What Are The Secrets That A Lady Should Never Tell Her Man?

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  1. ngureco profile image78
    ngurecoposted 15 years ago

    What Are The Secrets That A Lady Should Never Tell Her Man?

  2. Hmrjmr1 profile image69
    Hmrjmr1posted 15 years ago

    I don't think it is wise to discuss the details of any previous relationship. And even when discussing generalities it should be minimized. Most guys ( I can think of exceptional circumstances) are perfectly willing to deal with the relationship from the point you met. IF there is a point that could be particularly contentious, past prostitution for example, tell him early and be prepared to deal with his failure to understand. If it's not going to work out now because of it, then it will be worse by ten fold the longer the relationship lasts before the info is known.

  3. Sexy jonty profile image58
    Sexy jontyposted 15 years ago

    that she cares for him a lot ....... knowing this would make him restless .....

    but not controlling the emotions would lead to careless approach of men towards women ......

  4. stricktlydating profile image76
    stricktlydatingposted 15 years ago

    She should not tell him any bedroom secrets from a past relationship.

  5. StarB12 profile image60
    StarB12posted 15 years ago

    Which BF was 'bigger', lol.
    Her REAL age of losing her virginity. (If promiscuous)

    All humor for me...as u can see.

  6. ODDJOBSMOM profile image59
    ODDJOBSMOMposted 15 years ago

    When another man is your "type" (real or on the screen), what your mother really thinks of him, what you really think of his mother, ALL of the things he's EVER done wrong to YOU - even when ending a relationship it is sometimes better to leave a few things unsaid, maybe I should make a hub - my marriage is trying to heal and I have a list of what not to do or say - for men and women.

  7. advisor4qb profile image79
    advisor4qbposted 15 years ago

    How many people she has been with.  Talking about past relationships just mucks up everything!  No matter how old you are or even if you slept with the person or not, men get jealous, whether they admit it or not!

    I am not saying to lie, but to just not volunteer information!

  8. TammyK profile image58
    TammyKposted 15 years ago

    if it was something that was pleasing to you, or something he or she might enjoy, i think you can do it or suggest it without telling your mate that someone else did it.

  9. spiritactor profile image61
    spiritactorposted 15 years ago

    Never relate anything that diminishes your man's sense of worth to you.  What would the point be? Unless you WANT to hurt him. Indepth information on past relationships is therefore a no-no!  The male ego can be fragile-- just as anyone's ego.  If he nourishes your ego-- do him the same, right?

  10. suiteorchids profile image61
    suiteorchidsposted 15 years ago

    How much is in her bank account. (ha-ha)

  11. profile image0
    reeltaulkposted 15 years ago

    Whats in her bank account....................

  12. nasus loops profile image64
    nasus loopsposted 15 years ago

    You should never discuss previous relationships with your partner. First sexual encounters don't go down well unless they were with him!

  13. Mortgagestar1 profile image60
    Mortgagestar1posted 15 years ago

    Depends on the man. I have dated women who were die hard hedonist and have never judged. What happen in the past is gone. I don't feel threaten if she finds a friend attractive or a crush on a fictional character. As far as the deepest intimacy, she can show him without saying a word and all is balanced. I have dated bi women and former lesbians and they felt comfortable talking about their past. There are simply some things lovers need not know. Like our children need not know our past, so should lovers. Trust, understanding, forgiveness,and healing is not the same as playing the good mate. We are human and we have faults and secrets which will remain just that.

  14. First Aid Doc profile image60
    First Aid Docposted 15 years ago

    Nothing that she would like to hear from him at current moment.
    But it really depends on the relationship stage, the closer you are the more secrets can be opened.

  15. carolina muscle profile image68
    carolina muscleposted 15 years ago

    If another lover was/is better at something - that kinda stuff is better left unsaid.

  16. Erica K Wisner profile image68
    Erica K Wisnerposted 15 years ago

    Biggest problem topics I've encountered so far:

    - Money
    - Stuff that makes me cry for no reason (he hates that)
    - Problems not ready for a solution; complaints without action
    - Exes (especially, reasons to hate them).
    - In-laws and whether we are acting like them
    - Your unflattering opinion of his friends; religion; or hobbies.

    - Divergent dreams; fantasies that don't include each other.
    - Things we wish he did 'better' (encourage effort, don't demand change)

    - Who you had to backstab to get him ;-}
    - Where you bought the 1 thing you can actually 'cook'
    - How much you paid for that (dress, food, gift...)
    - Anything that starts, "You always..." or "You never..."
    - What happens behind the closed bathroom door.
    Secrets that are painful, but better to tell:
    - Things you really don't like in bed / in romance.
    - When something he does is hurting you.
    - Medical info on a need-to-know basis for safety (allergies, chronic illness, STD, etc.)
    - Whether you expect an 'open' or 'closed' relationship
    - Direct knowledge of something that could cause him trouble (e.g. your ex is gunning for him at work, or your sister is a nympho/klepto who steals your guests.)

    - Deal-breakers: if you have a secret that won't change, and may reasonably cause him to flip out or feel betrayed ... like,
    - you are really a man,
    - have already slept with his father
    Tell him early, and get it over with.

  17. Vineet Bhardwaj profile image58
    Vineet Bhardwajposted 15 years ago

    her personal secrets.........her .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................yaar aage muh mat khulwa....

  18. Sneha Sunny profile image91
    Sneha Sunnyposted 14 years ago

    about the past relations.... i think a female should never compare the past relations with the present one..... it might be hurting to the partner.... hence may disturb the relationship........

  19. Gayly profile image61
    Gaylyposted 14 years ago

    if you are in a new relationship, never talk about the past partners to avoid comparison.

  20. profile image48
    Tabitha Carrellposted 8 years ago

    It is the same for men and women I believe. We should not go into detail about past partners and experiences. We should not make comments that compare him to another man in a negative way. Anything that will cause him to feel inadequate should not be said. We all need to be valued for who we are instead of put down by who we are not.


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