Islam is the Fastest Growing Religion in the World; Discuss the Statement !!!
"There is no need to change your faith,
And on your religion lay a wreath. "
Only someone who doesn't understand god and religions will try and convert someone and only an equally ignorant person will convert.
Why which religion did you belong to before you decided Christianity is the right one.?
Whats the difference.?
Dont both teach you the path to make contact with your higher or inner or god self.?
Catholicism isn't a religion, it's a denomination of Christianity.
Buddhism and Hinduism are not denominations of Christianity, no.
I meant does Catholicism come from Christianity like Buddhism comes from Hinduism as the philosophy of Buddhism and Hinduism are similar.
religion belongs to good moral ethics. it forms the rules by obeying which the life of people develop into peace and prosperity. Islam has complete code of life which touches the heart of people and it becomes the fastest growing religion.
true will never catch an atheist knocking on your door at 7AM "spreading the word"....
The same one Muhammad and Jesus and Buddha spoke about.You can read some of my hubs for that.
hhmmm ... that God told you to follow Muhammad (peace be upon him) and abandon avatars or any other thing like that, then why don't you follow God and Muhammad (pbuh) ???
God never told me to follow Muhammad , I talk to him all the time and not once did he say such a thing.God is telling me to tell you that follow the message and stop giving more importance to the messenger.It is ridiculous to think one messenger is greater than the other.
He has asked me to get some sense into fanatics like you and to stop spoiling his name.
May be you need to learn from me.In that
case Muhammad also needs a psychiatrist.
Like all fanatics you are spoiling his name and giving the prophets and religions a bad name. You admit Hindu and Parsee and Christian philosophy spoke this truth long before Muhammad so why should anyone belonging to these religions convert?
Because it's mentioned in your scriptures to follow ONE God and the Last and Final Messenger Propeht Muhammad (peace be upon him). Further those religions were only meant for that time. ISLAM, in contrast, is the ultimate and final way of life for the whole of mankind till end of time.
I am accepting the fact that Muhammad was a great prophet but this message was revealed earlier to mankind and people were following the message.
You do agree that all religion bow to the same One god.Now if you were following the teachings of Zarathustra ,are they not the same as the teachings of Muhammad? So why should they convert?
Suppose more prophets come on this planet , should Muslims convert to his teaching when they will be the same as the prophet Muhammad's teaching? Or should they no longer acknowledge Muhammad and bow only to the newest prophet?
My scriptures say the last prophet is yet to come and maybe there are an infinite number of prophets.
And what is this Islamic "way of life?" Do all muslims agree amongst themselves as to this "way of life?"
There is no official report of this statement-its only based on
sampling of random statistical data.Even in reality if Islam were the fastest growing religion then it would be good news for only those who judge the religion based on its followers.The question
can be if it is good or bad for the world .
Maybe you are right. They don't believe in Family Planning. They are against use of Condoms and Pills.
This is due to the amount of babies they have, i mean 4 wives come on. The western world still have hope for god but no longer believe and very few now follow a realign. I have many WasMuslim friends some of who came to England praying 5 times a day, Now they no longer pray, In fact they do normal stuff like enjoy life the best they can. Islam stops you having fun. They still wont eat pig though however I am not keen on pig anyhow.
Everyone wants to increase their religion but god or religion never said that popularize me in the world by changing of others religion. Always stay with your religion.....God is one and he is found in every religion ....
True there is absolutely no need to change ones religion.
Try telling that to Mr. Usman. The guy is obsessed with seeing Earth being inhabited with 100% muslims - lol. And then you have people asking why intolerance and Islam are equated. Well, this sort of thinking is what makes people view Islam as being an intolerant religion. It just can't seem to coexist with other religions.
They believe they are being righteous but cannot see that they are ruining the name of Muhammad and Islam.Islam has got a bad name due to such lunatics.
One of the distinctive characteristics of people like Mr. Usman is their apparent inability to introspect and see the problems within the muslim community. They assume that everything is perfect with their religion and believe everything is wrong with all others!
Lack of understanding prevents them from seeing the one in all.
True, it is the fastest growing religion in the world, nut it is not necessarily the most peacful one. Look at the war with Iran agaianst palestian for the land of gaza. Tell me this, is islam is peaceful, then why are muslim terrorists bomibing citites in the West?
They are agents of Zion, mercenaries, not muslims
Your best opinion. Actually, religion stinks!
@Andrew Dude do you mean all religions stink or only Islam...That Jesus profile does seem out of place if all religions stink including Christianity....Now thats my best opinion.
Jesus is no religion and did kick against the play of religion among people who displayed much of their religious systems and activities whose hearts were outright selfish, wicked, and far from God the father the claim to know and serve. Anything or setup that takes man for the law instead of law for man stinks and thats religion. Any religion is empty without "love."
LOVE OF GOD-ALLAH and HIS PROPHETS . Through out the history you people regected and used to stone and kill prophets not us.
They never knew God but were only wicked religious men. Jesus many times saw the intent of their various hearts. See how religion stinks; They Pharisees including all those religious fanatics who caught a woman in the very act of adultery and these wicked sets almost took her life if not the intervention by Jesus. Jesus by the Spirit warred against their religious antics. That simple question of Jesus to each of them to cast stone on her if free from the same act. That question energized by the Spirit of wisdom did show whom they really are. Religion enslaves but the Love of God enthrones. The same still go on among all religions.
You keep abusing me and say Muahammad is a greater prophet than Jesus or Buddha and cannot see you are abusing these prophets.
Discussion is going on other side,
my motive to make this topic was that WHY actually it's growing so fast as compared to other religions..
I've heard that in Saudi if you are a condemned criminal, sentenced to death, converting to Islam can spare your life? True?
Correct and that's when many convert to get a pardon or wriggle out of a court case.Justice goes for a toss.
I agree what a sad way of converting -threats .
I don't think it was the threat that made the condemned man convert. More that he was a chicken and converted to save his ass. There is a major difference. And the interesting thing to remember is that just because the condemned man SAID he would convert to ISLAM, doesn't mean he gives a damn about Allah. Same with christians, just saying you are a christian doesn't make you one.
