Do you believe in love at first sight?

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  1. The Guardian profile image59
    The Guardianposted 13 years ago

    Love at first sight usually ends with divorce by first year.....

  2. gezondgewicht profile image60
    gezondgewichtposted 13 years ago

    Definitely. Whether it be food or a person...

  3. aeyanusorn profile image60
    aeyanusornposted 13 years ago

    Absolutely not!!!....'Cause is First ....... v  hv  to  take more n more times to learn after that  to decide how Last Sight should b>>>>>>>>

  4. MickeySr profile image78
    MickeySrposted 13 years ago

    Yes and no . . . I'm not trying to be cute (although, I am adorable and just can't help it) and I'm not inclined to evade direct answers to questions, but genuine love changes, it grows and matures. I fell for my high school sweetheart hard and... read more

  5. anildutt profile image60
    anilduttposted 13 years ago

    I do not know that I believe in love at first "sight". But I do believe at some deep attraction, almost instantaneous in the intestine that can occur in the first interaction. I felt that twice.

    Once I was at my most recent relationship. During our first interaction, I felt indescribable attraction towards him. There was very little to do with his eyes (he had seen it all before that date and in any case, I thought a little eccentric looking), but the chemistry was a strong physical component. The first time I played (at the elbow), I jumped back, because electricity was so strong I felt like I had just shock. But the strength came from much deeper, and it was something that could only walk away from. However, it was always accompanied by a deeper understanding of my soul that this was not about permanence - it was growth. And that's exactly what it was. Although the relationship was far more pain than I had anticipated, growth and healing of past relationships that took place over one that was out of this world. And yes, I loved him deeply - more deeply and completely what I wanted anyone else. It was through that relationship that I have learned to truly love, and how great is my ability to truly love. That relationship is the way I know I'm ready for the right person.

    The other time was a little different, but deeper in some areas. It was like an instinct in the stomach, said "he." That had little to do with the look - it was a tug coming from the depths of my soul. The best way I can describe it is that after our first conversation, I felt my soul had found home, and that this man was very important in my life - even though there was little to do with nothing specific has been said . And no sense that it is only on growth or limited to one. Rather, it was only the "home". I had less to do with what we might call "chemistry" and more to do with my soul. Unfortunately for me, those feelings were not reciprocated.

    What makes these particularly powerful experience for me is that they usually need some time to feel a deep attraction. They do not tend to have instant reactions to men. I usually do not instantly feel the "chemistry" - whatever the hell that means. But in these two cases, there is something deep was almost instantaneous - some recognition in my soul that were significant.

  6. MickeySr profile image78
    MickeySrposted 13 years ago

    Yes and no . . . I'm not trying to be cute (although, I am adorable and just can't help it) and I'm not inclined to evade direct answers to questions, but genuine love changes, it grows and matures. I fell for my high school sweetheart hard and fast, like, I saw her and had to meet her. A friend I was with as she walked past knew who she was and that she usually attended a local weekend dance, so I planned with him to go and for him to introduce me to her. Now, this was not like me at all, I was never forward with girls, not shy, but not willing to simply and abruptly be introduced. But, this was seriously the prettiest girl I had ever seen . . . long dark hair, dark eyes, very shapely, just beautiful. This (that she was so stunning to look at) made my desire to be presented to her as one interested to know her both an audacious and irresistible exploit.

    Over 40 years, 6 kids, and 12 grandchildren later I love her more than ever. She is still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, but imagine my happy surprise as I discovered through the years that she is also smart and good and kind - she is more desirable to me knowing her as I do than when I fell head-over-heels for her. It was indeed love at first sight, but it's so much more now . . . now, it's a deep love of appreciation, I delight in so many things about her. One day long ago, it was love at first sight - today, when she with me I can't stop looking at her and when she away I can't stop thinking about her.

    (just a bit more detail in the hub response)

  7. DQTUK profile image35
    DQTUKposted 13 years ago

    Nope. Love goes through a long process. It might start at a glance but will definitely needs time to develop.

  8. profile image52
    hazelwatsonposted 13 years ago

    Yes,I believe in love,mostly believe in love at first sight because I'm also trouble with this i can say that. … nd-the-art

  9. melodyts profile image61
    melodytsposted 13 years ago

    No I don't believe on it. Sometimes people think that are really in love after seeing the person at first sight but when they live together, things change and in the end leads to break up.

