Celebrate our Creator, enjoy the beauty of creation, and declare with Christians everywhere our unshakable belief in the Lord of the universe! In a culture that increasingly denies our Creator and places stumbling blocks in the way of belief in our Lord Jesus Christ, Creator Day is arising as a spiritually significant holiday and social movement to unite Christians in their belief and to bring glory to God the Creator.
Suggested activities for Creator Day include: a nature walk or picnic in the park; a visit to the zoo, aquarium, garden or pumpkin patch; a trip to the mountains or beach; a Creator Day party, feast, or a bonfire during which praises are sung to our Creator; a creation-themed church festival, parade or a declarative Creator Day march. For some, dark October activities may be replaced with celebrations of life, beauty and the giver of life. Children can dress up as a lion, flower, butterfly, or any favorite thing out of creation. Youth will enjoy hiking, camping, or other outside group activities. Decorate and wear apparel declaring “I believe in my Creator” to make a bold statement on Creator Day!
Please pray, join in the celebration, and SPREAD THE WORD to help birth this new Christian holiday and movement! Christians of all denominations can together make a difference in an unbelieving day and bring honor to our Creator as we stand united each October 18!
“Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spoke and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.” (Psalm 3:8)
If you've never watched a 5 year old out trick or treating, running as fast as their little legs can go to the next house, you've missed what Halloween is all about, because there is nothing "dark" about the happy shouts and giggles.
Sure, Halloween is fun for kids. And I don't tell people they should or shouldn't celebrate it; that's between them and God. But for those Christians who don't feel comfortable celebrating the holiday because of its focus on the "dark" side of life, they can enjoy celebrations of life, beauty and the giver of life through Creator Day celebrations.
Creator Day does make a convenient replacement for Halloween (kids can even dress up in creation themed costumes), but that's not its great focus or purpose. We live in a day when people attempt to deny our Creator. Creator Day is an effort to unite Christians of all denominations in their common belief in our Creator, and to have them together in unified voice declare the glories of the Lord of the Universe. Christians across the nation will be glorifying God on this day and proclaiming their everlasting belief in the One True Creator and Lord.
Then why do Christians focus on the crucifiction? That seems pretty dark to me. Ever seen a statue of jesus, covered in blood, nails in hands and feet? Pretty gruesome if you ask me.
I would have to say it is quite a bit darker than bobbing for apples, going to a costume party or even TPing the neighbors yard. More than the corn maze or pumpkin carving, even more than the ancient druid custom of a community bonfire.
But then, it was the Christians that brought the dark into Halloween; the witches, black cats and demons. They turned a joyous festival into their own All Hallows Eve and painted it black with their beliefs. It took the rest of us a long time to turn it back into fun and play, but we did it.
Extermely pivotal.
Edit* but I do feel the crucifix to be too much like "thing" worship. A no, to God.
It was very gruesome what they did to Jesus. His love for us ALL was very great to endure so much for our sakes. The image of the cross with Jesus can remind us of all that he went through to pay for our sins and bring us home to God; it can keep us humble and repentant and forever grateful and awed.
My crosses have no Jesus still on them because I serve a risen Savior. The cross is a symbol of Christ's love, as well as his victory over sin and death, and our victories through him. And this is as far from gruesome as you can get.
Again your opinion as if it is from god and a universal truth.
It's interesting when a christians says one should not lie when their whole religion is (just like any other) an elaborate lie.
Can't say I have ever heard of creator day. Is that something you are trying to start or a legitimate day?
A former witch? Isn't being a witch a full time gig? Like, people sort of do their witchy thingy all the time, right?
Well, Halloween is not the same thing. It's about kids having a good time, laughing and dressing up. Kids aren't witches. Some kids never really grow up from Halloween and continue to dress up and go to parties. They have fun, too.
Is this the thing you dislike? Kids and people dressing up and having fun?
Or is it people who are witches you dislike?
Sure, I understand your religious convictions and how you believe Halloween is an abomination to your God. And, maybe instead of kids dressing up and having fun, you probably believe it is better if they do other things, like picnics and going to the zoo.
