What makes someone your BFF(Best Friend Forever)?

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  1. Crissylite profile image73
    Crissyliteposted 12 years ago

    What makes someone your BFF(Best Friend Forever)?

    As an adult, do you still have the same best friends?


  2. paulynice roldens profile image62
    paulynice roldensposted 12 years ago

    Secret, respect, no jalousy....Want good for me as you want good for yourself....

  3. Johnjfernando profile image61
    Johnjfernandoposted 12 years ago

    Trust, loyalty, respect. You know that they'll have your in tough times and they'll be there every step of the way for you as if they were family to you. The best I can say is that its easy to find a friend and less easy to to find someone as a BBF based the criteria I just outined.

    1. Crissylite profile image73
      Crissyliteposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for this answer. This is so true.

  4. kallini2010 profile image81
    kallini2010posted 12 years ago

    First, you have to live forever.
    Then, it is your BF has to live forever.

    I would say there is no forever.  But if you are so lucky that you don't change enough during the course of your life and there is someone who you have met early in life, either changes with exactly the same speed and in the same direction...

    Do you how many IFS? Let alone the FOREVER factor.

    I would recommend to stop thinking in extreme generalizations and open your world to "next to the best" and "not quite so forever"....

    But what do I know?  I did not live forever.  42 is not forever.

    Good luck in finding those BFF and keeping them!!!

  5. lburmaster profile image71
    lburmasterposted 12 years ago

    That they are honest, trustworthy, do not gossip, and are interested in my interests. No, I do not have the same best friends. I have two friends that I've had for four to five years.

  6. alphagirl profile image75
    alphagirlposted 12 years ago

    I have two that I have known for over 30 years and another that I have known for 14. IT is trust, knowing they will be there for you in your darkest hour and knowing that they will not pass judgment when you make dumb decisions.

  7. Civil War Bob profile image60
    Civil War Bobposted 12 years ago

    Twenty or thirty years of putting up with each other...it's that simple.

  8. greeneryday profile image69
    greenerydayposted 12 years ago

    I believe there is no such thing as BFF, because either you or so called your current best friends will be experiencing different phases in  life where each one involves or introducing different and new people, like new friends, co-workers, etc.I personally think the most important thing in life is your family, because they are the one who will stick around you no matter what the situation is. In other words I do believe in friends but never believe BFF.

  9. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 12 years ago

    The secrets she knows.  And, yes, we've been friends since elementary school.

  10. padmendra profile image45
    padmendraposted 12 years ago

    The support of a friend plays an important role in anyone’s life. With the help of a friend, one can overcome from the problem easily and feel connected with the outside society with the presence of a friend.. Those are lucky who have the same friends today who were their childhood/school time friends.

    You need to choose a friend who is good with everyone,who has good values like honesty, sincerity and a caring habit. Besides a person who has a positive outlook about life and always remains cheerful and accepts the situation as it is and moves on. A person who possesses most of these qualities can become a good friend of yours..  Friends are always important and required by everyone irrespective of the reason that you might have so many other relations like brothers, sisters etc. The life will go smoothly and your problems too as no one else can sacrifice for you at the time of need except a true/best friend.

    1. Crissylite profile image73
      Crissyliteposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I totally agree.

  11. Cardia profile image67
    Cardiaposted 12 years ago

    Someone who you can talk to about your problems or worries, and you know you can trust them with your personal information. They should also be loyal, supportive and be able to give you advice and help if you ask for it.
    Having a great sense of humour and being fun loving is definitely a plus as well!

