Why Shouldn’t A Man Marry A Woman Taller Than Himself?

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  1. sir_tallest profile image58
    sir_tallestposted 14 years ago

    Well height really isn't a reason for someone to get married (though i would like a wife who is either  as tall as i am or taller)....there are a lot to look out for in a lady before marriage.....but to the question asked,i'll say men have ego and they don't like females looking down on them in any way (even literally)......but the really short men are already use to it

  2. chrysstil profile image59
    chrysstilposted 14 years ago

    I don't think that all men do this.There is a part of them. Personally i do not have any compunction about it.

  3. Petroley profile image59
    Petroleyposted 14 years ago

    Nice question, I think because man will lose "macho" mantalitet if woman can beet him heh smile

    have a great day

  4. 3alaya profile image58
    3alayaposted 14 years ago

    because when a woman in a man's arms, she likes to feel protected and safe, but if the man is shorter than her thn she'll probably feel like she's protecting him..

  5. ThailandLawyer profile image61
    ThailandLawyerposted 14 years ago

    I think the world had change
    now that it not a big problem that a man gonna marry a women who taller than himself right ?

  6. cindybarrymore profile image60
    cindybarrymoreposted 14 years ago

    It diminishes others' perception of his manhood. Look at Tom Cruise. Katie is taller than he is.

  7. prettydarkhorse profile image62
    prettydarkhorseposted 14 years ago

    It is ok as long as they can reach other during intimate moments and they love each other. Personally I prefer that a man will be taller than me because I am very petite and I want my children to be taller LOL>

  8. Jo Deslaurier profile image68
    Jo Deslaurierposted 14 years ago

    Ultimately I don't think height matters but I could see in the beginning how the people in the couple might have idealized visions of what their spouse would be like and that it might take some time to let that idealized vision go.
    I know a great couple where the man is shorter than the woman and they have been happily married for almost 50 years.

  9. iamalegend profile image59
    iamalegendposted 14 years ago

    If they are in real and deep love there is no question about who is taller or shorter?

  10. anthonyhopkin profile image60
    anthonyhopkinposted 14 years ago

    because he can't his her in his forehead when its needed.

  11. Stories Inc. profile image65
    Stories Inc.posted 14 years ago

    I don't think height should matter, but I can't help not being attracted to anyone shorter than me. However, everyone should marry whom they want/are attracted to, if they are to marry at all. If they fall in love with someone shorter/taller, than that shouldn't really matter, should it?

  12. bulalo profile image61
    bulaloposted 14 years ago

    Because he'll look funny standing on tiptoes to kiss her. smile

  13. craigb182 profile image60
    craigb182posted 14 years ago

    Because he would have a "short" lived marriage

  14. valerie miller profile image57
    valerie millerposted 14 years ago

    It shouldn't even matter about a mans stature... But some people have issues with this because they have issues with themselves... I don't believe that Strength is necessarily valued in weight, or height...

    **Looking up to someone I believe it means respecting him because he is taking care of business...in the home
    But then again everyone has their preferences in life...

  15. MoneyCreator24 profile image58
    MoneyCreator24posted 14 years ago

    I did not know that this is a scheme. I always thought it was important to love one another. Perhaps the question should be changed to:

    Why shouldn´t a man marry a woman he doesn´t love?

  16. shahadat73 profile image32
    shahadat73posted 14 years ago

    Is the question true? If yes, I have a question, why should a shorter woman marry a man taller than herself?

  17. Ashantina profile image60
    Ashantinaposted 14 years ago

    He should.
    If he's confident enough to not be intimidated by what society deems is not 'the norm'.
    If you meet someone you are compatible with in every sphere.. height is totally irrelevant.

  18. tymmy profile image61
    tymmyposted 14 years ago

    there's no reason why a man should not marry a woman taller than himself, after all, its the love that matters and not the height.

  19. claudineee <3 profile image59
    claudineee <3posted 14 years ago

    If a guy doesn't care about his ego then there's no problem.
    I know a couple guys who don't mind dating taller girls. (when i mean taller, i mean just a few inches)
    Specially here in my country where men aren't that tall to begin with.