Did you know there are 364 other days of the year in which to go to the zoo and do those other things? Halloween is only one day of the year. And, you gotta problem with that?
Do you not see the kids laughing and having fun when they dress up as ghouls and goblins? Do you honestly wish to take that away from them?
But, that's you and the problem you had. That has nothing to do with Halloween and kids dressing up.
Rending??? Lol... I really do wonder what forces your hand. But I guess it's not that important.
I could call you a big ol meanie... but why?
Creator Day is not about Halloween. It's about honoring our Creator in a day when people attempt to deny his existence. No one suggested a picnic or going to the zoo on Halloween. Creator Day is October 18. For those people who don't celebrate Halloween and don't participate in October activities for Halloween, Creator Day activities can be an alternative and a way to enjoy the beauty God has given us during an often "dark"-focused time of year.
Dressing up can be lots of fun for kids (and others), and no one is trying to stop that. Those who don't celebrate Halloween often allow their kids to dress up for alternative activities - harvest parties and such. Kids can also dress up in creation-themed costumes for Creator Day. My kids have tons of costumes and dress up regularly for no particular reason.
I don't make "light" of the "darkness" in the world and the satanic realm. If you're not of the light as the Lord is of the light, why would the darkness bother you? I don't even expect everyone led of the Spirit to be led of the Spirit in the exact same way and at the same time. Some things we're not ready for, some things he may intentionally not convict on... Jesus said, "I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth." (John 16:12-13) He does the guiding in the proper time. And we can't assume we're more mature than someone who is not convicted in a particular area because it may simply be that we had need for God to convict in that particular area sooner, while they had need elsewhere.
Every weekend in America, 58 million Christians of all denominations gather to celebrate their Creator, to recognize the beauty of creation, and to declare their unshakable belief in the Lord of the universe. {1}
Over those fifty-two weeks each year, Christians, in solidarity with other Christians everywhere, come together to pray, to sing praises and to share readings that bring glory to God the Creator.
Your personal web site denigrates the Sabbath by promoting one addition day for your own redundant celebration. Your cause du jour detracts from the “Creator Day” already designated by The Creator Himself; the one that is celebrated by truly devout worshipers every Sunday of every week in every congregation and small group ministry across the nation.
{1} http://www.churchleaders.com/pastors/pa … a.html?p=1
The "Sabbath" is important for humans, for which it was made. It is rest in the Lord. It is time of refreshing. Yes, we do honor our Lord as we together praise and glorify him Saturday or Sunday in churches throughout the world, and we will continue to do so.
Creator Day is a celebration of our awesome Creator. It is making a unified statement in the earth and the heavens that we believe in and love the One who created all things and that we will continue to praise and glorify him even in an unbelieving day. We are together "standing in awe" of him - the One and Only Creator of All - and making a bold statement of belief to cast away the stumbling blocks being placed in a time when people seek to deny his very existence. “Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spoke and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.” (Psalm 3:8)
Creator Day does not detract from worship of the Lord on Sundays or every other day of the week. We can never celebrate the Lord TOO much! We will stand in awe of him together on Creator Day and we will continue to praise him on the Sabbath and throughout our lives.
Be careful not to condemn anything that the Lord has approved. I haven't asked for "opinions" from others regarding Creator Day, as I often do on this or that matter, because I've already been given my word from the Lord.
Halloween isn't the only pagan holiday that comes to mind. Look at Christmas. That's a COMPLETELY pagan holiday, taken over by Christians. I bet you celebrate Christmas.
And don't forget Christianity its nothing but Hellenic Judaism, nothing original.
If it were "original", it would not be truth. God is from the beginning to the end. He has always communicated with his people, kept his promises to them, ensured all his prophetic words have come to be, and in these last days He has called and poured out his Spirit onto men and women from every nation, just as prophesied long ago.
Copying from lies and falsehoods won't make it truth either.
Of humans. Only matter is eternal.