I imagine it has something to do with the fact that religionists have no regard for the health of the planet and breed faster than educated people. Do you guys still murder people who convert to other religions?
I also see you did not back this statement up with any figures or research. Did god tell you into your head?
As a matter of fact - the biggest growth area is atheism. More and more people around the world are turning away from religion and there are almost as many secularists as there are Muslims. Here is some real information instead of stuff god spoke into your head.
You can start a forum thread, but can't always control it's path
Your real motive for starting this thread is for purely self-congratulatory purposes. I've seen many like you on the Internet opening up such threads just to boast about the supposed increasing numbers.
I don't know about the exact numbers per se, but I do know the fertility rates among muslims are the highest. So, there you go!!! Perhaps, more muslims should practice contraception!!
the same went to religions, religions real motives now faded and went far from its track
I would have to wager a guess that it is primarily due to birth rates being much higher in states that have a Muslim majority.
It definitely is not the fastest growing religion.
May I also point out that some parts of the world are suffering and people/children are being killed due to this religion.
A few years Back
There were two Mosques in France and now there are more than 5000... isn't it ?
A few years back there were not thousands of Muslims emigrating to France because they prefer to live in a Christian country.
But the number of immigrant can never be so much high that it 5000+ Mosques to be build
lol - yes it can. It is almost 100% down to muslims who do not wish to live in a muslim country immigrating to France to live in a christian country where they are freer. And your BS figure is very wrong. There are actually 1500 mosques in France lol
France is not a christianity based country any more since FRENCH REVOLUTION imposed by Freemasons.
Every Community have some people who don't follow the rules of the community, Most of the World's rape event are happening in America, Are the Muslims doing That?
I agree that there are some people who are Muslims but dont follow the Islam so it's their Fault not of Islam.
2ndly you are pointing this because All other religions are united against Islam and the Biggest fact is that Media is Anti-Islamic, IF a Muslim do any minor crime it comes at the front page of newspaper of Programs are done on that issue on TV channels but if a Christan or Hindus or Jew or any other Religion follower commit any crime, it's not take as a issue..
America Attacked IRAQ, IRAN, AFGHANISTAN, You answer me, To kill a single person or is it right to Kill the whole country?
Yes, it definitely is the fastest growing religion, some of the references are as follows ...
Muslims, those who believe in Islam, are everywhere in the United States. They may be your doctor or drive your taxi. They may serve you in restaurants or advise you in law. And they increasingly may be in the same foxhole, manning the same position or working on the same aircraft as you … In the United States, Islam is the fastest growing religion …45
45. "Islam Growing in America," American Forces Information Service, October 4, 2001
With some 6 million adherents in the United States, Islam is said to be the nation's fastest-growing religion, fueled by immigration, high birth rates and widespread conversion. One expert estimates that 25,000 people a year become Muslims in this country; some clerics say they have seen conversion rates quadruple since Sept. 11.46
46. The New York Times, October 22, 2001.
A recent issue of Christianity Today, one of America's best-known magazines, contained an article entitled "Are Christians Prepared for Muslims in the Mainstream?" It gives this account of Islam's rise in America:38
One of the most important names associated with this issue is Professor Dianne Eck, known for coining the name "Pluralism Project" for an enterprise in interfaith dialogue. In her book, A New Religious America, she gives an account of what she has determined about Islam's rapid rise:
As Muslims become more numerous and visible in American society, public officials have begun to shift from speaking of "churches and synagogues" to "churches, synagogues, and mosques." The annual observance of the Ramadan month of Muslim fasting now receives public notice and becomes the occasion for portraits of the Muslims next door in the Dallas Morning News or the Minneapolis Star Tribune. The fast-breaking meals called "iftar" at the close of each day have become moments of recognition. In the late 1990s there were iftar observances by Muslim staffers on Capitol Hill, in the Pentagon, and in the State Department. In 1996 the White House hosted the first observance of the celebration of Eid al-Fitr at the end of the month of Ramadan, a practice that has continued. The same year also saw the U.S. Navy commission its first Muslim chaplain, Lieutenant M. Malak Abd al-Muta' Ali Noel, and in 1998 the U.S. Navy's first mosque was opened on the Norfolk Naval Base in Virginia, where Lieutenant Noel was stationed. When 50 sailors attend Friday prayers at this facility, they signal to all of us a new era of American religious life.39
38. The Christianity Today, April 3, 2000.
39. Dr. Diana L. Eck, "A New Religious America," … e/eck.htm.
Many Americans also are investigating, some for the first time, one of the world's great faiths and oldest civilizations. Bookstores are selling out of copies of the Koran. University classes and teach-ins on the Middle East and Islam are filled to capacity. Middle East scholars are being invited on television news shows repeatedly and being spotted on the street like celebrities. And many everyday Middle Easterners-Muslim or not-are fielding a daily barrage of questions about Islam from neighbors, co-workers and strangers… "We are overwhelmed," said Mahmoud Abdel-Baset, religious director of the Islamic Center of Southern California. Since the attacks, the Los Angeles-based center has hosted a steady stream of dignitaries, including Gov. Gray Davis, Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca and Los Angeles Mayor James K. Hahn... Richard Hrair Dekmejian, a USC professor on Middle Eastern politics, said this thirst for knowledge about Islam is a result of the powerful impact of the Sept. 11 attacks and the general lack of religious knowledge in America.43
43. The Los Angeles Times, September 26, 2001.
This is God's promise to man:
Say: "Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Falsehood is always bound to vanish." (The Qur'an, 17:81)
1. That depends on if you are looking at fastest growing religion in terms of a percentage of total members or fastest growing religion in terms of sheer numbers. If it is simple numbers then I believe that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, if we look at it as growth as a percentage of total members then we get into religious belief systems such as Mormonism and even atheism.
2. The world suffers just fine without Islam as well, and much of the human rights abuses commonly associated with Islam are not issues that Islam necessarily necessitates.
