If God already knows what on our minds at any time, is prayer really necessary?

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  1. TMApsey profile image77
    TMApseyposted 13 years ago

    If God already knows what on our minds at any time, is prayer really necessary?

  2. misty95 profile image61
    misty95posted 13 years ago

    No. But getting on your knees and fighting every one in your face is.
    The moral of the story is to fight on each level.
    You then reach the God of self

  3. MsDora profile image93
    MsDoraposted 13 years ago

    Not for Him, but for you.  You need the experience of expressing your faith and trust in Him.  It's like asking your parents for something you know they have set aside for you.

  4. dan-1 profile image64
    dan-1posted 13 years ago

    Well, last time I checked no one ever said when you pray you have to say it out loud. Prayer is just communicating with God and it doesn't always have to include asking for things either.
    Prayer can simply be a gesture of conversation like the weather was nice today God maybe we should hang out in the park tommorow. No matter how you do it prayer is just a personal line of communication between you and the Big Man!

  5. RavenT2011 profile image65
    RavenT2011posted 13 years ago

    Let me be the first to say "YES" prayer is very necessary and in case anyone else is reading this for more information about God; prayer is our way of asking for his help God gave is only begotten son just so we would be able to ask him for his help and forgiveness of your sins. Yes he does know exactly what  troubling us exactly when it is troubling us, but he never once said he would just step in without being asked to do so. Alos there is a lot more things involved in praying, Praying for help with troubles also requires faith in your prayers being answered and accepting the answer that follows.

  6. profile image53
    passingthewordposted 13 years ago

    It's Like a woman. She may know her husband loves her but it is nice to hear it from his own mouth.
    There is a lot of examples in the bible I could share but i think this is enough for right now.

  7. RavenT2011 profile image65
    RavenT2011posted 13 years ago

    Prayers, Prayer (n) conversations with God-in praise, thanksgiving, or intercession. Those of us that beleive in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. pray for many different reasons throughtout our day. We pray as we wake for peace and guidance through the day. For the situations that we become  faced with that we can handle we pray for the right way to handle it. For the circumstances that are beyond our control we pray for the lord to step in and set things right. For the things we say an read more

  8. daskittlez69 profile image80
    daskittlez69posted 13 years ago

    Prayer is as much for your own sake as it is for God's.

  9. point2make profile image60
    point2makeposted 13 years ago

    The Word says.."You have not because you ask not!  Prayer is for our benefit and it is also an act of obedience. Jesus taught us how to pray and where to pray. Prayer will always be important to a believer and to God.

    If you don't believe then prayer is a waste of time for you, after all who would you pray to? To a believer, however, a life without prayer would be like a life without God.

  10. TMApsey profile image77
    TMApseyposted 13 years ago

    Thanks everyone, I DO believe in God and I pray all the time, though I'm not religious, a strange combination for a religion scholar! I just sometimes woner what's the point, except to make me feel better? And isn't that kind of selfish?

  11. Zubair Ahmed profile image76
    Zubair Ahmedposted 13 years ago

    It's a bit like your boss know you will always want more pay and perks but he/she never gives it to you unless you ask and justify.  In a similar manner God know what you are thinking about but unless you ask for it (Pray for it) then your not actually expressing it directly.

  12. CARIBQUEEN profile image64
    CARIBQUEENposted 13 years ago

    Prayer is communicating with God.  It is just like communicating with a friend. He wants us to talk to him just like a friend.  Don't you like to feel appreciated by a friend. Prayer is not just asking for things - it is also showing gratitude for our very being.

  13. jseven profile image77
    jsevenposted 13 years ago

    I would feel very alone if I never prayed. It is my way of talking to my heavenly Father. I like to treat Him like I would my own earthly father and tell Him how much He means to me as well as ask Him for help here on planet, scary earth sometimes. Many times, actually.

    I also like to just listen instead of being a jabber-jaw all the time. I'm sure He likes to get a word or two in. smile

    The bible does tell us to pray without ceasing and I take that as a state of mind, not constant out loud praying, which would make other people nuts.

  14. Druid Dude profile image61
    Druid Dudeposted 13 years ago

    You have just struck on a pathway hidden in the underbrush. When you think, you pray. Answer this one: In the garden of Gethsemane, to whom was Jesus praying?

  15. quescott profile image73
    quescottposted 13 years ago

    Similar to the remarks about how its like the relationship with your boss or between a husband and wife, I  tend to liken to a relationship between parents and children. A parent always knows what his child needs before he askes and makes sure that he has it (food, clothes, adequite time for rest, etc). A child never has to say "Mom can I have some food today". But if that child ever actually said to the parent "Thanks Mom for making dinner", the parent  might actually tear up because the child actually took time to say thanks for what the parent would do anyway.  Yes, God knows, but it never hurts to stop and acknowledge where it came from sometime.

  16. Taleb80 profile image78
    Taleb80posted 13 years ago

    If someone you love & s/he believes in this, is telling him/her "I Love You" again & again really necessary.

  17. Dawn the Chip profile image57
    Dawn the Chipposted 13 years ago

    I think prayers are solely for the people who are praying. It helps them focus, and gives a quiet reflective time to re centralise their inner core. It helps them achieve a sense of well being, which they would not be able to achieve in other ways.
    But do I think God listens...sorry no.

  18. Devika12 profile image61
    Devika12posted 13 years ago

    God always knows what's on your mind it's just that God needs to know how much conviction you put into your prayer. the air is all around us but you have to switch on the fan to feel the air.

  19. rikabothra profile image61
    rikabothraposted 13 years ago

    A prayer is necessary when you feel the need to connect with God.. it gves you a sense of calm and peace...

  20. Dave Mathews profile image60
    Dave Mathewsposted 13 years ago

    Yes to acknowledge your willingness. God needs to hear you ask for Him and His help even though he knows you need it. God would never force himself upon you or anyother.

  21. philirodje profile image61
    philirodjeposted 13 years ago

    The Book of Ephesians 6:18 says keep on praying in all kinds of prayer.
    Jesus also commanded us to always pray. asked and you shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be open on to you.
    it is not our making. we have been commanded to do so. and more so, praying is not only asking you can also praise and give thanks too

  22. ershruti304 profile image61
    ershruti304posted 13 years ago

    Yes, it gives you satisfaction and in addition to it, prayers give you peace and gives you a moral support that you have somebody for taking good care of yours.

  23. NiaLee profile image60
    NiaLeeposted 13 years ago

    We can pray in the quiet of our mind or else... Prayer is the will to connect with God and let him know voluntarily what we thank him for and what we want from him. Everybody does it his way, but stating things allows us to focus on them, to be more aware of them...all these processes and procedures are more to reinforce our faith, calm us down and help us grow...not for him. Though he appreciates the will becoming stronger. The power of prayer is humongous.And we can simply contaminate others with that wonderful thing.

  24. vjwillisjr profile image61
    vjwillisjrposted 13 years ago

    Prayer isn't for God's benefit. It's for our benefit. When I take the time to pray, I am communicating with Him. I am focusing on Him.

    If I am wise, I will pray about something and leave it with Him. IF He needs me to do anything, He will give me signs. I just need to listen patiently (Not always an easy thing to do).


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