Yes people always had hallucinations and there were no true prophesies.
I celebrate Christ's birth at Christmas, the gift God gave to us. Sure it's gone commercial, but we focus on the light - Jesus Christ - who came into the darkness to save us. And the lights of the holiday sure are a great way to celebrate the light of Jesus Christ. I love Christmas. I love that people are jolly and giving and it's the only time of year that you hear songs about Jesus wherever you go.
Despite being commercialized, Christmas is still ABOUT CHRIST. Halloween, well, the way I see it, that's about someone else and his forces...
I wasn't talking about commercialization. I said it was a pagan, stolen holiday. It's astrotheological, about the winter solstice.
Not anymore, is it? It's about Jesus Christ to those of us celebrating this greatest of all gifts to us - our Lord and Savior!
Whatever. If you want to celebrate a stolen holiday, so be it.
It's about where the heart is. So if all our lives we're celebrating the birth and gift of our Lord Jesus, then this is at the heart of it for us. And God who judges our hearts sees this.
I have complete peace about celebrating Christmas, while Halloween I just couldn't get any peace about, and became more and more disturbed by it the more closely I walked with God. I'm not saying the Spirit has convicted all people about celebrating Halloween, so I am NOT judging those who do because they may never have been instructed otherwise by the Spirit. But anyone who has even an inkling that Halloween might not be pleasing to our Lord can find in Creator Day an alternative opportunity for celebration if they so desire. But again, that's not the primary point of Creator Day.
So now you know what is pleasing to the Lord and want to stop anything that "disturbs" you? No wonder this religion causes so much ill will and conflict.
Good luck preventing any children from having any fun.
We can know His will for us, at least individually. I'm not condemning anyone else who celebrates Halloween.
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12:2)
Children and everyone have much to celebrate in this life God's given us. So let's celebrate!
Yup - that is what Halloween is all about. I have tested and found you wanting. Odd you need to make up special days to go against god's will and prey in public. Still - the rules do not apply to you - do they?
You've found me wanting, huh? And you know God's will. Yet you don't believe in God and you fancy yourself a "righteous" atheist according to your self-given name. Are you even trying or just throwing any old thing out there?
Yes - I have found you wanting. I don't believe in god but I can read the bible. Guess you have not bothered. Oh well. Thank goodness you are no longer allowed to tease incarcerated teenage boys.
Save me a seat by the fire.
All Saint's Day and Hallows Eve (halloween) were creations by the church designed to encourage those nasty pagans to become Christian. If the spirit finds it a bad thing, if God is displeased with the worship of His subjects, you need to talk to the church about it's predilection to create holidays (like the new Creator Day, again designed to encourage people to join the church). After all, setting aside a specific holiday to do what you should be doing every day is not exactly in line with what God wants of His worshippers.
I am familiar with the origins of Halloween. The "church" made up of humans can be as wrong as anybody else. People still "use" Halloween for ministry, now through the popular "trunk or treat" done at the churches. I won't judge these Christians; a couple of churches I've been attending do this (though I'm personally not comfortable with it).
Look around at some of the themes and focus for Halloween - witches, ghosts, goblins, the "undead", death, blood and gore, the devil, hauntings, and so on. Sure people make light of all these things, even try to make them "cute", but they aren't cute or harmless or light. Even as an unbeliever do you think these things would be PLEASING to the One who is light and love and goodness and life, and whose enemy is Satan, the leader of the "dark realm" that is the focus of Halloween, and the one who has been leading people away from God - the light and life - since the beginning of humanity? Creator Day was intentionally placed in October to be an alternative to Halloween for anyone seeking an alternative. Yet it is an important holiday and social movement in its own right.