Also, when talking about human rights abuses in the context of religion, making a statement such as "Islam is responsible for this and that" is rather vague given the many different forms that it takes (and especially given the different forms that sharia takes)
Here is the west, isn't Buddhism on the rise?
It could be, It has been some years since I have last looked at Buddhism and statistics related to it.
Like someone already pointed out in this thread though, statistics are rather easy to manipulate in order to show what it is you want them to. I could start a religion that only has say 10 people and then recruit 20 more and claim that I am the fastest growing religion in the US with an annual growth rate of 200%.
Since Buddhism is a smaller religion in general in the West it could very well be higher up on the list of fastest growing in terms of percentage increase when looking at specifically developed western countries.
Starting off with a smaller population base (in comparison to your competition) and then promoting large families and being very active in terms of recruitment (like Mormonism) is rather naturally conducive to being able to claim such high growth rates in terms of percentage growth.
It has been a couple of years since I have checked, but the last I looked Mormonism was up there for fastest growing in terms of percentage growth.
Lies, damned lies, and statistics i think fits this statement well... stats can be used to show whatever it is you want to prove... every religion claims to be the fastest growning, all use different surveys and stats.
Islam is not claiming rather the Non Muslims themselves claimed this.
and the hatred and arguments go on and on in the name of religion...... i wonder what the dictionery def. of religion is actually..
I wonder if a better question would be
Are more people turning to God, or turning away from him.....
To respond to the thread's statement: That is a totally outrageous statement. Islam being the fastest growing religion? Why would you even say a thing like that. That doesn't even make sense for heaven's sake.
so what to be so proud of, growing with violence as well, i am not blaming ISLAM at all, for me every religion is good, but the problem is with the followers. there are so many positive things in ISLAM where if each of them follow in order according to it, i am very sure, there wont be any killing in the name of god, same goes to every religion,
is that not just a little below the belt?????? or is it true, maybe it is
It may,or may not be the fastest growing religion, but that does not mean much, ultimately. It proves nothing. It does not make it right, normal or true.
So what are you saying?
It proves everything, it clears every misconceptions bombarded by Zionists and Freemasons. It proves to be the ultimate way of life for the mankind. It proves to be the most balanced religion of the world. It allows christians to marry. It eliminates the caste system of Hindus. It compells atheists to think repeatidly, how come the scientific facts like BIG BANG can be known and mentioned 1400 years ago in Qur'an.
My friends told me that when the end of the world comes only Muslim will survive. Is this brain washing or what?
I have respect for the people who believe any faith and say good luck to you. However I do not respect religion I follow Good and stay away from bad.
you have heard a little bit wrong or may be you have forgotten the proper wording. The theme is that near the end of time / world / universe, there will be no dispute on ISLAM, every one will accept ISLAM willingly. ISLAM will eradicate all the ISM based false and pagan doctrines. People of the world will find peace only in ISLAM and they will enter ISLAM keenly resulting in no human being a NON MUSLIM any more.
I like the interpretation of there being no "isms," to me that sounds like no separation.
So what happens to the non-muslim? No way all will follow. 100% no way.
99.9 %, is that ok now. The statistics show that the day is near when all of the humans will be MUSLIMS.
Would this include Shias and other such sub denominations of Islam as well. Are they considered muslims in the first place.
Why do Shias and Sunnis kill each other then? I don't think they'd come down to the level of killing each other, if there were no fundamental difference between them - would they?
Why does Saudi Arabia view Iran as a threat? And Iran likewise?
Also, what about Ahemedias? Are they muslims?
Shias and Sunnis dont kill each other.
Where does Saudi called Iran as a threat???
Ahmedias are not muslims.
Well, why do they bomb each other's mosques then? Are you saying Shia-Sunni strife is fiction?
Does Saudi Arabia consider Iran an ally or friend? Why is Saudi Arabia so conerned about Iranian ambitions and its nuclear capability?
Why if Islam is a cure-all is not the muslim countries united? Why do they accuse each other, bicker over issues?
If Ahmedias are not muslim, what are they? They say they are muslims - you say they are not?
That was the story of the past, now they don't bomb each others Masjids
Where does Saudi called Iran as a threat???
Muslim countries will be united under one Caliph in the near future, INSHA ALLAH
They are Non Muslims
There are quite a number of differences between them. Shia in and of itself simply means "follow of" and there use to be quite a number of different shia groups (those that still exist are not as numerous as they once were).
The split between "sunni" and "Shia" itself though started over politics and not really over religious ideals.
Religious differences grew over time as shias followed the teachings of different imams prior to the various occultations, and as various groups developed different customs and put faith in different hadith collections.
Tasmanians are the only ones likely to survive. And if you have to ask where Tasmania is then that is confirmation that they will be the chosen ones.
The Evangelical Christians are no better in this regard with talk of The Rapture.
I agree. I believe no faith, I do good and stay away from evil, I think this is enough.
With this attitude on India's borders, the Hindus are bound to assert themselves and re-establish the original Hindustan, which stretched from Kandahar (Afganistan) to Kampuchea.
Having more than one wife and no restriction on baby births, muslims are expanding in population.
We should keep in mind that a small country, England, won over a quarter of the world and held them for over a century. Numbers never matter.
No religion will be the ultimate belief. Development of the self, or the process of individuation will take over as ignorance and fear induced by religions lose their hold and naturally subside
Thanks for the compliment, Earnest cheque in the post.
Kindly elaborate development of the self and the process of individuation.
I will attempt to explain.
By taking the position that my life experiences are an attempt by my consciousness to know the inner self, the soul and spirit bring light to this learning during meditation, a half awake state called revery and in dreams during rem sleep.
The archetypes and symbols and what they represent to me are a part of my guidance, my aim is to steer my conscious mind towards making more things about my sub-conscious life understandable to me.
My goal is to become one with self, or what many call god.The process of individuation is a life's time study of self, and humbles me daily. My inner work will go on until I die. I do not adhere to any god of religion.
