What's your take on the reincarnation theory?

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  1. Shil1978 profile image79
    Shil1978posted 14 years ago

    What's your take on the reincarnation theory?

  2. Tusitala Tom profile image68
    Tusitala Tomposted 14 years ago

    When you say, "What is your take..." I'm assuming you want to know whether readers are 'belivers' in Reincarnation.   For it would not be possible to give much more than that in a brief answer to such a profound question.

    Albeit to say that the idea of Reincarnation has been around for thousands of years and is still probably a lot more popular than the 'moulering in the grave until Saint Garbriel blows his trumpet' and calls all people to be judged.

    To me, it makes sense.   I can't think up a better or more equitable reason as to why some people are born with talents, skills, natural gifts, whilst others seem to have been 'standing behind the door' when the All Mighty dispensed these blessings.

    The Theosohists - and others, I suspect - teach that there is no such thing as a 'rolling of the dice' when it comes to such gifts, but that every single quality, skill, talent, ability, is learned through dint of hard application in preceding lives.   A great philsophy.  For it means that you can keep on working on whatever you want to right up until the time you die, in the belief that whatever you gain in abilities you take with you-  into the next life, and the lives after that.

  3. HOOWANTSTONO profile image61
    HOOWANTSTONOposted 14 years ago

    No such thing as reincarnation. Its easy to say it is there but then nobody has been around to prove it.

    The origin of this theory is rooted back to Babylon a religion that existed approx 3000 BC . Semiramis invented the whole concept, by commanding the Kingdom of Babylon to cut palm trees down in commemoration to the death of Nimrod, and a year later the Palm trees sprouted leaves again so she "Semiramis " proclaimed this to be Nimrod as reincarnated hence where Xmas trees come from

    see the hub

  4. profile image0
    Always Greenerposted 14 years ago

    It sounds really nice - I definitely like the idea, but the people who find out whether it's true or not don't have the facilities to tell us.

  5. profile image48
    Clary04posted 14 years ago

    I have a feeling that we come back to fix the things we didnt do right when we where alive..Y you think we have dayshavoo's.. To me it means its our souls telling us to watch out or make the right decision...I think our souls try to perfect themselves before we join our loved ones.. but thats just me..lol

  6. Darrell Roberts profile image72
    Darrell Robertsposted 14 years ago

    I believe reincarnation is logical. If the soul is eternal and the body is temprary then reincarnation or transmigration of the soul is the only logical answer to the mystery of eternal life.
    Otherwise, you die and have no existence once you physically die in this realm. That does not work well in my eyes.  Then what would be the point of  being "good".

    Reincarnation has been around and prevalent in Vedic of Ancient India society for at least five thousand years. The Ancient Egyptians also believed in reincarnation. 

    If you study these ancient one you will see that their ways were more profound than some may realize or appreciate.

    I wish you well, and good luck!!

  7. eilander1542011 profile image59
    eilander1542011posted 13 years ago

    Reincarnation, like many "religious" or concept of FAITH has been completely watered down by the powers at be. Many people think (understandably so) that reincarnation is simply coming back to life when we die. In essence this is the simplicity of it, but there are many underlying themes and currents that determine more than we could know.
    Reincarnation, let's break the word down. The base word, carnate or carnation, both of which have to do with the flesh. Obviously the prefix "re" refers to again or a second, third, fourth, etc. time. So we are discussing being of the flesh once again after death. But we do not know if this means of the flesh specifically of humans, or of the flesh as in simply the physical realm.
    But hte other side of this coin is the reasoning behind it. Why would be reincarnated after death or why would we not be. The most common answer is that if you did not fulfill your duty, your work, your goals in life than you would be sent back to continue your work. I have never really thought too much about this subject, because to be perfectly honest I believe it to be a moot point. The reincarnation that I concern myself with, is that which represents receiving a higher level f consciousness upon the rebirth. As opposed to coming back as a similar being to what I so recently perished as. For example, reincarnation as a planetary body would likely encompass a higher level of consciousness than a human because of the realization of a larger body that you exist within. Just like reincarnation as a cell would be a diminished consciousness because you become less aware of the largess of everything in existence. That I feel is the real concern with reincarnation, the level of consciousness involved in the act.

  8. spirituality profile image57
    spiritualityposted 13 years ago

    I absolutely believe in reincarnation and karma. Part of me feels I know it to be true.

    More about the twin doctrines here: http://hubpages.com/hub/karma-reincarnation-facts

  9. writinginalaska profile image81
    writinginalaskaposted 13 years ago

    my answer is short,   yes i do.   too many things have happened to me to believe otherwise.  Not that i am trying to toot my own horn, but i wrote a poetry hub about it today. 



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