Creator Day is not an effort to get people into church. It's an effort to unite people in their undying belief in our awesome Creator in a day when stumbling blocks are being placed in the way of belief in our Lord and efforts are increasingly made to deny the very existence of our Creator. It's a day to bring him the glory due his name because He is our Creator and we owe everything to him. Yes, we should honor him in this way everyday, but as humans we sometimes need special reminders of that which is best done at all times - a day to celebrate the birth and gift of Jesus our Savior at Christmas, a day to celebrate his resurrection and the gift of eternal life at Easter, a day to be thankful at Thanksgiving... We should ALWAYS keep all these things in our hearts at ALL times, yet like a special prayer day, we can have a day where we together with united voice and heart uplift the Sovereign Lord of the Universe.
I think you're taking things very literally.
If I believed in God I would like to think he is smart and perceptive enough to realize that little kids dressing up as witches or ghosts, or teenagers going through a haunted house and having a good laugh about it afterwards, isn't really representative of Satan. The way you're talking makes God sound a little uptight. Or maybe it's just you.
God is grieved by evil. We take it lightly, sometimes even enjoy it A LOT. Think of a fight and everyone running to see it. People "eat it up", yet it grieves the Lord. The Holy Spirit within us will be grieved by evil around. If the Spirit within is grieved and convicts, we need to steer clear of that activity. Will he convict everyone of every undesirable thing? No, or he'd be continually convicting and we'd grow weary and be harmed rather than helped. Some things are more important than other things, and he'll convict more about those things (e.g., convict about hatred because of the utmost importance of love). If a Christian celebrates Halloween because they've never been convicted about it, then they're doing no wrong. But anyone who has had any conviction is doing wrong to continue to celebrate what they have experienced conviction about. We who have been convicted need to be careful not to convict others of what they're doing, understanding that THEY may never have been convicted about it and may thus NOT be doing wrong.
Creator Day is primarily about honoring our Creator in a day when it's becoming increasingly popular to dishonor and even deny him. All things were created by him and for him, and we are uniting to give him the glory due his name.
I think you've finally brought out a valid point. I've always said that celebrations, holidays, etc. meant whatever the celebrant wanted them to mean. For the vast majority of people Halloween is a time of goodness, play, partying and candy.
But for a very few it is indeed a dark time, full of hate and evil. For those that have filled their mind with that it is probably best to stay away from it, but at the same time they need to realize the real Halloween - the one celebrated by millions - is not what they see it as. Only those few see it that way - the rest of the population simply do not find evil in a party, regardless of dressing up with a hatchet buried in their head and blood down their face. It is an innocent costume, without any meaning deeper than that.
How is it that Christians can change the meaning of a holiday and it becomes "good" (Christmas), while others cannot (Halloween)?
I agree both with some of your previous comments and those of other believers. One should use their conscience in determining what part to play in any of these pagan days. Scripture allows for that. Your absolutely correct that from it's inception Halloween, Christmas and Easter are all quite pagan. It was the desired marriage of paganism to Christianity by Catholicism that put a "Christian" spin on them. Culturally, however, these are all woven into our societies and much good will and bonding result. Christians should not lose sight of what they are, and weigh the role they should allow them to play in their lives. Taken for what they are, Christmas and Easter can be a bridge to open dialogue so for those believers whose consciences allow participation, this would be a good purpose for it.
I also applaud Cat for working on a day that truly originates from believers wanting to celebrate the Lord and the creation He has provided.
But none of those holidays were originally pagan in nature. All were created by the church (although Christmas was a direct effort at recruitment and nothing else). The church created All Saints Day and All Hallows eve to revere their saints and it was many years before it was moved to coincide with Sawhain. Easter was always a Christian holiday for the resurrection.
Unfortunately, they didn't stay that way. All three picked up beliefs and customs from the pagans that converted and slowly changed into secular holidays instead of the religious ones originally intended. The church did it's best to change the winter solstice into a celebration of Christ by forming a Christian holiday at the same time, but it (like all celebrations) changed into what it is today; mostly a vast spending spree by the materialistic whether believers or not.
But the original declarations by the church were for all three to be strictly religious. All Saints Day wasn't even close to the time of Sawhain and there was nothing to match Easter with either. Only through time (and the church moving All Saints Day to coincide with Sawhain) did these Christian holidays pick up modern secular and pagan concepts.