Meditation can be usefull in jugles and deserts where you do not have to react with any other. In real life, you have to act as a Father, Husband, Son, Brother, Relative, Friend, Neighbour, Officer, Manager, Statesman, Judge, Soldier and the list goes on and on. For these roles, the guidance from Almighty Allah (God) came down in the form of Scriptures and the final one is Qur'an. It's an instruction manual for indivisuals and groups.
These theories of Maditation, Individuation, Nature, Mother Nature are not new rather the roots can be found easily in Ancient Egyptian's Pagan Doctrines of Humanism, Materialis and Evolution. With your themes of individuation and humanism which you learn through out your lives indivisually, leads to chaos and destruction. Under the tags of individuation, maditation, self praise, love and humanity our sisters and daughters of USA, Australia and Europe lose virginity, become sex slaves and society butterflies on beaches, hotels, restaurants, offices, streets, clubs and pubs. The most recent Credit Crunch exposed these ill ways of learning your innerself and praise of humanity. Indivisuals inner selves told them that INTEREST is a good thing on the basis of which they develped interest based banks and now we see nations caught up by these snakes. A large number of people lost their jobs just because of learning your innerselves through out your lives.
The above small account proves these pagan ideoligies to be false and devilish which does not include fear of God, fear of reward or punishment after death. This lead USA to have maximum number of prisons and prisoners in the world. This lead USA to have maximum number of rapes per day (almost 2000 rapes per day). This lead USA to have maximum number of registered cases of Depression, Hypertension, Obesity, Breast Cancer, Aids ....... (a long list of diseases) despite the fact that they are leading a top notch facilitated life on the basis of Humanism, Love, Art, Self Praise, Mother Nature bla bla bla. This lead USA under the debt of 7.0 Trillion Dollars. This lead EUROPE and USA to have maximum number of old age houses, where the open minded Atheists and Zionists dump their innocent and loving parents single-handedly.
For some more details about the hollow slogans and special fruits of tolerance, love, humanity, self recognition, half sleep etc click on RAPE ESCAPE
You do not speak my truth for me, and obviously assume that I know less than you as I follow a different path. The height of arrogance! Then you tell me about the moral behaviour of the country I have lived in all my life. Australian society is totally different to your exaggerated hyperbole. Do not assume anything about me, as my brief explanation lead you in to your diatribe I can see you know little about it.
I did not assumed any thing in the above reply, these are the facts of established false ideologies and practices of ISMs and if the truth hurts you then what can i say ... the choice is yours
Meditation can be usefull in jugles and deserts where you do not have to react with any other.
Who is teaching you all this rubbish? Do you think Muhammad never meditated ? He was totally into mediation and it doesn't matter where in the world you are.
For these roles, the guidance from Almighty Allah (God) came down in the form of Scriptures and the final one is Qur'an. It's an instruction manual for indivisuals and groups.
Have you read the Holy Guru Granth Sahib? Sikhs take it as the word of god and it is the word of god. Then you have the Vedas, Mahabharata, Patanjalis Yoga Sutras, Buddha sutras,Holy Bible , Zen Avestha which are also the word of god.
First, you visit a Psychiatrist and then pose questions.
Dont tell me what to do boy.
Have you read the Holy Guru Granth Sahib? Sikhs take it as the word of god and it is the word of god. Then you have the Vedas, Mahabharata, Patanjalis Yoga Sutras, Buddha sutras,Holy Bible , Zen Avestha which are also the word of god.
Read these masterpieces , they are better than the Quran.
Did you look up the rankings? What if my work is ranked with the Quran? You have so very conveniently missed it out, go back to your posts.Will you say forgive me o great master for my stupidity a thousand times if I post it again?
What if I am speaking the truth which is something you can verify very easily.Are you not insulting a messenger of Allah?
Hindu scriptures told you to obey only ONE God and follow Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and you are not doing it. Get rid of Freemasonry
I am god and a prophet so why should I follow anyone.I teach about god like Muhammad did and there is no difference between us.
Hindu scriptures understand that there are many prophets who speak the same truth and it is foolish to believe in just one.Also for the hundredth time the last prophet was not Muhammad but is expected now.
Do you understand the meaning of enlightenment? Do you believe Muhammad was enlightened as there is a debate on this.
This proves that you desperatly need a Psychiatrist and not a 33rd Degree Mason
Have you seen my books rankings? I posted it when I said its ranked alongside the Quran, how come you missed it out? You said I should see a psychiatrists for making this statement and I followed it up by posting those rankings to show you that I am not lying,now again you ask where? How any times should I post it?. What is impossible for you is not impossible for me as I am enlightened and work for god or rather god works through me.
If you see that I am ranked with the Quran will you still tell me to see a psychiatrists or will you shut up and listen?
You are proving again and again that you need a Psychiatrist and not a 33rd Degree Mason
Go back and look at the rankings or else google it up, I understand its beyond your comprehension but this is me.
Do you understand the meaning of enlightenment.
By saying I need a psychiatrist doesn't change the fact that my work is ranked with the Quran.will have to put it up again, oh god you are such a pain.Actually forget it you can look at my profile or google my book and see for yourself.I cant believe how conveniently you missed out those rankings and kept debating.Turning a blind eye to truth will not change the truth.
If I put it up again you will not be able to see it somehow and again mutter where , where?
What whould you like, electric shocks or pills, lol
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The Qur'an (Arabic: al-qur'an, literally the recitation; also sometimes transliterated as Quran, Koran, or Al-Qur'an) is the central religious text of Islam. Complete edition - Three best known English translations: Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Marmaduke Pickthall and M. H. Shakir. Features Complete edition ... more »[/b]
Now do you believe I can do what you cannot dream of doing ? Do you still think I should visit a psychiatrist or you can learn about god from me?
So Muhammad should also have been given electric shocks? If yes then I will accept otherwise boy have the courage to accept the truth, sorry for bursting your bubble that Muhammad is not the last prophet.
No one can be as stupid as you, after showing you proof you still talk crap.
According to all major religions of the world Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the Last and Final Prophet for the whole of mankind.
