Arguably mankind is the most destructive being on the planet. Why?

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  1. poetvix profile image55
    poetvixposted 12 years ago

    Arguably mankind is the most destructive being on the planet.  Why?

    Why do you think man, as a collective, has historically tried to destroy that which he fears, to oppress that which is the same as himself, his fellow humans?  Do you think we will ever overcome our own fear?  I think fear is at the heart of this question, fear of loss, of doing without, of losing face, of any number of other fears that the destruction of another only exacerbates.  What do you think?

  2. epigramman profile image60
    epigrammanposted 12 years ago

    ...because somebody just took away their cable tv ......and their cellphones too - but me I'm just a relaxed kind of guy and I am more than content to sit back with some nice loud mother-fooking headbanging music of the heavy metal variety and read Poetvix's major accomplishments in epic poetry writing - are you with me on this?   Would you happen to know this classy lady?  Well I do and she rocks my world like a riff in a Metallica song .... lake erie time 8:23pm merry christmas to you on this christmas eve by the lake

  3. tlmcgaa70 profile image60
    tlmcgaa70posted 12 years ago

    fear? maybe...greed? definitely.  man is greedy pure and simple. he wants to own everything...and what he cannot have he destroys and what he wants he destroys whatever need be to get it.

  4. Attikos profile image80
    Attikosposted 12 years ago

    More destructive than brain-eating amoebae? More oppressive than Ebola virus? More fearful than rabid dogs? I'm not sure that's true.

  5. dadibobs profile image59
    dadibobsposted 12 years ago

    I think its difficult to answer the question, without looking at all of the other acomplishments too. Yes we have undoubtedly caused a massive loss to our own species, but this kind of behaviour is present in the animal world too. A fox who gets into a chicken coop, will kill all of the chickens, but eat only one.
    As humans we have made massive advances in medicine, science, technology. The standard of living is increasing around the world, our life expectancy has increased dramatically, even in third world countries.
    When you take into account our overall presence and developments accross the globe, yes we have caused great pain and destruction, but we also build, repair and heal too. We have not got it all right yes, but we are getting there.



  6. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years ago

    Because if man isn't the only beast with an ego, he's surely the beast with the largest ego.  When the ego of man is such that he can think himself some sort of god; then we get what we've got.

  7. onegoodwoman profile image69
    onegoodwomanposted 12 years ago

    Fear may be a part of the equation, but I think, the ability to think, plan, reason and counter attack are the major factors.

    All wild animals have a means of escape, and when they are hungry, they have a means of attack....................even with our full bellies, we plan the next attack.   Wild animals do not do this.   They attack only when hungry.

    We know............therefore, we are goes back to the tree~~

  8. WindMaestro profile image59
    WindMaestroposted 12 years ago

    It is simply because we are the most evolved species. The more evolved, the bigger the brain. The bigger the brain the more thought processes. The more thought processes the more thinking. The more worrying means the more fear and the more fear the more actions we take to prevent the future and to create our own destinies. Or so we think. The more actions we take the more we mess things up. So the simple answer is, because we are so evolved, we make our lives more complicated, and thus destructive.

  9. Ruchira profile image77
    Ruchiraposted 12 years ago

    I think EGO is our biggest enemy. We hate to lose, we hate to let go and thus, the fear makes us do the above.

    IF we learn to bow down with our feelings which are usually negative when someone hurts them. We will be very contend with all kinds of results; life has to offer and thus, there will be no question of argument and destruction.

  10. liftandsoar profile image59
    liftandsoarposted 12 years ago

    I don't see a caption but I suspect your picture is of Cain killing Abel.  Well that's where it all started.  Why? Because Cain was jealous of Abel's acceptance with God.  Once we've broken our connection with the Almighty, we're on our own.  We fight to survive.  To be restored to God through Christ is to experience an internal peace that cuts aggressiveness off at the knees. 

    Of course much violence has been wrought in the name of Christ.  One can purport to do anything in the name of Christ without knowing Him and experiencing his peace.  So don't blame Christ for the Crusades and all the other crusade-like behavior that's been attributed to Christians.

    There will be no peace until the Prince of Peace returns.

  11. Darrell Roberts profile image71
    Darrell Robertsposted 12 years ago

    At first I was going to say that mankind is too Lust, Greedy and angry, that is why they are so destructive.  Then I thought about it and I think that we are so destructive because of our intelligence getting used improperly.  If we were to use our intelligence peoperly as a group then we could solve so many issues such as people starving in the world.  We could ficure out ways to use less resources and preserve our wonderful planet for future generations. 

    Instead we use our intelligence to build some pretty sohpisticated war machines.  We make cars that cost 2.5 million dollars, and fly into outer space when we cannot even fix our own home.  I would also have to agree with some of the other writers tha Ego also plays a bit role in our nature.

    Best wishes.


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