Easter was not a Christian holiday. It also was "stolen"
http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfre … -symbolism
Kinda sad these believers need a special day to do what they claim to be doing every day. Whatever happened to following what Jesus taught and praying in private?
Sorry, but Christians, when designing the holiday, did not include either Ishtar or Mithra in their calculations. Those two (and other tales) were brought into the myth later in time as more and more pagans converted to Christianity and brought their own celebrations and beliefs with them to mix into the pie.
Easter was designed first, foremost and solely as a Christian celebration. That it has changed over the years is a natural occurrence that happens to all holidays. All Saints Day (and Hallows Eve) are much the same; a Christian holiday that was, over time, mixed with pagan beliefs. The big difference is that the dates of those two were changed eventually to coincide with Samhain, making the process accelerate much quicker.
Christmas, now, was a Christian construct designed primarily to encourage pagans to convert and as a result it was almost immediately co-opted by many of the beliefs of those people. We even find Christian myths (known as myth even by Christians) designed to "explain" some of the activities of the season that DID originate with the pagans. The Christmas tree, for example - while pagans worshipped nature and trees it is said that a Christian saint started the (already in progress) custom of greenery in the home during the season by catching a pagan group chopping down a tree for decoration (certainly never happened, not by pagans worshipping trees) and taking it home himself.
Sorry - not correct. The vernal equinox predates Christianity by some time. Rebirth. The Christians simply took it over.
But the Christian holiday has nothing to do with the vernal equinox - it has everything to do with the resurrection. That it fell near the equinox does not change that. It certainly affected how the holiday changed in the future, but had nothing to do with the Christian holiday and celebration itself in the early days.
Rebirth/start of spring has nothing to do with the resurrection? I think you are wrong.
To help you understand - Even if you love someone everyday of the year, you still will likely do something special on their birthday or an anniversary. It doesn't mean you love them any less the rest of the year, but you've set aside a special time to celebrate and honor them.
At Christmas, we honor our Lord's birth on earth, the day he came to us as light and hope in the darkness of this world. At Easter, we praise our Lord and celebrate the immeasurable gift of salvation and eternal life given to us through his death and resurrection for us.
On Creator Day with united voice we will honor and celebrate our awesome Creator and appreciate the wonderful creation he's given. While the world attempts to deny our Creator's very existence in these last days, we will stand in awe before him, declaring our undying belief and love of him, our Creator.
As apocalyptic as that sounds, why wouldn't you make it a point to have every day as creator day?
Many worship our Lord and Creator everyday, and you are right that we should all strive to do this.
Creator Day is an event/holiday/social movement for the glory of God in this unbelieving day - with unified voice believers will praise and bring honor to our Creator, professing our undying belief and love for him. We will be heard in both the heavens and the earth. May God be glorified!
Despite the decent undertones of what you are saying, the way you are saying it makes me think that you are an incredibly dangerous individual.
Dangerous in what way? In some ways it strikes me as a comical assertion that I might be a threat to anyone, considering that I'm not violent, I would never call for violence, I can't stand to see anyone hurting, and I have less physical strength than most ten year olds.
Yet when we speak truth, found in Jesus Christ our Lord, we do in fact present "danger" to the rulers of the dark world and all those who live and seek to maintain lies. We are in this way "dangerous" to any desired deception.
When considering what is dangerous, remember that those who speak out against evils (deception, oppression, corruption, etc.) are always "dangerous" to someone/something. Being "dangerous" can in this way be a positive, good thing. If by "dangerous" you mean that I might have some impact for my Lord (which not believing in him, you'd see as a negative thing), then I'd be honored to be what you label dangerous.
Everything you say has a sense of finality to it, that whatever end of days you envision is not only coming soon, but that you welcome it with arms wide open.
That is a dangerous mindset. I feel it would enable you to follow whatever "god" you converse with tells you to do, whether it be to go out and kill non believers or to hang the noose early for your entire family, especially if you believe that the end has actually come and that I think you have said in the past that you are willing to die for your lord.