    Marriage is sacred to be broken just because of insecurity problems.

  20. QuirkyNerd profile image58
    QuirkyNerdposted 14 years ago

    beacause it looks awkward, especially if she wore heels on a night out and he wouldn't be able to hug or kiss her properly

  21. garyyoungberg profile image60
    garyyoungbergposted 14 years ago

    If he loves her.....he should marry her.

  22. Dovay Lee profile image39
    Dovay Leeposted 13 years ago

    I do not think the height matters a lot in the marriage.in others' eyes, men should be taller than women. love matters a lot to the relationship between  men and women. if there is love between them, height is nothing important for them.

  23. DonDWest profile image68
    DonDWestposted 13 years ago

    Once your children reach their teen years and beyond, they will thank you for being a courageous man that married a taller woman.

  24. independentwriter profile image60
    independentwriterposted 13 years ago

    A man and woman should marry if they choose regardless of height.  My wife is five feet eleven inches and I am five feet seven inches.  We have been married for ten years and have five children.

  25. profile image51
    riverside27posted 13 years ago

    Well it depends.....If they love each other what's wrong with that....I said "Go for it, if that what your heart says"

  26. profile image0
    i4uposted 13 years ago

    Height is a factor but when it comes down to love and affection then its just a matter of mere understanding. So height will be an issue inf the couples have been in their marriages as arranged one's if its after love then I think tall women and short men isn't a big deal.
    The arranged marriages though have love in it after marriages yet knowing a girl and then marrying her is the best thing to do for avoiding all the possible doubts and odds about their partners both ways, isn't!

  27. sharing the sky profile image69
    sharing the skyposted 13 years ago

    As the saying goes, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

    In my view, the only reason a man shouldn't marry a woman taller than himself is he's doing so against his will or the woman's will.

  28. chasemillis profile image69
    chasemillisposted 13 years ago

    because the man is supposed to be the leader of the household, and it's slightly degrading having a wife who's taller than you, at least in my opinion

  29. profile image51
    CasinoGambling711posted 13 years ago

    It'll be hard to 69...lmao i HAD to..im sorry lol ha

  30. profile image48
    pria22posted 13 years ago

    I don't think its wrong but some believe it don't look good...


  31. Becca Lopez profile image61
    Becca Lopezposted 13 years ago

    Nonsense! If the man has that big of a pride issue or insecurity issues, the tall beauty he is with deserves better.

  32. plkshooter profile image64
    plkshooterposted 13 years ago

    If a man marries a taller woman it is so imasculating. Most men have the need to be bigger, it's natural. Napoleon's complex is another reason why men should not persue taller women. A man by nature should be bigger in order to maintain control.

  33. Meskarune profile image59
    Meskaruneposted 13 years ago

    There is no reason why a man shouldn't marry a woman who is taller. If a guy is uncomfortable with it, he is an insecure person and shouldn't marry ANYONE

  34. Zabbella profile image75
    Zabbellaposted 13 years ago

    My sweetheart is not very tall. He and I  literally, see eye- to- eye.  It is fine because I do not like to wear high heels.  It is great when we hug, because everything fits perfectly.  Also, when we need to  switch cars...we don't have to adjust the seats!

  35. profile image0
    MP50posted 13 years ago

    I thought Women were all the same length when laying down?

  36. profile image52
    evilbagaposted 13 years ago

    Just thought Id answer this with hard facts.

    In the U.K only 3% of marriages are with a taller female/shorter male.

    1 in friggin 33 marriages!

    Give up?
    Not exactly.

    You see, because of average height differentials between males and females - if randomly paired up - only 8.5% of male/female couples would be with a shorter male/taller female.

    So 3/8.5 = 35% of average. That makes it rarer than average (100%) but far from totally weird.