According to you , you sure are thick skinned and fanatic.God first sent the great prophets to create great paths but now some lunatics feel their path and prophet is supreme so he will send more prophets to correct this situation. This prophets job will be to unite the religions , something Muhammad didn't do.
This work has been stared by the great Guru Nanak and Baha'ullah.
Qur'an, Chapter 5, The Table
...This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion...
But Zarathustra and other Hindu prophets revealed the truth about the light years before Muhammad did. Whats wrong with these religions? Is it a bad thing that they understood truths before Muslims did?
Those religions were for the people of that time, those prophets (peace be upon them all) were for the people of that time. That's the reason all those legacy scriptures include special verses related to the coming of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the last and final Messenger and that's the reason Qur'an does not have any such kind of verse because Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the last and final Messenger to be followed.
Which parts of the Koran do you follow? Is it the homophobic bit, or the bit that says every one but you is a freemason?
I try to follow all the Qur'an and by the way Qur'an talks about Ancient Egyptians who are historical forefathers of Freemasons.
I agree prophets are sent at particular times when the earth is in a mess.These truths about god are eternal truths and was only reiterated by Muhammad.
The Parsees are NOW expecting the twins and don't believe Muhammad is the last messenger.Hindus expect him now and he will be born into Bhrahmin family , will write and unite the religions and they also believe Muhammad is not the last but the last prophet will appear now at the end of Kali Yug .Buddha or Maetriya -the laughing Buddha is expected now. I am a messenger and I don't know if there will be more after me.My message is stop this foolishness of trying to convert people to your religion as it is not better than any other religion.This is directly from Allah now do as you please.
Have you got any valid references for all this ???
Try reading books apart from the Quran and you will see these truths.
Part of my ancestors come from Persia, I have taken a bath in Th Ganges, I speak a foreign language for India, meaning English.
Read do some research before yapping.Look up the net- read .Little knowledge is dangerous as it leads to false assumptions.
Do you think you can get ranked in top 10 philosophy-Religious by libraries and with the Quran and Bible? If you can then do so.Otherwise please give me a break and stop trying to tell me what Allah or religions stand for.
Saints have told me , I am waiting for you, we are all waiting for you. Are you a saint or man of god knowledge? Have you come across Allah or have you only read about him in books?
You didn't write a book which got ranked with the Quran, I did.
Would you give electric shocks to Muhammad?
You are convincing yourself and that's it, no one with a little bit if intelligence will be like you.
I take it that you follow a belief structure close to one that perhaps a babist would?
So you see no difference between the say spiritual "truths" of Asatru and spiritual "truths" of Christianity or Hinduism?
That seems to me to be rather looking at religions in overly general terms while ignoring some of the most important aspects of them. I know that it would be easier for everyone to hold hands and sing songs with each other in peace if everyone believed the same thing in terms of religion, but they don't. Even within the same branch of religion, or even within a single branch of religion there are major differences in beliefs.
Not that I dislike the attempted message, but I find it to be rather faulty.
The bottom line is meditation and enlightenment or making contact with the the creator like the prophets did.Its about becoming the light your higher or god self and knowing thats where you will go when you die and its your real home.All is One is the other aspect .
Who are you or who am I?
This poem will show you the essence of religions
That didn't really answer either of my questions, and it particularly didn't really address my last concern. Not with any clarity at least.
You seem to be throwing out notions of being the same because we seek a higher existence, or seem to be talking about atman or the universial soul.
Certainly religions such as Sikhism, Baha'i and Hinduism can be very similar when when different aspects of them are compared with each other, especially such each of them have their various universalists.
But surely you recognize the differences between say Asatru and Vodun and how they view that higher plane of existence and how they view the path to obtaining it. Someone who favors Norse Heathenism would laugh at your ideas of peaceful meditation and insist that the path to higher existence is through falling in battle.
Also, surely you understand that not everyone's belief system is really compatible with the concept of a universial soul?
Did you read the poem?
Enlightenment is the same for all, there was no difference between Buddhas, Jesus or Zarathustras enlightenment.
Also, surely you understand that not everyone's belief system is really compatible with the concept of a universial soul?
Thats what religions teach us, there is one super entity called God and by different names due to language and geography.
Dying in battle is if you are carrying out your duty, each is made for a different purpose and each must play his part or burn out his karma.
This aspect is covered in religions.
Well that poem didn't particularly cover most of the world's religions, nor their evolution through time now did it?
After reading it, I am rather left with the same sentiment that I expressed before:
What your espousing seems to me to be rather looking at religions in overly general terms while ignoring some of the most important aspects of them.
For Jehovah's Witnesses for example, when the attainment of their higher state doesn't really mean much if you are there. Or look at some fire and brimstone Christians whose higher attainment doesn't really mean as much if you aren't being actively punished for your disbelief.
You also talk about religious prophets as if they were all speaking from God and all already knew this higher truth, yet they contradict each other all of the time and even flat out tell their followers not to hang out with other religious groups least they be lead astray, which seems to suggest that say Muhammad did not believe as you do.
That's what some religions teach you. Atman is traditionally characteristic of an eastern belief system and doesn't tend to fit as well when thrust into say Vodun, Satanism, or Scientology.
Well that poem didn't particularly cover most of the world's religions, nor their evolution through time now did it?
Its not about their evolution its about the essence of the religion and it covers many religions , not all.
You also talk about religious prophets as if they were all speaking from God and all already knew this higher truth, yet they contradict each other all of the time and even flat out tell their followers not to hang out with other religious groups least they be lead astray, which seems to suggest that say Muhammad did not believe as you do.
One prophet will not mock another, its the fakes they point out to.Off course the prophet speak on behalf of god and knew the higher truth, they are the prophets.
Muhammad was no fanatic and understood the prophets of before spoke the same truth.
We recently saw the likes of the great prophets Guru Nanak and Baha'ullah who said god is one and has many prophets and tried to unite the religions as there is basically no difference in them.
Wow, you completely ignored 90% of my response to you.
Dont mean to and I believe I answered 90% of your questions.
Please show me where one prophet tells his people not to listen to another prophet.
Here I am not talking about the master saying I am the way and the only way, as here he talks of the path and they are all talk of the same path.