That kind of mindset is almost akin to that of religious suicide bombers. However crazy I think you personally are, which at this point has absolutely nothing to do with your beliefs, I certainly hope you aren't that crazy.
The first part of your post is very true: I do welcome the end of this age and speed my Lord's coming. When he comes all things will be set right, pain and suffering throughout the world done away with, and we will at last be WITH the Lord. What a glorious day that will be! The bride (church) says, "Come, Lord Jesus, come!"
As for the rest, I listen to the voice of my Lord, not demons, and the Lord will NOT be telling me or any of his children to kill anyone, as we are in the day of favor and grace through the love and work of our Father and Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You are not the first on here to attempt to present me as one crazy enough to kill children, but for this atrocity there is NO chance. I will humbly leave the days of all people in the hands of my Lord. Killing oneself or others is exalting oneself to the position of God - determining when a life should end (artificially maintaining life is a different story).
When the end comes ALL will know it - "For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man" (Matthew 24:27). I will not be led astray by any cults or reports of my Lord's appearing. When I see him face to face in all his glory, then and only then will I know he has returned for us as promised.
To experience the Lord intimately and to experience the power of the Holy Spirit and the gifts and manifestations of this Spirit necessarily makes someone APPEAR "crazy" to those of the world. But though I may be "out of my mind" to those in the natural, I am of sound mind in the realm of the spiritual.
So basically you find the world to be crap and are waiting for the day where god sweeps all the bad stuffs under the rug for everyone who believes in him.
That's a very bleak outlook on life, but I am sure you see it differently.
I might have missed it, but do you believe this end of days will happen during your lifetime?
The outlook is the opposite of bleak, it is an outlook of eternal hope and joy.
I do not know if his return will be during my or your lifetime. I do know, based on the increasing "labor pains" of the earth, that it is getting close and will be "soon". But our idea of "soon" often differs from the Lord's idea. It's never too soon to be ready!
Gosh. How sad for you to live your life waiting for the apocalypse. You must be very, very afraid for us unbelievers. Please don't worry about me. I am certain it is nonsense and there is nothing to worry yourself about.
If it is any consolation, seismic and tectonic activity is far, far lower than it was in the past. Presumable these are the "labor pains" which are scaring you so much? Not sure about that.
Your delusions seem to be getting the upper hand. I suggest meditation. Go for a walk in nature or something. Might help quell the voices in your head.
People forget that the Lord comes for us all at different times. Today could very well be my very own day to pay up...
Like a theif in the night, he comes for all of us, even today...
Once it's over, it's over... the time to CHOOSE is TODAY. tomorrow may be too late...
Is this the basis for all the fear you project? As I mentioned to the other fear monger - please don't worry about me. I am not scared of a thief in the night.
Capital letters hurt your feelings TOO??? LOL...
At least they are a bit easier to understand. Yes???
I do have a tendency for EMPHASIS on a word, here or there. But let me make a note about your sensitivity. I do not want to HURT or UPSET your FEELINGS because they are so VALUABLE to me... I mean, CAPITAL LETTERS ARE SO MEAN!!!
Is that why your rebuke contained all CAPS??? It didn't hurt me one iota though. Maybe I'm just too sensitive to important stuff and not so much the TRIVIAL.
No - just being polite. I know that does not interest you though. Good job on avoiding the question.
No, you and I are about neck and neck on "polite" wouldn't you say???
And no, polite is a gift given to all... unless...
I imagined your question to be ridiculously and redundantly rhetorical. But no, again. My fear is based on my faith. I have faith that the Lord is who Jesus says he is... I want to be ready when Jesus comes with fireballs in his hand for the self confident.
At least you admit you are scared. Well - don't be scared for me. If the Lord is as you portray it, I will pass thanks.
I'm more grieved for you than anything else.
Are you not grateful to God for your life, for your every breath, for your body, for healing, for abilities, for joy, for loved ones, for love, for shelter and food, for the world around... Why forget all these things and speak against him?