    (For the source of this statistic:
    or google "hadza height" and to try and find the paper if the link doesn't work anymore)

    Also I read an article by Mona Charen called "Blame the Sexual Revolution,
    Not Men" recently - heres a link, but it might not stay active forever -

    http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/ … ona-charen

    which stated that a study found that there had been a 40% increase in the number of shorter male/taller female marriages. There is no link to the article, therefore I cannot state whether that 40% is after or before the 3% stat above. If its before, the calculation stands.

    If not, that means its actually 4.2/8.5 = 50%.

    In either case its far from zero.

  37. AndyK26 profile image58
    AndyK26posted 13 years ago

    Because no man should ever kiss a girl standing on his toes tongue  and no women should kiss a man bowing  tongue

  38. profile image48
    mishelrobertson12posted 13 years ago

    The happiest folks are people that have the exciting thoughts. Those who choose to make use of leisure as the method of intellectual improvement, who also appreciate great tunes, superior novels, beneficial photographs, great talk, are definitely the most joyful men and women on the globe. And in addition they're not simply pleased on their own, they can be a cause for joy and happiness in other folks.

  39. profile image51
    drnhposted 13 years ago

    What you on about Ben?

    Of course he should!! Height makes NO difference whatsoever and where is it written in the book of love that a man has to be taller than a woman...??

    There are loads of very tall, absolutely gorgeous women out there these days. The only reason a man wouldnt go for a woman taller than him is that he's insecure. Probably the same reason why the same man wouldnt go for a woman who earns more and is more intelligent! Get over it dudes!

    Seriously though i have absolutely no problem looking up to a woman, I dont know why any man should either.

    I love tall girls....get them in some nice heels on and we have a great  view ;o)...so to all you men out there who would not consider going out with a woman/girl taller then you, thats brilliant!! More of them for me yikes)

    Show them long legs off you leggy lovelies and whack on your heels....you look aaaaawesome.

  40. daizhining profile image61
    daizhiningposted 13 years ago

    i always want to be with a man taller than I am, but with my height 5'8'' its not that easy to find an Asian man (filipino) that is taller than I am, there are a lot but they are taken or not interested.

    BUT I fall in love with a man shorter than I am and I love to wear hells, I don't wear them though when I am with him.

    as  woman I prefer a a man taller than I am but the love overshadowed everything, because if you are on love what yo initially want will be toes aside and nothing will matter, just you and him.

  41. Djaak profile image39
    Djaakposted 12 years ago

    I do not worry about height. As long as she is awesome and she looks good to me, I am fine with getting married to a tall woman.

  42. Luckygal11 profile image58
    Luckygal11posted 11 years ago

    I don't think height should matter. As long as you are in love, why should it?

  43. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 11 years ago

    My Mom was taller than my Dad--and leaner of build, too.  They reminded me of the old Mutt and Jeff comic strip, or of the number 10, or a bowling pin standing beside a bowling ball.
    But they survived 52 years of marriage, so apparently something worked out okay.

  44. myefforts profile image59
    myeffortsposted 11 years ago

    I think this is mainly social reasons. Otherwise there is nothing to worry about.

  45. DDE profile image44
    DDEposted 11 years ago

    Marrying a taller woman is not the answer it  would make a man feel low and not worth enough in the household.

  46. NiaLee profile image60
    NiaLeeposted 11 years ago

    If they are happy together, there is no reason but others' ignorance and meddling!

  47. Pamela N Red profile image82
    Pamela N Redposted 11 years ago

    Short guys need love too and since most tall men tend to go for really short women that doesn't leave them very many choices.

    I know a few tall women with shorter husbands and they are perfectly happy.

  48. Mary Shadowcrest profile image60
    Mary Shadowcrestposted 11 years ago

    Only reason I can think of is if his pride is attatched to his height. Other than that it shouldn't be an issue if both people love each other.

  49. ParadigmEnacted profile image73
    ParadigmEnactedposted 11 years ago

    Because he is more than seven feet tall himself, and if they went out together, people would shout insulting things at her like in Deuce Bigalow.

  50. Harishprasad profile image70
    Harishprasadposted 11 years ago

    It doesn't matter so far the couple is  compatible and at ease with each other. Real thing is love and attraction that binds them.


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