Please include names as well.
Well Hindus certainly weren't included in the category of "people of the book" in Islam. that was a title reserved primarily for Jews and Christians, and not just any Christians either (and not really the branches of Christianity that we have today), but the Christian branches such as the Monophysites and Nestorians that had fled Western Europe and influenced the development of Islam.
As for Christian scripture:
2 Cor. 6:14-15 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
Christian scripture in the Old Testament is littered with religious intolerance and even the killing of people for apostacy. Indeed, some Islamic law will also mandate death for apostacy.
The scripture of both religions is also full of promises of severe punishment for those who do not believe as they do. Especially for those who would be considered polytheists (such as Hindus and branches of Christianity that tended to deify Jesus in the eyes of many Muslims).
The Bible and Quran are full of threats considering polytheists This in one way is correct as there is only one god.
There have been many Hindu Prophets is another fact but they all represent the same god-The Light and they are not different gods.The Hindu scriptures also mention that there is only one god who is supreme and cannot be compared to anything.
From this god comes many prophets or representatives of god and they are all equal.
The problem starts when a group starts to believe that their prophet is the superior one.
Some foolish Parsees say" Zarathustra was the first"
Christians "Jesus sacrificed his life for all of us- he is the greatest."
Muslims" he is the last so all must follow him nonsense."
2 Cor. 6:14-15 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
I like how Prabupada the founder of Iskon talks of the above.
He talks of a metal and fire, put metal in fire and it becomes hot or takes on the quality of fire.Similarly man is born with family but he can chose his companions.Keep the company of crooks and they will influence you, keep the company of saints and you will become saintly or have saintly thoughts as they will rub of on you.
You said the following
1 ) Some foolish Parsees say" Zarathustra was the first"
2 )Christians "Jesus sacrificed his life for all of us- he is the greatest."
3) Muslims" he is the last so all must follow him nonsense."
For 1st, you are right because there is no proof
For 2nd, you are right because the interpolated Bibles also speak against their false beliefs.
For 3rd, you are wrong because all the major religious scriptures specially Hinduism and Christianity prophecised about the Last and Final Messenger Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and instructed strictly to follow him when you find him. Regarding Muhammad (pbuh)'s Greatness even Non Muslims support this argument, for instance, Michael H. Hart, a celebrated Historian.
The Hundred by Michael H. Hart
Its Mr. Hart's very interesting and famous book containing the biographies of all the following people, ranked in order from most influential to less influential, along with the author's reasons for so ranking them. The prominent thing is that the author gave 1st rank to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), proving him to be the greatest man ever the world has witnessed.
For 3rd, you are wrong because all the major religious scriptures specially Hinduism and Christianity prophecised about the Last and Final Messenger Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and instructed strictly to follow him when you find him. Regarding Muhammad (pbuh)'s Greatness even Non Muslims support this argument, for instance, Michael H. Hart, a celebrated Historian.
I totally agree with you in this regard. Almost all the chritians and hindus are going against their scriptures, they dont believe God is ONE, they dont believe Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to be the last and final messenger and it is totally opposite to what has been written in their interpolated, altered and interrupeted scriptures which have gone many changes through out history.
Why are you assuming that all Christians and Hindus do not understand that there is one god.I am a Hindu and I teach this.
Many call me prophet and with time so shall you.
Islam means one god so understand there is one god and many prophets none superior to the other, this is Muhammad message.
Its true Islam is the fasted growing religions and what lies at its heart Sufism is responsible for this growth.
"The Sufi mystic to become one,
Dances ,twirls, Prays , trances to get the job done."
They believe in the fusion with god and work towards it.
Their philosophy is peaceful co-existence of all religions and are totally against fanatics like you Usmanali.You are not a true Muslim according to me and the Sufis.
1.) they all represent the same God to you perhaps, but to others how God is defined (and indeed God is defined rather specifically throughout many religions) is very important and is not something that can be shrugged off or rearranged at one's convenience.
I am curious how these religions can all represent the same God to you though given the various definitions of God throughout the world's religions. How do you specifically define God?
Just because one groups beliefs in a higher power doesn't mean that the higher power in question is really anything like the higher power believed in by another group. Yet you seem content to just lump them together without really analyzing the differences between them.
2.) Modern Christianity would rather disagree with you on this one on multiple levels. First there is Jesus onbviously who does not share equal status in Christianity with the other prophets, then there are those prophets such as Enoch and Elijah who are not presented as equals given the manner of their bodily assention into heaven.
Moses also is given great status in Judaism even in comparison to other prophets and in Catholicism you most certainly have a hierarchy, not just of prophets, but of angelic beings as well.
3.) One of the main issues I have with your theory though is that these "problems" are important aspects of the various world religions. Unless you reject the religion's current form and rework it in order for it to fit how you want it to, that can't really be viewed as being as interconnected as perhaps you would want them to be.
1.) they all represent the same God to you perhaps, but to others how God is defined (and indeed God is defined rather specifically throughout many religions) is very important and is not something that can be shrugged off or rearranged at one's convenience.
I am the enlightened one and understand god as I have been one with him.Those who think there are many gods are wrong.
I am curious how these religions can all represent the same God to you though given the various definitions of God throughout the world's religions. How do you specifically define God?
The Light and its what all prohets talk about.
Just because one groups beliefs in a higher power doesn't mean that the higher power in question is really anything like the higher power believed in by another group. Yet you seem content to just lump them together without really analyzing the differences between them.
Its is the same higher power. Have read more than most humans will read in their entire life.Gained enlightenmnet ate 24 became a poet full time at 33, have spent yaers in reading from the morning to the night .
3.) One of the main issues I have with your theory though is that these "problems" are important aspects of the various world religions. Unless you reject the religion's current form and rework it in order for it to fit how you want it to, that can't really be viewed as being as interconnected as perhaps you would want them to be.
I dont rework it to fit my benifit, I explain the crux of it.
1.) Exactly my point: some, not all. Evolution is also hugely important in order to understand the context of much of what has been revealed. To ignore it, is to ignore a vital aspect of religion.
