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  1. raciniwa profile image81
    raciniwaposted 13 years ago

    How To Get Over Depression?

    1. qsera profile image44
      qseraposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Depression or sadness is a natural phenomenon. To get over it you need to sleep well, talk to your friends about the matter, just forgive and forget what ever has happened in the past, which has been disturbing you.
      I am sure you will feel better soon. Take care smile

      1. raciniwa profile image81
        raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        thank you for the sound advice...but letting go and forgive and forget is maybe the hardest part to do, for it means that you will not think of the past hurts that person is inflicting you...

    2. Rod Marsden profile image67
      Rod Marsdenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Make a plan and see it through. Make it a small plan. After you have seen it through make a slightly bigger plan. Get friends to help. Having goals is what got me over depression.

      1. raciniwa profile image81
        raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        how long does it take for a plan to materialize?can you name some, it seems to me that the days are dragging by...

    3. AEvans profile image73
      AEvansposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Focus on the good and not the bad. Exercise daily and get plenty of rest. Surround yourself with positive people. smile

    4. stayingalivemoma profile image83
      stayingalivemomaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am still trying to figure that out. I was diagnosed with major depression and anxiety disorder a few months ago. Been taking's one of the reasons why I started writing online. It's good therapy for me. I still have my days though where I don't want to get out of bed. Prayer is important and try not to be by yourself too much, Surround yourself with people who love and care for you...just like the people here at HP! God Bless you.

    5. ajayshah2005 profile image49
      ajayshah2005posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      First of all, when you feel that you are depressed, make yourself busy as much as possible.You need to do regular exercise, drink plenty of water, take balanced diet and enough sleep and rest.Though, it is difficult but try to think positive, avoid to stay lonely.If you think the things are not working then please get help from a Doctor (psychiatric).Be strong, God Bless You.

    6. sparkster profile image84
      sparksterposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Check out my hub 'Beat Depression Without Medication'

    7. Jerami profile image59
      Jeramiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      JUST  Say No !!!

    8. MissJamieD profile image58
      MissJamieDposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I suffer from depression, I have since I was a teenger. I'm now 35 years old and have learned a few things. If your depression is deep, the only way out is a combination of psychiatry, psychology, eating well, exercise, sleep, and repeat! It sounds like a lot of work but only initially. You'll thank yourself every day once you've gotten out of that "black hole", and the other aspects of healing will continue to help you if you take the initiative. Therapy is extremely underrated, we could probably all use a little:)

  2. mickaa2001 profile image62
    mickaa2001posted 13 years ago

    take life day by day... remembering that you'll have your good days and then some not so good

  3. Stacie L profile image87
    Stacie Lposted 13 years ago

    I agree that making small plans is helpful.
    i write goals for each day and try to get them accomplished.
    Feeling some accomplishment each day may help you feel better.

    1. Rod Marsden profile image67
      Rod Marsdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You've got the ticket Stacie.

      1. Hugh Williamson profile image70
        Hugh Williamsonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        The above advice is excellent for mild depression. Depression may have a physical basis however (hormonal, low blood pressure or undetected illness) so a visit to a GP may be in order.

        I battled depression for several years until they finally discovered that I had extremely low BP. Once that was treated, no more depression.

        When someone is more seriously depressed -- like having thoughts of suicide -- professional help is needed right away.

        Antidepressants are the most effective cure for depression and probably the only real treatment for severe depression.

        1. Rod Marsden profile image67
          Rod Marsdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I only battled depression for about six months, Hugh so I can't say what I would have been like if it had continued for years. Sure there can be physical reasons for depression and, whether or not there is other illness, a GP will help. Yes, of course professional help. Antidepressants can be good to begin with but I wouldn't want to be on them too long. I am goal oriented and have been that way all my life whether depressed or not. Settling little goals and then bigger and bigger ones got me out of my black hole. It may not work for everyone but as advice goes it is worth a shot. The psychologist I was seeing seemed to think that the setting of goals was the best self help I could give myself.

    2. raciniwa profile image81
      raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      thank you Stacie, i like the sound of that...writing goals...what if your goals are meant to be with the person you want to be with?

