Is it safe to date Online?

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  1. Angela Nielsen profile image57
    Angela Nielsenposted 13 years ago

    I have a facebook friend for almost one year already. I feel uncertain on the feelings I have for him. But I am quite amaze on him because of his consistency on our communication and a very loving person. Is this gonna work out?

    1. Lisa HW profile image61
      Lisa HWposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      A whole lot of people will tell you they met their spouse over the Internet, but I, personally, wouldn't even consider meeting in person with someone from online.  If it were one of my sons or daughters, I'd hope they wouldn't either.

      A person can meet mental-case-freaks offline too, but I think the chances aren't quite as high as with some of the stuff that goes on with the Internet.  Maybe it's just me.....

    2. benong4788 profile image61
      benong4788posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      i say yes

    3. Myra Tylor profile image59
      Myra Tylorposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It depends, I think. There are different persons online. Have good judgements matters a lot in this situation

      1. benong4788 profile image61
        benong4788posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        yeah watchout for creepers

    4. Sarah Writes profile image59
      Sarah Writesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      My best friend met her husband on FB. It was great for them because they got to know each other slowly, and at first it wasn’t at all physical. Yes they both found each other’s profile pictures attractive, but they made a real mental connection, they learned that they both had the same goals and were truly compatible. On their first meeting they met at a busy restaurant by the mall as well as each brought a couple friends, which is a good idea. It always seems a little scary meeting people online, but there are many positives to! Take care and good luck smile

    5. Tinsky profile image94
      Tinskyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I met my husband online in yahoo chat in 2000.  In Dec 2001 he flew to Australia for a three week holiday to meet me. He returned nine months later after building up some savings to come for an extended stay. He never went home again except for a holiday.  We married in May 2003 and now have a three year old daughter.

      He is from Boston, USA and I'm from Brisbane Australia.

      We have diverse cultural backgrounds and a 12 year age gape but it was our passion and interests and honesty that brought us together and our relationship today is much stronger and we both still enjoy writing online together.  We also work for the same company now and I never get bored of seeing him in the office, in fact it is making up for the time we spent apart which was painful to say the least!

      Love online is just like love offline, sometimes you have to go out side your comfort zones to meet that perfect partner but you should always take precautions, online or offline until you have built that trust between you which makes for a good solid and lasting friendship.

      1. kirstenblog profile image79
        kirstenblogposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        That sounds like me! I met my husband of 6 and a half years online, ICQ instant messenger. We both took precautions but wound up very happy that the internet allowed us to meet. I moved to the UK and have never looked back!

    6. profile image0
      klarawieckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You can't possibly date someone online. You can make friends online and then meet in person and date. That's how I met my husband and it has worked for us. It was a regular forum, not a dating site, so we were not looking for it. It just happened over time and now we've been happily married for six years. So, yes... it can work but you have to take it to the next level... Meet in person and have no expectations when it happens.

  2. sofs profile image73
    sofsposted 13 years ago
    1. garyrockzzz profile image60
      garyrockzzzposted 13 years ago

      Online dating is around for quite some time. I have personally dated few girls whom I met online. If you know each other for long enough and trust each other, you can surely meet.

      However If you are not sure meeting alone, take a friend with you.

    2. yankeeintexas profile image60
      yankeeintexasposted 13 years ago

      I will say I met very few girls on online dating site. Maybe because six years ago I married my last date! (And YES, we are still married with three great kids!)

    3. AskAshlie3433 profile image61
      AskAshlie3433posted 13 years ago

      When you date online, it is like a fantasy. Some people can, but I wouldn't recomend it. When you have feelings for someone, you want to see and feel it. When you feel it typing, it is not the same.

    4. Ginger Meow profile image68
      Ginger Meowposted 13 years ago

      I've never met Online, but I heard she doesn't kiss on the first date!

    5. C.V.Rajan profile image59
      C.V.Rajanposted 13 years ago

      If you have something to hide and if he too has something to hide, then things would work out through on line dating, I suppose!

    6. SunSeven profile image60
      SunSevenposted 13 years ago

      I will say be very very careful!
      Meet And Cheat - Online Dating
      Best Regards

    7. richtwf profile image59
      richtwfposted 13 years ago

      Like everything else in life, you have to be aware of any pitfalls, take things as they come and keep your ears and eyes alert for anything which might seem suspicious. Online relationships do and don't work. Be patient, don't expect too much too soon, and just go with the flow and see what happens but beware of frauds and cheats and anyone else untoward.

    8. Right On Time profile image61
      Right On Timeposted 13 years ago

      It depends, if you like attractive 25 year old blondes who are really 75 year old men, then yes. Wouldn't go anywhere NEAR online dating.

      1. pisean282311 profile image62
        pisean282311posted 13 years agoin reply to this


    9. profile image52
      Bilaltahir4posted 13 years ago

      I think its more like infatuation which we as human feel for a person who care about us.
      But taking it further in a relationship has high chances of failure and this is what i have seen so far.
      So be careful.

    10. mrshadeed profile image41
      mrshadeedposted 13 years ago

      It is becoming increasingly more safe to date online because the top dating services offer multiple ways to get to know a person before proceeding with face-to-face encounters. offers TalkMatch, which enables users to talk to one another without revealing phone numbers. The same source is available on for emailing as well. You can chat and email until you are comfortable moving forward. Most importantly, if someone is too obsessive or threatening, you can block and report their profile to the administrators of Match.

    11. profile image0
      Home Girlposted 13 years ago

      You can find your destiny anywhere nowadays, baby...


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