2.) They certainly contradict one another though, and some certainly will and have mocked other belief systems or warn others away from them. Have you read either the Quran or the Bible?
I am talking of the essence of the religion and not its history. What truths did the prophet speak or what is the main purpose of religions or his teachings? to show one how to get enlightened.That truths is the same for all.
Yes have read both .The core of every religion is the same and here there is no contradiction, man connecting with god.
"I am thy shield and they exceedingly great reward" Holy Bible
"Unto Allah is your return and he is able to do all things" the Holy Quran.
The essence is talking about this great super entity and praising it.
1.) the history of religion is vital in terms of understanding its essence and indeed the evolution of its essence as it pertains to each particular religion. And no, that truth is not the same for all. You cover many concepts and huge numbers of ideas under a blanket term of enlightenment, but when used so broadly the term itself rather loses its meaning.
2.) You just admitted above that the core of every religion is not the same, and now you are contradicting yourself again?
Excuse me stop twisting what I said. I have said the core is enlightenment what else will the prophets tell you about?
Not to rob?
You cover many concepts and huge numbers of ideas under a blanket term of enlightenment, but when used so broadly the term itself rather loses its meaning.
Why does it lose its meaning?, what make it lose its meaning?
History of the prophets words are the core of the religion.The prophets enlightenment and spreading his knowledge of the light is the core.Religions are based on the prophets divinity- his fusion with god.
1.) The reason is what I already posted: You cover many concepts and huge numbers of ideas under a blanket term of enlightenment. This act in and of itself is what causes it, for me, to lose all real meaning. You are trying to cover notions of materialism, spirtualism, different definitions of God or even of gods as well as different understandings of the soul or collectivism and individualism under one broad all encompassing term, which is fine I suppose (but relatively meaningless), and doesn't make what you are trying to assert automatically true in any way shape or form.
2.) The simple fact is though that these words that make up the core of religion that you seem to insist is the same across the board finds conflict within itself. Just look at Muhammad's rejection of modern day Christianity and their prophet with his rejection of trinitarianism, something which can also come into conflict with Hindu teachers or with any prophet who espouses support for trinitarianism.
Your "core" is rather meaningless because there is too much conflict within itself for it to be a stable concept.
I agree that most religion seeks to promote a higher state of existence, but I disagree that the fundamentals of that state are the same.
Sorry Dylith got to go ,will continue with you tomorrow, bye for now.
1.) The reason is what I already posted: You cover many concepts and huge numbers of ideas under a blanket term of enlightenment. This act in and of itself is what causes it, for me, to lose all real meaning. You are trying to cover notions of materialism, spirtualism, different definitions of God or even of gods as well as different understandings of the soul or collectivism and individualism under one broad all encompassing term, which is fine I suppose (but relatively meaningless), and doesn't make what you are trying to assert automatically true in any way shape or form.
Like I said before enlightenment is the same for all.This connection or fusion with god is the essence of religions.The Hindu saints, to Zartushtra, Buddha, Mahavira,Jesus, Muhammad and Guru Nanak were awakened or enlightened souls and they shared this experience of theirs with humanity giving inspiration to millions to meditate and make that contact with god for themselves.
2.) The simple fact is though that these words that make up the core of religion that you seem to insist is the same across the board finds conflict within itself. Just look at Muhammad's rejection of modern day Christianity and their prophet with his rejection of trinitarianism, something which can also come into conflict with Hindu teachers or with any prophet who espouses support for trinitarianism.
Just look at Muhammad's rejection of modern day Christianity and their prophet- can you quote from somewhere.
Look at the broader picture and both exist, Hindus also talk about the trinity at the same time all it one.The trinity comes from the One.
The Muslims are against this as they say no one even the prophets cannot be compared to god,this is also Sikh philosophy.
The reason being man starts to look at that prophet as god and forgets the prophet comes from the Light, he forgets the essence, the spirit.
Worship in spirit- Jesus.
Then all is god at the same time so equating the prophet with god is not wrong .
I agree that most religion seeks to promote a higher state of existence, but I disagree that the fundamentals of that state are the same.
Deeper they meet.
Your "core" is rather meaningless because there is too much conflict within itself for it to be a stable concept.
This conflict is not created by the prophet.
1.) Well even in this instance you are giving me two different definitions of the term "enlightenment" with one being connecting with God and the other being a fusion with God.
Those are not the same thing at all. It comes back to some notion of individualism vs collectivism in terms of a persons soul. Do we merge with a universial soul? Do we exist as individuals after death? do we "surely die"? Do we become gods ourselves? All very different and not all are compatible with the notion of a universial soul.
The very definition of God also changes from religion to religion as I am sure you are aware and as has already been pointed out, so becoming "enlightened" say in Christianity is a much different endevour then becoming "enlightened" perhaps in Asatru or Mormonism or even Buddhism.
I just don't see how you can mesh them all together and claim each pursuit to be identical to the next one.
2.) Certainly: [5:72] Pagans indeed are those who say that GOD is the Messiah, son of Mary. The Messiah himself said, "O Children of Israel, you shall worship GOD; my Lord and your Lord." Anyone who sets up any idol beside GOD, GOD has forbidden Paradise for him, and his destiny is Hell. The wicked have no helpers.
[5:73] Pagans indeed are those who say that GOD is a third of a trinity. There is no god except the one god. Unless they refrain from saying this, those who disbelieve among them will incur a painful retribution.
This rather clearly shows a rejection of two very important Christian beliefs: the divinity of Jesus and the belief in a trinity. I am quite familiar with the concept of Hindu monothesim and the Hindu Trinity as I am with Christianity, but you suggesting that this makes them monotheistic worshipers does not change the fact that Muhammad disagreed with. He clearly saw the concept of the trinity as something, despite Christian and Hindu claims of monotheism, that made their religion a polytheistic one and thus a pagan one.
It would then stand to reason that Muhammad through his clear rejection of the concept of a trinity thus stands in firm contradiction of any other prophet who professes belief in trinitarianism even if that prophet still considers it monotheistic.