      1. Rod Marsden profile image67
        Rod Marsdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Make yourself the best raciniwa you can be is a big enough goal. If you depend on the love or approval of certain others as part of your goals then you could find yourself in trouble. What is meant to be is meant to be in terms of love...romance. Being the best raciniwa means that someone will find you to be the person they want to be with and you might actually like that person and want to be with them. Mind you they will probably want the best raciniwa and not some second rate raciniwa. Make yourself healthy and happy and you will no doubt find you have a shot at a lot of things you want.

        1. raciniwa profile image81
          raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          oh, you brought me to tears Rod, i have a very low self esteem these past months. i think i'm not good enough...maybe that's the reason i can't find the right person for me... i always end up in a relationship wherein we're on the same i ended up wishing maybe there is someone for me out there. someone better...

          and yes, like you i don't want to resort on drugs that's why i ended up writing my thoughts and helps for a time, and then when another relationship ended the depression gets more intense. but i also don't resort to drinking or finding other things to uplift me.

  4. IntimatEvolution profile image75
    IntimatEvolutionposted 12 years ago

    Make a small plan is great advice.  Letting go is another good tip.  Eating right is a bonus.  Making sure to drink plenty of water.  Writing thoughts down in a notebook helped me in the beginning.  Making myself a schedule and sticking to it helped a lot.  Even if my schedule just had on it to walk to the front door and turn the handle; sticking to the plan and having a purpose helped me.  Become aware of your symptoms.  Understand that the body aches and the tiredness is a symptom of your depression.  Once I understood that it helped me to fight my way through it.  Sitting outside in silence in the sun always made me feel better.

  5. raciniwa profile image81
    raciniwaposted 12 years ago

    thank you for the sound advice... i find it hard to go on day by day especially i'm dealing with my students. i have to look my best because even smiling at them takes a lot of much more on being patient with them... i think i am in a void, just circling aimlessly. still i want to go on living...not for my sake but for my kids sake... maybe i'll start writing on a journal as what you suggested...

  6. IntimatEvolution profile image75
    IntimatEvolutionposted 12 years ago

    I know your suffering.  You are not alone.  But I know that doesn't help much.  But my notebook  is now tucked away some where safe and I haven't needed it in a long time.  I hope you reach that place soon. It feels so much better.

    1. raciniwa profile image81
      raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      thank you for sharing your insight, yes somehow i realize that people in there lives one way or another have experienced depression...i know someday i'll be able to cope it...

      1. healthmedical profile image39
        healthmedicalposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Hi, I was enthralled by your discussion here. It made me ponder on my ideals this past few months. I was also depressed because I didn't know where would I lead my life to. Fortunately, I got over it. I hope you can get over it soon.

        1. raciniwa profile image81
          raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          thank you for uplifting my seems reading your comments, reflecting on the insights given, make my self move a notch higher...i just wish, one day when i wake up, it's gone...and i can enjoy the whole new me...

  7. IntimatEvolution profile image75
    IntimatEvolutionposted 12 years ago

    I understand how hard it is to literally get out of bed when your body hurts from exhaustion, so if you have to take your lap top or your computer and set yourself up a workstation in bed.  I did this for about six months.  I started my own blogging site and starting writing on it.  Man that was helpful.  I got tired of being tired and sleeping in clutter.  So on a good day I set up a workstation in my room but out of bed.

    Use this website as a platform to getting better.  Slowly over time I got every morning and meditated in the sunshine on my front porch.  Sometimes I sat there for hours.  But that's okay.  Because I stuck to my planner and got up out of bed that day.  Plans, goals & scheduling is so important to sticking too.  As time went on I have gone back to school, started a new career and am now living life the best I can.  It has taken me 7 years.  It doesn't go away over night.  But the fact that you are asking about it tells me you are well on your way to recovery. May your life bring you joy.  Be well and do this for you.  My profile name speaks volumes about whom I am.

    1. raciniwa profile image81
      raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you IntimatEvolution, your exposing a lot about your self tells me that somehow, I can be able to have a glimpse of the sun's for me is always a cloudy day and the sun seems glaring and angry...the journal i think is the best option i can and writing also ease some of the clogged emotions buried...and yes i can feel a glimmer of hope now that I have known people who want to extend themselves to help...

