Oh, I hear what you're saying.
Unfortunately, things don't work that way in the real world nowadays.
Like I said, the freakin' criminal gets more rights and compassion than their victims, and given the luxury of most prisons that prisoners enjoy, hey, nobody minds going back there anymore, even if they get sodomized.
Hell of a lot better than living conditions outside, you know what I'm saying ?
While it is true that some death penalty convicts who were executed and/or about to be executed may have been or may be innocent, doing away with the punishment of death is still not the answer.
The answer should be sought in the way investigation, evidence, and trials were conducted and gathered.
That being the case, though, if I were to take the law into my hands, what I described would exactly be what I will do.
Cut off his dick and immobilize him in such a way that he has to suffer the indignation of having somebody wipe his butt for him and hold his twang while he leaks.
Plus the pain of daily therapy for his burns.
I mean, what I described was not fictional.
Actually happened in my country.
This guy murdered this kid's father, went to prison, came out ten years later, the boy was grown, in his twenties, kidnapped him, burned him, put out the fire, then took the guy to hospital.
The perpetrator did not go to prison more than two years, because they couldn't charge him with even attempted homicide.
As a matter of fact, the act of bringing his father's murderer to the hospital was so well exploited by his defense lawyer it was considered a mitigating circumstance by the judge.
For the rest of his life, he was an invalid in a hospital who had to be fed by his wife, his grandchildren, and his nurses.
The psychological pain hurts more than the physical.