Plenty of other people that speak against your god because theirs say the same thing yours does.
I find it ironic that those people are probably asking the same things about you, yet both sides believe in a higher power.
How do you know what they're asking themselves? Why not let them speak for themselves since they are able to do so?
God is mighty to save and will save all those who call on him with a sincere heart. I pray that he opens their eyes to the truth of the gospel and that they will come to a saving knowledge of the truth.
Don't you wonder why God plays coy? Why doesn't he just come down and announce himself to everyone? Why all the mystery and games?
To be honest, I believe the bible says why. But none of it jumps out at me right now.
I know you didn't ask me, but I think I may shed some light here. Please allow...
Have you ever had a friend or loved one who wanted you as a convenience or simply because they knew you could do something for them? I definitely have. To love someone who loves you only because they deem you conditionally, leaves a horrifying taste in the mouth.
Have you ever experienced such a thing?
God is building a kingdom of true lovers. He wants ride or die fellowship.
Before you point a finger at his conditions, please remember, he loves us all, without regard to our decision to love him in return. But he's holding all the cards. He made this place... he also made the rules. He has a specific purpose for each of them.
The new world will be totally organized and infused with harmony. One mind...
Those who have their own, will not be there to muck things up again. He will have his way afterall.
Well - that is not really being grieved for me is it? That is trying to guilt me into agreeing with your irrational beliefs and get me to behave as you want me to behave. You could care less about me as long as I do as you want.
I have never spoken against something that does not exist. I have asked you to stop spreading fear and hate. Please stop twisting my words - thank you. I know you have no moral code to follow but still - it is somewhat irritating to be misrepresented so blatantly.
Please don't concern yourself for me. You are not qualified to do so.
Not anymore??
It's still a Pagan holiday, whether you like it or not. Just because it was 'stolen' to try and turn people away from Paganism, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Yule is celebrated around Dec 20 to 23 depending on the year
And is the celebration of the dark half of the year (in the northern hemisphere) gives over the lighter half (Around 21 Dec -Winter Solistice in the NH, Summer in the SH. 21 June - other way around).
This is useful in planting and other things. And I think from memory also in many cultures of aboriginal people's of countries in relation to their planting etc (Though, not many used calenders, let alone Gregorian ones!)
The birth of a baby? Meh...women do that every day. Heck, I've done it. Can I have a holiday too?
(I'm not getting at "christians" or "Christmas" at all - celebrate which ever you like, how ever you like for what ever reason...but acknowledge the ORIGINAL reason for the celebrations - YULE)
I think this person just needs to attack any celebration that is not in line with her irrational beliefs. She even pretends an Invisible Super Being is telling her to do it so she does not have to accept any responsibility for her actions.
"God made me do it," is no longer an acceptable form of defense though.
Speak of God...his fans come a runnin'...
Glad to see all the support so far!!! I mean confirmation that no way, will you Christians be ignored.
I, for one, truly and genuinely hope that her Creator Day is wonderful.
I thought it unfortunate that she mentioned "dark" October activities, my assumption was that she was referring to Halloween. If not, my apologies to her and anyone else it offended. But, truth is, major Christian holidays are indeed pagan in origin so why so sensitive about Halloween, but no matter, I digress.
Happy upcoming Creator Day.
Thank you, Mel92114. And Happy Creator Day to you as well!
I know Halloween is a sensitive issue and it's a personal choice to celebrate or not. Some of us aren't comfortable with the Halloween themes throughout October. For me, maybe it's the draw the "dark side" always had for me in the natural; I steer clear from it.
But while Creator Day can be an alternative for those who don't feel comfortable with the themes of Halloween, it's really about celebrating and exalting our Creator in a day when people attempt to deny his very existence. God as our loving Creator is at the foundation of our faith. We his people can unite, no matter our differences, to bring him the glory due his name.
Well, Halloween is about ghosts, gobblins and ghouls. Dark it is. It has watered since I was a kid. But it was a scary and evil day to celebrate the dead, I think. Boo!!! Didn't just materialize out of thin air.