  8. Heidi Benz profile image61
    Heidi Benzposted 12 years ago

    Focus on yourself and set goals to do things that make you happy and feel accomplished. Only you can change how you are feeling and you must be the one to want to make the change. You must love yourself before you can love someone else.  Do things that make you feel better about yourself. When you are more confident others find you more attractive because they want to be with someone who is happy and makes the most out of life.  You can do this. Everyone can.  And remember that everyone has down times no matter if your Britney Spears or George Clooney. And even funny man Jim Carrey has his moments apparently. Smile, tomorrow is a new day...and your in charge.

    1. raciniwa profile image81
      raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am now smiling as I read your comment...Thank you for reminding me that the best of what you can be is found within...I am planning to throw the excess baggage I am now carrying...

  9. profile image49
    juliy145posted 12 years ago

    Those who download True Blood will agree to the fact that the series has always had its fair share of violence, but recently that violence and bloodshed has also been accompanied by sexuality. There are various shows which portray love, sex and romance all together but this is perhaps one of the series which focuses on above mentioned theme along with violence.

    Couple weeks ago, in among the True Blood episodes, the violent rape picture was proven. Though this isn't for the very first time when this really is presented within the series however the blend associated with rape, love, violence as well as sex had been offered for the first time.

    Violent towards women for example hitting as well as punching woman vampire from the wall is actually easily visible within the series. Kidnapping associated with females is really a common sight for individuals who love to view True Blood online.

    Violence continues to be acceptable however if we discuss women embarrassment then it's something intolerable. Based on the concept associated with True Blood Seasons 1-4, rape, sexual acts along with other physical activities aren't part of humiliation however passion. Because of this, why it's famous not only among youngsters however the entire man chauvinistic culture.

    With this series Bloodshed, shrilling screams as well as violence reach a limit that people can't actually imagine. Though it's a little not practical that vampires emerge from their coffins in order to suck the actual blood of those people who are innocent and still have some great qualities however True Blood episodes exist that world that is full associated with cruel as well as brute animals.

    It isn't just about sex and physical violence but it's also about the planet where innocents tend to be brutally killed through the pitiless individuals. The idea of the display is correct because the world is absolutely no paradise; and it's also full associated with treacherous creatures. Perhaps, this really are also one reason maximum enthusiasts watching True Blood Seasons 4 on the internet.

    It is essential for the actual society to comprehend the truth that the designers have specifically designed this particular blood as well as violence stuffed series in order to awaken towards the ills prevalent throughout it. It's our duty to comprehend this fact to ensure that we might resurrect individual’s values that have got lost during these years.

    1. raciniwa profile image81
      raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Can you make a hub on this? so we can discuss about it?thank you...

      1. edhan profile image36
        edhanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I do believe one has to look over the brighter side of life to overcome depression. When you are depressed, it will seem like everything is not going your way. Life begins to suck by the day.

        Instead of feeling sad and depress, why not find something you love to do. It is never the end of life when something goes wrong. Or even if your girlfriend decides to break up with you. There is always life waiting for you and it is never the end.

        Simply do what you love and never think of depression.

        1. raciniwa profile image81
          raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          yes, forgetting about it and pretend that nothing is wrong works for quite some time...but at the end of the day, when you're alone, it hits you back in the gut...thank you for sharing your insight...

  10. VENZKHVAM profile image61
    VENZKHVAMposted 12 years ago

    Depression doesn't cause to socially active people.
    so the first thing to do is to talk your cause of depression to your selected few friends and relatives for a solution.
    Join a library in the town a daily read any interesting  book that gives you solace.
    Open your laptop join some networking site and try to find a chatting partner if you are not ready to disclose your secret to the known persons.
    Go to a movie with couple of person an action film would be the ideal one.
    If you have loving girlfriend talk to her about all the LAST INCH OF your cause of depression and even if she could not give you any solution it will definitely give you enough emotional support.
    Depression happens when you fail in your endevour in any part of your life, let it be business,life, love,children, etc.
    so it is just temporary.
    You take any history in this world nothing is permanent.
    So same wise your temporary cause of depression will also go away if you follow what I said earlier.