  10. VENZKHVAM profile image59
    VENZKHVAMposted 13 years ago

    you can beleive only if you get lucky to experience that

  11. bangla-news profile image39
    bangla-newsposted 13 years ago

    Yes, I believe because I fall in love of a girl before 14 years at first sight & still I feel that love though she will not be mine never ever!

  12. Smart is Good profile image61
    Smart is Goodposted 13 years ago

    No, true love can't come at first sight. But I do believe that "infatuation" does happen at first sight. It depends on you to take it to the next level and who knows...maybe it can become your true love. I'm not saying it can't turn into true love, because it really can happen but it's not immediate. What you experience at first sight is infatuation as I said before.

  13. satice_j profile image68
    satice_jposted 13 years ago

    Dreamily states, 'YES!' But then I wake up to the reality, love is hidden by many degrees!

  14. freesale profile image34
    freesaleposted 13 years ago

    Based on certain psychological definitions of the word, yes. Personally though, no. Lust or other forms of physical attraction sure, but that's insufficient to be "love"

  15. SportsAgencyblog profile image59
    SportsAgencyblogposted 13 years ago

    yes, but most of these love at first sight may not last forever. At some point both parties will experience misunderstanding since love is not only the best recipe for a relationship to last. It is still necessary to know a person you will love forever.

  16. CJ Pnelli profile image60
    CJ Pnelliposted 13 years ago

    Of course there is love at first sight! I fell in love with my son the moment I saw him enter this world.

  17. taiciapar01 profile image59
    taiciapar01posted 13 years ago

    yes, but in relationships that came from love at first sight... not really?

  18. MattyLeeP profile image72
    MattyLeePposted 13 years ago

    I believe everything in life is temporary, and that includes love or any other positive or negative emotion. 
    I feel love itself is much more momentary and impulsive, happiness as well.... it's a cookie, an orgasm, a hot shower, a large meal, a strong drink..... 
    In this day and age, with millions of false idols, materialism and this capitalistic mindset that has seemed to become our national religion, I don't believe many relationships are true and honest at all. 
    My faith in humanity, much less love, or love at first sight, is dwindling more and more.  Forgive me if this sounds pessimistic, I am actually a very happy person.

  19. hollylocket profile image58
    hollylocketposted 13 years ago

    Completely, I was 34 when I met my fiance, I obviously had 'loves' before that time.  But the first moment we saw each other, our lives totally changed. I was on a family day out with my husband when I met him, We only casually spoke to one another that day, but for reasons I don't understand, walking away from him broke my heart, I truly felt empty, but I also felt at peace because I felt that we were meant to be together somehow. I can't describe the feeling, he said nothing out of the ordinary, did nothing out of the ordinary, but years later, we are still together through a heap load of odds and we are both still confused at the feelings we had on the first day of meeting each other. It is inexplicable really. He is my only 'true' love and I am his. 100% love at first sight.

  20. profile image51
    terrydsposted 13 years ago


    I do not believe in  anything like that

  21. JerryJupiter profile image60
    JerryJupiterposted 13 years ago

    I definitely believe in lust at first sight - I believe love is something that ultimately you work towards, sure it'll be helped along, but love is something you work for - wheres the value in something that just happens. smile

  22. Anna82 profile image60
    Anna82posted 13 years ago

    No, I don't. Love at first sight is just a sympathy towards physical look of a person + personality created with your imagination and added to that physical look.

  23. mythicalstorm273 profile image60
    mythicalstorm273posted 13 years ago

    Yes and no.  I believe that when you see somebody for the first time there is the potential to feel something unique.  You get a gut feeling that this person is somebody special and you could be something special with them.  Still love is complicated and takes time to really grow.  That gut feeling is not true, deep, and developed love, but from that point forward you know that you will always love that person.  I believe it is rare, but many people experience similar things that make them think it is love at first sight!

  24. Fellow Mumbaite profile image61
    Fellow Mumbaiteposted 13 years ago

    I have always believed in love at first sight. But ven't experienced it yet. I am sure though such thing does exist!

