My boyfriend broke up with me in a crowded restaurant in NYC. How would you hand

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  1. Lor's Stories profile image60
    Lor's Storiesposted 11 years ago

    My boyfriend broke up with me in a crowded restaurant in NYC. How would you handle it?

    While in the middle of Manhatten my so- called boy friend at the time decided it was the right place to tell me he was seeIng someone else. We were in a very crowded restaurant.
    I kind of just sat there. And we had just sat down to eat.

  2. CRe8tiVeLiFe profile image68
    CRe8tiVeLiFeposted 11 years ago

    Kudos for having the grace to sit through that. I'd probably have gotten up and left. As long as you didn't allow it to become a scene you probably handled it better than many would. Any man who would break up with you in the middle of a public place is probably not someone you want to be with anyway. Hugs to you and I hope you find someone who treats you with the respect you deserve.

    1. Lor's Stories profile image60
      Lor's Storiesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Never found the right guy. Well I did. He was a priest.
      It only got as far as a kiss,
      I always fall for the wrong type.
      I like the fact I was loved tenderly.
      The other guy. Oh yes I gave him hell then my girlfriends took me out for a few drinks.

    2. lupine profile image66
      lupineposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Lor's, don't think about him anymore, did you a favor by leaving. There's someone out there for you, just be patient, happy, be yourself. Like you fall for the wrong type...try a different type. See my hub, Love is gone, but not forever.

  3. CyclingFitness profile image91
    CyclingFitnessposted 11 years ago

    Some men look for comfort in their surroundings- It's not something I would do but why would you want to be dumped at home when for the next period of time you're constantly seeing him ending it in front of you.

    Public places provide a situation of safety for many people as the reaction of the person opposite is likely to be less aggressive or threatening.

    I don't believe that for some people there will ever be a right time and place to end a relationship- But you're lucky he hasn't carried on half heartedly and drawn things out between the pair of you. Some men can be cowards like that and not fessing up to the decision to be made.

    Good luck with th erest of your dating life- the right guy is always out there..

    1. CRe8tiVeLiFe profile image68
      CRe8tiVeLiFeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I never thought about it this way. Thanks for giving me a new perspective, cycling...

    2. Lor's Stories profile image60
      Lor's Storiesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      He married someone else. He came back to me and then was out of the country. He told me he was engaged on my birthday;

  4. windygreen profile image60
    windygreenposted 11 years ago

    WOW your more graceful than me ... I would have made a scene fit for the big screen!  I would have ordered a red wine then I would have ordered the most expensive meal on the menu.  After the waiter ran off to put in our order, I would have ran after him and added the most expensive half of the menu to my order... when the food came, I would have stood up, dumped my wine right in the bf's face and screamed "OMG SHE GAVE U WHAT?!!??!!"  And then left out abruptly leaving him with the HUGE dinner bill smile.. and the embarrassment. 

    but thats just me smile

    1. lupine profile image66
      lupineposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      He probably would not have expected that, but maybe deserved it.

  5. lupine profile image66
    lupineposted 11 years ago

    Lor's, sorry that happened, but maybe that's the only way he could do it. At least he said it, some guys just leave and don't even say why. If this happened to me, I would have rather he waited until after dinner...why ruin a good dinner.

  6. Seeker7 profile image80
    Seeker7posted 11 years ago

    Well I suppose it's better telling you to your face rather than finding out from someone else, but it seems cowardly to do it in public.

    However, look on the bright side sweetheart, this just opens up a great opportunity to meet a guy who will take you for a meal because he loves you, not because he wants to dump you! As far as the ex goes, he's the loser not you and he doesn't seem worth having anyway! I'm like you I wouldn't have lost my diginity or self-respect  over him by making a scene but I wouldn't have been able to resist making it very uncomfortable for him to have to sit there! I think you have the right attitude and  just look forward to meeting a guy who is worth it and has guts! Lots of luck and hugs!!!

  7. profile image0
    lisasuniquevoiceposted 11 years ago

    One thing you could have done is  to stand up and speak at the top of you voice saying, "How dare you sit here on our romantic evening and tell me you're married and you have four children under the age of 10.You creep!!!!!" How do you think he would have felt then. He certainly wouldn't have expected it, and he probably would have felt like crawling under the table or something. Have something prepared if this ever happens again. Of course I hope it doesn't, but just in case.
    You'll find someone new,

    1. profile image0
      lisasuniquevoiceposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      By the way I just read windygreen's comment above. It's great.

  8. CrescentSkies profile image64
    CrescentSkiesposted 11 years ago

    Let's see so he was basically cheating on you? Initiate a very strong slap to his face, call him a liar and a cheater in front of the large crowd and storm off. Everybody in the crowd automatically hates him and sympathizes with you. Oh and don't forget to find out who he's dating and tell her that her boyfriend was cheating on you with her (don't get mad just tell her that you wanted her to know what kind of person he was).


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