How do you end a relationship when you find out that you ve been cheated

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  1. ubanichijioke profile image75
    ubanichijiokeposted 13 years ago

    How do you end a relationship when you find out that you ve been cheated

    and how do you do it without hurting yourself and family

  2. Jenn2014 profile image60
    Jenn2014posted 13 years ago

    You choose to have enough confidence in yourself and self esteem to know you deserve better than that, and in a respectful way let the other person know that. Don't argue, don't fight, don't let them blow up with an explanation, just let them know it's not something you are going submit yourself to and walk away. Don't get down on yourself, and don't live in anger or jealousy. You'd only be hurting yourself.

    Good luck! I know it hurts, but you'll get through it!

  3. Awfranklin profile image60
    Awfranklinposted 13 years ago

    I dated a girl for two years in high school, only to find out she had slept with several members of my baseball team.  Not only had I been cheated on by the girl I loved, but I was the inside joke of the dugout!  I just calmly called her on it, said it was over, and even when she begged and said she wanted our relationship to work, I just kept walking.  Once a cheater, always a cheater.  I heard her fiance in the military just dumped her because while he was at westpoint, she was screwing everyone back home.  Now 6 years later im married, with a kid on the way, and could not be happier.  Sorry for your pain, it cuts deep, but gets better when you take control.

  4. cydro profile image76
    cydroposted 13 years ago

    i like what awfranklin and jenn said.

    Just to add to that, and some of this you might already know: 

    1) Call her calmly and end it quickly.  Don't have a long conversation.  Don't take her phone calls afterward.  Not again for another week at least.  This is the toughest part.  And then...

    2)  What helped me the most was to focus on myself.  Instead of eating a tub of ice cream like in the movies... work out harder, cut any bad drug/eating habits, listen to music that you love.  This will help you get through it in many ways.  Before I knew it I felt great and ready to move on.

    2) Remember you're above cheating (I'm assuming).  There are girls out there that won't cheat--and especially don't become the jealous/snoopy type with your next girl

    3) Hang out with your most trustworthy guy friends for awhile.  They'll help ya out.  They'll probably call her a bitch and tell you that you deserve better.  Which you do.  You'll see them succeeding at being single or dating, and you'll be ready to follow their lead

    4) Time is your best friend.  It will heal your wound and provide other opportunities for you.

  5. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    if it's because the person cheated on you, walk up to them, ask them to come to the door then kick them out the door and say " good bye". it's easy to do and the look on their face is priceless.

  6. ubanichijioke profile image75
    ubanichijiokeposted 13 years ago

    Awesome speech Cydro. I like that.

    Nightwork4, awfrankin & darknlovely i strongly subscribe to your advice. Your experiences and examples were so upbuilding. I just pray and hope that the decision that i'll make will favor me in the future. Thanks y'all.

  7. profile image0
    CJ Sledgehammerposted 12 years ago

    Well, it sounds like you didn't end the relationship, the cheating party did. Why is it usually the victim that feels like they are responsible for ending the relationship when the other party ended it through an act of infidelity?

    If one is married or engaged, there really is no way to end things smoothly. I do not know of many divorced couples (with children) that could end it smoothly, especially when cheating was the culprit.

    This is why it is so important to be faithful to one's flame and why one's flame needs to be just as loyal. People need to understand that they are not islands unto themselves and whenever someone special comes into their lives, they bring baggage, too.

    Tough stuff, my friend, and I pray that you find enough strength to weather the storm.


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