Wilderness. There is no way you may tell what God wants from his followers. You don't know ANY of the handshakes...
The Lord leaves us to judge our own conscience. If you eat the "meat" don't offend your brother or cause him to sin. If he feels guilt, it is sin for him.
Oh my gosh. Are you dissing Halloween now? Is there no end to the insanity? You do realize seeing darkness everywhere makes you the dark one?
Could very well be that those with a darker side must "abstain" from that which those who are more innocent need not abstain from. I once read a very interesting article by a former witch who became a Christian and was extremely put off by Halloween. Makes sense. Me - I've been under many demonic attacks in my life. Was drawn to evil and darkness as a child, and was a child pervert. The Satanic appealed to me in my youth; had a very strong lure. Found it all thrilling. Without God in my life, don't know where I'd be or what I'd be up to. I confess to a natural (or demonically instigated) dark side and the appeal darkness had for me. So for me, I'll abstain from Halloween and all dark things. Thanks for your insightful response.
That's more than I needed to know about you. Explains a lot though.
I've always held that wild people need a wild religion.
It certainly helps explain the fanatiscism too.
Yes, and that's my problem. In everyday life, the people I know who are like that and why they are like that, I tolerate well. The fanaticism is preferable to their alternative. I suppose, I should try to remember that here.
Two gavels... hmph...
I thought we all agreed that judgment is off limits.
But I guess you cannot make agreements with they who "sway in the wind of decision" I mean... to make up the mind is hard for some. I understand.
Carry on...
According to YOUR faith...
The testimony is on-going, multi-faceted, at times grueling; but help to so many!!! Openness is good. There are no (real ) judges here. Only the self-proclaimed knowers of all things acceptable to THEM. But 99 and a half won't do!!!
Shine as brightly as you can. God is pleased when we give him our all. ♡
Mat 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
Take care and be careful sis.
Since you used a post she made to me to use to make your warning can I assume you are referring to me as dog, or swine? Thanks Sir Dent. I'm always fascinated at the rudeness of those who claim to be owned by a guy that would swear he didn't know you. If asked.
For the record, immediately after she started this thread, the naysayers started in on it. They are still going on about it.
If you like wallowing in the mud, I would assume you are swine. What else can I assume?
The Lord is as the BIBLE portrays "it". pass all you want. That is solely up to you.
And "scared" is the wrong word. Did someone miss giving you the "charlatan" dictionary?
Oh! It is a gift given to the yea... my bad. No's remain confounded. But I will not be scared for you. You gotta be scared for yourself.
Interesting. At least you admit your only knowledge of the lord is from the bible. As that lord is a complete and utter psychopath I will discard it completely. Thanks for the reminder. Glad you can be honest. Thanks.
If you are now admitting that your knowledge of him comes from some place else, I will not only call you a liar, but very well misinformed.
Again, your choice. For all...
I'm glad you finally see my honesty. I just could not bear it any other way...
Really - interesting that you do not call cat333 a liar - as she claims a direct line from the lord into her head.
But - no - the stuff in the bible is enough to convince me it is all nonsense. Of course - none of that applies to you.
As you know, me and Cat have the same head. Lines connected all over the place, input and output.
Hey, I am on the bible's side. You gotta put me with the "nonsense" too!!!
I see. Thanks. How many accounts do you have?
God's children have the "mind of Christ". We are all one in Christ and with Christ.
One is all I need. One is all I have. No slicky-tricky (you don't know who iiii am) responses from me. I stand loud and unhidden.
Even while banned. No "guess who" account to fill my time. I just do something else...
Let's celebrate and stand in awe of God today - Creator Day! Check out www.creatorday.com. “Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spoke and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.” (Psalm 3:8)
I do stand in awe....
of those who say the psychopath who said these [Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." (Numbers 31:17-18)] is their god and at the same time claim that he loves humans more than anything, even better than a mother. I guess these people have never known a mothers love.
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