You may not see it as wrong, but Muhammad and thus Islam very clearly has different feelings on the subject.
as a side note there is also this sura: [4:171] O people of the scripture, do not transgress the limits of your religion, and do not say about GOD except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was a messenger of GOD, and His word that He had sent to Mary, and a revelation from Him. Therefore, you shall believe in GOD and His messengers. You shall not say, "Trinity." You shall refrain from this for your own good. GOD is only one god. Be He glorified; He is much too glorious to have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. GOD suffices as Lord and Master.
Very clearly stands in contradiction to the supposed words of the prophet's of the New Testament of the Bible. I don't see how the two beliefs can be reconciled. Especially since the main doctrine of modern day Christianity is that Jesus was indeed God's son and part of a trinity. To Muhammad, that's polytheism and the belief of the christians of the west who had shunned and persecuted those Christian and Jewish groups that found themselves in the Levant and thus influenced Islam's development.
1.) Well even in this instance you are giving me two different definitions of the term "enlightenment" with one being connecting with God and the other being a fusion with God.
Since I am the one enlightened and not you dont you think you are being stuoid back answering me?
Coonected and fusion are so confusing for you , are they?
The very definition of God also changes from religion to religion as I am sure you are aware and as has already been pointed out, so becoming "enlightened" say in Christianity is a much different endevour then becoming "enlightened" perhaps in Asatru or Mormonism or even Buddhism.
There is no differvce in enlightenmnet between anyone, be it Zratushtra, Jesus, Buddha,Muhamamad or me.
This is my message.
I just don't see how you can mesh them all together and claim each pursuit to be identical to the next one.
2.) Certainly: [5:72] Pagans indeed are those who say that GOD is the Messiah, son of Mary. The Messiah himself said, "O Children of Israel, you shall worship GOD; my Lord and your Lord." Anyone who sets up any idol beside GOD, GOD has forbidden Paradise for him, and his destiny is Hell. The wicked have no helpers.
Why do Christinas have idols of Jesus or other religuions holty books and temples or mosuqes? is it not something phyisical.?
You may not see it as wrong, but Muhammad and thus Islam very clearly has different feelings on the subject.
Am I enlightend like Muhammad or are you? I understand Muhammad a lot better than you do.
Muslim religion is the real threat to humanity...
India is the real answer to them....
In some other thread, I have mentioned that their political ambition are far from their reach... as they have no potential power to establish their dreams. If they shed their political ambition, Islam is the best religion, which can be made universal. Islam has all the good things in it.
He stereotypes whole nations and then finds links to support his prejudices. That is the trouble with holy books, you can read whatever prejudice you like in to them!
He answers you with rape statistics of the United States. I don't think he understood you at all.
So far he has argued against gays, lesbians, pig flue, sex, sex outside marriage and seems to blame it all on a few stone cutters.
Yes, Free Masons -- he loves them. And of course, blames them for all that is wrong in the world.
He's even argued that the Taliban were a creation of zionists and are actually propagating western interests in Afghanistan? See any logic to that
And the Taliban are Freemasons
See any logic to that ? very hard to
I wonder how his posts would look like if the words "Free Masons" and "zionists" were banned on hubpages
Some Talibans like Betullah Mehsud group are Honorary Freemasons like you.
You insist that I am Freemason when I keep telling you I am not.Do you know the meaning of enlightenment? Do you believe Muhammad was enlightened? You say you have good understanding of spirituality but do not understand the very essence of it which is called enlightenment.
Honorary Freemasons are not registered members of Masonry rather they support their pagan doctrines of ISMs for penny gains. That's the reason Masons call them Honorary and don't give them any Maonic degree from 1-33
Well when will you understand that I am not.
Do you know the meaning of enlightenment? Do you believe Muhammad was enlightened?
People like him don't like to read --- and then answer based on reading the posts of others. They already have fixed, rigid views, which they've already determined to be correct. So, the whole exercise is to prove that with links collected and stored from the Internet.
Do note that these links aren't collected with any personal effort. They can usually be found in Islamic forums, which specialize in propagating Islam as a cure-all for everything and confusing followers of other religions by obfuscation and copying-n-pasting material from their books.
I see religion as a way to keep people in line. religion was a good idea for people 2000 years, hell they would have beveled anything. Religion is a way to steer people along the right path of life, and not slip into temptation from evil. I have practiced this all my adult life and for this reason think it a waste of time following any religion. Praying 5 times a day fasting for 1 month of sun this is a waste.
Not sure about the fastest growing religion, but this must be the fastest growing forum, Enough already.
no one is bigger one , Humanity is religion for all.
there should be no condition on choosing religions, We should freely choose which ever religion we want to.. Then only there will be a peaceful and honest world .
Humanism gave us the fruits of WWI and WWII
Correct and its is foolish to try and convert someone as there is no difference in the message of any prophet.All prophets spread knowledge of the light.
@Mohit Dude That crazy guy Usman is still around. You gotta be either too naive or too patient to deal with him. I don't suffer fools.
Its my job Jon. Got to stop these lunatics from creating wars in the name of god.
Yes, it's the job of every HONORARY FREEMASON to get paid for degrading ISLAM
@Usman Can't you write a few lines without mentioning Zionist, Freemason or Islam.... Come on you can do it....Just try to think for yourself for a change.
Absolutely no chance of that happening Jon!
Because Freemasons are in every nuke and corner, they are snakes in the sleves.
When have I degraded Islam? I have always said it is a great religion with a great prophet. Understand it is not possible for me to degrade the prophets or religions as they stand for god, I don't have ego or attachment to any one religion or prophet like you do.
Its people like you who degrade the name of Islam. People will read your posts and say what lunatics are these Muslims , they think they are the greatest, fanatics.We have understood god centuries before they did and now they try and teach us.
All Muslims are not fanatics like you and neither was the prophet Muhammad.
In the meat compartment of my refrigerator, Islam is the fastest growing...
Oh never mind....I'm dyslexic...
There have been many sufi master and Rumi is amongst my all time favorites.
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