  12. epigramman profile image61
    epigrammanposted 12 years ago

    .....when her name is Sannel.   lake erie time 11:19pm

  13. DzyMsLizzy profile image89
    DzyMsLizzyposted 12 years ago

    I think that most of the time, for most people, 'best friends' shift and change as we go through different stages in our lives.
    In grade school, I didn't even have a best friend--I was kind of an outcast.  In junior high, my best friend was another gal who was probably similarly a social misfit.  We ended up going to different high schools, and our respective lives went in very different directions.
    When my kids were in school, my "best friend" was a woman around the corner who also had kids in the same school, though her kids were a little older than mine..but nonetheless, we shared many common interests.  Once all the kids were out of school, and her husband retired, they sold their house and moved away, nearer to other family.  I am in infrequent touch with their daughter via Face Book, and hear from them only in holiday greeting cards.  Our interests and activities have diverged.
    Then, I was heavily involved in a community theater group, and I had another best friend at that time.  Sadly, she has since passed away.  I am still in touch, albeit infrequently, with the rest of her family.
    Ironically, the only friend I still hear from via e-mail in addition to holiday cards, is my old friend from junior high...and she lives about 200 miles from me, so we don't see each other, or even talk on the phone--our lives and interests have drifted apart--yet, we stay in some contact after all these years.
    People change; lives change; circumstances and interests change, and it would be rare to have one "BFF" throughout life...because "BFF" stands for 'Best Friends Forever,' and nothing is forever.
    My current best friend is my husband, and that's as it should be.

  14. stclairjack profile image76
    stclairjackposted 12 years ago

    i dont think of my closest friends as BFF's but then that may be generational or regional,... or both.

    i grew up in a small rural very tight community,... every one knew every one,.. nearly maybery,.. except with more reality.

    my true friends are those who hold "3am" status,... i know if i call this person at 3 in the morning and say "i kneed you here, its bad, please hurry"..... they'll be here,..... in 30 minutes or less (that goes for the pair that live 68 miles away, swear to god, he drives very fast when needed)... i know that no only will this small handfull of friends show up,... but they will show up with guns tarps and bleach,.... just in case.

    we have all known each other since school,... some of us since elementary school.

    they are my 3 am friends, and i am thiers,... one of them is even my ex husband,... the six of us,... even divroce hasnt screwd it up.

    family is something you are born to but friends are chosen,.. and they choose you,... i value my friends far more than my family. perhaps thats a statement on my family, lol,... but i rather think its a measure of my friends.

  15. vocalcoach profile image92
    vocalcoachposted 12 years ago

    My BFF lost her fight with cancer and I miss her terribly.  She was truly one-of-a-kind.  The perfect example of a true best friend.  I could totally be myself without worrying about saying or doing the wrong thing to upset her. She accepted me for what I am.  Never putting me down or even correcting me, she taught me how to be a better version of myself.

    Julie was her name. She loved me unconditionally. Smart, talented, beautiful, and always positive I never heard her say anything bad about another person.  She was full of compassion. She was an incredible listener.  I learned to love myself because of her influence.

    Julie's character along with her sense of humor made her my BGG.  I love you Julie and miss you with all my heart.

    1. Crissylite profile image73
      Crissyliteposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for sharing. You were very blessed to have her for a friend.

  16. ahostagesituation profile image83
    ahostagesituationposted 12 years ago

    Integrity is it for me because it covers the fundamentals--honesty, loyalty, being worthy of trust.  But my closest friends are VERY real, very down to earth, and kind.   Okay, but even a person was all these things we probably wouldn't be close forever if we didn't support each other keep each other on track in the important ways.

  17. lrc7815 profile image82
    lrc7815posted 12 years ago

    I have several friends now who were my best friends 50 years ago and am still very close to several others, though we don't see each other as often.  Growing up in a small community probably helped.  There were about nine families, all with parents in the same age group, and they all had kids about the same time.  We lived in the suburbs, far enough from the city to be dependent on each other for entertainment and companionship.  Our parents were of modest incomes too so we weren't spoiled with a lot of gadgets to entertain us.  It was a good life that forced us to form solid foundations under our friendships.  I think that is why they have lasted so long.

  18. researchpapers profile image60
    researchpapersposted 12 years ago

    Yes i do have and in my views it's all about nature.


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