What are the characteristics of a true believer ?

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  1. Harishprasad profile image71
    Harishprasadposted 10 years ago

    What are the characteristics of a true believer ?

    Bible and other sacred texts of other religions speak of believers. What in your view describes aptly a true believer. Are these some positive traits or some magical powers ? With utmost respect to all religions, it is just a question out of curiousity and for the sake of knowledge.

  2. DDE profile image47
    DDEposted 10 years ago

    A true believer is someone who is true not only to himself but also to others.     The one who  shows up regularly in their church or temples, who speaks the truth and who is direct in conversation avoids gossip, and who is giving and thinks of others when in need. The  one who is eager t o help and is always there for those in need. They don't ignore those in need.

    1. Harishprasad profile image71
      Harishprasadposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you very much, DDE. Your perception about a true believer is very divine. A true believer speaks such a godly language and acts like God. Really appreciate your comment from the bottom of my heart.

  3. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 10 years ago

    In "all" religions the main characteristic must be "love." We must have love in our hearts for everyone. Christ has spoken in the Bible that the most important commandment was "to love one another." Yes, we must love those who do not like us, even hate us. God is love and love is God my friend.

    1. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      God bless you my friend!

    2. Harishprasad profile image71
      Harishprasadposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You have brought forth a real pearl that is love,the precious of all, thanks for such a nice answer.

  4. Oscarlites profile image69
    Oscarlitesposted 10 years ago

    Jesus said, " Ye believe in God". " Believe also in me". "For I came forth from the father".  -    I think Creflo Dollar explained an important point recently when he stated,  where the scripture says, in the believer, tribulation worketh patience, etc.. that it means "tribulation causes us to employ patience".   But it doesn't always cause us to become patient automatically.  As you read this particular scripture with that idea; there are several words, or gifts, that we should employ as we encounter stress, and other pressures as believers. I hope more people than myself heard his message on this. we grew up with the idea it only makes us become patient as believers, etc. through the hardships.  But rather it is a pro-active statement saying if you as a believer are put to the test, put these "gifts" to work in your life. and they will work (or produce fruit), for you.

    1. Harishprasad profile image71
      Harishprasadposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Oscarlites, such a beautiful response and full of real essence of rightful living ! God bless you, my dear. With this response, I am convinced that you know the Jesus in true light.

  5. Eunice Stuhlhofer profile image61
    Eunice Stuhlhoferposted 10 years ago

    Love is the inner and outward sign of a believer. Jesus said this would be how others would recognize his followers. He also said all the commandments are summed up into two: Love for God and love for others ...  irrespective of their race, creed, sex and other differences. If anything is done without love it is simply religion (rules) and not relationship (love).

    1. Harishprasad profile image71
      Harishprasadposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Love for God and love for others- so simple a way to know God. Only Jesus has such key to open the door to the kingdom of God. If only we worship God this way that is to embrace love and spread love, we can open the gates of kingdom. Thank you, dear.

  6. C.V.Rajan profile image60
    C.V.Rajanposted 10 years ago

    A true believer is one who

    1) Believes wholeheartedly that the God whom he worships is the only real God
    2) The emotional content of his belief will be far in excess of his logical content
    3) He will mostly refuse to see or accept any other religion/ God form/ philosophy 

    and finally

    4)  he will start condemning/ negating/ arguing/ fighting with persons not belonging to his own belief!!

    1. Oscarlites profile image69
      Oscarlitesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      you are talking about the human tendency.  true belief walks out his faith, in many ways you will never be able to record them all. but the human side of man falls deeply into belief headfirst, yet true faith and love and believing is not contentious

    2. Harishprasad profile image71
      Harishprasadposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Oscarlites, you are right but my friend, C V has given such a response in jest. I know that he wants to say just the opposite of what he has answered here. Also, you told a great truth that true faith, love and believing is not contentious. Thank you

  7. myefforts profile image55
    myeffortsposted 10 years ago

    A true believer is the one who follows the scriptures in the real sense, by his actions and not by words only. If people from the other scriptures meet him, they get a real picture of that belief. These days, true believers are quite to find. People often claim to be following a scripture but they mostly follow the part that best suits them, not the whole of it. Their deeds and actions are quite the opposite of that. So it is hard to judge a scripture by just looking at the believers of this age.

    1. Harishprasad profile image71
      Harishprasadposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Myefforts, don't be despair at seeing the ways of the world for true believers never bother about that. Also, a believer is a believer as all sons and daughters are dear to parents despite their traits positive or negative,they want all happy.


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