  25. bjornborgboxers profile image60
    bjornborgboxersposted 13 years ago

    Sure do! Albeit that there are various gradations in love.

  26. Nspeel profile image64
    Nspeelposted 13 years ago

    I do believe in love at first sight but that does not mean anything can come from it. I can fall in love with any sexy redhead but that does not mean she is worth spending my time with. Sight is not everything.

  27. terrektwo profile image70
    terrektwoposted 13 years ago

    Not really, you need to know the person to be in love with them, I would say it's more of a crush, infatuation or possibly lust at first sight if you've never met the person.

  28. ninabillian profile image39
    ninabillianposted 13 years ago

    Yes i believe in Love at first sight but also it is fake.

  29. navSharma27 profile image59
    navSharma27posted 13 years ago


    it happens with me MANY TIMES...

  30. ladyhowto4u profile image63
    ladyhowto4uposted 13 years ago

    Yes, I definitely believe in love at first sight!  Now if that love will last or change over time, that's quite a different story!

  31. KristiF profile image60
    KristiFposted 13 years ago

    i wish i did.. i used to. now i only believe in LUST at first sight smile

  32. stephaniedas profile image72
    stephaniedasposted 13 years ago

    Yes! Absolutely. And I think it happens more often than we think! They first time you lock eyes with someone you love, you feel electricity pulse through you, and from that moment on you are forever changed. That person instantly becomes a part of you, and you can't stop thinking about them.

  33. nemanjaboskov profile image75
    nemanjaboskovposted 13 years ago

    This is how I fell in love almost eight years ago, and the feeling is still here smile))

  34. Cresentmoon2007 profile image67
    Cresentmoon2007posted 13 years ago

    No I personally don't believe in love at first sight because I think in order to truly love someone you have to be able to know who they are, to know how they are like.

  35. dui profile image61
    duiposted 13 years ago

    No!, because I have not experienced it. I am normal, but I don't know why I have not feel it, when I first saw my boyfriend.

  36. profile image0
    Hubertsvoiceposted 13 years ago

    Yes, I do. The first time I laid eyes on my wife I knew in my heart that she would be my wife. Twenty two years later, she still is. Everytime I look at her I smile. I almost lost her to asthma and pneumonia a few years ago and I thought that my heart would break. For three days while she was in a coma on life support, I sat in her hospital room praying, and occasionally crying. To this day It scares me half to death when she coughs, just knowing that the Lord could take her right then and there. Do I believe in love at first sight? Yes. And every sighting of her since.

  37. yenkijatt profile image61
    yenkijattposted 13 years ago

    ya i do...  i m also the example of that. i just saw her first time n i just fall in love with her... and she is now with me form last 7 years.

  38. paperdolls profile image58
    paperdollsposted 13 years ago

    I don't believe in love at first sight but I believe there "is" attraction at first sight.

  39. attorneyblog profile image60
    attorneyblogposted 13 years ago

    Of course, especially when you were given a chance to prove it.

  40. Bobri Dobri profile image80
    Bobri Dobriposted 13 years ago

    Yes I do believe in love at first sight. I fell in love with my husband at first sight.

  41. davidisaiah profile image65
    davidisaiahposted 12 years ago

    The best anyone can do is to answer this question from personal experience.  I have been with the woman I fell in love with at first sight for 37 years. We have raised two interesting and delightful children. We have shared teaching positions at the same school, We have taught at the same school at different time teaching the same subjects.  Currently we are co-pastors of a small and loving congregation.  It started with a chance encounter.  When we looked into each others' eyes, we knew.
    We knew that we would grow old and older together and we have.  Do I believe in love at first sight?  YES!

  42. yssubramanyam profile image60
    yssubramanyamposted 12 years ago

    No, apposite sex is always like magnetic poles. if attraction is considered as love and involves in biological pleasure, the marriage may become compulsive, if it lasts long, things will work out, other wise life becomes misery. think 100 times before taking decision. the mutual under standing is a long process which takes life time or more than that. so i always categorize love as physical and  like minded.

  43. hyp profile image71
    hypposted 11 years ago

    Yes. You'll just feel it and you'll say to yourself... he's the one...


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