    I would request you read my two hubs on the failure and bouncing back from the failures and depression?


    I am attaching the photo of (Lisa Ray model cum actress)who  got breast cancer and instead of getting depressed she FOUGHT BACK, DID SURGERY AND NOW KICKED OUT THE CANCER FROM HER  BODY AND   SHE IS AVERY HAPPY  AND BACK TO WORK.

    1. raciniwa profile image81
      raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      thank you for sharing your insight...yes, doing things to help us forget our depression will work for some time, but time will come that the very people you're talking to might be fed up, and could not or would not understand us...they might have reached the boiling point wherein they could not tolerate anymore, for they too have unresolved issues...

  11. profile image0
    Holmes221bposted 12 years ago

    There aren't any easy answers to depression.  Anitdepressants can work for some, but not for others, and different antidepressants work differently for different people.  Talking to a therapist might help, or better still, a combination of the two.  Exercise is also very good, especially walking in some beautiful surroundings.  Keep yourself busy, even if it is only doing the housework, and get out and talk to people.

    1. Victoria Lynn profile image87
      Victoria Lynnposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Good advice about taking small steps, but we must keep in mind that many people are clinically depressed. It's not about something bad happening in their lives; it's about their brain chemistry. I remember as a child feeling different from the other kids; I've always felt melancholy, no matter how great my life is going. It took my happy, optimistic mom a long time to realize that I couldn't just "snap out of it" because it was my genetic makeup. For some of us, it's a daily struggle to attempt to make positive steps to feel better or sometimes to just get through the day.Baby steps, baby steps. That's what I tell myself.

      1. raciniwa profile image81
        raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        hello Victoria, thank you for sharing...i am just curious about this brain chemistry or the genetic make up that affects your mood or causes depression?

      2. raciniwa profile image81
        raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        hello Victoria, thank you for sharing...i am just curious about this brain chemistry or the genetic make up that affects your mood or causes depression?

  12. silkwormy profile image66
    silkwormyposted 12 years ago

    1 Have a "ME TIME" break.It includes deep breathing for at least 5 minutes twice a day or as often as possible. Love yourself.
    2 Eat chocolate.
    3 Grab a lemon, get a slice and smell it. It has that refreshing scent.
    4 Watch comedies.
    5 Eat veggies and salads.
    6 Play brain games.
    7 Listen to your favorite songs. Listen to POSITIVE music.
      I have here you might want to listen to via YouTube:
           The World's Greatest (R. Kelly)
           Positive (Taio Cruz)
           Angel in Disguise (Corrinne May)
           One Step At A Time (Jordin Sparks)
           This Is Not The Last Time (David Cook)
           Time Of My Life (David Cook)
           Man In The Mirror (James Morrison acoustic version)
           Seasons of Love (Rent soundtrack)
    8 Say "I DID IT" for every goal accomplished no matter how little.
    9 Go to your favorite spots (e.g. book store, park, beach etc.). There might be a corner in your house where you feel most comfortable and peaceful.
    10 Share your blessings to those who have lesser in life.
    11 Make a gratitude list every day. Notice the little things (e.g. the presence of your children, a smile from a friend, etc.)
    12 Get out and just be among the crowd. You're not alone.
    13 Write. Write a thank you note.
    14 Sing or just hum a song in mind.
    15 Exercise.
    16 Hug someone, your kids. Just hug them.
    17 Know that friends should make you feel BIG, HAPPY, CAPABLE not smaller,  sadder, and hopeless.

    ...and the list goes on.
    Somebody told me that depression is recurring. One day you're happy, and the next moment you're crying out of the blue. Easy things seem hard to do. What is important I guess is to BOUNCE BACK EVERY TIME. YOU CAN be creative in dealing with it!

    Lastly, I leave you these words written by Holocaust survivor Viktor E. Frankl in his book Man's Search For Meaning:

    "Man is not fully conditioned or determined but rather determines himself, whether he gives in to conditions or stands up to them. In other words, man is ultimately self-determining. Man does not simply exists but always decides what his existence will be, what he will become in the next has the freedom to change at any instant. Man is capable of changing the world for the better if possible, and of changing himself for the better if necessary...."

