How do you deal with people who argue and insist they are right when you know th

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  1. Sheila Wilson profile image62
    Sheila Wilsonposted 12 years ago

    How do you deal with people who argue and insist they are right when you know they are wrong?

    Why do some people argue even if it is obvious they are wrong? I once had someone argue with me that A.D. in dates means "after death" rather than a Latin phrase meaning "in the year of our Lord." They were adamant about their stance. I have a relative with a creative memory. She'll argue points from the past about events that never happened. How do you handle arguments when you know you're right but the other person won't hear your reasoning? I've taught my kids not to argue with the creative memory relative since it's pointless to argue even when you're right. Is that really best?

  2. Silver Fish profile image71
    Silver Fishposted 12 years ago

    I simply agree to differ. Some things in life are just not worth getting hot under the collar. If you know you are right then isn't that enough?
    Do you really need to convince that other person they are wrong ?- it then simply becomes a power struggle.
    I walk away from people who are happily misinformed.

  3. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    I hate arguing and for me it is not worth the stress just to prove I am right.  I would walk away from anyone who wanted to argue like that.  It would have to be enough for me to know I am right and let it go at that.

    It really does take two to argue so if you don't "bite" and let it go, then there is no argument.

  4. Sunita-Sharma profile image60
    Sunita-Sharmaposted 12 years ago

    I try to explain to a certain limit, but if I see that the person is still adamant that he is right then I just walk off leaving the person with his own beliefs. Because eveytime and everywhere he can't stay adamant and at some point of life he will realise it. So why to waste your energy on someone who is not willing to listen & understand some else's point of view!

  5. cloverleaffarm profile image79
    cloverleaffarmposted 12 years ago

    I would say, sorry, don't argue, and walk away.  You can fix stupid.
    You are right, AD is Latin for "In the Year of (Our) Lord" which is applied to years following 1 BC in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. I cheated and looked it up. I have heard it was "after death" for years.

  6. dashingscorpio profile image71
    dashingscorpioposted 12 years ago

    Once you have figured out someone's personality it's easy to either avoid them or certain topics. Most heated discussions are usually regarding a difference of opinion. Facts can easily be searched using google or some other search engine. Another technique is offer to make a bet with them and have a neutral party determine who is correct based upon independent research. :-)

  7. jpcmc profile image92
    jpcmcposted 12 years ago

    If this is the case, it would be a waste of time to continue arguing.  Just agree that you have different opinions and let it be.

  8. Vellur profile image94
    Vellurposted 12 years ago

    First and foremost consider whether you really want to argue it out. Just ignore if it is someone who is jealous of you and just wants to start a fight.

    If you are in a situation where proving yourself correct is very important - for example at school or in an office. If you do not prove yourself right it will be detrimental. You will loose your promotion, the boss will not take you seriously, so go ahead argue with concrete proff, talk, project yourself as a knowledgeable person. This is very important.

    If you are in school, you will loose your marks and your teachers appreciation. This is very important for a student's growth. So go ahead and explain with all your facts and prove that you are right.

    Well if your best friend gets all wonky and does this, then bear it for sometime. when you can no longer be patient, explain it to her. If she is your true friend she will definitely understand.

    Use discretion and be wise during such situations. Do not let this bug you.

  9. sangre profile image91
    sangreposted 12 years ago

    This is one thing that really used to annoy me. I would try and correct them, but they still maintain that they are correct. So now I don't even waste my breath. If they want to be ignorant about a fact, so be it.

  10. Dave Mathews profile image60
    Dave Mathewsposted 12 years ago

    point out their mistake in logic and then walk away and avoid them.

  11. rLcasaLme profile image68
    rLcasaLmeposted 12 years ago

    Actually, I've encountered many people like this due to the nature of my work. I work at site and almost all of them won't admit mistakes.
    Sometimes, I just can't help but to laugh at their stupidity until they feel awkward about it. And the more they defend their argument, the stronger my laugh would be.
    My advise would be just to walk away from it since he wouldn't listen anyway. Just be happy that his progress will be slower than yours since he cannot accept mistakes and cannot learn from it.

  12. rave1432 profile image59
    rave1432posted 12 years ago

    Let them win, you know your right and they will not give up, so why hurt yourself and the other person more by arguing. A lot of times it is better to let it go. If it is serious and worth fighting for I will stick to my guns, but something small I will let go.

  13. Catherine Kane profile image78
    Catherine Kaneposted 12 years ago

    It depends. Will anyone be killed or maimed if the wrongheaded person gets their way?

    If so or if other major damage could be done, you may need to persist, but otherwise, if you've tried to reach accuaracy or harmony and it's clear its not happening, it's ok to disengage.

    "I can see we're going to have to agree to disagree" is a useful phrase at such times; and if your opponent is someone who likes to crow about beating you or rub your face in it, console yourself with the fact that everytime they make a loud fuss about their wrongness, they're just making themselves look more and more foolish to the folks around them

  14. Ahmed Sohaib profile image61
    Ahmed Sohaibposted 9 years ago

    Well basically when a person thinks he is right is because he had heard about it prior, and thinks that the information about that specific thing is sufficient for him to argue about it. But in fact he doesn't really know the basics of it. For example, everyone knows what a commode is but does everyone know the actual principle on which it works, the answer is obviously in negation. So, to prove the person wrong, ask them to explain their point of the argument thoroughly and when the cannot, obviously you've got the upper hand.


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