From a non-religious point of view: What in your opinion is the meaning of life

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  1. Peter Leeper profile image60
    Peter Leeperposted 12 years ago

    From a non-religious point of view:  What in your opinion is the meaning of life?

    If you feel this question can't be answered without a religious beleif please don't answer.  I am interested what people think the meaning of life is from a more philosophical point of view.


  2. ithabise profile image72
    ithabiseposted 12 years ago

    I think it's probably to produce an ever-progressive civilization as has occurred. But it's hard without some sort of religious context; otherwise from where does any morality enter? I think the advance of society is a worthy answer.

  3. medicinefuture profile image58
    medicinefutureposted 12 years ago

    The aim and meaning of life is benefit of humanity as a whole irrespective  of the  religion one belongs and religion are two tools to be oneself with universal self to serve the suffering humanity.if only you can wipe out some tears from one's face your life is successful.

  4. Attikos profile image83
    Attikosposted 12 years ago

    With no higher or supernatural frame of reference, there is no meaning of life. It merely is, then in the end it merely is not.

  5. GoldenBird profile image56
    GoldenBirdposted 12 years ago

    ithabise - You do justice.

  6. FlowOfThought profile image61
    FlowOfThoughtposted 12 years ago

    The meaning of each persons life is to be decided by themselves, the meaning of my life is to be happy, and try to learn from, and talk to as many people as I can. The meaning of someone elses life might be to raise their children the way they think is best, while another persons might be something completely off the wall. I don't think there is any inherent meaning in life, you have to make it yourself. If there were any inherent meaning, I would lean towards the cosmicist point of view, there is a larger meaning, but it is too great for humans to see, or understand. I also have to respond to ithabise here, I am 100% Atheist, I have morals and values just like everyone else. I do not need a religious context to be a good person.

  7. junkseller profile image79
    junksellerposted 12 years ago

    Add joy to yourself. Add joy to others. Don't take joy away from anyone.

  8. CR Rookwood profile image72
    CR Rookwoodposted 12 years ago

    I've heard that there are three philosophical approaches to creating meaning in life: the purgative way, the illuminative way, and the transcendent way.

    The purgative way is sort of like ongoing self-improvement, but also improvement of the planet in general. People who are crusaders, who crave justice and positive social change, are following the purgative way.

    The illuminative way is the way of the artist, poet, writer, storyteller. Through art you seek to illuminate the beauty in all of life, even the dark parts, and in so doing increase knowledge and compassion in the world.

    The transcendent way is the way of the seeker, the monk, the philosopher. The idea is to face life's paradoxes and hard problems and find ways to transform and transcend what seems on the surface to be in opposition. In so doing you create peace and knowledge.

    The idea (if you choose to accept it--it could be hooey for all I know) is figure out which path you are on and embrace it completely.

    It isn't like you get to pick. You just are, and the idea is to make it all conscious and fully consensual. All three paths are equal.

  9. KeithJK profile image60
    KeithJKposted 12 years ago

    To find and live-out your purpose to your fullest potential while helping and loving the people around you.

  10. jeanniedoe profile image55
    jeanniedoeposted 12 years ago

    We live life because of our purpose. Purpose to help, respect, and love others.


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