    And in the poem Desiderata:
    "Everywhere life is full of heroism.
    Be yourself. Beyond a wholesome discipline,
    be gentle with yourself.You are a child of
    the universe, no less than the trees and
    the stars; you have a right to be here....."

    1. raciniwa profile image81
      raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      just wonderful...thank you so much for sharing and taking the time to write all the beautiful things you shared here...i'll have a step by step process in doing the things you suggested...

  13. aware profile image68
    awareposted 12 years ago

    Public service  .  volunteer

    1. raciniwa profile image81
      raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      yes, i'm doing just that...i'm coaching students in journalism and guess what?CHESS...yet their victories don't mean so much to the end i still feel empty...

  14. sanathara profile image60
    sanatharaposted 12 years ago

    Yoga is the best cure for depression. Follow yoga with Pranayam(Breathing Exercise) and some easy aasans that hep in reducing stress. All these work like a miracle and you will feel fresh.

    1. raciniwa profile image81
      raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      thank you sanathara...but i don't know or haven't developed any yoga technique just yet...

  15. Iintertrans profile image60
    Iintertransposted 12 years ago

    If you have happy people around you then majority of the depression will be gone away.
    Make yourself among happy people avoid  negative  attitude friends however close she or he may be.

    1. raciniwa profile image81
      raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      thank you lintertrans, so you mean i'll be choosy among friends, and who will i go with...

  16. Iintertrans profile image60
    Iintertransposted 12 years ago

    If you have happy people around you then majority of the depression will be gone away.
    Make yourself among happy people avoid  negative  attitude friends however close she or he may be.

  17. asmaiftikhar profile image80
    asmaiftikharposted 12 years ago

    It is said that habit is the great deadner  so make your habit of work work and work; in other words activity kills your pains.Enjoy your life with your work.

    1. raciniwa profile image81
      raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      what if i'm really bored with the work i'm having now?but it pays graciously...

  18. ThunderKeys profile image65
    ThunderKeysposted 12 years ago

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT is one of the best forms of psychotherapy for depression treatment.

    It turns out thought that it's the "behavioral" or behavior activation component of CBT that really gets the results.

    Anyone seeking counseling for depression should read:

    1. raciniwa profile image81
      raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      thank you for sharing ThunderKeys...actually i alrerady have a book on that but i'm lost with the technical jargon the book is using...

      1. raciniwa profile image81
        raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        i'll read the website you're suggesting though...

      2. raciniwa profile image81
        raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        i'll read the website you're suggesting though...

  19. Denise Handlon profile image85
    Denise Handlonposted 12 years ago

    raciniwa-depression takes on many forms.  There is situational depression, when someone hurts you, there is a betrayal, a major disappointment of some sort; then, there is clinical depression in which the body does not produce the chemicals in a natural way to elevate our moods.  Our minds go into a 'funk' of negativity.  And, there is seasonal depression in which the lack of sunlight affects our moods. 

    I have a family genetic component for depression on my mother's side.  I have to be mindful of how I am feeling when life knocks me down.  I can suggest several things:

    If it is a betrayal or hurt of some kind, find someone safe to talk to and discuss the feelings you have.  Get emotional support but don't dwell forever on the 'story' or you will be a victim.

    If it is a seasonal mood disorder-get a sunlamp or put light bulbs in your home that substitue for the sunrays. There are companies that sell this.

    If it is a chemical imbalance seek professional counseling and try an antidepressant medication or natural mood enhancer.

    You must be aware whether this is a true 'depression' or not, b/c the term is used so often it is misused.  What people refer to as depression is often disappointment.  I have written a few Hubs about the subject of depression and mental health.  Feel free to visit my site and check them out. 

    Good luck to you.

    1. raciniwa profile image81
      raciniwaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      thank you Denise...i'll surely visit your site so i can have a grasp about it...what i am undergoing right now is a series of wrong choices i made in the past...but i don't want to blame myself for my lack of cognition on the outcome of the decisions i made...still i can't snap out of it...


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