a big one).
    some tom boy qualities i think alot of men enjoy.
    knows how to have a good time.
    knows how to laugh at small or sometimes even big mistakes.
    ability to keep it "hot" haha.
    motherly... i know at least for me he enjoys seeing me taking care of our daughter and even taking care of him when he's feeling down.
    knows how to stand up for herself.
    emotionally strong.
    knows how to take care of herself and not be completely dependent of him.
    not letting him treat you like crap. knowing that you deserve respect just as any other person does.

    ....and the list goes on..

  22. ocbill profile image53
    ocbillposted 15 years ago

    I agree they should be a best friend you can share things with and be happy and trust will all your heart. Nice surprises are appreciated as well but if they are a best friend then that will be there too.

  23. FirstStepsFitness profile image54
    FirstStepsFitnessposted 15 years ago

    The qualities of a good Wife mirror the good qualities of her Husband

  24. TJ Stephens profile image38
    TJ Stephensposted 14 years ago

    A good wife is one that can make the most of a marriage. I don't think there's one cookie-cutter word like "trustworthy or loyal or compassionate" that can begin to define a good wife.

    The key to a happy marriage is fun.

    A good wife knows how to have fun WITH her husband and her family. If you can't have fun with your family, then the family will not communicate as well, they will not spend as much time together, they will not want to be with each other as much.  Yes, there will be bad times, but if a wife (or a husband) can make the good time more fun, then the family will remember the good times more than the bad times.

    I think that's why so many people end up in therapy - they only have memories of the bad times, the disappointments, the let-downs, the tragedies - not the good times.

    If I had it to do all over again, I would stress less about paying bills and getting to work on time - and more about how I can make today the best day ever for my family.  I think a good wife would do the same.

  25. samboiam profile image61
    samboiamposted 14 years ago

    A good wife is one who loves her husband in spite of his boneheaded ways.

  26. profile image58
    waqasahmedposted 14 years ago

    i have no wife so i don't now about wife

  27. pisean282311 profile image62
    pisean282311posted 14 years ago

    for me no 1 quality of good wife is being able to make the best human being which her husband has potentiality to become...and like wise for husband...

  28. lanealanea profile image60
    lanealaneaposted 14 years ago

    Give your best you can give the best that you can every day. Be true to who you are the most that you can every day. Look forward to eachother each day. Try hard to bring out the best  in one another the best you know how to and learn how to your not sure. Spend less time commenting and more time exploring. 80% of communication is non verbal use that to your benefit. Try to structure your schedules so that they work for both of you and everything that you do with your partner make sure it compliments both of your career and pleasures. Travel when and where you can. Throw away all of the things that do you no good if you know what I mean. Clear your closets and keep things neat so you can keep up with activities of daily living. Relax and eat as healthy as you can. Because it takes more energy to fight then to get along surely dont do it at all. Just work as a team. Do you know how a team works out to win? They just work out physically and mentally and those are the winners. If you have children keep in mind the wonderful addition it is to your relationship and do not replace it for your relationship. Be excited about something and look forward to it every day and when you are happy and excited about your life, you better believe that your partner will be too. Have a fun day today. Lanea

  29. darrylcrawford profile image67
    darrylcrawfordposted 14 years ago

    Loving, caring, trustworthy, compassionate, respectful, supportive and I should be attracted to her and vice versa. We're all spirit beings in amazingly creative biochemistry outfits (bodies) that need love from each other. We should LOVE TOUCHING EACH OTHER. lol. But really she should also be a woman who can see my bad points and kindly address them in private to me  and who can accept constructed but respectful and loving criticism herself. The woman of my dreams doesn't have to be an American. She's just got to be 100% woman to me. O YEAH! (AND I DEEPLY THANK GOD FOR WOMEN, What would the world be without them)........ lifeless........I won't even get into that. As long as she is those things, I'm in heaven on earth with my queen.

  30. profile image0
    Life Unpluggedposted 14 years ago

    Qualities of Good Wife
    * I think preferences differ from man to man ,but one thing every
      man wants is that his wife should be presentable (some might
      say good looking or hot )
    *  It would be good if she can cook well
    * Happy and Healthy
    * Honest and Trustworthy
    *  Would be great if she can gel well her In laws
    *  Confident in her own skin
    *  Bit Ambitious by nature won't hurt Man'  egos
    *  Good Friend
    *  Supportive

  31. davidwagar profile image60
    davidwagarposted 14 years ago

    only one thing, she should be strong enough to live in any circumstances with the man

  32. profile image53
    chrgubbelsposted 14 years ago

    Looking you in the eyes everyday and being sincere about everything you say to your husband. Honesty, humor, effort, hugs and kisses, go a long way. Respecting your husbands space and time. But with all that, the same goes for a good husband.

  33. minakay profile image65
    minakayposted 14 years ago

    For me, every other "quality" is the duty of the man to nurture and discover. The only quality a woman needs is to fear God and respect her husband in EVERYTHING! Any woman with this attribute makes a good wife anytime, anyday!


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